Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 604 Not Just You and Me

"Bang!" "Crack!" "Ah..."

Without any accidents, the dwarf king directly turned into the invincible Li Yuanba, and with a light wave of the thunder hammer, there must be more than one player screaming and falling off the cliff, and those who reacted quickly and wanted to run were all burned by Bain's lightning spell Got coke.

In just half a minute, the seven players who were ambushing here were wiped out.

"I said, Your Majesty Bain, what is the name of the hammer in your hand? Can you show me?" Fang Yi looked at the heavy hammer in the dwarf's hand, which can independently activate lightning magic, and his saliva was dripping. It flowed all over the place.As a melee player, why not feel itchy to see such a brawl artifact?

"Haha, when things here are cleared up, there will be plenty of time for you to appreciate," Baine laughed, and hung the hammer on his waist again, his deep gaze was already looking at the giant city in the distance.

Compared with the last time Fang Yi came here, nothing has changed here.Mysterious light filled most of the underground caverns, and those ancient gray buildings were impressively visible, but there was no life in this spectacular scene, lifeless, making people feel a little depressed.

Hao Luode, who was hiding behind, came out of the cave, and couldn't help crying when he saw the scene in front of him. He kept muttering to himself, and Fang Yi couldn't bear to see his excited appearance.

Yes, after waiting here for more than 300 years, Harald has witnessed the birth and death of many human beings. Isn't he just waiting for his own people to come, waiting for the opportunity to set foot on the land of his hometown again, waiting for this day?

As for Bane.Although he looked much better than Harald, Fang Yi keenly noticed that the dwarf king's shoulders were trembling slightly, presumably he was trying to suppress his emotions.

"Huh... let's go,"

Bain let out a long breath, turned around and patted Harald on the shoulder, and then took the lead to step up the stone steps leading to the bottom of the cliff, "We're going home!"


Walking on the dusty street, Harald also explained to Fang Yi the origin of this sacred barrier.

Judging from the current state of Kantor City, Emperor Kantor must have cast some kind of large-scale magic at that time, completely changing the underlying structure around the city.It sealed off the mine that the dark elves attacked.It also caused a major collapse of the underground passages through which the dwarves retreated.

Therefore, those dwarf guards who were in charge of breaking the rear and a large number of dark elves who invaded the city must have been trapped in the city, and then died one by one. Finally, Emperor Kantor sealed himself in the Temple of Moradin with a holy enchantment, putting an end to Possibility for anyone wanting to get close to there.

"Why did you seal yourself? Is it because you are afraid that your body will be stolen by those evil drows?" Fang Yi asked strangely.Such a powerful enchantment will always have some other use.It is impossible to simply preserve the corpse.

"No. It's to protect the sword of the earth,"

Baine, who was walking in front, suddenly spoke, with an abnormal tone. "The reason why the dark elves attacked our city was because of this sword."


When Bain said this, Fang Yi immediately remembered, wasn't that dwarf lying in the barrier holding a short sword?Fang Yi has always remembered the dagger that shone dazzlingly and danced with lightning, because it must be a high-level magic weapon.

Fang Yi faintly felt that he was approaching the core plot of the whole mission step by step!

"Why?" Fang Yi hurried to Bain with a deer in his heart, walked side by side with him, and asked eagerly: "For a weapon, those drows and underground monsters risked to come so close to the ground. place? This is unreasonable, does the sword of the earth have any special function?"

Bain raised his head slightly, looked at the temple hidden in the distance between light and darkness, narrowed his eyes slightly, and did not answer Fang Yi's question directly, but reached out and took off the war hammer from his waist.

"The closer you are to the sacred barrier, the stronger the suppression of magic power. After entering the temple, all magic will be invalid,"

Bain told Fang Yi very solemnly: "And I have the blood of Thunder, so the suppression will be even greater. Not only can I not use magic, but my body will also become very weak."

Fang Yi frowned slightly, but still listened quietly to the dwarf's words without opening his mouth.

"So if there are enemies in the temple, there will be a hard fight,"

Bain's eyes became more resolute, and the probe took out a glass bottle from the backpack at the back waist. The bright red liquid inside made Fang Yi's eyelids twitch. The blood of the dragon and the blood of the good dragon. Take it, and if you have the chance, pour the blood of your silver dragon mount and mine on the barrier."

Fang Yi took the glass bottle, but he still had a lot of doubts in his heart-it will become weaker when it is close to the enchantment, how weak will it be?If you are hacked to death by the players guarding here, what about my mission...

"Harold, you stay here,"

Ignoring Fang Yi who looked surprised, Bain turned around and said to the old dwarf behind him: "It's too dangerous ahead, if anything happens to me, you can go to the Valley of Fear with Cube Warriors to find my people. Wait patiently and look for opportunities to return to your hometown again."

"But Your Majesty!..."

"No but,"

King Bain waved his hand and interrupted Harald with a strong gesture, and said very freely: "I have lived for more than 400 years. If I can let the people return to their hometown, at least when the soul returns to the heaven, There will be no regrets when you see the gods."

The two dwarves spoke with an atmosphere of parting and parting, but Fang Yi next to him had no time to feel it. He immediately put away the blood bottle and summoned his own big treasure and second treasure.

