Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 745 It is better to meet by chance

The key is the secret passage.

If there is such a channel here, then why not take the sea route, directly across the Osram Mountains, it is close and safe, and there is no need to worry about being discovered by the Tumis royal family, it is not perfect.

But Gasol neither admitted that there was such a passage, nor did he admit that he had a soul rose in his hand, obviously he was trying to tantalize people - what is his purpose for doing this?

The two seemingly contradictory words Gasol said before gave Fang Yi a guess: the old man was secretly thinking that he could take action and kill the king's deputy envoy!

Fang Yi didn't know what kind of trouble this mission had brought to Iron Tooth Fort, but it undoubtedly caused Gasol a headache, otherwise Gasol would not have given Fang Yi such a hint.

If the king's envoy is really killed, will the business agreement between Iron Tooth Fort and Peach Blossom Island be more stable?Will Gasol confess to himself about the soul rose and the secret passage?

But what if Gasol didn't say anything about killing him?

Fang Yi didn't know what to do, but instead of waiting for the purpose of strolling, it's better to take a risk - killing everyone is nothing, I have killed thousands of people back then!


Walking in the forest, the sparse snowflakes fell on his shoulders. Fang Yi, who is used to virtual games, couldn't help sighing with the cold touch. This game is really well done.

The process of collecting herbs was also very smooth. We didn't encounter any difficult monsters. We didn't come here for leveling. We tried to avoid fighting if we could.Zhang Guolao and the others had reaped a lot, and when the sun was about to set, they returned home happily and fully loaded.

Fang Yi was not idle either.

Rare free time.Fang Yi took his two pets alone in the depths of the woods and ferociously spawned monsters.It's been a long time since I had such crazy monster killing experience. Fang Yi really felt a little bit of Chen Jing. Knowing that Zhang Guolao sent a message saying that he would go down the mountain, Fang Yi recovered from the fighting state of repeatedly killing monsters.

Looking up at the sun slanting to the west, Fang Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and said to himself the next morning, let's see how strong the king's mission is.


"Ha, I picked six bimoon grasses today, and it's no problem to make two bottles of anti-paralyzing potions~haha~"

"Damn, more than 200 gold coins. You made it~ I didn't see a single bimoon grass. I only found two sets of thorn grass, alas..."

"That's not bad, I can make a few bottles of life potion, and I won't worry about selling it..."

The red rays of the setting sun cast on the sloping mountain road.Print the shadows of the laughing and laughing people on the ground.The long one stretches out far and wide.Gently swaying on the hillside on one side, adding a touch of warmth to the originally quiet and quiet mountain.

Fang Yi, who was walking behind the crowd, suddenly remembered that when he was very young.Going to school every day, the bouncing shadows left by myself and my companions on the road.

It seems that people need to relax once in a while, otherwise many rare memories and happy moments may be buried deep in their hearts, and they will never see the light of day...

Fang Yi touched the hilt of the knife, looking at the harmonious and warm scene in front of him, he suddenly had the urge to compose poems, but he opened his mouth and found that he couldn't utter a single word - there was no way, the culture was too low, those ancient Poetry knows me, I don’t know them~

At this moment, Ji Feng, who had been posing quietly beside Fang Yi, suddenly raised his head and let out a low growl.


Fang Yi and Ji Feng shared their hearts, and immediately turned to look to the right.It turned out that not far from his own team, there was also a team that seemed to be a mixture of life players and combat players, all looking at this side.

There were twenty or thirty people, silently, if it wasn't for Ji Feng's warning, Fang Yi would not have noticed that such a large group of people was behind.

The reason why Ji Feng suddenly released his hostility was that a ranger player led by the opponent was bending his bow and aiming at Fang Yi's team.


The Feather Arrow shot out in the air, drawing an arc and going straight to the living players in the middle of the team.The blood-stained battlefield over there was talking to Zhang Guolao, when he suddenly felt something, he turned his head to the right, and immediately found the feathered arrow thrown down from mid-air.


Even with such a short distance, the Feather Arrow has no strength at all. When the bloody battlefield raised his hand, the Feather Arrow had already been bounced aside by the plate armor on his arm.

