There is no cooldown time for Juggernaut's Surging Power skill, so you can use it whenever you want.

But it has a special mechanism of operation.

When the Juggernaut uses the power surge for the first time, as long as the physical strength value is not lower than the 10% warning line, the success rate can basically be regarded as [-]%.

If within 24 hours of using the skill, the Juggernaut tries to activate the Power Rush skill again, then its success rate will plummet to 20%, and so on, on the third attempt within 24 hours, regardless of the previous two Whether it is successful or not, the success rate is only 4%.

Fang Yi really felt that the luck of this female sword master was really good.


When Thunder Fury with lightning appeared in front of the gray dwarf warrior's throat, Atona also moved.

Like a tight rubber band, Atona's bound limbs exerted force suddenly, and the roots of the poisonous heart vine tied to her hands and knees were immediately tightened, followed by a jaw-dropping burst. The sour "squeak" did not allow the monk players around him to react, and the so-called indestructible Poison Heart Vine had already shattered!

Then, the monk player, who leaned slightly to make a move, saw a calf with attractive curves appeared in front of his eyes.


The moment she broke free from the bondage, Atona's extremely tense and elastic thighs jumped up suddenly, kicking the unprepared monk player.

To be precise, it is the vital part between the legs.

The slender monk was lifted into the air by the kick, let out an inhuman grunt, and then lay face down on the ground with his hands covering his vitals.It seems that it won't be slowed down for a while.

There is a powerful 8-point strength bonus...I don't know what this guy feels like kicking up this kick...I hope his pain simulation is not set too high...Fang Yi, who witnessed this scene with his own eyes, had a frenzy Jumping, I feel my balls are a little tight.

This scene happened so fast, when the dwarf warrior was about to wake up from a coma, Atona, who was directly opposite, had already rushed over with a big stride, and kicked the dwarf warrior's crotch again.


Fang Yi watched helplessly as the gray dwarf player in front of him was kicked up by this provocative kick, and let out a muffled groan that seemed to come from the abyss, and then, like his companion, kicked his legs together. It fell to the ground softly.

No matter how thick the armor is, the tight protection between the legs is rarely designed.At most it is an extra layer of leather armor.Because if armor is added to this position, it will affect the movement too much. Before the battle begins, the thighs will probably be worn out.

This fucker... is more effective than me poking with a dagger... Fang Yi felt his chrysanthemum tighten again, and looked at the female sword master in front of him... No.It should be said that the eyes of the female hooligan were full of reverence.


It's a pity that Atona didn't pay attention to Fang Yi's "awe" eyes.Didn't even look this way.With a cry in his mouth, he turned his head and ran a long way away.

After reacting, Fang Yi didn't dare to neglect, and immediately activated the sprinting skill.He pulled out his legs and chased after him.

The whole process lasted less than three seconds. When someone in the battlefield noticed this, Fang Yi and Atona had already climbed out dozens of steps, and they were about to exceed the strike range of long-range occupations.

"It's Cube! Atona is gone!"

Someone in the crowd shouted loudly, and immediately some players turned their heads and wanted to chase after them, but they didn't take two steps before being called back by Jiandang Tianxia, ​​who was fighting on the front line with a gloomy face.

"Don't chase! Concentrate on fighting! Take down this undead!"

Sword Swinging Tianxia's brain is very clear, the super powerful undead sword master in front of him must have goods, and Atona's great sword is still in the opponent's hand!

Atona fled, so she fled. Anyway, she couldn't squeeze any profit from her, so she let the cube take advantage.

Looking back at the more manic undead sword master, Jian Dang Tian Tian held the ghost pilgrim tightly and rushed to the forefront of the battle line again.


"Hey!? I said, you don't want that sword anymore?"

Fang Yi followed Atona and rushed all the way, and quickly rushed across two streets. Fang Yi, who was concerned about Sabak, couldn't help asking: "What is that sword? It's something you said can block the mind detection Is it?"

"That's the core cornerstone!" The female sword master replied without turning her head.

After hearing this, Fang Yihaoxuan, who was running wildly, was startled and lost his balance, and almost fell to the ground—Nimma, the core cornerstone?

If he had to make a choice, Fang Yi would rather think that the great sword was the special item Atona mentioned!Because this is a private domain!Without the core cornerstone, no matter how competitive the Trinity Alliance is, it will always be overwhelmed by Fang Yi, because without the core cornerstone, nothing can be done.

But now, this lizard female sword master, just throw the core cornerstone to others?

"I know what you're thinking,"

Maybe he felt that he had run far enough, and his speed had slowed down. He turned his head to look at Fang Yi, who was inexplicably surprised, and said calmly, "It's useless to go back, you are no match for Sabak."

