Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 7 The Ogre's Treasure Chest

Fang Yi took out a few pieces of garbage from the corpse as quickly as possible, watched the corpse slowly disappear transparently, and then continued to move forward.After the normal monster is killed, if the body drops are not taken away, the corpse will exist for 20 minutes, and the normal boss will last for 1 hour.If the three corpses were allowed to lie there swaggeringly, [-]% of them would alarm all the monsters in the mine after being discovered by other kobolds.

Having killed more than a dozen kobolds in a thrilling manner, Fang Yi has already collected enough iron ore from them, and each 15-point experience has increased Fang Yi's experience bar by one-third, but strongly Fang Yi's curiosity drove Fang Yi to continue going deep into the cave.

In "Miracle", the rewards offered when each area is explored for the first time are often the most lucrative. This cave far away from Novice Village has obviously not been discovered, and it is difficult for any player to refuse this temptation.

Even the slightest sound in the dark is so harsh, let alone speak loudly.Fang Yi carefully passed the kobold patrol team again, and glanced at the "talking and laughing" kobolds and ogres in the open space in front of him, and then looked at the treasure chest at the end of the open space (Note 1), and couldn't help frowning.

Surrounded by the kobolds, the ogre was at least eight feet tall, covered with a layer of thick brown skin, and held a large wooden club in its hand, which could be smelled from far away. To the disgusting smell of an ogre.This thing can't be provoked now, it's easy to knock yourself to death with a stick and shake the three kobolds to death.

However, there is absolutely no reason to miss the treasure chests in "Miracle", especially in the wild, where the chances of spawning treasure chests are much lower than those in dungeons, and many good things can be opened.During the public beta, someone once opened items that triggered hidden tasks from high-level treasure chests.To put it bluntly, opening a treasure chest is actually the same as buying a lottery ticket, and it always makes players enjoy it.

If he used to play warriors, Fang Yi would probably choose to turn around and spawn monsters, and then try again after going up a few levels. People took it.Now I am a thief, I am really sorry for my conscience if I don't take this treasure chest!

After careful observation of the terrain several times, Fang Yi lowered his head and called out the skill panel, lit up "listen", "detection", "sound movement", "hide", "set trap" and "unlock", and then took out the thief tool bag, A simple flash trap was set up where the patrolling kobolds must pass.

Fang Yi copied the dagger in his hand, and slowly moved forward along the stone wall on the right.Although the monsters in front of him were all species with low perception, Fang Yi knew that the Kobold's listening skill had a high talent bonus, and he might be discovered if he was not careful when moving stealthily. [

Fang Yi walked in small steps, while carefully avoiding the gravel and puddles on the ground, while observing the reaction of the kobold.Seeing the kobold's ears turn slightly, Fang Yi immediately leaned against the wall, and the effects of hiding and stealth took effect immediately. The kobold who turned his head didn't notice it, and stood beside the rock wall 5 or 6 feet away in front of him. A swarthy human being.

After repeating it several times, the kobold closest to the wall became annoyed and let out a "roar". Although it still sounded like a dog barking, it also caused a small commotion among the monsters.

Fang Yixin said that the more chaotic you are, the better, wiped off the sweat from his palms, and continued to move forward at a snail's pace.The short distance of 60 feet took Fang Yi nearly 30 minutes.

The dark brown wooden treasure chest was close at hand, but Fang Yi did not dare to move rashly, and crouched patiently in the corner.

After a while, Fang Yi was thinking that the patrolling kobolds should come, when he heard a crisp noise from the entrance of the passage, followed by a dazzling white light that illuminated half of the hall as if it were daytime.Almost all the kobolds, who hated bright light, were hit, and were instantly blinded.

The irascible ogre didn't care about these things, and with a swing of its big stick, several kobold miscellaneous soldiers flew away, roaring at the surrounding subordinates again and again.With the lesson of blood in front of them, the kobolds could only shoved towards the light source.

What Fang Yi was waiting for was now, and he immediately used the lockpicking skill on the treasure chest. After 3 seconds - the system prompts: The use of the lockpicking skill failed. Your efforts have loosened the lock in front of you, but it is not enough to open it. . .I rely on!

Fang Yi's forehead was covered with sweat, and from the corner of his eyes, he carefully aimed at the ogre whose back was facing him. Fortunately, he was not found.

Second unlocking, 1, 2. .At this moment, every second seemed so long, Fang Yi felt that the time had almost stopped, and the lock of the box opened with a "hiccup", followed by a hair-raising sharp roar from the ogre, and the treasure box was locked. The moment the box was opened, the owner found the thief squatting behind him.