Everyone reacted immediately, drew out their weapons and glared at the ranger who shot for no reason, but the other party just shrugged indifferently, and walked into the team with a smile.

"The Hammers,"

Bloodstained Battlefield said something in the team channel, and his brows were already frowned.

The opponent used projectiles instead of shooting directly with full bow, which had a strong meaning of warning and provocation. Just as the blood-stained battlefield wanted to call out to negotiate with the opponent, the opponent had already started shouting.

"Remember next time, don't take business from these people!"

A dwarf warrior headed by the opponent shouted in a rather arrogant tone, "These bastards are the enemies of the Hammer Gang, and they are blood-stained on the battlefield. If you still want to hang out in Iron Tooth Fort, just stay away from them obediently. I will sooner or later Get rid of these guys!"

Hearing this, Zhang Guolao's complexion sank.

Swearing at people in public is the easiest thing to make people angry, not to mention that these guys speak directly in front of everyone, which means that the Hammer Gang has already targeted Zhang Guolao and his gang.

There are so many players living in Iron Tooth Fort, and no one is short of Zhang Guolao's business. How to choose between offending the Hammer Gang and choosing Zhang Guolao couldn't be easier.

"Haha, thank you for your kindness, but it's our business who we find to do business with, so I won't bother you, Hammer,"

To the surprise of Zhang Guolao and others, the blood-stained battlefield didn't buy it at all. He laughed, "You should take care of your own affairs in advance!"


"Fuck off~"

Everyone in the team laughed out loud, and some tough girls even raised their middle fingers at the Hammer gang, Fang Yi kept nodding his head, it was hot enough!

The guys from the Hammer Gang obviously didn't expect the other party to be so choked up, and their faces were a little bit embarrassing. Immediately, someone picked up the guys and rushed over here.It looked like he had left his employer behind!

This quality... I really don't know how this group of people have been in the iron gallop until now, and they have not been eliminated by the market. Could it be someone on the top?

Fang Yi drew out the scimitar and blended his figure into the air, thinking silently.

"Old Zhang, you lead people back, I will kill these grandsons today!"

Blood stained the sand field shouted loudly, and had already taken off the big sword behind his back, "Brothers copy the guys!"

Zhang Guolao didn't have time to inquire about the details of the matter at this time, but he knew that the blood-stained battlefield and the members of the Hammer Gang were not on the right track.Seeing the situation in front of him, the old man of the Warring States immediately let out half of his sulking.Say hello to your friends immediately.They drew their weapons.

Although the combat effectiveness of life players is ridiculously poor, everyone's level is not low anyway, and it is still possible to be a reserve army at critical moments-it is caused by his own private affairs, why is Zhang Guolao a coward now?

In fact, Zhang Guolao guessed right.The blood-stained battlefield was originally at odds with the Hammer Gang.

Bloody Battlefield was originally a straightforward man.It had nothing to do with the Hammer Gang.He's awesome, it has nothing to do with him.But as the Hammer Gang became more and more powerful, they began to consciously squeeze out other combat players who were mainly engaged in the bodyguard business.

For this reason, the blood-stained battlefield often clashed with members of the Hammer Gang.Each has its winners and losers, and the indirect enmity between them is not shallow.

However, there are too many players in Iron Tooth Fort. In such a big market, the Hammer Gang tried to monopolize and monopolize it all by itself. How could it not arouse the rebound of others?

The voices denouncing the Hammer Gang have become louder and louder recently. The Hammer Gang seems to be besieged on all sides. Coupled with the impact of Zhang Guolao's opening of the shop, the Hammer Gang probably felt the pressure was too great and was forced to restrain themselves.

Unexpectedly, the two sides met in the wild today.

The past two days have been messed up, and the Hammer Gang minions who have always been arrogant and domineering have long been suffocating in their hearts. Seeing the blood-stained battlefield and Zhang Guo's old enemies, how could they bear it? humiliate.

It's just that I didn't expect the bloody battlefield to be so tough, and I was ready to do it right away-you know, there are fifteen combat players on the Hammer Gang, and from a distance, there are only ten combat players following the bloody battlefield. .

