The black shadow quietly touched the tall wooden wall and leaned against the corner of the wall.

Through the gaps between the stakes, one could see the unusually quiet camp of the centaur. Although it was brightly illuminated by the bonfires and torches all over the camp, the sturdy warriors of the centaur could no longer be seen in the camp.

Except for the two centaur soldiers guarding the gate, I am afraid that only the old, weak, sick and disabled are left in this camp~

There was a smug smirk at the corner of Black Shadow's mouth, and he listened quietly for a while. After making sure that there was no one around, he put his hands deep under the heavy cloak, and then carefully took off the glove on his left hand, revealing a Only white palms.

The skin on the palm is extraordinarily delicate, and it looks like the skin of the ruling class far away from working life.At this time, the palm made a weird gesture, and then lightly pressed it on the cold iron stake.

After a moment of silence, a strange scene happened.

The wooden stake, which was originally as solid as steel, squirmed slowly as if it had suddenly come to life. The dry bark shook non-stop. Soon, the entire wooden stake turned like a huge earthworm, and then slowly Slowly detached from the surrounding wooden piles, "flowed" to the ground, leaving a gap more than two feet wide on the tall wooden wall!

Without any pause, the black shadow did the same thing on another wooden stake nearby. In less than half a minute, there was a gap in the originally indestructible wooden wall that was enough for ordinary people to run through.

The druids who were prostrate on the snow not far away immediately stood up in unison, under the cover of their white cloaks.They lined up in a column and rushed into the gap quickly.


"Go and deal with the two guards at the door, and the others will search the house one by one!"

Under the light of the torch, the druid elder's eyes shone with a cautious and cold light, and he whispered to the people around him: "As long as it is a horse, don't let anyone go!"


Immediately there was an exclamation from the crowd, and the next moment, a short man with thick eyebrows and big eyes squeezed out of the crowd, looked at the druid elder and said eagerly: "Didn't you just say that the alpine centaur The destruction of the camp, so that they have no way to continue to expand their power? Why are they killing people now..."

The druid who endured aloud was young.Judging by the crude leather armor on his body, he should be a recently promoted druid.Hear what the other person has to say.The emaciated elder Druid's face sank, and anger appeared on his face, "Leave them alive, so let these evil centaurs grow stronger. Then come to us for revenge? Come and harm our homeland?"

The elder druid's tone was full of coldness.Everyone around lowered their heads.Without daring to say more, the human druid with bushy eyebrows and big eyes opened his mouth, but was dragged back into the crowd by the sleeves of his companions.I didn't have time to make a sound.

"Elder! It's not good!"

At this moment, the person in charge of investigating the situation inside the camp had rushed back, and shouted in a panic from a long distance away: "Elder! There is no one here..."

The druid elder couldn't help but choke on his ferocious expression just now, his pupils suddenly shrank into a thin hole, and he subconsciously looked around.

As if in response to this person's cry, a flame suddenly lit up in the originally pitch-black night sky, followed by the flame and quickly joined together, encircling the entire camp.Looking out from the camp, it was as if the surrounding area was surrounded by raging fire!

Almost at the same time, there was a sudden sound of shouting and killing in the wind howling night sky, which was also mixed with a rush of drumbeats, which made the faces of these people present turn pale, because everyone was familiar with this drumbeat—— It is the drum language that the mountain centaurs communicate with each other when they charge!


Fang Yi stood upright, standing against the wind on the hillside not far from the camp.But at this moment, Fang Yi didn't have much interest in observing the movement below, because he had been standing here with the centaur warrior for more than an hour, and his body was almost frozen and he didn't feel it.

Turning his head, Fang Yi looked at Cable, whose chest hair was fluttering in the wind, who looked a little bit cold?The centaur's body, which was wearing a simple leather mail armor, didn't even have a cloak to keep out the cold. Fang Yi couldn't help but sigh in his heart: It really deserves to be a race with the word "High Mountain" in its name~


Fang Yi actually noticed something was wrong very early on.

These druids should be the kind of people who don't care about the world. Unless someone wants to destroy the forest or kill animals indiscriminately, the players will never interact with these druids who hide from the world.

So Fang Yi felt very strange-why did these druids have such a big prejudice against the centaur tribe?Even Fang Yi knew that these remaining centaurs were rare and kind individuals, not to mention that the lion god Norbyn left the lives of the group led by Cable because they had contributed to the recovery of the sacred object?

Anything abnormal is a demon, Fang Yi firmly believes in this.

So in a few days, when Fang Yi noticed that there were obviously more people following him, he kept his eyes open.

