Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 714 Peach Blossom Island

"Look, look, that's the Osram Mountains? So it looks so beautiful from the north, and there's snow on it~"

"That mountain is full of high-level strange areas, we might go there to level up in the future."

"But the sea is so cold here, the temperature is much different from ours..."


In the vast expanse of Falling Star Sea, a large merchant ship was sailing with the wind. Players who had nothing to do were gathering on the deck to chat, looking at the only landscape in the south, the Osram Mountains.

This is the "Princess Mary", which belongs to the Tumis Empire, a large merchant ship in the city of Aragon, and is on its way to Ximen Port.

As the largest three-masted sailing ship in the city's caravan, the Princess Mary, which travels between Aragon City and Ximen City every month, is always overcrowded—npc merchants and players occupy most of the seats on the ship.

In fact, most of the players on board are professional businessmen in the game, and only professional businessmen can endure weeks of boring sea voyages.

Because as two regions that are far apart, the main import and export goods of Tumis and Dragon Coast are quite different, bold and careful businessmen can often obtain considerable profits on this long waterway.

It's just that this voyage is not destined to be peaceful.

The Princess Mary has just passed the channel at the eastern end of the Osram Mountains, that is, the wide strait between the eastern edge of the Osram Mountains and the pirates who "jumped into the sea" before Fang Yi.

As usual, the sea is unusually calm, save for the sea breeze and seagulls.Nothing at all.The sailors on the ship enjoyed this peaceful morning very much, either lazily leaning on the side of the ship, or lying on the hammock made of cables, squinting lazily, waiting for the rising sun to slowly rise , to dry off the moisture on the boat and on the body a little.


A ranger player at the bow shook his head, stopped the action of polishing his weapon, raised his head in doubt, looked towards the left side of the ship, and then murmured to himself with some doubts: "What was it just now?" sound?"

"I said Prince. Do you miss your wife?"

A player lying on the hammock next to him was looking at his palm prints boredly.Hearing his companion's muttering, he laughed and joked, "It's okay, you go offline for activities, if there are murlocs, pirates, etc. attacking, I promise to throw you down first. Haha~"

The player called the prince ignored the ridicule of his companions.Instead, he scratched his head and prepared to continue the work at hand.The danger of sailing at sea is no less than that of taking risks on land, especially in such a famous sea area as the Fallen Star Sea-the pirates here are famous in Faerun.

But soon, more and more people on the boat began to stand up.His gaze crossed the side of the ship and turned to the towering and tall mountain range in the south that stretched for thousands of miles.

The faint roaring sound is not a hallucination.

The voice lingered in my ears, as if it was close at hand, but when I listened carefully, it seemed to be far away in the sky. Everyone on the boat was in shock. The first reaction was that there was an attack from a sea monster, and they all began to prepare for the battle.

"Look! Over there! Beside the mountain!"

Because of the high position of the bow, the ranger player prince was the first to notice the abnormality, and suddenly pointed to the distance and shouted excitedly.Soon, a second and a third person noticed the mutation in the distance, and the crowd exclaimed one after another, and they all fell into shock.

Not far from the south, on the eastern edge of the Osram Mountains, where the Princess Mary just passed by!

Unknowingly, a huge whirlpool appeared on the originally calm sea!The area of ​​this vortex is constantly expanding, but in just over a minute, its diameter has reached thousands of feet, and it seems that it is still expanding!The deafening roar came from the vortex.

Because the area is too large, a huge black hole has already appeared in the center of the vortex. At first glance, people can't help but feel dizzy, like a fish that devours the sky, devouring sea water endlessly!

Because the position of the vortex is too close to the foot of the mountain, a huge vacuum is sucked out of the coast. The sandy beaches, rocks, and even the seabed and jagged rocks below the coast are all displayed in front of everyone. The amazed people all held their breath and stared intently at this fabulous and magnificent scene.

But soon, the mouths of everyone who opened their mouths involuntarily became bigger because of the shock. Whether they were npcs or players, they almost stared out their eyes——as the roar became louder and louder Suddenly, a majestic stone building appeared in the black hole in the center of the vortex!

"I'm stupid..." Looking at the scene in front of him, the prince, like other players, almost forgot to adjust the parameters of the demo shooting, and groaned in disbelief.

Curved domes, towering stone pillars, slightly dilapidated walls... Although the building is a bit small against the background of the huge deep sea vortex, people can still imagine, if you stand close and observe, what kind of building it is? Magnificent work of artifice!

