Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 574 A Rare Rest and... Old Popsicle

Silently, the river of time flows through every hidden place in the game, bringing Faerun from the hot summer to the cold winter.However, thanks to the advanced virtual technology of today, only one month has passed in reality.

So now is the best time to eat hot and sour cold noodle, so Fang Yi and Xu Fan came out again.


City X in the evening is busy, with crowds of people coming and going occupying every street, making one wonder how so many people popped up all of a sudden, and then disappeared all of a sudden at night.

If it weren't for the suburbs in the suburbs, the tenth ring outside the tenth ring, Fang Yi and Xu Fan would definitely not be able to walk seven miles in half an hour to reach their destination tonight.


"Suck, suck, suck~"

In the time-honored shop on the side of the street, Fang Yi and Xu Fan are each holding a large bowl, enjoying the food they haven't tasted for a long time.

Fang Yihu is used to eating Haisai, and never cares about his own eating habits.On the other hand, Xu Fan, who has always been quiet, ignored his ladylike temperament and ate with gusto.Watching the milky white long strips of cold skin touch the girl's pink lips, and then slip into the gap between the lips with a few slices of bright red pepper, and finally be rolled into the mouth by the pink and tender tongue...

"Ha~ I finished eating first... hiccup..."

Fang Yi put the big bowl on the table, burped in satisfaction, looked at Xu Fan who was still struggling with the tender cold noodle and sour soup, and said triumphantly.

"You are stupid, hiccup~"

Xu Fan also hiccupped in a very inconspicuous way, and then couldn't help but grin.The not-so-big but extremely bright eyes were narrowed, and the shattered hair trembled with the girl's slightly trembling body.

Looking at the girl who was laughing inexplicably, Fang Yi took out a tissue and handed it to her, while wiping his soup-stained mouth inexplicably, and asked strangely, "What's so funny about this?"

"Hee hee, you are stupid, because your mouth is so big, it's not fair~" Xu Fan opened his arms, stretched his youthful body as far as possible, and formed a circle about the size of a table in the air.Then compare with Fang Yi's mouth.He said it very seriously, and then he couldn't hold back for a while, he laughed and laughed again.

Fang Yixin said that my big mouth is fully functional and experienced, not only can I eat jelly but also eat other things-but I am afraid that if I say it, I will scare the little girl in front of me who has not entered the society.So just pouted.Make an expression that a good man does not fight with a woman.

Looking at the little girl in front of her who loves to giggle in front of her.Fang Yi suddenly felt that his previous life was a bit gloomy~

There are two rows of willow trees behind the small shop where the two are located, and behind it is a river embankment, and on the other side is Hengdi Lake, the largest lake near X City.The lake area is quite wide.I don't know how big it is, anyway, at first glance, it only looks like a white expanse of water, and the lake embankment on the other side cannot be seen.

The two foodies, who were full and full, naturally thought of taking a walk on the embankment.

"Let me tell you, the leaders of our school are very annoying. What age is it, and they let us cut our hair short! My original hair has grown, believe it or not? And the aunt who cooks in the cafeteria..."

Xu Fan chattered non-stop, while Fang Yi smiled and nodded, listening to the little girl's "life insights" during this time.Ten years ago, Fang Yi would have wondered how a quiet girl like Xu Fan could be such a lively person at heart, and would feel surprised and unnatural.

Now Fang Yi has learned to accept and listen more.

"Hey, there are ice cream sellers~" Fang Yi saw a small shop in the distance, couldn't help but move his index finger, and walked over there while turning back and smiling at Xu Fan: "Wait a minute, I'll go Buy two."

Fang Yi has liked to eat popsicles since he was a child, maybe because the family conditions were not good when he was a child, he ate less of this food, maybe because he was obsessed with the sweet taste of childhood and the little wooden stick full of memories.

No matter what, every time I see Fang Yi selling ice cream, I can't help but want to try it, especially the decades-old ice cream called "Old Popsicle".

After paying the shopkeeper two yuan, Fang Yi turned around with two old popsicles, only to find that there was an extra BMW next to Xu Fan under the embankment in the distance, and he seemed to be talking to Xu Fan.

But before Fang Yi approached, Xu Fan had already walked away from the spot, walked quickly to Fang Yi's side, reached out to take the old popsicle and took a bite, but because the popsicle was too hard, he bit it. Fang Yi didn't bite for a long time, and Fang Yi couldn't help but laugh when he saw the gnashing of teeth.

"What's the matter? With the conditions of our little girl Xu Fan, we should have a lot of experience in being approached in school, so there is no need to be so angry?" Seeing Xu Fan's pissed look, Fang Yi couldn't help laughing and teasing road.

"Hmph! Look at his frustrating appearance, driving a BMW is like taking care of me?"

Xu Fan's delicate eyebrows were all twisted together, feeling as uncomfortable as eating a fly, "I don't know what these people are thinking? Are they all shit?"

