ps: The internet was disconnected during the day... (⊙o⊙)...

But just this morning during the game time, the Taohuawu guild suddenly announced on the forum that it had reached a cooperation agreement with the Cyan Paradise guild. Mithril veins will be opened to the miners of Cyan Paradise for a fee, and the fee will be based on time and head.

Moreover, there is also a blacklist released in the post - which includes the names of all the guilds who shouted at Peach Blossom Island on the forum, and assembled in the game to attack Peach Blossom Island. welcome list.

Want to enter the island to mine veins?Yes, please pay double the entrance fee.

If these impulsive guys carefully studied Fang Cui's past "records", I'm afraid they wouldn't put pressure on Peach Blossom Island so easily - Fang Yi was the only one who hated others, and no one else hated Fang Yi.


The decision to "lease the mine lode" was made after Fang Yi, Chen Jing and the others carefully discussed and consulted the opinions of many old friends.

Fang Yi has a strong personality, yes, but he is not reckless. Taking such a large mithril vein for his own use, not to mention not being able to make full use of it, will also offend players around Falling Star Sea and even the entire China region.

Because Taohua Island does not have enough self-protection ability at present, after expressing its position with those arrogant stunned youths, it will show its goodwill to the majority of people and show the attitude of joint development, that is, to make money and gain popularity. The correct strategy for Peach Blossom Island in its infancy.

Moreover, the first partner chooses the powerful Cyan Heaven, which is equivalent to tying Sword Twenty-Three and Peach Blossom Island on the same boat, which can deter those sneaky people with evil intentions to a certain extent.

Fast development is the last word~ Now Fang Yi doesn't worry about anything else.I am worried that the combat power on Taohua Island is too small and too weak... Taohuawu has always followed the elite route, and now with the addition of 70 dwarf elite guards, there are barely more than 300 combatable troops on the island.

If the 7-day protection time has passed, and a large guild really comes to attack Taohuawu, it must be a fierce battle!


Thinking of this, Fang Yi reached out and patted the brand new scimitar on his waist, and suddenly had the urge to kill monsters and level up.

"Gintama (rare scimitar)


Equipment Requirements: Agility 30+, Level 33+

Durability: 66

Weight: 11

Damage: 49-77

+1 power

Magic Resistance +5

Hundred Refining (Passive): When Gintama encounters a strong impact, the chance of breaking is reduced by 50%, and there is a higher chance of breaking the enemy's weapon.The higher the player's strength value.The greater the probability of this.

"Solid as a rock!"

The overall attributes of Gintama are not as good as Thunderfury, and Fang Yi didn't expect to be able to create a better weapon than Thunderfury, but the attributes of this brand new scimitar unexpectedly fit Fang Yi's current state.

After this adventure, Fang Yi's strength directly rose to 17 points.Constitution17.Sensitivity is already as high as 32.It can be said that he has completely surpassed the vast majority of players in the game. In the future, except for purely powerful opponents, Fang Yi no longer needs to touch and leave as before in battle.At least with a fight.

And after some in-depth experiments and discussions with Lao Zuo, the two finally came to a conclusion: Mithril is more suitable for making armor and strange objects, and for making weapons, it is a bit blind to the characteristics of Mithril itself up.

It seems that the blacksmiths in the territory should be reminded of this matter as soon as possible.

Looking at the sunset in the west that was dyed blood-red by the setting sun, Fang Yi slapped his head, and suddenly remembered something - when Fang Yi was rummaging through the materials in the backpack just now, Fang Yi accidentally turned over the evolutionary gemstone he got before. out.

Whether this food is for Ji Feng or Yinlong makes people feel a bit in a dilemma.After several days of deliberation, Fang Yi finally decided: let Ji Feng use the gems.

The reason is simple. Fang Yi has absolute confidence in the growth attributes of Supreme Treasure. Even without this evolutionary gem, Silver Dragon's attributes after adulthood are absolutely the best in "Miracle". Except for bosses, almost no monsters of the same level can compare The silver dragon attribute is still strong, using the evolution gem is just icing on the cake, it doesn't matter if you don't use it.

But Monsoon is different. For a rare pet like Monsoon Mastiff, every attribute point is very precious, and one more point is one point.

As soon as he said it, Fang Yi immediately raised his hand to summon Ji Feng.

Ji Feng's body size has basically stopped growing, but his bluish-white long hair is becoming more and more elegant, and there is a faint tendency to develop towards translucency.If Ji Feng was running fifty feet away, with Fang Yi's perception, he could barely see the outline of Ji Feng's body, which seemed like a natural invisible coat.

Fang Yi fondled Ji Feng's head, and directly flicked the evolutionary gem into Ji Feng's big mouth.Ji Feng, with excited eyes, swallowed the stone without chewing it.

Two seconds later, a line of system prompts lit up in front of Fang Yi.

