Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 543 **Life Day 1

After chatting with Lao Dao about the past time, the laughter and tears of the past, Fang Yi left the game full of emotion.

Alas... I always thought I was still, but in fact I was already 28...

Fang Yi took off his helmet and shook his head, freed himself from the thoughts of memories, looked at the bright sunshine outside the window, and suddenly remembered something: Xu Fan seemed to say that he moved today?

Hey... Patronizing the game, I forgot about it...

Fang Yi slapped his head, quickly got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to wash up.

There is nothing to clean up in the house. Fang Yi doesn’t have many things by himself, and it’s not too dirty to clean it every other week. After all, Fang Yi doesn’t like to open his eyes when he comes out of the game. What he sees is A messy home.

Today is Friday, most of Xu Fan's classmates have classes, as a man, or a young girl who is about to welcome a girl to live together... No, it is a man who rents together, so it is naturally obligatory to undertake the "hard work" in the game The task - take a taxi to Liye University to pick up Xu Fan.

Fang Yi also once thought about buying a car, after all, now that he has enough money, he can already be a luxury.But Fang Yi thought about it for a long time and didn't think about why he wanted a car. Could it be that he, who lives at home all year round, bought an iron shell and put it in the parking lot until it rotted?

There have been lessons learned before... When Fang Yi made his first pot of gold in the game, it was the first time he experienced the feeling of holding a huge amount of money in his hands. Apart from excitement, he didn't know how to spend it. .I bought a bunch of messy things, including a car worth more than 50 yuan.

But as many things happened later, Fang Yi's mind gradually matured, and only then did he realize that he was really an idiot at the beginning, and he didn't use his brain when spending money, and all he bought were things that he didn't need.

Maybe when "Miracle" is over and the next game has not started, I can have the leisure to buy a RV for a self-driving tour?At that time, it would be best to have a female companion, it's too lonely to be alone...


"...Are you always moving the whole dormitory?"

Fang Yi looked at the big and small bags that Xu Fan had packed, and couldn't help being a little dumbfounded. "If I remember correctly. You're still a freshman..."

"Cut, quality of life, quality of life, do you understand?" Xu Fan, who was standing at the door, was still sweating, and couldn't help but give Fang Yi a sideways glance after hearing this.Very dissatisfied with a fool who doesn't understand life at all. "You can't do without any of these things..."

As a hard worker, Fang Yi only has the right to protest verbally but not to actually object.He could only move his things to the taxi honestly, but Xu Fan looked weak, but he was quick enough to do the work.There are dozens of bags, big and small, and they are picked up every step of the way, showing a capable appearance of regular labor.


"You just want to live with him?" The girl next to Xu Fan stared at the busy Fang Yi intently, as if she was looking at some extremely rare creature, "It looks average, you see Where is he?"

"What do you like, you are picking someone!"

Xu Fan glared at his classmate angrily, his little face was slightly red, "Who said before that the most important thing to find someone to rent a house with is character! Character! Why is the standard changed now?"

"Character is of course very important, but if he is a handsome guy, he will look comfortable every day, won't he?" The female doctor replied to Xu Fan confidently, looked at the smiling Fang Yi in the distance and said, "You have to be careful, although Shared renting is not a big deal, but it is for ordinary people. Beauty is a disaster everywhere, and it is summer now, you have to pay attention..."

"Okay, okay, I get it~ nagging old grandma~" Xu Fan stretched out his hand and patted the other party's forehead, then looked at Fang Yi who was walking in and out, and smiled: "Okay, there is something else, let's get together go get it~"


The university campus is not far from the apartment building, and the nearest road is a newly paved concrete path, which takes only 10 minutes to walk.There are straight poplar trees on both sides of the road, and in the distance there are endless mountains and forests and natural lakes of all sizes, which are seamlessly integrated with the park next to the apartment building. A gust of mountain wind blows through, which is worse than any air conditioner. much cooler~

Fang Yi and Xu Fan haven't known each other for a long time, and to be honest, they don't have a deep friendship, but they don't have the barrier of strangers between them. The so-called speculation should refer to this situation.

Moving house was time-consuming, and the girl had a lot of things, and when the two of them packed up their things, the sun was already setting, and half a day passed like this.

When we were discussing about dinner, a man and a woman, both foodies, unanimously mentioned the big plate chicken!

"Haha, you won't eat there too often~" Xu Fan said with a smile, the silver bell-like laughter filled the slightly empty big room, making Fang Yi inexplicably feel a sense of fullness.

The "over there" that Xu Fan mentioned was a small restaurant called "Spicy Chicken" not far from the university campus.

Seeing Fang Yi nodding his head and making an obvious gesture of swallowing his saliva, Xu Fan couldn't help but grin and made a gesture of departure, "Let's go?"

"let's go!"


The two foodies came back from the outside with their stomachs full, and it was already past eight o'clock in the evening...

Listening to the sound of Xu Fan washing up in the bathroom, Fang Yi lay comfortably on the sofa, and found the news about "Miracle" on TV-it is the first time Fang Yi has moved here for a few days. Lying on the sofa watching TV for the first time...

