Fang Yi looked at the old elf who was holding a dagger with a serious face, and then at Tee Mo who was beside him with a slightly excited expression, and couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Miracle" is a world with extremely diverse races and cultures. Humans are only one of hundreds of intelligent species in the game, and besides humans, the names of other races have their own unique connotations and rules.

A name like "Tom", if it is the name of some gangster on the street, Fang Yi can still believe... the old elf with a sophisticated face in front of him is called Tom?That's the real ghost.

But now that there is a need for others, don't worry about such trivial matters~ Fang Yi patted his head, which was still a little confused, thinking of it this way.

"Mr. Tom, do you know this weapon?"

Fang Yi saw that the eyes of the old elf seemed to be glued to the dagger, and his concentrated expression seemed to be admiring a young girl in scanty clothes. He immediately thought of what Timo said before, and hurriedly asked.

The old elf didn't reply immediately, but picked up the dagger, observed it carefully for a while by the light of the torch, then put the elf dagger back into the scabbard with great reluctance, and handed it back to Fang Yi.

"This is a good knife, rare to see, rare to see~" Old Tom said shaking his head, and then gave Fang Yi a meaningful look, "Since you were able to split Jon's fireball just now, you must have To become the real master of this weapon, I definitely don’t need to explain too much. If you want to continue on this road, you will inevitably go to the Underdark in the future.”

Fang Yi's eyes lit up when he heard this, there was a lot of mystery in what Old Tom said.Does this mean it has something to do with the upgrade of the elf dagger?

"You must have noticed that I have half-elf blood," Fang Yi thought for a while, and decided to open the skylight to speak honestly. Seeing the old elf's unsurprising expression, Fang Yi knew he was right. " I still don't know the origin of this half-elven blood..."

"It's not time, young man, it's not time," said old Tom, shaking his head slightly.His face was inscrutable. "You will understand later. But now I have another thing to ask you."

"No problem, you say."

Fang Yi let out a deep breath in his heart, and said in response——I can't do anything if I don't talk about it.Or do the task in front of you first.Now that I know this place.Come back if you have a chance in the future.

"The previous magic exhausted my physical strength, and I won't be able to recover without rest for a few days,"

The old elf sighed.Stretching out his right hand in front of Fang Yi, Fang Yi could clearly see that the old arm was shaking slightly, which was a sign of exhaustion from excessive exercise.

"Temo will also stay and take care of me, so whether you can stop this action to destroy the sect is probably up to you, young man," said the old elf's scarlet and deep eyes. Human assassin.

And Fang Yi also received the system prompt at the right time, and couldn't help but secretly rejoice: It's finally here!

"The system prompts, do you want to accept the mission 'Total Destruction'?"


In the empty and boundless underground cave, on the other side far away from Fang Yi's location.

In a rather hidden giant stone crevice, a stone platform almost exactly like the red altar that Fang Yi saw stood quietly in it.Every few steps on the ground, there is a brazier burning charcoal fire, encircling the pitch-black space into a small bright area.

At this time, dozens of black figures were scattered around the altar, all of them lowered their heads, as if they were carrying out some mysterious consciousness.

"What! The spell is invalid!? Why is it invalid!"

The hunched dark elf had an unbelievable expression on his face, his red eyes stared at the arcane knight in front of him, and the magic flames visible to the naked eye began to surround the old elf—the dark elf mage was obviously not in a very good mood. good.

I was crazy and stood in front of the dark elf, facing this spitting npc, but I didn't dare to refute a word-this guy is a question mark-level mage boss, and I can wipe out people like myself with a wave of my hand. How dare I say no when I am crazy?

It's at least half an hour away from the upper level of the tomb. This guy just waved his hand and arrived at the portal, which really opened the eyes of the players present.

But I also know that this old guy came here to ask the teacher for his crimes, so the players present were concerned about each other, and all of them lowered their heads and dared not speak out.

Originally, the previous ceremony was going well, and nothing went wrong, but in the blink of an eye, the situation on the altar suddenly changed, and the spellcasters on the altar did not have time to scream, and were swallowed by the flames emerging from the void , leaving only a small column of black ash.

This is just what happened in a second...

The one on the altar was a mage who was nearly level [-]... After witnessing this tragedy with my own eyes, my mind suddenly changed, and I became more curious about what horrible things these guys who destroyed the sect wanted to do.

