Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 495 The Land of Sin

"Damn, are these professional players so weird? Can't you just talk about it if you have something to say?" Jiu Ke rubbed his aching head and couldn't help cursing, "Let's go quickly, or wait for someone to kill the dragon!" I can't even drink the soup..."


Fang Yi was crouching in a cave not far away. Seeing the wine barrel waking up slowly, he muttered a few words in his mouth, got up and walked, and Fang Yi tiptoed to follow.

The rules of the game in the Underdark are very different from those in the surface world, and the most obvious difference is reflected in the competition between players.

Although there are also red names in the Underdark, the restrictions on red names are far less severe than those in the surface world.Except for the safe zone in the main city, the guards in most other places turn a blind eye to the red name, you can pk as you like, as for what method you use, one pick ten or ten pick one, no one cares about you—as long as you have enough equipment and skills Alright, with enough brothers, you are the king of this underground world!

If a player is attacked to death by someone, he will not be able to see the name of the attacker.If you are lucky enough to die near the main city, the player can go to the city lord's mansion, and after spending a considerable amount of gold coins, you can find information about several witnesses from the chief magician of the main city—most of them are It's the city guards - and then the vines fumble around to find the raiders.

If you are killed in the wild, you can only curse a few times to the sky, and then continue your own adventure.

Moreover, the main city also provides various value-added services, such as fuzzy positioning of targets, selling various poisons that cannot be found on the market, and even providing NPC mercenaries and so on.As long as you have money.


The player named Wine Barrel was very lucky, because he was knocked out by Fang Yi from the very beginning, and Fang Yi also discovered the identity of the opponent's player in time, and had time to perform a disguise technique for himself.

It's not safe to communicate between the Underdark and the surface world right now. It's not that there are no passages, but the tunnels connected to the Underdark are too dangerous. For players who are less than level 30, the difficulty is equivalent to a large Duplicate, communication is very troublesome.

And what about the secret passage that Fang Yi traveled all the way?

Except for some giant cave spiders of level 23 and 24, there are only some low-level cavemen.It's not a resistance at all.Don't be too tempting to those professional business groups, merchants and guilds!

There are some unique commodities in the underground world, such as special mounts such as rock-walking lizards, rare corals in underground lakes that can be used to forge weapons, and a lot of medicinal materials.Countless rare treasures.And the most enviable thing is the inexhaustible ore and magic armor.And there are more specialties on the surface.Fruits, rum, magic scrolls, wood and all kinds of magic equipment and more.

Fang Yi made a rough estimate. The value of this channel alone may be calculated in units of [-] gold coins.

Therefore, when Fang Yi discovered that the dark elf was a player.He suddenly woke up: absolutely no one can see that he is a human being - seeing a surface player here, isn't that telling others clearly that there is a tunnel leading to the surface nearby?

Therefore, the wine barrel is lucky. If Fang Yi meets the opponent face to face, he will definitely chop him with a knife without hesitation-whether you can think of this layer, and have carefully recorded the nearby terrain, just hack to death You are right!


Wine barrel is a warrior, and Fang Yi followed him all the way without encountering any trouble.

It's just that along the way, this wine barrel has been attacked by monsters as many as 5 times, and one of them was almost swallowed alive by a petrified lizard!There are countless other embarrassing things like accidentally falling into a hidden stone pit, hitting your head on a protruding rock at the corner, and so on.

In the end, even Fang Yi, who was following behind, couldn't stand it anymore, and kept covering his face and sighing, thinking that this great fairy is too cute, can he play in the dark area with this kind of skill and vigilance until now?

This luck is really not ordinary...

Fortunately, the wine barrel was bumped and bumped all the way, with countless scratches on his body, and finally passed the siege of the group of monsters without any danger.There is a red light at the end of the dark cave in front of him. Looking at the excited expression of the wine barrel, it is obvious that he has arrived at the place.

Fang Yi silently avoided this dark elf with a halo of luck, and slowly touched the entrance of the cave.

The underground cave that appeared in front of me was a circle bigger than the previous one. From a distance, it looked like an incomparably vast and independent world. What’s more, the visibility here was much better and the temperature was higher than the one above. Much higher—there are two large natural stone pits on the left and right at the bottom of the cave, but what surges inside is not groundwater, but hot magma!

The slowly spewing magma kept surging up and down, and the bright yellow light was more dazzling than any artificial light source. The bottom of the huge cave seemed to have several large fluorescent lights installed, although most of the space in the field of vision was still dark, but Anyway, I don't need to watch black and white movies anymore.

