Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 680 Take it easy

But that's not Fang Yi's favorite style. Too modern buildings and those young trees that haven't grown up are so rigid and jerky everywhere. any of his interests.

The same is true for Xiaolei. After being "bewitched" by Fang Yi for a few words, she resolutely chose to go to the old campus in the city center.


Today's weather is quite decent, it's a bit cloudy, with gusts of cool wind, strolling on the campus path without worrying about the scorching sun.Looking at Xiaolei, who was looking left and right with her hands behind her back, shaking her little head, Fang Yi felt more at ease.

The old campus of Liye University has a history of more than 50 years. There are tall plane trees on both sides of the central avenue of the campus. Each tree is no less than 30 years old. Strictly, the breeze blows, and the ears are full of the sound of flapping leaves. Just by closing your eyes and listening, you can't help but feel lighter.

Looking further into the distance, you can vaguely see a dazzling spot of light among the shadows of the trees. It is a living lake transformed from a natural lake. The river in the other direction circles the campus more than half a circle, and finally flows back into the canal.

The name of the lake is Posuo Lake, and this small river that has accompanied the campus for half a century is called Posuo River.

Because of this lake, even at noon when the temperature is high, standing in the woods on the shore of the lake is a refreshing and pleasant feeling, without any hot feeling.

Also for this reason.The university campus where Posuo Lake is located is another well-recognized summer resort besides Central Park in the city center.

Fang Yi took Xiaolei for a walk, pointing out the surrounding buildings to the girl from time to time, which one is the building of the School of Physics known as "Shaolin Temple", which one is the School of Foreign Languages ​​and the School of Chinese Studies and Ancient Literature, which boys call heaven on earth...

"Hey~ I forgot~"

Xiaolei stretched out her pale fingers, brushed the hair that was pressed against her forehead by the breeze, looked at Fang Yi with a wicked smile and said, "Brother Fang, didn't you claim to be the lover of the university campus, the public enemy of college boys? Haha ~"

"Cough cough~"

Fang Yi coughed in embarrassment, glared at the girl who was smiling very happily, and wisely did not continue this topic. "What does the little girl know about everyone... Go for a walk. Go to the lake and have a look."


"Wow! Brother Fang, is this the grove you said is the most suitable for a tryst?"

"Wow! The lake here is so beautiful! Brother Fang, look, there is a little shrimp! The girl you stole someone's first kiss here...what is her name?"

"Wow! Brother Fang, look..."


Fang Yi scratched his head frantically, looking at Xiao Lei who was getting more and more excited beside him.A sense of frustration welled up in my heart.Painfully said: "Don't bring up the past..."

Hey... At that time, I was too young and frivolous...

Xiaolei had almost shown off all the bad things back then.I didn't expect this girl to remember it until now, and she was not shy to talk about it with herself.

If he didn't come out today, Fang Yi would have forgotten about it.The Xiaolei in front of her is six years younger than herself. She is an avant-garde girl who is known as the "Devil Generation". She is only good-looking when she is in front of her. I don't know why she is in a good mood today, but she actually "shows her true colors".

"Hee hee~"

Seeing the "painful and helpless" expression on Fang Yi's face, Xiaolei couldn't help but gloated and laughed. Her brother Fang was originally a devil king in the world, but he only started "weird Buddhism" in recent years. Otherwise, how could she have the opportunity to do so? It's impossible to gradually fall in love with him even if you tease him...

The two talked and laughed all the way—to be precise, Xiao Lei was laughing all the time, while Fang Yi had a bitter face, speechless all the way—and soon came to the shore of Posuo Lake.

There are natural grasslands on the east and north sides of the lake, and two small wading piers are built with stones on the south and west banks. They are only slightly modified and some protective measures are added. From a distance, there are basically no artificial traces. .

The arc-shaped wading pier extends to the center of the lake for a distance of more than [-] meters. The cool lake water swings across the stone-paved ground, which is only less than knee height. People can take off their shoes and walk directly on the water.

Passing over the metal guardrail with warning signs, one meter away is a deep-water lake rippling with microwaves, and under your feet are cool stones soaked in lake water. The soles of your feet and the slightly rough stone slabs are gently rubbed, and you feel more comfortable than going to overcrowded. I don’t know how many times the tourist attractions suffer better.

"It's so beautiful here~"

Xiaolei leaned over the railing, looked at the thin dark clouds of various shapes blown out by the wind in the distance, and sighed sincerely.

That's right, especially when there are many young and energetic female students around, don't be too nice~—Fang Yi breathed a sigh of relief and smiled inwardly. Of course, you can't say this to Xiaolei.

