Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 583 Start Hatching

With the addition of several big guilds, the strength gap between the two sides on the battlefield is no longer as obvious as before, and as time goes by, the importance of the Thorn Fortress at the strategic level is gradually reflected.

If the weather is good enough, stand on the watchtower of Thorn Fortress and look to the left and right. To the west and south, you can see the cliffs at the junction of the Valley of Fear, and to the north are the remnants of the Osram Mountains.As long as the team of Tumis players wants to cross here and attack the stronghold behind, they will basically be unable to escape the fate of being discovered.

As for the small teams in twos and threes, they are not a threat at all, and they will give merit points if they come over.

Right now, the players in the Thorn Fortress are getting stronger and stronger, and some npc troops from other strongholds are slowly gathering in the fortress. The players in Tumisi began to find out in despair that not only is it a dream to counterattack the fortress, but also the strongholds in the rear have to face it all the time. Threat to the army in the fortress.

Fang Yi didn't care about wars and the like, because the messy battlefield was too threatening to a crispy assassin like him, and it wasn't suitable for him.Holding the blueprint he just got, Fang Yi immediately contacted Chen Jing and asked her to help him worry about the life players in the guild and start upgrading the animal pen as soon as possible.

Although the condition of this resident is good, it is temporary after all, and the ownership is in the hands of the npc. In the near future, Taohuawu will definitely build its own resident, so upgrading the animal pen here will not delay the future Fang Yi naturally has no psychological burden for the construction of the resident.

"Why do you suddenly think of upgrading the animal pen?"

Chen Jing was working with a group of leaders on the matter of reclaiming wasteland and clear water forests. She was surprised to see Fang Yi hurried to find her, and joked, "You have money and nowhere to spend it? Hurry up and donate it, our resident shop I'm short of money to upgrade~"

"No kidding, this upgrade is very important." Fang Yi did not tell others about the dragon egg on his body, but urged solemnly: "Hurry up and call all life players who can be called, the sooner the better .”

Fang Yi has always been secretive in his work, but seldom when he is in such a hurry, Chen Jing's face becomes serious, and he immediately starts to call people, and within half an hour, the life players in the station and around the fortress are called back.

It is clearly marked on the drawing.At least three blacksmiths, an enchanter and a scholar who are proficient in building structures are needed to participate in the construction work. These people are available in the guild, and Fang Yi came to the auction house early and waved all the things needed to upgrade the animal pen. After buying all of them, more than 20 gold coins disappeared in an instant, and Fang Yi didn't even bat an eye.

Originally, this upgrade took two days and a total of 48 hours, but Fang Yi shyly invited Mr. Kui over, and with the great assistance of the guild members, it took less than [-] hours to complete the project.

After the upgrade, the appearance of the stables has not changed much.It's just that there is a small and exquisite hatching room next to it, with a mixed structure of stone and wood, and shiny enchanting runes can be seen faintly on the wall. The size is only four feet square.There is only a simple description of "special hatching" added to the attribute description of the beast pen, and it is not clear what it is for.

"Old Fang. I know you are rich, but you spent a long time tossing 20 yuan just for this?"

Chen Jing led a group of generals to surround them.Looking at this ordinary little house for a while, and then looking at Fang Yi next to him with a mean smile on his face, he couldn't help asking curiously: "What is this for?"

Several other girls also rushed over after hearing the sound, and observed curiously for a long time.In view of past experience, once Fang Yi starts tinkering with something now, there will definitely be explosive news.

So several beauties stepped forward to look at the small hatching room with a smile on their faces. Hei Shan Xiaoyao and Xiao Lei took turns to sit in it, and concluded that it was quite comfortable.Fang Yi thief smiled and observed the two little beauties, while he made up a blood-spitting picture in his own mind - two naked girls with snow-skinned skin hugged each other lying inside, surrounded by a A giant egg...

"Yes Brother Fang, tell us about it~"

"Does this thing have a quick recovery effect? ​​Or does it hatch special pets?"

For the life players on the side, there was also a burst of giggling and booing.After all, Fang Yi has a great reputation. The last time he made a guarded ancient tree, it caught the attention of a group of people. The subsequent rock-roasted mycelium series of feasts made the foodies in the guild even more addictive.Who knows what he will come up with this time?

"Hey hey~ hey hey~"

Fang Yi grinned and kept smirking, and clasped his fists at the players around him, "Brothers and sisters, thank you very much for coming to help! Thank you, thank you! But what is the use of this thing, I have to sell it temporarily It's a key, everyone will know in a few days, don't worry~"


The people around all made contemptuous expressions, but although they were curious, everyone still had their own business to do, and soon dispersed, only a few girls stayed in place to observe.

