Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 718 The Mysterious Visitor

"You go back to the team and go to Marx to take the task," Fang Yichong waved to the five cute and naive dwarf guards beside him and said, "Tell Max, no matter whether it is an adventurer or a businessman, no one is allowed to be put on the island!"


After taking the order, several people left the animal pen quickly, and Fang Yi then looked down to check the news—the message from Chen Jing, but the content surprised Fang Yi a little bit.

"We'll be there in five days—Peach Blossom Fairy."

five days?

You know, even if you start from the nearest Xueshan City, it will take more than ten days by boat to reach the southern edge of the Osram Mountains where Peach Blossom Island is located.Even if the journey goes smoothly, it will take at least a week or more.In addition, the time from Kantor City to Ximen Port is excluded, that is to say, it only takes four days to sail by sea?


The most important factor limiting flight time is distance.

These routes from the Dragon Coast to the city of Aragon in Tumis basically face the same problem, that is, there are no supply points or rest places on the routes.

After the ship departs from the port, it must accurately grasp the time and arrive at the destination within the scheduled date, otherwise the supplies on the ship will be exhausted. NPC crew members are different from players, they will die if they don't drink water for two days.

Moreover, almost half of this route is within the radiation range of the islands and archipelagos, and pirate ships from the archipelagos often harass the passing merchant ships.Small-scale attacks are okay, and those combat players who work as bodyguards can solve them, but once a large pirate ship robs the goods, the players can only pray that these pirates only rob the goods and don't kill people.

In addition, there are unknown giant monsters from the depths of the sea, aggressive murlocs and Naga, etc.These factors determine that the ships traveling on this route are all large merchant ships, and medium and small ships cannot cross this sea at all.

Chen Jing said that she would be there in two days...could it be...! ?

Fang Yi suddenly thought of a possibility, and felt his little heart beat twice violently, followed by a burst of ecstasy!

yes!It must be because of Peach Blossom Island!

Peach Blossom Island, which rises from the dark region to the sea, is right on the eastern edge of the Osram Mountains!And this location happens to be in the middle of the entire route!

Ships from Tumis turn west here, bound for Simon Harbor, Startwilight City, or Cedar City.Ships from the Dragon Coast will avoid the islands in the north, turn south at Peach Blossom Island, and head for Aragon City!

This is equivalent to shortening the voyage by half!In other words, this channel, which was originally only open to large merchant ships, will be joined by countless medium-sized and small ships from now on.Just stop at Peach Blossom Island to replenish supplies.Just keep sailing!

The Taohuawu guild's team must be looking for small ships, so they can get here at a speed several times faster than large merchant ships, and they don't have to worry about supplies.

Thinking of this, Fang Yi immediately got goosebumps all over his body, because Fang Yi had already keenly discovered the business opportunity! ——Peach Blossom Island has the potential to become a large relay port.

Just build a port on the island.So many ships from Tumis and Dragon Coast will stop here.It brings immeasurable business opportunities.Bringing real money!

After regaining his senses, Fang Yi immediately sent a message to Chen Jing, asking her to contact the great lord of Cedar City, Quintos.Try to recruit as many artisans and sailors who know how to build ports as possible, and bring them to Peach Blossom Island together.

And Fang Yi himself came to the city lord's mansion as quickly as possible - there is no post station or tavern on Peach Blossom Island, only the city lord's mansion has two dilapidated mailboxes, which can only be used to make do with it.

Fang Yi first wrote a passionate letter to Quinitos. While flattering and playing the emotional card, he vaguely mentioned the fact that he needs a large number of craftsmen, and at the same time very sincerely invited the arch druid to come over as a guest .

In Fang Yi's view, this kind of legendary person should know some ancient secrets. Baobuqi has heard about the Mithril Throne and the Silver Crown Emerald. It is best to ask him if he has the opportunity.

Then, Fang Yi's enthusiasm for writing letters became uncontrollable.

Serene Knight Somantu, Lord of Waterdeep City Kelben, University Scholar Gelbo...Golden Right Hand, Stealthy Old Man, Folding Chair on the Left...