But if you don't look at it, you don't know, this look is really a bit tricky!

The update of "Miracle" is still several hours away, but the game company has already released the content of this update on the media, mainly about the competition.

It turns out that this competitive competition still uses the previous ranking system, but it is no longer divided into regions, but it turns out that players from all over the world participate in the battle at the same time!

Players only need to be in a peaceful area, that is to say, the main city, small town, etc.You can participate in competitive games at any point in time (except for some special task situations).In addition, half an hour after the players in the wild leave the combat state, they can also participate in the competition at any time.

As for what kind of professional opponent you meet and which country they come from, it is completely random.As players participate in more and more battles, their winning percentages will vary, and the chances of encountering players with similar winning percentages will increase, and vice versa.

Every three months of game time is regarded as a season, and the top [-] players in the final ranking will each receive a piece of orange equipment, and the attributes are absolutely powerful, and it will not be a dispensable piece of equipment.And the top players among them will have special rewards.As for the number of top places, what special rewards are there.The game company sold it out and did not explain it in this notice.

This time, the system has strict requirements on the number of times players participate in battles. If you can't reach a certain average level, even if you have a 99% winning rate, it's useless.

"It really is a national competition~"

Fang Yi leaned back on the sofa.I can already foresee the future scenes in the game: everyone will ask when they meet: "Have you ranked today? What is the winning percentage? What. 30%? Die and die..."

Will make a leaderboard in the future.This is the most effective for those strong players, and it's free advertising~

Suppose the rules of this competitive game are cumbersome, such as requiring players to go to a certain place to register.If you have to participate in the main city, Fang Yi has no interest. After all, you have to run around the world. In three months, you don’t know how many days you will be in the main city. It must not be enough for the required number of games.

But the game company must have considered this, so the conditions for participating in the qualifying competition were relaxed, the purpose is to increase the participation rate.Compared with game companies, they can also make a lot of money in it...

Just inserting an advertisement is enough to earn him for several years... Fang Yi curled his lips as he thought.

"Huh? Has the update news come out yet?"

Fang Yi was thinking about the pros and cons of this competitive competition. Xu Fan, who had finished washing, opened the door and came out at some point, watching the TV broken and said in surprise.

At this time, Xu Fan was wearing pink pajamas, with a soft hat in the shape of a rabbit on his head, slippers on his feet that covered his heels tightly, and the only exposed flesh on his body was his red face and Two hands - Fang Yi was depressed for a while when he saw the other party's outfit, but when he saw the other party's flushed face, he laughed for no reason.

"I'm going to bed, good night~" Xu Fan was actually a little nervous, he wanted to watch the news that was broadcasting on TV, but he lost his courage as soon as he looked at Fang Yi, turned his head and walked into his room .

"...good night~"

Originally, I wanted to chat with the energetic young girl about life and ideals, but what I waited for was this sentence. Fang Yi sighed helplessly and shook his head, and walked into his room unsteadily.

Ever since, the first day of the two living together has passed~


When he went online again, the originally full tavern became extremely empty. Lao Dao said that he still had some business to deal with and could not go online for the time being. Fang Yi was happy to be at leisure, and happened to be on the road alone, and hurried back to Broken Ridge.

But before that, let's enjoy two qualifying matches first!

Thinking of the name of the qualifying competition in his heart, a virtual light screen immediately appeared in front of Fang Yi's eyes, and the four golden characters "Join immediately" came into his eyes impressively. The sound of hitting was faintly transmitted from the blade, coupled with the thick and powerful music, it sounded exciting.

"Let me see what's the difference~" Fang Yi took a deep breath, meditated in his heart, and then the golden light on his body flashed, and he disappeared into the hotel lobby.


This place seems to be a part of an ancient desert city. You can see the yellow sand flying in the wind beyond the surrounding khaki stone walls. Fang Yi is located on the side of this small open space surrounded by walls. A translucent hood surrounds the middle.

As soon as Fang Yi was sent over, a system prompt appeared in front of him.

"System prompt: Those who deliberately delay the time during the battle will be identified by the system as a passive match, and will be automatically judged as the loser."



Fang Yi blinked, still waiting for the next system prompt, but it turned out that there was only one thing after waiting, and there was nothing else.Fang Yi, who was greatly surprised, quickly looked at the life potion on his belt, and it was in a usable state-I'll go... So it's completely free to pk, what's the use?Don't those players with advanced life professions make a lot of money?

But after thinking about it, Fang Yi realized that life skills are also acquired through time and effort. This competition is called competitive ranking, not a martial arts competition. That's why he wanted to come to the game company.

In this way, some gadgets on Fang Yi’s body can also be used—for example, the traps produced by blacksmiths who don’t need casting time can be used without restriction according to the occupation of the enemy on the opposite side. Knife stone and so on.


Seeing that the 30-second protection time was about to pass, Fang Yi smeared poison on the weapon quickly, then entered the stealth state, slid around the corner and ran to the blond foreign player on the opposite side - let me take a look at the foreign player The Strength of Friends~(To be continued...)

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