"Your pet - Monsoon Mastiff eats evolutionary gems, and randomly gains 1 perception attribute point."

Sensation... okay, okay...

Fang Yi knelt down and rubbed Ji Feng's thick neck vigorously, feeling the comfortable feeling brought by the dense mane, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief.Monsoon itself has a keen sense of smell, and the benefit of adding 1 point of perception is quite considerable.

Ji Feng also seemed to feel something. He stuck out his big pink tongue and licked Fang Yi vigorously, licking the saliva all over Fang Yi's face. She danced happily on the spot, wagging her big tail, obviously in a good mood~

"How many times have I told you, just kiss..."

Fang Yi wiped the saliva on his face, and he didn't know how many times he taught Ji Feng, but seeing the dog's very anthropomorphic complacent eyes, Fang Yi knew that the effect would not be too great...


Fang Yi was enjoying the rare "time for two" with Ji Feng here, when he suddenly felt something in his heart, raised his head subconsciously, just in time to see Yinlong's huge and vigorous body gliding through the air, and at the same time, the heart of Supreme Treasure came from his heart Message - "There are three unidentified large ships approaching outside the island."

Now Zhizunbao is the "watchtower" with the widest view on Peach Blossom Island. Whenever there is any disturbance around the island, Fang Yi will definitely get the information at the first time, saving a lot of trouble.

A large ship...who could it be?


A few minutes later, Fang Yi's eyes were moist when he saw the three big ships, those tall and tall figures standing on the deck, and the familiar tall figure standing at the bow.

What is sending charcoal in a timely manner, this fucking is sending charcoal in a timely manner!

Three of the largest merchant ships, full of brave and skilled soldiers, their families, and their luggage, appeared in front of Fang Yi's eyes a little abruptly.

That's right!The ones who came to Peach Blossom Island by big boat were none other than Cable and Torm, the current patriarchs of the alpine centaur clan!

What surprised Fang Yi the most was the macho man who came with the centaur with his head upright—the grand master blacksmith of Cedar City, metal master Kratos!Lord Kui!

"Mr. Kratos!"

Fang Yi turned over from Yinlong, ordered the dwarven guards to get out of the way, ran to the pier, rubbed his hands and said with a smirk, "Why are you here!?"

"Why, I'm not welcome?" Kratos' bald head shone with divine light in the setting sun, and he raised his eyebrows and looked at Fang Yi and said.

"Welcome, welcome, welcome~ Since you came, I feel that my small island is shrouded in sacred light, and my whole body is full of power~" Fang Yi grinned, and immediately flattered.Then turned his face, Fang Yi cast his eyes on Cable, who was still mighty on the other side, and the "big beautiful horse" Thorm.

"Long time no see, my lord sir,"

Cable, who was half-naked, looked serious, bowed slightly to Fang Yi, and said solemnly: "The alpine centaurs came to seek your protection and hope to become your people."

"You will always be my friend, Cable," Fang Yi played out his magic stick instinct, and reached out to hold Cable's arms: "The door to my territory is always open to you! However, you and Kratos are How did you meet?"

"It's a long story, but I still want everyone to go in,"

Kratos waved his hand, and Fang Yi's ears were buzzing with a vigorous voice, "The centaurs have traveled a long distance, you should arrange food and accommodation for them first."

Fang Yi nodded immediately, and called Chen Jing who had rushed over after receiving the news, and asked her to take the centaur soldiers to the newly built camp to rest, and then he wore Kratos and the semi The couple of people and horses rushed directly to the city lord's mansion.


In the City Lord's Mansion, Fang Yi quietly listened to Kratos' narration, and finally got a general idea of ​​the ins and outs of the matter.

It turns out that Kratos has been traveling around these days. Hearing that the war in the Giant's Plain is over, he returned to Thorn City and found Cable, the patriarch of the centaur tribe, and wanted to learn more about the historical origin of Mithril carvings.

It happened that Cable was leading his tribe in battle - against the player.A super guild on the Dragon Coast is planning to build a territory in Thorn City, so it wants to take the alpine troops under its command.

However, the other party's reputation in the Centaurs is not high, and the personal relationship with Cable and Torm is also lacklustre, and the process is not very smooth.So those people showed their true colors - secretly snatching the young centaur, destroying the facilities of the centaur camp, and even assassinating the centaur's sentry, and then they started to blatantly slaughter the centaur!

The Gaoshan people are from the good camp. These players who played the black hand undoubtedly belong to the evil camp, and they are not the same as most of the players.However, this guild has a large number of people, and Cable has issued many tasks, offering rewards to fight against this evil adventurer guild, but there are not many players who can apply.

Because this guild has the strength to destroy the centaur tribe, ordinary players are not opponents at all.

Just at this time, both Kratos and Cable received Fang Yi's letter, so above Kratos' letter, the Centaur tribe simply made a big migration and came directly to Peach Blossom Island. (to be continued..)

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