The so-called war in the game is not a protracted fight, otherwise the online time of the players would also be a problem.Counting from the close combat between the two sides, up to four hours (in the game), if the core cornerstone is still intact, then the stronghold will be immediately isolated, and all attackers will be sent out while leaving the combat state.For the next three days, this stronghold could not be attacked again.

That is to say, in theory, as long as the Stars Fortress persists for 4 hours, the large troops of the Tumis Empire will collapse without attacking.

Of course, this is only in theory. In 4 hours, it is enough to fight back and forth three or four times in the Stars Fortress - everyone thinks so, including the defenders in the fortress, most of them are desperate to fight on guard.

Except for Fang Yi.

Whether it is in reality or in the game, Fang Yi adheres to a principle, or it is a characteristic that he has never noticed before - do one thing or don't do it, or try your best to do it well, otherwise it is really a waste of time time.

Because of the big difference in strength, do you have to sit and wait to die?Pure bullshit.


The troops of the Tumis Empire were divided into several groups on the wasteland in front of the Star Fortress, because there was more than one stronghold on the map after all, and the commander of the other side had a very clear idea: take advantage of the strength of the troops to attack all the strongholds in one go, otherwise they will eventually Leaving one, everyone ran to defend, and it was not so easy to gnaw it down.

Therefore, the Tumisi players on this map are almost out in force, and the vast snowfield is full of advancing troops.Fang Yi and Ji Feng carefully avoided the frontal enemies.Try to move forward by the edge of the snow field, if you can't, hide in the woods for a while.

It took more than half an hour to stop and go like this before Fang Yi finally passed by the menacing army and came to the other side of the snow field.

Looking to the east, a flat black spot can be vaguely seen. Fang Yi knows that it is the largest stronghold of the Tumis Empire here - the Thorn Fortress.

At this time, the snow was full of footprints left by players and NPCs. Fang Yi didn't need to spend any effort to hide the traces left by himself, and came to the fortress with ease.

"Damn it. Local tyrants are different..." Fang Yi stared at the magnificent building not far away.Can't help but sigh.

At a glance, the scale of this Thorn Fortress is more than three times larger than that of the Stars Fortress!The towering stone wall is full of black thorn plants, wrapping the wall tightly up and down.These plants are not those small thorny vines in the forest. The half-foot-long barbs alone are enough to make people frightened.If someone wants to forcibly climb the wall and besiege, it is estimated that they will suffer a lot.

Not to mention the dark barbs.It is estimated that there are toxins attached to it...

Not even the wood elves, known as the Friends of the Forest, have such defenses.How could these imperial fortresses have such a thing?People are really more popular than people...

While muttering to himself, Fang Yi had already taken Ji Feng into the pet space, and approached the gate of the fortress alone.

At this time, the Thorn Fortress looked deserted.The gate, which should have been crowded with people, was surprisingly empty.Under normal circumstances, the vicinity of the gate is one of the places with the most traffic. It is even more difficult to find an open space here to set up a stall. Right now, as far as the eye can see, there are only two or three solitary figures. I can't bear the loneliness and went to participate in the siege~

After all, a lot of merit points can be exchanged after a battle. Even if it is not enough to exchange for good things, the ratio of exchange for money is 1:10. Who is not jealous?

In the Dragon Coast area, there is no chance to get merit points, and a unified country like the Tumis Empire has corresponding tasks.Even on a war map like Breath of the Giants, players who kill the opposing faction can only get ordinary reputation points, and players can only get merit points in the official war like this before.

The merit point is equivalent to a special currency, which can be exchanged for powerful props at the prestige quartermasters of each camp. These things cannot be bought with prestige points, and the items provided by each prestige are different.The players of Tumisi are also happy here-because they can use their merit points to exchange things at the necessities officer of the Tumisi Empire, the players of the Dragon Coast have no corresponding places to go.

But at this time Fang Yi was not in the mood to think about these things.

Leaning slightly, Fang Yi just sneaked close to the gate of the fortress.As the distance got closer, the scene at the gate became clearer and clearer—the rough city gate made of unknown giant wood, the whitish city wall frozen by the low temperature, and those who were picking in front of the stalls in twos and threes Cargo players.

There is a conspicuous red light on the chest of each player, which is the badge of the faction, the player of Tumisi is red, and the chest of Fang Yi is light blue.

It really came out in full force...

Fang Yi walked carefully, avoiding the sight of ignorant players and guards, and walked through the gate of the fortress silently.Looking at the slightly desolate street, Fang Yi couldn't help sighing, wondering why everyone was so impulsive?