"It doesn't hurt, just take a moment~"

Supreme Treasure is raising its right paw and resting on Fang Yi's right hand.Fang Yi spoke long-winded words to comfort the child, and at the same time swung the dagger cruelly... and cut a small cut of only one centimeter long on the toe of Yinlong's right paw.

"Just a little blood will do~"

Fang Yi held a small glass bottle, and Zhen Zhi took some dragon blood heavily.Then he quickly wrapped Yinlong's toes with a bandage, chattering like a talkative old woman, Baine and Harold next to him frowned, but they didn't notice, Silver Long's silver eyes full of wisdom were full of smiles, and with the increasingly anthropomorphic expression on his face, looking at Fang Yi was like looking at a doting parent.

"I said, His Majesty Bain, can we stop being so sad about our important action?"

After finishing all this, Fang Yi waved his hand to let Supreme Treasure fly into the air.Monsoon went into the alley alone and entered the stealth.Then he turned his head and said with a smile: "Believe me, as long as I don't want to, no one can destroy my mission."

Although King Bain didn't quite understand what Fang Yi meant by "task", he thought of a dwarf proverb from the tone of Fang Yi's words: whoever takes my ore dies.

Bane's senses were keen.Because what Fang Yi meant was: those who stand in my way of making money will die!


The scene in the hall was as usual.The statue of Moradin the Soul Forger standing in the main hall has not changed.It's just that there seems to be more dust accumulated on it.

At the foot of the statue, the three players stood with their backs to the statue, and the weapons in their hands had already been unsheathed.He stared intently at the stone steps extending from the ground to the top of the temple in front of him.And around the temple, no less than thirty players gathered together, sealing off all angles of entering the temple.

Most of the people standing here are dark elf players, and there are also a few gray dwarves and gnomes.

Among the few people in front of the statue, the leader is a warrior in leather armor, holding a long knife in his hand, and he should be walking the route of dual cultivation of strength and sensitivity.At this time, this man was not wearing a helmet, and his charcoal-like face had a pair of scarlet eyes, which represented that he possessed the unique infrared vision of the dark elf race.

He comes from the city of Menzoberranzan in the Underdark region, and he is the president of the city's leading grand guild "Queen's Blade", Peerless Orochi.

That's right, Orochi is a player from Japan.

Choosing to be born in the Underdark region, and calling compatriots from Japan from all over China to form the Queen's Blade Guild, Wushuang Orochi's leadership ability is beyond doubt.And in the underdark region where there are so many masters, Wushuang Orochi's pk technology is even more in the forefront.

As a large-scale regional quest, Kantor naturally has more than one quest line.Fang Yi received the task of helping the dwarves return to their hometown, while the players in the Underdark area received the task of following the footsteps of the expeditionary army of the ancestors, looking for the holy city of dwarves Kantor lost in the earthquake, and looking for it to return to it. Vital relics.

It took more than two months for the Queen's Blade Guild to find clues along a quest line that originated from caveman slaves, and then followed the clues, and finally unearthed an amazing hidden quest line from it - 300 years ago. Underground counterattack!

According to the history of the dark elves, 300 years ago, the residents of the Underdark were attacked by the coalition forces of the surface races, and even the city of Menzoberranzan almost fell. Fortunately, a group of amazing heroes emerged in the Underdark The character, this time turned from defense to offense, and counterattacked all the way to the surface world.

Kantor City is the largest dwarven city in the central part of Faerun, and it is also the focus of the attack of the underground coalition forces.The army of the dark elves advanced triumphantly all the way, but when they were about to win, they fell into a trap that the king of Cantor City himself could not let go. Thousands of dark elves were trapped and died in the city. Location.

Not to mention the sword of the earth hidden in the city.

According to the information revealed by the mission, when the dwarves withdrew their troops, they did not take the Sword of the Earth with them. This semi-artifact, which carried supreme treasures and secrets, remained in the city.

More than two months...

Wushuang Orochi sighed secretly, recalling that for more than two months, he led the team running around in the dark area, and the team members lost more than one hundred levels!

But there is no discouragement in the sigh of Wushuang Orochi, let alone regret, there is only boundless self-confidence and fighting spirit!Although it has been more than two months of inhuman life, but in Chinese words, it is finally "satisfaction comes after all hardships", and I finally found this epic dungeon!

Here you can see the gap between solo players and powerful teams. If Fang Yi hadn't happened to enter the underground city of Fear Valley, he would have to go to Iron Tooth Fort if he wanted to complete the mission of Son of Thunder. Two words; and an elite team of dozens of people completed the task in two months, and the speed is not uncommon.

However, Fang Yi does the task alone and Wushuang Orochi leads more than 30 people to do the task, and the rewards he gets are definitely different. Which one is better depends on his own preference.

As for the person who broke in here just now and killed seven of his mercenaries, Wushuang Orochi doesn't care, even if there is a powerful npc among them, that's not a problem—the elite group of Queen's Blade, 25 absolute first-line players Here, even if there is a boss, I can kill it with a knife!

"Captain, according to the time, those three people should have arrived near the temple,"

The next player next to Wushuang Orochi didn't look sideways, but he was actually using the team channel to communicate with his captain: "It should be hiding somewhere to prepare for a sneak attack."

"It doesn't matter, they will be killed as soon as they come out. It's just fine if they don't come out," Wushuang Dashe squeezed the long knife in his hand, and replied with a smile: "The people who went to the abyss crypt to find the Grandmaster will soon be back." (To be completed continued..)

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