These are all guys that Fang Yi values ​​very much—they may be legends on the Faerun continent, or life players who are proficient in a skill, but they all have one thing in common, that is, they are very Fang Yi's appetite.

And at present, whether it is Taohua Island or Taohuawu Guild, talents are very scarce "things".In the past, Fang Yi did not recruit friends like himself, because even Fang Yi himself had no fixed place to live, and these people were all talented people with special skills. Sister Sang and Xiao Yao's guild work.

But it's different now, almost half of the entire guild belongs to Fang Yi's private property, and more importantly, Fang Yi now has a territory!No matter what they were busy with before, the future is definitely bright when they come to this low-lying "golden location" private territory to develop.

It took Fang Yi more than half an hour to finally finish writing the letter, imagining someone who had nothing to miss, and then he rubbed some sore eyes and let out a sigh of relief.

Hey... Managing the base is really not something that humans do. This is just the initial preparation stage. When Chen Jing and the others come, I should hurry up and become a shopkeeper—Fang Yi shook his head, thinking so.

Putting away the private message interface, Fang Yi was about to turn around and leave, but his eyes swept across the virtual light screen inadvertently, and Fang Yi suddenly found that he still had an unreceived email. He opened it and realized it.

Shit, after the territory mission, the rewards and equipment rewarded by the system were sent by mail.Fang Yixin said that he was so busy preparing for the territory that he forgot the most important reward...

"Mithril Lord Emblem (Unique, Epic, Bound)


Special equipment

Equipment requirements: Possess the title of Mithril Lord

+1 sensitive

+1 charm

All magic resistance +15

Mithril King: When commanding an army to fight, the upper limit of health of all dwarves npcs is increased.The value is 3x player level, all magic resistance is increased, the value is 0.3x player level, armor value +10%.

'You, will be the king! '"

nice one!Good stuff!

Fang Yi hurriedly put the badge on his chest, looking at the small badge in the shape of a silver hammer, and seeing that he was ranked third in the jewelry list, he suddenly felt that he was much taller.

The mission of this territory has been completed. Counting the attribute rewards of the Mithril body, Fang Yi's sensitivity, charm, strength, and physical attributes have all increased a little!And full spell resistance 25.Plus 10 resistance from the breastplate's Graceful Might.Now Fang Yi's magic resistance has reached 35 points!

This is a great harvest!Moreover, a considerable part of the rewards of this mission is reflected in the bonus to the territory. If all of them are converted into personal attributes, I am afraid that it is equivalent to getting two semi-artifacts.

It's really badass...hahaha~

But there is one more thing Fang Yi is very painful, and that is his machete Thunder Fury.

Because in the battle with the mind flayer elder, he actually slashed the rust monster.Thunderfury has been completely corroded.The first half of the blade has been completely rusted.Fang Yi flicked his finger lightly, and the blade turned into a piece of scrap iron and separated from the handle with a "click".

This weapon has been scrapped.

Just thinking about Fang Yi now makes me feel scared, what if I stabbed him with an elf dagger at that time...


Now what Fang Yi is holding in his right hand is a real civilian weapon - a green long sword... Fang Yi can't remember this rubbish thing but which unlucky ghost fell out of it, and put it in the corner of the backpack There was a thick layer of dust.

Hey... Where can I find a weapon here?


A person's life on the island is lonely but also fulfilling.

There are many merchant ships coming and going on the Falling Star Sea, and everyone is very interested in Peach Blossom Island without exception, but Fang Yi, who is cautious by nature, dares to let other players come in?

However, Fang Yi, who "thanks behind closed doors", was not idle. He walked around the territory almost non-stop, collecting first-hand information about the situation in the territory. Dozens of dwarf guards were also mobilized by Fang Yi. Search for hidden places like secret doors in the city.

This kind of work is very necessary.Because Peach Blossom Island will definitely be open to players in the future, if Fang Yi doesn't know about any treasures hidden in it, wouldn't it be possible to make it easier for outsiders?Fang Yi must first find out the situation in his own backyard, right?

The Peach Blossom Island model on the territory management interface helped Fang Yi a lot, allowing Fang Yi to search in an orderly manner, area by area.Needless to say, such a carpet-like search really found some things. In addition to some privately hidden ancient coins and mithril ore, many well-preserved plant seeds were also found.