The passage in the fortress was unusually wide, more than three times larger than that of the Fortress of Stars, but Fang Yi, who was guilty of a crime, did not dare to walk in the middle, but just slipped around the corner and walked straight to the center of the fortress like a ghost.

The core of Thorn Fortress, the administrative hall should be in the middle of the whole building.

The feeling of going deep into the enemy camp is exciting. From time to time, you can see heavily armed NPC soldiers around, and occasionally players pass by.Fang Yi could only stop and go, sometimes squatting in the corner without moving, sometimes hiding in the narrow alley and not daring to come out, the feeling of nervous heartbeat is really exciting~'

Soon, Fang Yi found his goal.

The majestic administrative hall is entirely made of marble. Compared with the shabby house in the Fortress of Stars, it is not a little bit more imposing~ There are magic lanterns hanging on the stone pillars, steaming hot springs on the ground, and tender green branches Protruding from the wall, it seems that the evergreen trees on the Osram Mountains were transplanted here...

Too Nima is extravagant...

While Fang Yi secretly despised these local tyrants of the Tumis Empire, he stared intently at the guards patrolling around, and quickly frowned.

Here is the same as the Stars Fortress, the guards in the administrative hall are extremely tight!Although it is not enough to surround the entire courtyard, it is very difficult to sneak in in broad daylight. After all, these guards are all 30+ elite templates. discount.

Fang Yi leaned down and touched the stone slabs on the ground again, and couldn't help curling his lips. These are all processed marble, and the Deep Earth Walker Amulet is not used.

Is it necessary to use the hole card now?

Fang Yi touched the badge in the shape of a horse and a horse on his chest, with some hesitation in his eyes.

This centaur badge was a special reward personally issued by Cable after Fang Yi's reputation in the alpine centaur tribe reached adoration.Strictly speaking, this badge called "Command Emblem" is very similar to the pet space. There is an independent space inside. Fang Yi's elite servants are now resting quietly in it, waiting for the master's call.

When choosing rewards at the beginning, Fang Yi also had a level 30 purple long sword that appeared in front of Fang Yi at the same time as the command emblem. Its attributes were indeed a level higher than that of Tyrannosaurus Wrath. Fang Yi was very embarrassed by the reward mechanism of choosing one of the two. a handful.

Wrath of Tyrannosaurus is a thing dropped by 25+ wild Tyrannosaurus bosses. After level 30, it is a bit outdated (of course, this is for Fang Yi. Generally, players who can get level 30 boss equipment at level 25 are already very good. ), this level 30 long sword just makes up for this vacancy, Fang Yi’s damage ability is a good enhancement, not to mention that players and monsters with a level 30+ have a lot of HP, which is when everyone is short of damage.

So it was not until Chen Jing disclosed the information that the star fortress was about to face a war that Fang Yi made a decision and received the command badge from Cable.

Because this thing is extremely useful on war maps - it can store no more than five medium-sized slave units, or two large-sized units, with no cooldown.Although it can only be used on war maps, the overall effect is undoubtedly greater than a level 30 weapon.

Now the reputation of most players is still in the respected stage. A few players whose reputation has reached revered may have 3 followers. People like Xiang Fang Yi who directly own 5 elite guards are alone. The value of Fang Yi is undoubtedly greater.

After all, Fang Yi came here to prepare to attack the city.

As long as the core cornerstone is broken, no matter whether it is a person or a dog, the entire fortress will change hands instantly. This is also a rigid rule of siege warfare.However, the system also expected that a sneak maniac like Fang Yi would take advantage of the loopholes, so the administrative hall of each stronghold was covered by a magic circle, and all stealth-like skills and spells were invalid, so they had to fight hard.

The impenetrable guard in front of him is the proof.


After hesitating for a while, Fang Yi still didn't summon the centaur soldiers.

This is the last hole card, and Fang Yi really doesn't want to use it unless it is a last resort. Besides, this is the periphery of the administrative hall. If he summons 5 elites, can he really rush in and break the cornerstone?

Fang Yi doesn't like to take things by chance.


On the battlefield, all things must be based on the first criterion of war victory, so there is no such thing as a rear important town here. The largest fortress must be at the front of the show, just like the Stars Fortress and Thorn Fortress. .

At least for now.

The Thorn Fortress is huge, and the person who designed it is naturally an expert in the Tumis Empire.Close to the mighty Spear River, it can not only ensure sufficient water supply, but also provide the greatest convenience for the discharge of waste water in the fortress. into the never-freezing river. (to be continued..)

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