"...that's how things are, and I don't know exactly what's going on," I bent my head slightly insanely, and told the old mage what happened, "but I'm sure that Mr. holding a ceremony. The process was not affected by any outside influence!"

The sworn voice of the Arcane Knight reverberated back and forth in the empty underground space, leaving behind echoes.The old-fashioned dark elf remained silent, but his scarlet eyes kept turning in the crowd, making people wonder if this guy was planning some sinister plans again.

"Could it be that Jon made a mistake?" The old elf raised his head, looked at the gloomy cave above his head, and muttered to himself: "It shouldn't be, who here can make trouble for him...?"

Standing in front of the dark elf, Ben Maniac almost pricked up his ears, trying to hear what the other party was saying, but the voice of the old elf was too low. In the end, Ben Maniac could only hear "error" and "trouble" Wait for a few innocuous words.

"Then it's time for you to come out, adventurers," the voice of the drow mage suddenly rose, and the hoarse old voice sounded again in the cave: "Let me see, you are very important to the destruction sect." It’s not worth using enough.”

"Waiting for your order, Mr. Teacher," I said immediately with a happy face on my crazy face.

For players, if they are not afraid of troublesome tasks, they are afraid that there are no tasks to do. Now this mysterious hidden task is finally about to reveal the tip of the iceberg!


Fang Yi's whole body was spread out, his hands and feet firmly pressed against the stone walls on both sides, and he stuck himself between the two stone walls, just hanging in mid-air without moving, his eyes fixed on the directly below him , The atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

A large spider was lying right under Fang Yi, with eight slender legs extending from its black and white torso, and its joints were covered with black fluff. It looked like a dried spider. big crab.

The spider's two giant pincers are nearly a foot long, making a "click click" sound from time to time, probing around on the nearby stone wall, as if looking for something.

This guy looks unattractive, but Fang Yi doesn't dare to underestimate it at all—this kind of cave spider that only lives underground is a first-class hunting master, and usually moves in groups, knocking on the stone wall with each other The tiny vibrations they cause communicate with each other, and this is their primary means of finding prey.

But Nitama is going, it's not your fault, why are you trembling here?Fang Yi felt the soreness coming from his arm, and couldn't help cursing in his heart.

Right now, Xia Yi has been hiding here for ten minutes, but this nasty giant cave spider still looks for this place, and has patrolled back and forth several times, but he didn't move his nest!

These guys are extremely sensitive to ground vibrations, and a slight movement will attract their attention, otherwise Fang Yi would not have been blocked by this mere level 23 ordinary monster for so long.

Right now, the soreness from his hands and feet is becoming more and more unbearable. Fang Yi knows that he is about to reach his limit, and if he keeps going, he will have to fall directly below and throw himself into the arms of this big spider~

This is what you forced me to do!

Fang Yi put his mind to the side, ignoring the fact that there might be more than a dozen burrowing spiders around him, retracted his hands and feet, and at the same time pulled out the double blades at his waist with a "boo!", and his body also fell straight down in a free fall down.

The height of [-] feet does not look low, but in fact it only takes a blink of an eye to fall to the ground.The burrowing spider on the ground also seemed to have sensed something, its two big pincers supported its body, and its big head with two terrifying fangs had already lifted up.

The reflections reflected in its compound eyes are naturally only two sharp blades!


Taking advantage of the strength of the fall, Fang Yi swung his arms round with this blow, using the greatest strength.The wrath of the tyrannosaur and the dagger of the elf pierced into the spider's hideous carapace head without hindrance, and the splashed bright green juice sprayed Fang Yi's head and face.

In Fang Yi's field of vision, these white things in front of him were as disgusting as they were disgusting, but Fang Yi didn't dare to make a sound, but continued to exert force with both hands, and the two sharp blades vigorously stirred the brain of the cave spider twice. !

Fang Yi jumped up from the ground when he saw the system prompt of "gain xx points of experience" popping up on his retina. He didn't care about the spider corpse that was still twitching slightly on the ground, and he didn't bother to pick up the things it dropped. Just run forward!

In the corner a hundred feet away, the dark hole was beckoning to him!

Taking a few steps forward suddenly, Fang Yi felt a strange sound of "Xi Xi Suo Suo" faintly coming from his ears, and cursed your sister secretly in his heart!He turned his head and looked behind him.

A dozen or so black and white giant figures are rushing out from the surrounding rock cracks, outflanking Fang Yi from the side and rear! (To be continued..)

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