I don't know why there were so many surface plant seeds hidden in the dwarf city at that time. Anyway, after Marx's identification, it was determined that these seeds were some common crops, which were perfect for planting crops on the farm.


The time soon came to the fifth day, and Fang Yi was riding on the back of Supreme Treasure, overlooking Peach Blossom Island from a high altitude, and by the way, he had a look at the blind spots that he had missed.

The small fleet of Chen Jing and her party will arrive here this afternoon.

That's right, under Fang Yi's suggestion, Chen Jing and most of the guild members rushed to Peach Blossom Island, leaving only some combat players who were doing prestige missions in Cantor City, and a small number of core players who were responsible for looking after shops and auction houses member.

Fang Yi had already heard from Chen Jing about the troubles caused by the members of the Longxing Tianxia Guild, so he just chuckled and didn't care, and at this time Fang Yi was not worried that those people would cause trouble for several properties in Taohuawu— —Because Fang Yi has dragged Jian Ershisan onto the thief boat again.

Thinking of this, Fang Yi couldn't help chuckling. Speaking of which, he and Jian Ershisan seemed to have been working together for a long time, but they hadn't met a few times. Jian Ershisan also came to Peach Blossom Island this time, just by the way. The next step is to "deep" cooperation.

"There is something approaching on the left front!"

Supreme Treasure's thick voice suddenly sounded in Fang Yi's heart, with a slightly dignified tone.Fang Yi vigilantly pressed the short crossbow at his waist, and immediately looked forward. At the same time, he was also preparing to let Supreme Treasure descend, ready to join the dwarf troops on the ground at any time.

At the limit distance of Fang Yi's field of vision, a small black dot is flying towards this side at a frighteningly fast speed!In just a few breaths, the black spot in the field of vision has turned into a huge bird - wide wings, sharp beak, it is an adult giant eagle!

And not far from the adult giant eagle, there was a small bird with a slightly smaller body. Fang Yi blinked his eyes twice, and was stunned before he realized that this little thing was a shrunken version of the fairy dragon.

The Faerie Dragon has no feathers on its body and relies on its fleshy wings to fly. Its body is covered with a dazzling blue, red, and green skin. There are a pair of bright golden eyes on its slightly dull and cute head. No matter how you look at it, you can't help it Connect it with a mighty dragon like Supreme Treasure.

The faerie dragon is a rare creature. This subdragon creature is smaller than its other relatives, and its melee ability is very limited.But Elven Dragon has a particularly outstanding talent, that is, it is particularly sensitive to magic. The adult Elf Dragon's spell attainment is no less than that of the big brother of the Dragon Clan, the Holy Dragon.

Moreover, it is said that Faerie Dragons are very close to druids of the non-evil camp, but they are all legends, and it is difficult for players to really come into contact with this mysterious creature.

Giant eagle + fairy dragon, it's an interesting combination~ Fang Yi squinted his eyes and stared at the distance, thinking so.


As the distance between the two sides gradually approached, the flying speed of the giant eagle also slowly decreased. Fang Yi felt that the opponent did not seem to be hostile, so he kept Supreme Treasure on alert and did not descend immediately.

The vigorous figure of the giant eagle quickly came to the air tens of feet away from Fang Yi. It flapped its wings and hovered. It seemed to observe Fang Yi with great interest, and then made a movement that made Fang Yi dumbfounded—— ——This big bird folded its wings together, and a burst of dark gray smoke suddenly appeared from its body, covering its entire body in it!

Five seconds later, just as Fang Yi was considering whether to step back a little further, the dense magical mist in the air had been blown away by the sea breeze, revealing a figure hidden in the mist.

"What the hell...Your Excellency the lord...!? Your way of appearing on the stage is really impressive as always..."

Fang Yi saw clearly the bird-turned-human guy on the opposite side, referred to as birdman for short, and shouted loudly without hiding the surprise on his face.

Floating in the air, this tall human being was dressed in plain leather armor and had a terrifying wolf head on his shoulder. He was looking at Fang Yi with a smile—it was none other than the great lord of Cedar City, the legendary Druid Kui. Nitos! (to be continued..)

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