There is no time for hesitation in Sword Swinging World, because the Undead Sword Master not far in front has already arrived directly below the City Lord's Mansion, and then stopped at a certain place, obviously arriving at the destination and moving towards the surface.

As the brain of the entire team, Jiandang Tianxia understands that any hesitation now is very likely to lead to missed opportunities and ultimately lead to mission failure.

So after hesitating for a while, Jian Dang Tian Tian ordered the team members in the mine tunnel to advance at full speed and rush to the inside of the City Lord's Mansion as quickly as possible—since the treasure has been pressed on the Undead Sword Master, he just hesitated It may be a mess.

"Let the team members on the ground rush to this side with all their strength,"

While trudging through the deeper and deeper stagnant water, Jiandangtianxia decisively issued the final assembly order: "We must stop the Undead Sword Master and take back the core cornerstone in his hand!"


Now in the entire "Miracle" game, only a few people know that Fang Yi is the mysterious player who triggered the private domain mission, including Fang Yi himself, and the rest are the core members of the Trinity Alliance .

But the sword swings the world is not sure, whether Fang Yi also has the core cornerstone, because the sword of the earth is a special item, not equipment or a strange item, and this newly released semi-artifact cannot be seen on the list of items at all.

From the point of view of Jiandang Tianxia, ​​if Fang Yi was carrying the core cornerstone, why would he just sneak into the city lord's mansion and directly insert the core cornerstone into that unique pedestal?There is no need to spend so much time in the city, looking for the female sword master everywhere~

so.Jiandangtianxia concluded that Fang Yi's goal was also the great sword on Atona's body, the core cornerstone that deceived everyone with a disguise.

Therefore, Jiandang Tianxia was determined in his heart that as long as he bit the Undead Sword Master tightly, no matter how hard Fang Yi was, he would never be able to pull off any tricks.

It is a pity that the big boss of the Trinity Alliance did not pay enough attention to the shapeshifter that was eaten alive by Fang Yi's pets;

And by mistake, there was also a beautiful misunderstanding between Jiandang Tiantian and Fang Yi: he always thought.Fang Yi's real purpose is the core cornerstone of Atona.However, the fact is that what Fang Yi cares about is only the "mysterious item" on the female sword master that can block the detection of the mind.

The most dramatic thing is that the undead sword master that Jian Dang Tian Tian is chasing also once had Fang Yi's idea.

It's just because Shabak still has intelligence, his memory clearly told him during his lifetime.The sword of the earth is certainly extremely powerful.But it is an artifact that only a kind-hearted creature can control.Otherwise, when he met Fang Yi in the Temple of Moradin, Sabak would have chopped up Fang Yi and snatched the sword of the earth.

All in all.Coincidences and misunderstandings have led the whole incident to a strange situation. "Heroes" from all walks of life gather in the city lord's mansion, and a fierce conflict and decisive battle are inevitable!


The battle in the front square of the City Lord's Mansion was in full swing, and the deafening shouts of killing never stopped.

On the other side of the city lord's mansion, in a small, quiet courtyard, there is an extremely hidden place that looks like a sewer exit from the outside. The wooden door that is five or six feet wide and one foot thick is almost completely decayed. Hanging in tatters outside the exit, it seems that as long as someone touches it, this wooden door with an unknown age will shatter into pieces.

After a while, there was a strange sound faintly in the quiet small courtyard - it seemed that someone was beating a drum, and someone was roaring from a long distance away.

Almost in an instant, the sound suddenly became more intense, and then the ground covered with stone slabs began to shake slightly. The stone statues placed around the courtyard kept shaking with the ground. hit the ground.

"Bang!" "Wow!"

Suddenly, the already shattered wooden door shattered from the inside out, making a muffled sound!The scattered rotten wood was smashed into pieces by this force, and spread out radially.A figure rushed out from behind the wooden door, drew an arc and fell hard to the ground!


Jian Dang Tian Tian, ​​​​who was directly photographed by the other party, let out a muffled snort, resisting the numbness from his arms, and immediately stood up again to stabilize his center of gravity.But at this moment, two red lights suddenly lit up in the gloomy underground hole, and then a sword light appeared!

To be precise, it was the sword energy attached to the blade that shot out from the darkness, stabbing like lightning at the dark knight who was three or four steps away on the other side!

Behind the rusty giant sword is a tall and thin figure, like a demon rushing out of the abyss!But Jian Dang Tian Tian's aura at this time was not weak at all, his figure did not retreat but advanced, and he swung his big ax to hit the big sword in the hand of the undead sword master fiercely!