Immediately afterwards, various buildings of a slightly lower height floated to the surface of the water one by one. After a while, a huge group of artificial buildings appeared out of thin air in front of everyone on the Princess Mary.

And the building is still rising...

One minute later, a small island appeared on the originally empty sea.

Yes!It is the island!

"Hiss... this fucking..."

Some players took a deep breath subconsciously, and murmured, "What the hell is this?

As if in response to the doubts in the hearts of the players, after a while of familiar and unfamiliar silence, a loud voice rang out from the ears of online players all over the world at the same time.

"System announcement: Congratulations to Player Cubes in China, successfully discovered and obtained the first private territory in "Miracle" - Mithril Throne! Player Cubes has officially named its territory "Peach Blossom Island"!

As the first player to receive territory rewards, Player Cubes will receive a system reward of [-] star diamonds and a piece of orange equipment with random attributes.

Let us congratulate Cube together, and hope that he will continue to create brilliance on the continent of Faerun and create his own legend! "

Huang Zhong's voice sounded three times in a row. At this moment, hundreds of millions of players all over the world stopped what they were doing, listened attentively to this extraordinary system announcement, and thought about the slightly unfamiliar private domain in their hearts. vocabulary, and then re-evaluate the meaning represented by the id of "square".


3 minutes ago.

As the actual controller of this island, Fang Yi is completely powerless against the changes in front of him.

Standing on the high steps, Fang Yi witnessed the shocking scene of the entire island in the middle of the lake slowly rising from the lake - the stagnant water that filled the entire city receded at an unimaginable speed, leaving a muddy place on the ground , and those disgusting "earthworms" dying on the ground.

As for the big magic circle that appeared above his head out of thin air, Fang Yi didn't have any intention of complaining: even if a plane suddenly emerges from the teleportation circle, and there is a SpongeBob SquarePants standing on the nose, Fang Yi I wouldn't be surprised at all...

Fortunately, such absurd things did not happen.

The island in the middle of the lake was sucked into it by the giant teleportation array, and appeared on the bottom of the sea in a blink of an eye—to be precise, it was drilled out of a huge hole in the bottom of the sea.

There is a transparent shield around the island, which blocks the powerful pressure that can destroy the world, and also protects the Mithril Throne from being sucked in again by the big hole in the seabed.

When Fang Yi raised his head and saw the bright light above his head, his heart suddenly twitched violently.


It's sunshine!

Finally, when the island in the center of the lake finally rises to the surface of the sea, and the newborn sun sprinkles the sun on this reborn island without hesitation, Fang Yi looks at the familiar scenery around him, and even sees those few people far away. When he saw the familiar island, he couldn't help but open his arms and shouted at the top of his voice.

"Day! My day! Hahaha~"

While Fang Yi was shouting coquettishly, a burst of clear and pleasant system prompts came in response.

"Congratulations, the task-'Towards the rising sun-in the name of Mithril!' is completed, and the player gets 500000 experience points,

Your level has increased to level 33,

Your level has increased to level 34,"

Fang Yi's original experience value has reached the cap of level 32. The experience rewards obtained from this mission made Fang Yi skip level 33 and directly rise to level 34 by 23%!

"Cool!" Fang Yi shouted vigorously, shaking his arm that had regained strength.

"The system prompts that, as the actual owner of the Mithril Throne, you have the right to change the name of this territory once."

Um?Can I change my name?

Fang Yi was in a good mood at this moment, looking around at the blue sea water around him, he felt refreshed, somehow suddenly remembered the dream he had since he was a child, so he grinned, and re-entered three large characters in the column of the territory name—— -Peach Blossom Island!

In reality, buying a small island and fiddle with it by yourself... that's probably not possible, just have fun in the game!


Bathed in the rising sun, Fang Yi was full of emotions and wandering mind - just such a piece of land, if I want to sell it now, will someone come to me with tens of millions of oceans and tell me the price?

Haha, I just don't want to sell it!Haha~

The whole city in front of me looked like it had been bombed by a bomber, and it was in a mess.Some large buildings are okay, especially those residential houses, which are almost completely destroyed, all caused by the earthquake caused by the previous violent shaking, but in Fang Yi's eyes, even the dilapidated ones look so pleasing to the eye~

When he was happy enough, Fang Yi remembered the business, quickly opened the message manager, ignored a bunch of messages of congratulations, teasing, and begging for support, and immediately sent a message to Chen Jing, asking the other party to bring some people over quickly.

It's time for mass production~(To be continued...)

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