"Brother Fang, do you still remember the one thing you told me back then?" Xiaolei's whole weight was pressed against the railing, her snow-white and petite feet lifted playfully from the water, she turned her head and asked Fang Yi , There is a lot of meaning in the expression.

Fang Yi held Xiaolei's pair of leather sandals in his hand, his heart skipped a beat, but his face remained calm, and he blinked innocently: "What story? I told you too many stories, I can't remember clearly Already~"

"Really?" Xiaolei stretched out her hand to grab the ponytail fluttering in the wind. Her tender hands and black hair contrasted with each other, which was very attractive, but the tone of her words reminded Fang Yi of the little devil in the game. , "It's the story about 'release life'~"

Fang Yi was taken aback for a moment, then subconsciously looked back at the artificial lake platform behind him, somehow, couldn't help but sighed softly in his heart.

That's a long story...

Fang Yi was still a gangster at the time, and fell in love with a girl from Liye University—the love at the age of 20, and he couldn't explain the reason or reason, anyway, I felt that the love was very deep at the time.

At that time, the university organized a release activity, which was to release some fish, shrimps, turtles, etc. in this lake. It was the first time that a similar activity was held in the university.

As the girl's boyfriend, Fang Yi was of course obliged to come to the scene to "help out", but at that time, the girl had just put a few small fish and turtle cubs into the water, and within a few steps, she was caught by someone who was obviously from the school. The student's male voice was picked up.

Fang Yi couldn't remember the exact reason. Anyway, there was a fight afterwards. Fang Yi was so brave that he kicked a man's calf and broke his own leg.

Because of this incident, Fang Yi sneaked around the police station and was listed as one of the unwelcome list of Liye University. Fang Yi still can't forget the contempt and contempt in the eyes of those university teachers and leaders looking at him.

Thinking about the confusion and grievance at that time, Fang Yi couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth and smile.

Youthful years~

"Why didn't you continue after that?" Xiao Lei, who was on the side, couldn't help asking, seeing Fang Yi's strange expression.

"Continue? Why continue?"

Fang Yi shrugged, and said dispensably: "I didn't even understand what love is at the time, so what are you going to do~ Now that I think about it, although I was very happy at that time, it was actually quite stupid... Why do I tell you this, you A little adult..."

"What little lord, I've grown up a long time ago! Old-fashioned..."

Xiaolei waved her pink fist like a demonstration, obviously very dissatisfied with Fang Yi's evaluation, and she was also thinking angrily in her heart, someday I will see the opportunity to deal with you!How dare you call me a little adult!


Naturally, Fang Yi didn't know that the little fairy who looked harmless to humans and animals on the opposite side was already thinking about his "chastity", so he wisely didn't continue this topic, but took Xiaolei for a walk on the shallow water platform.

A few small fish swam in the water from time to time, and occasionally there were big or small little bastards crawling around. Fang Yixin said that he didn't know if they were the descendants of the old bastards that Lao Tzu raised at that time...

"Hey? Brother Fang, what do you think that is?"

When the two walked to a section of the platform, Xiaolei suddenly pointed to the distance and shouted excitedly.Hearing the sound, Fang Yi looked along Xiaolei's raised arm, and found a piece of cloth floating not far from the opposite side of the lake.

The cloth was carried by a huge balloon, which rose to a height of more than ten meters, and there were vaguely written words on it.It's a pity that Fang Yi is an old myopia, and he can't even tell whether it is Chinese or bird language, let alone what to read, so he can only shake his head helplessly at Xiaolei.

"I think it says "Miracle" on it!"

Xiaolei's excitement remained undiminished, she grabbed Fang Yi's big hand and walked quickly to the opposite side, and said excitedly: "So "Miracle" has such a big influence in school? Is it doing something? What activity!"

"Hey! Let me tell you, put your shoes on first!" Fang Yi didn't care about the competition. Seeing Xiaolei stepping on the gravel path, he quickly handed over the shoes on his hand.

Today, Xiaolei is wearing a short skirt that barely reaches the knees, with white stockings. It is not very convenient to wear shoes by herself. Fang Yi is also concerned about the crowd around him, so he naturally squats down and puts on Xiaolei's shoes. But he didn't see the sparkling eyes of the girl looking down at him.

At this time, Fang Yi was thinking habitually in his heart, if official game activities could be held in the university, would it mean that "Miracle" is not far from holding a systematic competitive competition?

Right now, the players are rushing to level 35. They have learned all the basic skills they need to learn, and they have almost the same equipment. I think it's time... When did "God of War" start to hold competitive competitions? With?

But Fang Yi was squatting here in a daze, but he didn't see that Xiaolei's face was getting redder and redder, and her eyes were also embarrassing and annoyed - in such a large audience, Brother Fang, even if you like to look at my feet, you can't stay here all the time Hold it... (to be continued...)

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