The loud noise of metal clashing seemed to penetrate directly into people's brains, shaking both ears!Jian Dangtian Tian was directly collapsed to the side by the huge force rebounded from the big axe, but just avoided Shabak's fatal sword, and fell obliquely to the side again.

Sabak seemed to be irritated by the candy-like adventurer in front of him, holding a big sword as if he continued to chase, but at this time, reinforcements from behind had already rushed over.


The sound of breaking through the air was accompanied by a few shouts of anger, and several players from the Trinity Alliance just crawled out of the hole. Seeing that their boss was in danger, they threw the things in their hands towards Sabak—more than four feet away. The long heavy javelin went straight to Sabak's back with a palpitating sound of piercing through the air!

These few people are all warrior players who have learned to write "proficient in throwing". They were originally reserve soldiers who followed Sword Dangtiantian, and they have been attached to Sabak.But who knew that this undead sword master was so cunning that he stayed in the mine and didn't come up to the surface!

So when everyone tracked down the location of the secret mark, they bumped into Sabak who was waiting there!

After being attacked and killing several scouts, Jian Dang Tian Tian once again stood in front without hesitation.There are also a few other melee fighters, but their equipment and skills are not as good as Sword Swinging World, and they can't stand Sabak's two swords at all.

Fortunately, Jian Dang Tian Tian was very clear-headed. He didn't wrestle with Shabak in the narrow underground mine, let his purgatory servant hold him back, and lured him out as quickly as possible. That's how the scene just now happened .

But even so, the situation of Sword Swinging World is dangerous and dangerous. If it wasn't for wearing heavy armor and having a helper, he would have been chopped down by this outrageous swordsman lizard man...


A few javelin-throwing players cited that Sabak was very close, and the situation was urgent, so they all tried their best!Shabak couldn't dodge in time, and was stabbed firmly by three heavy javelins, and a string of considerable damage numbers immediately popped up on his head!

The players in the mine had already swarmed out at this time, and all kinds of moves began to greet the undead sword master.

Sabak itself has a level 12 Berserker level, so he was able to sweep the battlefield with a single move of Bladestorm before, and then escaped to ascend to heaven.However, Sabak suffered a lot of trauma in the previous battle, during which the players consumed a huge amount of life.

At this time, Sabak was no longer the invincible undead sword master in good condition, but the players' offensives were wave after wave, and all of them were alive and well.

This is the difference between a team and an individual, and this is the difference between whether there is a nanny standing behind.

"Shoulder to shoulder! He doesn't have Bladestorm!"

Sword Dang Tian Tian, ​​who was bounced by Shabak's sword, was sore all over at this time, but his mood was excited!He kept his gaze fixed on the big sword on Sabak's back, and shouted to his teammates who came from the underground mine tunnel and over the wall.

Bladestorm is the housekeeping skill of Berserkers. Everyone in "Miracle" knows about it. However, the cooldown time of this skill is long enough, and it can be used again after 24 hours of game time!

Just relying on the purely physical attack profession of Juggernaut, no matter how superb your swordsmanship is, as long as the level difference is not too outrageous, you will definitely not be able to match a well-trained elite team!

As the long-term head of the front-line team leading the team to fight treasures and pk, Jiandang Tiantian's vision is undoubtedly very vicious, and his estimation of the battle situation is very accurate.

With the unified dispatch of Jiandang Tiantian, the players of the Trinity Alliance—whether they were in the mine or waiting for an opportunity outside the wall—all gathered in this small courtyard within half a minute!

The rapid assembly ensured the number advantage of one's own side, and also made Shabak lose the last chance to break through.Under the ferocious firepower of the players regardless of consequences and accidental injuries, more and more wounds were found on the Undead Sword Master's body, and the already rotten muscles fell off in pieces, revealing the pale skeleton wrapped in it.

Until now, the Undead Sword Master really has what an "undead" should really look like - a terrifying skull half-naked in the air, eyeballs flying to nowhere, and the two flashing dots in the skull's eye sockets. Red shimmer.

It was a remnant of the necromantic power that created it in the first place.

Sabak, who was gradually driven to a desperate situation, was forced to retreat by the players with high fighting spirit, and was soon surrounded by the corner of a tall building.

It seems that this should be the core building of the City Lord's Mansion. The towering walls are all made of uniform huge stones. It can be judged just by looking at it. It is probably not easy to break through such a thick wall and escape. possible.

"You fragile flesh and blood creatures will never understand your own limitations and short-sightedness!"

Shabak brandished a big sword, his roaring voice was full of hysteria, and the remaining muscles on his face began to "flutter" down because of the violent shaking, looking very terrifying, "Only the undead can live forever! You reptilian creatures are not qualified to inherit this legendary land!" (To be continued...)

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