Fang Yi picked up the contents of the box, kept his eyes on the ogre, but his body rushed towards the tunnel leading to the depths of the mine like an arrow from the string.At this time, the furious ogre had already taken off the giant crossbow from behind, and shot an arrow at the hateful thief in front of him.

Seeing that the ogre had turned on the long-range attack mode, Fang Yi's sprinting figure stopped and moved, exerting his agility to the extreme, and changed direction twice in an instant. At this moment, he only hated his parents for not giving him more legs.

The moment Fang Yi landed, he felt a chill on his shoulders.Resisting the severe pain that followed, Fang Yi scolded his mother in his heart: This is all shot! ?Damn, it’s just a few levels off. Should the hit correction be so ruthless! ?

The sound of hurried footsteps echoed in the tunnel, and the sound of wheezing and wheezing could be heard vaguely.Fang Yi's swift figure walked in the tunnel as soon as he saw the way, and fled if there was a way. Unknowingly, he had come to another independent cave.

The moment he saw the ogre, Fang Yi concluded that there was something else deep in the cave.It is very unlikely that the system would arrange for a wolf to spawn in a mouse hole in such an obviously illogical situation.The entrance of the mine is so small, the ogre must have another passage, so Fang Yi bravely steals the treasure chest and then flees to the depths of the cave.

But the situation in front of him obviously exceeded Fang Yi's prediction. As the tunnel became wider and wider, some traces of artificial reinforcement gradually appeared around. [

As the ogre's "unique" taste became stronger and stronger, Fang Yi gradually had a bad guess.

One person and one monster chased and fled, and the ogre chasing behind him changed from one to two at some point, and then from two to four. Seeing that his physical strength had bottomed out, Fang Yi's anxious palms were sweating , Xin Dao, do I have to confess my virginity to a few ogres?At the time of the public beta, I had to fight the four-headed snake lizard for [-] rounds before dying—although it was only a weak snake lizard. . .

While thinking wildly, Fang Yi, who had never lost his listening skills for a moment, heard a few soft sounds from behind. After running for a long time, Fang Yi had already figured out the number of the other party. Yanbi jumped into the fork on the right, and then rolled on the spot, leaving the three crossbow bolts behind him on the stone wall behind him.But when he looked up, Fang Yi immediately understood what the word "touxinliang" meant.

A fast-moving underground river nearly thirty feet wide runs across the middle of the tunnel, and a natural stone bridge crosses it a little to the left.Fang Yi's perception at [-] o'clock is not too high, but he can also tell that the shadows on the other side of the river are not a group of bullying kobolds-he really came to the ogre's den. . .

Fang Yi turned around, and the group of kobolds who were hanging behind him had been thrown away long ago, but there were three more equally strong ogres.The large group of monsters on the other side of the river should have also noticed the movement here, as evidenced by the sound of rumbling footsteps.

The two ogres swiftly took out their crossbows and aimed at the little thief in front of them. Fang Yi glanced at the remaining stamina bar, knowing that there was no way to retreat, he gritted his teeth and retreated quickly, heading towards the rushing underground river Before entering the water, I could vaguely hear the sound of "Duk! Duck!" from the giant crossbow bolts nailed to the ground.

Since he was very young, Fang Yi has deep water phobia, always worrying that there is something bad in the bottomless water.But at the moment of entering the water, knowing that there must be some unfriendly monsters underwater in the game, Fang Yi was not so nervous.

The icy river water gradually calmed down Fang Yi's agitated state, and he stepped on the water twice to surface himself.

In the underground river, you can't see your fingers. Fang Yi touched it with his hands. There are smooth stone walls on both sides of the river. No matter how high the agility is, it is useless. Fang Yi can only add a hiding skill to himself, praying for the underwater Don't have monsters that are too high in level, stay still and float, and let the current carry them forward.

I don't know how long it has passed, Fang Yi almost lost the concept of time, the physical value in the floating state will not reach zero, but it is absolutely impossible to recover, and the column of the character status on the attribute panel has also appeared stiff and low temperature. Negative state.Fang Yi thought to himself that although every corner of the kingdom is a sacred place for adventure, I am really not interested in killing monsters underwater. Could it be that I just froze to death?

Note 1: Due to the extreme rarity and high difficulty of obtaining, the treasure chests in the game can often open treasures of the same quality as those in the drop list of elite monsters of the same level.Just like killing monsters, the fewer the number of players and the lower the level, the higher the quality of the treasures that will be refreshed in the treasure chest, and vice versa.

At the same time, the treasure chest is also the only way to refresh items that trigger hidden tasks with a fixed chance.

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