Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 546 Kill a bloody road!

Fang Yi didn't rush forward as usual, but pushed away the pastor who had passed out, and smiled at the players who turned around in horror.

The next moment, as a clear female voice shouted the words "Darkness!", an indescribable darkness burst out from the void, covering the area with a radius of [-] feet before the three of them made an attack. range, covering Fang Yi and the three players in the middle at the same time!

(All dark vision skills, including dark vision, cannot see through darkness, except for mage's true vision and demon vision)

The mulberry picker, who had been lying on the snow in a white cloak, quickly got up, when he heard a muffled groan in the black mist, followed by a burst of "clinking" thoughts.The mulberry picker counted the time silently in his heart, and after the fifth second when the darkness technique took effect, he immediately unfolded the scroll in his hand and gave a light shout of "Rainbow Jet", and the dark area that had already disappeared was immediately enveloped in a colorful light!

At the same time, a black figure also jumped out from the right side of the black mist, rolled twice on the spot and stood up!


Under Fang Yi's deliberate training, he learned the relatively late blind fighting skills and came from behind. He has already reached level 6, and listening to the wind has also reached level 4. Fang Yi, who entered and exited, had already abolished the remaining druid of the opponent.

The next thing was simple. Although the fighter was lucky enough to resist the magic effect of the rainbow spray, the next two people were greeted by Fang Yi with 200% combat power, and a holy priest known as the team's perpetual motion machine.

There is no suspense in the fight.

Fang Yi originally wanted to experience the magical "bear power" that can provide +4 power for a short time.It's just that this spell has a chanting time of at least 2.5 seconds, and the mulberry pickers can't cast it without making a sound, so Fang Yi can only give up.

The four Tumisi players began to follow Fang Yi from a distance when they entered the Dragon's Breath. After Fang Yi and the mulberry pickers crossed a town, the four blatantly chased them up and were caught by the "peeping man". Fang Yi discovered early on that this ambush came about.

"Tacit cooperation~" The mulberry picker patted his chest with some fear, and then excitedly stretched out his hands and made a high-five gesture towards Fang Yi, "Hehe, Fang Fang, your skills are not what they used to be~"


Fang Yi also smiled.High-five the mulberry pickers. "That is, but what did you mean when you said that, I am very old?"

"Haha~ It's okay. It's just a little more stubble~"


The two resumed their happy chat time.Fang Yi also had time to look at the system prompt that just swiped the screen.

"System prompt: You killed a player from the Tumis Empire (without reputation).

Increases your reputation by 17 with Bearclaw Druids, 7 with Mountain Centaur Tribe, and 17 with Guardian Rebels.Increases reputation with Wood Elf tribes by 17.

You killed the Tumis Empire player (unnamed), your reputation among the bear claw tribe druids increased by 11 points...


Looking at the rows of system prompts on the virtual light screen, Fang Yi shook his head and couldn't help sighing, no wonder everyone on this war map likes pk, this is so cool~

The prestige mentioned in the system prompt are all forces on the map of Breath of the Giants, belonging to the NPC camp on the Dragon Coast side.According to Fang Yi's experience in Broken Ridge, even if he spends a whole day doing tasks, the reputation that can be increased is between 350-400 points, and this depends on the player being smart and capable, and not too bad luck.Now all four prestige of killing a person has increased, which is not a little bit more efficient than doing tasks.

It is not impossible for those teams that form a powerful group to look for the opposing faction to pk everywhere~


At the gate of the Stars Fortress, at the foot of the huge Steel Gate, a team of twelve players was standing quietly by the side of the road, attracting the attention of many people coming and going.

Because these twelve players are all wearing well-made battle armor, and you can tell by their demeanor that they are not mediocre.In addition, there were four adult frost wolves squatting beside the team, all of them looking around with awe, and everyone who saw them was drooling.

This kind of Frostwolf is a special product in the southern wasteland of the Stars Fortress. It is an elite beast of 27+. In the fortress, it is often seen that people spend 12 to [-] gold coins to buy wolf cubs, and often there is no market for it. There are four Frostwolf pets in the team of [-] people, which shows the strength of this group of people.

Another thing that attracted the attention of passers-by was the little black mountain demon standing in front of the team.

The black mountain demon still looks capable, but at this time she is pacing up and down the road anxiously, looking up at the endless wasteland in the distance from time to time, as if she is waiting for something, with a worried look on her pretty face from time to time .

Originally, the Black Mountain demon had made an appointment with the mulberry pickers, and they would meet here after completing the side missions. At the beginning, everyone's actions were smooth, until a few days ago...