"Okay, you don't need to emphasize it so much, I know I can't beat him..."

Fang Yi was hit by Atona, but he still persisted and asked: "I can't beat it, but those people from the Trinity Alliance can beat it. I don't think it will take long before Sabak will be cut into pieces." Bundle?"

"Will not,"

Atona touched her bloody wrist, looked at Fang Yi and said, "You don't know Shabak, even if he is no match for the adventurers of the Trinity Alliance, it will be difficult for them to trap him. "

"Why?" Fang Yi gave full play to the spirit of breaking the casserole and asking the end, and asked immediately.In fact, the relationship between the core cornerstone is too great. If Jiandang Tianxia gets it, then he will really be greatly passive.

"Because... Sabac was the only berserker in our tribe before he became a Juggernaut,"

Atona looked at the battlefield still shining with magical light in the distance, and said quietly.


Sabak, the sword master of the undead, growled more and more urgently, presumably he already had a lot of wounds on his body.Although most of the spells were resisted by him, the melee players and dense feather arrows surrounding him were genuine.

In order to maintain high mobility, Juggernaut mostly wears cloth armor. At most, he wears one or two pieces of light leather armor. He takes the same route as a thief, so the attack of melee players will have the effect of cutting on Sabak. Surprisingly good.

Because of this, the players are getting closer and closer to each other, subconsciously approaching the center of the battlefield. The team commanders are also aware of this situation, but they don't stop it.

Right now, the balance of the battle has begun to tilt towards the Trinity Alliance. If you don't hurry up and end the battle quickly, it will be another trouble for those idle players in the city to rush over after hearing the sound.

At this time, Jiandang Tianxia had retreated to the periphery of the exhibition. It wasn't that the dark knight was cowardly fighting, but he had been fighting Shabak face to face for a long time. Jiandang Tianxia's physical strength was very exhausted, so he had to withdraw from the battle circle to recover.

Lost an Atona, and got an Undead Sword Master who might hold the core cornerstone... Is this a loss or a gain?

This account is not easy to calculate... But when I thought about the great sword inlaid with broken gemstones that had been in my hands for a long time, I didn't see anything special about it at all.

What went wrong, and what secrets are hidden on that sword?

Thinking of this, Jiandang Tiantian took a deep breath of the dusty and burnt-smelling air, and then let out a long breath—subdue this guy first!

Seeing that his physical strength had almost recovered, Jian Dangtian raised his hand and summoned the servant of purgatory—a half-metal demon covered with bone spurs. He was going to go up and make two moves with this undead sword master who had lost his skills, but he hadn't walked out yet. However, the situation in the field changed suddenly!

From the beginning of the battle to the present, Sabak has maintained a nearly perfect fighting style that belongs to the Juggernaut—flexible and dazzling dodging, unexpected attack methods, and an impenetrable defensive barrier composed of the big sword in his hand .

Whenever a player hits the Undead Sword Master, he will inevitably pay double or even more.But I don’t know why, for the melee players around him, Sabak didn’t kill them all. In addition, there are auxiliary occupations in the periphery who keep throwing healing skills into the crowd. The blood volume level of the players has been low, but few people die. It's like Shabak is showing mercy on purpose.

But soon, everyone understood the reason for this weird feeling.

When Jian Dang Tian Tian was squeezing towards the center of the battlefield, Shabak suddenly jumped up high without warning, "Cang Lang!" With a sound, he pulled out the great jeweled sword on his back.

Just as the players were fully alert, thinking that this highly skilled undead was about to show off the heroic posture of a dual-wielding swordsman, a terrifying scene came.

Sabac, holding two big swords, spun directly—like an electric fan switched on, except that the two blades were two two-handed swords with a length of more than four feet!


This whirlwind of death with a diameter of more than fifteen feet immediately swept across the center of the entire battlefield, like a meat grinder directly into the flock of sheep. Those players who were closely surrounded by Shabak had no time to dodge and were directly crushed Stirred into this whirlwind, it immediately turned into a ball of minced meat, and flew towards the peripheral players with a "Puff!"

"Rewind! This is Bladestorm!"

The players in the crowd who had escaped by chance immediately screamed, struggling to run out.Although this is in the game, in the face of such a force that is almost destroying the world, trying to resist is purely courting death.

"Isn't this the skill of a berserker? Isn't it a sword master!?"

Jian Dang Tian Xia's figure paused, and he quickly backed away. He couldn't turn his mind for a while, "It seems that you have to have at least a level 10 berserker level to learn it!?" (To be continued ..)

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