Fang Yi, who had been in the dark world for a long time, rubbed his eyes for a long time before he got used to the brightness in the cave, and looked at the center intently.

The low-lying areas are all covered by magma, and the air is full of hot sulfur smell.Fortunately, the magma seems to be relatively calm, and "orderly" flowed into a cave on the right side of the cave along the gaps between the rugged boulders.

On the higher ground, groups of players of different shapes are gathering in twos and threes, pointing at the magma not far away, which is very lively.If you ignore these deadly magma, this giant cave seems to be a suitable large gathering place for players.

Looking at the gray dwarves, dark elves, and subterranean gnomes chatting in the distance, Fang Yi put on the disguise technique again, turned into an ordinary-looking young dark elf, and blended into the crowd majestically.

Since the PK rules in the Underdark are not strict, players are very wary of each other in the wild. Usually, a few people they know well form a small team to take risks. As for the small team and the small team, there is little cooperation and communication—— After all, no one wants to be stabbed in the back by a teammate.

If the psychological quality is not good enough, or you still have unrealistic and beautiful fantasies about this world, please don't choose the race in the dark area - this is a sentence that the game official placed on the character selection interface. This warning is taken seriously.

After walking out of the dark cave, the surrounding players just turned their heads to look at Fang Yi and quickly turned their heads - as we all know, solo players in the Underdark are not easy to mess with.

Fang Yi was also very low-key, walking along the road to the middle without saying a word.The terrain of this cave is even more complex than the previous ones. There are countless stone caves, stone bridges, and towering stone mountains. Fang Yi walked for a long time, but found nothing except that the soles of his feet became hotter and hotter.

Here are all players, there are no people who destroy the sect?Fang Yi frowned and looked around, seeing scattered players everywhere, not a single NPC.The current situation does not rule out that someone from the Destruction Sect is hiding in the crowd, but how can we find them out?

As for how to do this task, Fang Yi's idea is very simple, just kill all the people who preside over the evil ceremony.No matter what ancient evils or giant dragons are hidden underground, as long as the perpetrators are removed, those things can only sleep in the ground forever.

As for a trade union discovering a giant dragon, Fang Yi is not interested in whether he wants to fight an autumn wind or something—young dragons are just monsters of more than 20 levels, and Fang Yi doesn't like their falling. Instead, Fang Yi was worried that his equipment would be blown up by them and taken back to his lair.

Walking while thinking like this, Fang Yi came to a stone mountain without knowing it.

This small hill rises from the flat ground, next to a lava lake. From the outside, it looks like a tea egg with a rough surface. The gray-brown rock is full of cracks, lying on the ground abruptly. On the top, a small cliff is formed in the direction close to the lava lake, which is in sharp contrast with the relatively flat ground and patches of lava lake around.

This is a natural lookout point~ Fang Yi looked up at this small hill with a height of tens of feet, thinking so.Right now, the terrain here is completely black, so it is still necessary to find a commanding height to expand the map.

But before Fang Yi got close, two dark elves with ferocious faces jumped out of nowhere and stopped Fang Yi who looked like a tourist.

"Guild activities, people who are irrelevant stay away!"

The dark elves are not tall, but the two in front of them are exceptions. They are a line taller than Fang Yi. There are scars on the left and right sides of their faces. They look hideous and terrifying. A domineering temperament rushed towards their faces, but the fly in the ointment was that their eyes were scary red, and they would reach out to wipe their tears from time to time, completely destroying this underworld temperament.

The dark elves were born with infrared vision, and the surrounding lava lakes looked like a little sun in the eyes of the dark elves, so it was no wonder that these players kept crying.

Players in "Miracle" can choose to add some characteristics to the characters when designing their own characters, such as scars of dark elves and barbarians, tattoos of dwarves, earrings of humans, etc. These two are obviously special characters. The one who walked alone actually moved the scar to his face.

Naturally, this trick could not scare Fang Yi, but Fang Yi still stopped, turned his head and walked away obediently.

Just passing the two dark elf players and looking forward, Fang Yi has already seen a team of at least ten people resting in the corner of the stone wall. Without exception, all of them have uniform guild badges on their chests, which should be the guilds in the mouth of the wine barrel. up.

Walking quickly to the back of a rock, Fang Yi immediately hid his figure, turned around and walked back—it's not bright, can't we come in the dark? (to be continued..)

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