Fang Yi reminded Cable in advance to make the illusion that he was going to lead the army, and then marched south with the centaur warriors until he got rid of the druids and players following behind, and then quietly went back to the centaur through another road Camp, set up a camp on a higher ground.


"My friend, it seems you guessed right,"

The north wind howled past, and Cable's voice seemed to be affected by the low temperature, his tone was frighteningly cold, "These druids really came..."


Fang Yi couldn't help but sneezed, tightened the double-layer mink cloak on his body, touched his nose and said: "If you want me to say, brother, you are too kind, and the signs of action of the Bear Claw Tribe couldn't be more obvious , but you are always taking chances, thinking that they will not turn their backs, and now what I said has come true~"

Seeing that Cable just stared at the camp under the hillside without speaking, Fang Yi curled his lips secretly, thinking that this Cable is good in everything, but he is too kind. If I want to say that I can just set up an ambush to kill them, what are you hesitating~

The people and horses didn't speak, and Fang Yi didn't speak, but just watched the situation down the mountain.Sure enough, after a while, the team of druids slipped into the camp, and they all showed their figures under the brightly lit fire in the camp.

Only then did Cable heave a sigh of relief, looking at the fast-moving druids with weapons, his brown eyes flashed decisively.


Cable pulled out his spear from behind, raised it high in the cold wind, and shouted in a low voice.

The centaur warriors who had been ambushing around for a long time immediately jumped up, ran from the snow in all directions, gathered into an unavoidable torrent of cavalry, and rushed straight to the camp at the bottom of the mountain!

When the men and horses who were ambushing around the camp saw the signal, they immediately lit the torches they had prepared long ago, and immediately formed a wall of fire around the wooden wall of the camp——before the battle started, they had already taken the lead!

Fang Yi looked at the chief of the people and horses who were rushing down the mountain, he smiled, and quickly stomped his feet, so that his legs were numb from the cold to regain consciousness, and then he looked at the brightly lit camp, thinking that the frontal battlefield would be I leave it to you, I am in charge of popping chrysanthemums~


There was no confrontation between the two sides, and no verbal confrontation of righteous words before the war. What was just blood spattered, a duel between spears and magic!

After being beaten to the door of the house, any condemnation and explanation would be pale.The rules of survival in the wilderness are very simple - protect yourself, kill the enemy, and when your homeland is about to be occupied, it is the clarion call for the defenders to pay the price of their lives to fight!

The warriors of the Centaur tribe are famous all over the world, and they are a rare powerful land unit that integrates the functions of warriors, rangers and cavalry.The longbows used by these centaur warriors are about the same size as Fang Yi, and the length of the feathered arrows they shoot can almost reach Fang Yi's waist. It is not impossible for the directly penetrate three or four lightly armored enemies.

From Fang Yi's point of view, if these druids don't have any powerful backhands, if they want to fight the tough tribe of centaurs head-on, they will undoubtedly hit the stone with an egg.These people and horses themselves are a race of all soldiers, all of them are good at shooting bows and throwing spears, and their vigor is far beyond that of ordinary intelligent races.

And the ensuing battle also confirmed Fang Yi's guess.

The galloping men and horses didn't have a word of nonsense at all, and rushed straight into the camp with their spears and bows in their hands. The people who rushed in the front were all the most stalwart warriors of the alpine men and horses, standing seventy or eighty feet away from the druids. Bending the bow and nodding the arrow, the sound of "swoosh! Buzz!" can be heard endlessly!


Fang Yi could see clearly in his black and white vision, the dense rain of arrows drew a parabola, and accurately landed on the top of the druids who formed a defensive formation.The most common leather armor that these druids wear, at most there is only a small wooden shield two feet square, how can it block these powerful long arrows?In an instant, dozens of figures in the crowd wailed and lay on their backs, with three or four feathered arrows pierced into vital parts such as their faces and chests!

The druids who were raided were panicked, and some people immediately began to cast spells to protect against long-range attacks, but they only saw the flying arrows falling from the sky, but they didn't realize that the men and horses who shot the feather arrows had already rushed towards them!And when the druids finally noticed that the ground began to tremble slightly, the spears of the centaurs had already reached their eyes.

One-sided slaughter!

There are also some high-level npcs in the bear claw druid tribe. Advanced spells such as high-level ally summoning, thorn bushes, and blazing balls are constantly thrown out of the crowd, and the light and shadow effects are really deterrent.It's a pity that the number of these people was too small, and they didn't pay attention to changing the overall situation of the battle. Less than a minute later, all the druids who came to attack the centaur camp this time were surrounded in the open space in the middle.

Except for one person. (To be continued..)

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