For some reason, the players of the Tumis Empire suddenly went crazy collectively, and sniped and killed the players of the Dragon Coast in the wilderness as if they had taken an aphrodisiac.As opposing camps, it is normal for the two parties to pk each other, but the intensity and scope of the other party's collective action this time, and the large-scale frontal conflict regardless of losses are too sudden.

After all, the npc armies of both camps are not yet fully prepared, and there are very few players with military ranks who can command npc armies. It is far from the time when a large-scale decisive battle breaks out.

It is also because of this that the situation of the mulberry pickers who went to Baishan for a mission suddenly became quite dangerous, and it was not so wise to choose to travel through the wilderness alone.

The mulberry pickers said in the previous message that they found a team, but Baishan is the lowest level among the three major maps, how many good teams can there be...

One is the comfort of the mulberry pickers who are worried about by the Black Mountain demon; second, the mulberry pickers are the main priests in the team, and they are also the core auxiliary professions that the elder sister values ​​very much. It's small, if you drop the precious equipment on your body, the mulberry pickers will definitely bear a lot of pressure...

And in the last two hours, the messages sent by the black mountain demon to the mulberry pickers have not been answered, which makes people unable to help but think in a bad direction.

"Huh? Captain, there is snow and fog over there!"

The black mountain demon was lowering his head to send a message to his best friend, when he suddenly heard a scout in the team shout loudly, and subconsciously turned his head to look into the distance.

Sure enough, on the distant horizon composed of snow and ice fields, a white smoke rose faintly!Players who have been hanging out in the land of Giant's Breath for a while know that it is the snow caused by something rushing forward!

Almost at the same time, the message manager of the black mountain demon also rang, it was the voice of the mulberry picker! ——"Support us!"

"Get on the mount!" The black mountain demon was overjoyed, and immediately waved to the three players at the front of the team, "That's picking mulberries!"

As soon as the voice of the female warrior fell, the well-trained players immediately formed a charge formation, especially the three players in the front. When they raised their right hands, a strange gray-black smoke suddenly burst out of the void, following the "Xi Rhythm" Law~" Neighing a few times, three vigorous war horses appeared on the snowy ground!


"Fuck! It's war horses!" The passers-by who had been observing this team of elite players couldn't help exclaiming: "It's still three! Damn, who are these people? Four Frostwolf pets and three A war horse, and the girl in the lead is pretty enough..."

"Hush... are you courting death!?"

A knowledgeable person next to him immediately tugged at his friend's sleeve, and muttered in a low voice but hastily: "That's from Taohuawu! Our most powerful guild in Stars Fortress! This should be the first-line team in Taohuawu..."


When the two passers-by were whispering here, the team of the Black Mountain goblins had already rushed out a long way.Four adult frost wolves rushed to the front, followed by four cavalry led by the black mountain goblin, but within ten seconds they had already covered a distance of hundreds of feet, and they saw two horsemen galloping towards them from afar. figure.

No, it's three!

The black mountain demon can see clearly on the horse. The person who runs in the front and casts spells from time to time is the mulberry picker. A player covered in black is standing slightly behind, dealing with several enemies, while on the battlefield On the left side, a giant figure with faint blue color flickered on the snow, biting a player in the crowd from time to time and tearing it aside, it looked like a mulberry picker's helper!

The two people rushed toward each other, and quickly narrowed the distance between each other. Only then did the Black Mountain demon see the scene in front of him clearly, and his heart skipped a beat for no reason—this black shadow...looks so familiar ...

And the people around the Black Mountain Demon had already been taken aback by the black-clothed assassin in the battle group ahead, to be precise, they were stunned by the bluish-white beast.

There were five Tumisi Empire players chasing after them, but these five players were dragged to death by one man and one beast! ——Assassin stabbed a rogue player with his front hand, and the cyan beast immediately slammed into the enemy behind the assassin, followed by the assassin and turned around flexibly. The soldier who attacked the cyan beast with a spear shot in the face...

These people brought by the Black Mountain Demon have experience in domesticating pets, and some of them have changed several kinds of pets, but they have never tried this kind of fighting method with their own pets - unexpected, impossible...

All of this happened in a blink of an eye. Seeing reinforcements coming from the opposite side, several Tumis Empire players gritted their teeth as if they were retreating. Unfortunately, it was already too late. They were greeted by bloodthirsty Frostwolf, deadly Feather Arrow And the trampling attack of the war horse! (To be continued..)

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