Fang Yi saw that the outsiders had left, so he carefully took out the football-sized "stone egg" from his backpack, and put it into the small room with a heavy weight. Immediately, a string of words appeared in front of Fang Yi.

"System prompt: The temperature of the incubator and the special magic energy wrap the shell of the pet egg. The cold pet egg emits a slight magic light, and you can even feel the faint magic pulse from the pet egg~

Since the quality of the pet egg has reached the epic level, players need to recognize the owner with a drop of blood, or give up the opportunity to recognize the owner, and let the pet egg grow freely. "

I rely on it, of course I have to recognize the Lord!

Fang Yi pulled out the elf dagger with a bang, and made a cut on his palm without hesitation. The bright red blood slipped from Fang Yi's palm onto the pet egg, and was absorbed instantly without leaving any trace .

"System prompt: The pet egg has recognized its owner and started to hatch.

Countdown to hatch: 5 days"

Sister Cai Sang and other girls have been watching Fang Yi's actions, seeing Fang Yi's sudden self-mutilation with a knife, his heart is inexplicably tense. After seeing Fang Yi's next action, he probably guesses Fang Yi's purpose.After Fang Yi got out of the hut and closed the stone door, he quickly threw a spell on Fang Yi to treat minor injuries.

"Look, it hurts you~" Chen Jing gave Elf mm a deep look, and with one sentence, Cai Sang's little face flushed, and then she said to Fang Yi: "Hatching pets? Don't you have a monsoon?"

"Damn it, do you have a second pet now?" The sea mountain demon shouted fiercely.

Fang Yi found that since he became more familiar with the Black Mountain demon, this extroverted little beauty swears more and more in front of him, thinking that it seems necessary to discipline him.

"Well, it's the second pet, but I have to keep it a secret for the time being~" Fang Yi smiled obscenely again, and started to lift his legs and walk out.


The four girls snorted coquettishly together, and the beautiful sound waves of harmony entered the ears, making Fang Yi involuntarily get goosebumps—it is the most beautiful voice in the world~


The one hundred thousand meritorious value was spent completely, but Fang Yi felt a lot more relaxed. All he had to do now was wait quietly for the dragon eggs to hatch.

As soon as he thought of a little life waiting for him in that animal pen, Fang Yi's little heart couldn't stop beating wildly, and the magnificent image of himself riding on the back of a dragon, swooping in the wind, and soaring with wings began to appear in his mind. The picture~ Just thinking about it makes people excited~

But speaking of riding a dragon... Fang Yi immediately called out the skill panel and looked at it.Sure enough, "Riding Skill: Level 1" was dragged behind the meeting, and it was the one with the lowest skill level on Fang Yi's body.

Riding skills are not as perverted as blacksmiths and tailors, and are relatively easy to upgrade, but Fang Yi has not ridden a formal mount so far, so how can he upgrade?

Larger cities, such as Cedar City, have special riding training grounds, which belong to the same category as archery training grounds. Upgrade, the scale of Thorn Fortress is limited now, there is no such thing.

But if this fortress is upgraded to another level, it should be almost the same, right?Fang Yi pinched his fingers and calculated, and felt that it should be about the same.Thinking of this, Fang Yi was in a better mood. While greeting the guild members on the road, he walked towards the blacksmith shop where Kratos was.

Now that the dragon eggs are about to hatch, Fang Yi thinks that safety is the priority, so instead of going outside to level up, he takes advantage of this rare free time to practice his blacksmith skills and strengthen his equipment by the way.

For a long time, Fang Yi hasn't processed his equipment much, mainly because Fang Yi himself is always running around, rarely stopping to rest, and Fang Yi was only half a blacksmith in the past, until recently. After making a breakthrough, it's time to practice your hands.


Kratos is in the largest blacksmith shop in the resident, and it is very easy to find. There are countless players who come here to repair equipment and get close.However, Master Kui had already stated clearly that his own apprentice quota had already been filled, which prevented a lot of trouble.

Raising his hand and pushing open the door, Fang Yi was about to say hello to Master Kui habitually, but he didn't expect a very familiar figure to appear in front of him.

"Ha~ Fate is really amazing~"

The human sword master who noticed Fang Yi walking in immediately turned around, with a sincere smile on his face, "I thought it would be difficult to meet you after you left Xueshan City~"

"You're welcome~" Fang Yi held the hand extended by the other party, and smiled wickedly, "I heard that Cyan Paradise has successfully won the first kill of two hundred-man bosses again? You, the president, are now famous all over the world."

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