"Ahem... Let me say, I'm eating," Fang Yizheng licked the popsicle with great joy, and was also amused when he heard Xu Fan's vicious cursing sound.

But the BMW guy behind him didn't mean to be entangled. Seeing Fang Yi and Xu Fan walking together, he drove away quickly, which made Fang Yi feel quite regretful—I thought it would be a good show~

However, Xu Fan's temper came and went quickly, and he soon regained his previous small face, but this time he didn't talk about himself, but started to ask Fang Yi's secrets.

"I said Fang Yi, you are almost thirty, why are you still not married?"

"Pay attention to your wording. What does it mean to be almost thirty... I mean I'm twenty and I'm a big head, okay? Besides, everything has its own rules. If you want to get married, you have to find a girlfriend first."

"...Then why don't you find a girlfriend? Seeing that your condition is not too bad~"

"I'm going to criticize and educate you now, isn't it too bad? With me, Chen Peisi's eyes, Feng Gong's mouth, Niu Qun's figure and Pan Changjiang's legs, this temperament and connotation. The person chasing me is big. Take a lot of..."

"...Who is Chen Peisi?"


After returning home, Fang Yi finished washing and went back to the house to connect to the game as usual, while Xu Fan took a shower and came out to see that there was no Fang Yi in the living room, so he lost the thought of lying on the sofa watching TV and shook his head. Walked into his room.

Different from Fang Yi's bedroom with simple furnishings, Xu Fan's room is like most girls of the same age, filled with all kinds of cute decorations, and there are two posters of the hottest movie stars on the wall, large black and white On the bed is a conspicuous large plush toy dog.

But take a closer look.You can find traces of patching on the plush dog's nose.It seems to be scratched by something and then repaired.Xu Fan leaned back and lazily threw himself on the bed, pulled the toy dog ​​and hugged it vigorously, and tightly coiled the plush dog with his two slender thighs, if someone saw this scene.I don't know how many boys can't help but yell.

"Let go of that dog. Let me do it!"

Xu Fan rubbed his delicate face against the dog's nose, then raised his head with unsatisfied interest, and patted the stuffed dog with a silly grin.

"I've been eating all the time recently. Do you think I've gained weight..."


There is also a huge plush toy on Fang Yi's bed, which looks the same as the one in Xu Fan's room.However, this was only bought by Xu Fan himself to "compensate" Fang Yi. As for the disfigured one, Xu Fan took it for collection.

Although Fang Yi didn't know what to collect here.


Another new day in the game~

Facing the rising sun, Fang Yi stepped out of the light of online protection and came to the new residence of Taohuawu Guild.However, there were neither dazzling beauties to greet them nor crowds to welcome them, but there were only news reminders that kept ringing "Didi Didi".

"Those guilds have already offered a price, you can discuss the details with them yourself... By the way, don't use the merit value indiscriminately—Peach Blossom Immortal"

"Brother Fang, do you have a suitable house? Our leader said that he wants to set up a stronghold in Thorn Fortress—Xia Hua"

"Where did you die? What do you mean you got another suit—Black Mountain Demon"

"Take a break, I don't know what's the weather like in X City now? —Mulberry Picker"

"Return to my message after you go online, and help me buy something with merit points—Golden Right Hand"


Almost all the few people in the friend list sent messages, but compared to the excited audience all over the world, these guys who are quite familiar with Fang Yi obviously did not have much to do with Fang Yi a few days ago Unexpectedly, more just a touch of concern and usual greetings.

It's right to think about it, I have done so many incredible things before, so one or two more things are nothing to Fang Yi.

Fang Yi replied messages to his friends one by one, and then walked around the fort that had just changed hands.

Just after the war, such a large-scale fortress suddenly appeared on the weak side of the Dragon Coast. How can you bear it?

As a result, the battles caused by the competition for territory and position have been repeatedly banned. From time to time, some teams confronting each other can be seen on the street, and the west gate of the Thorn Fortress has become the most lively place for a while-the place where everyone fights duels will choose here.

Taking advantage of the time, Fang Yi naturally took a bite of this cake, but this bite was too fast and too hard, and some of the guys who bit it were bleeding.

At this time, there have been many posts from mysterious sources on the forum, saying that this player named Cube took advantage of time to occupy a large number of golden berths, causing the guilds in the Dragon Coast to seriously lack corresponding living space, leading to fights and arguing in the competitive fortress , and even conflicts between guilds continued one after another, which seriously affected the recuperation of players in Dragon Coast after the war.

So these posts have all come to a conclusion: it is recommended that Cube let go of the sale of a few gold bunks at a low price to ensure the internal stability of Dragon Coast players and not give the Tumis Empire an opportunity. (to be continued..)

ps: Feidan released a new author survey, everyone should actively participate~ Although Mithril Throne still has a long story to write, Feidan must also start preparing for the next book, otherwise it will become like this again The tragic situation of writing two chapters and posting two chapters without saving the manuscript...

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