There is no hesitation, go!

The two sides were enemies who were jealous when they met. The mages and rangers in the team opened fire from a long distance, and the protective magic flashed randomly. It was very lively for a while.

But in the chaos, everyone forgot one person, and that was Fang Yi.

Some of these guys from the Hammer Gang have seen Fang Yi, but none of them have seen Fang Yi's dog.When the two sides were fighting, Fang Yi was at the back, and there was a big dog that was almost waist-high standing beside him. None of the members of the Hammer Gang recognized him. bit fierce.

Zhang Guolao and Bloody Sand Field also didn't notice.

Because Fang Yi went to the mountain to kill monsters and level up before, in order to be more efficient, he quit the team, so all the teammates couldn't see where Fang Yi was on the map.

(I want to explain here, generally speaking, the efficiency of killing monsters in a team is much higher than that of single practice, because there are team experience rewards, but the premise is that everyone works together)

When everyone started fighting, Fang Yi and Ji Feng had already disappeared without a trace.

In terms of large-scale combat, Fang Yi's small body is not cheap at all, but this kind of small-scale firefight is the opposite, Fang Yi's favorite.Moreover, Fang Yi looked at these arrogant and domineering players in front of him, and suddenly thought that in "God of War", he would pk and kill people almost every day, why does he seem to be doing well now?

Stealthily detoured behind the opponent, Fang Yi soon found a ranger with a bow and an arrow hiding behind a rock.

Almost all of Fang Yi's skills are to increase sneak attack damage and backstab damage. Usually, he relies more on fighting experience and reaching out to face the enemy head-on. Once he touches someone else's ass, it is the enemy's greatest tragedy.


The ranger player let out a short cry of sarcasm, and the elf dagger had already pierced this person's throat, and the mithril scimitar pierced through the soft armor of the opponent's crotch, directly hitting the vital point.

"-210!" "-190!"

The poor ranger didn't even say a word and just burped!Now Fang Yi's sensitivity value is as high as 33 points, plus the 2-level extra skill level given by the cloak, ordinary players can't find Fang Yi approaching at all, let alone in this kind of sky full of magic flying around and explosions The environment is down.

Suddenly some team members' heads turned gray, and someone in the crowd immediately became alert, but at this time Fang Yi had already disappeared, and after everyone's attention shifted to the frontal battlefield, he sneaked over again.

"Tsk tsk, it looks so good from the back~"

Fang Yi commented on the female elf bard in front of him, looked up and down her wasp waist and fat buttocks, and then reluctantly handed the elf dagger to the other party's ass, "I stab!"


There was another short scream, another flash of white light shot up into the sky, and there was no trace of the murderer again.

"Damn it! What a sneaky bastard! Come out and challenge your grandpa!"

The Hammer Gang is outraged by these guys!

Anyone who is killed silently will not feel good, but at this time Fang Yi has killed four people in a row, using all the tricks, visual hiding and life-threatening assassination, thinking that you are crazy, Only a fool will single out you.

After being disturbed by Fang Yi, the number of the two sides is already half the number, and the Hammer Gang has no advantage at all.Besides, it's okay for Iron Hammer to help these people fight bravely, but when they really meet the real ones, these people are at most half-second-rate, and they are quickly suppressed by the blood-stained battlefield.

Before the break, the blood-stained battlefield couldn't hold back his curiosity, and had a duel with Fang Yi with itchy hands, so Fang Yi still had confidence in this weapon master and his weapons, and it shouldn't be a problem to beat these people.

The blood-stained battlefield did not disappoint Fang Yi.


At the center of the battlefield, a two-handed giant sword that was one size bigger than Atona's greatsword was raised high, and then slapped fiercely on the arms of the monk in front of him, and a huge sword appeared above the monk's head. "-51!" The bruised figure, people have been flying upside down like a broken kite!

The blood-stained battlefield that succeeded in one blow did not stop, moving with the sword, rushing into the formation of the Hammer Gang like a tiger into a pack of wolves with the buff light all over, knocking two more melee players into the air in an instant!It wasn't until blocked by the mage's cone of ice that the speed slowed down.

it is good!

Fang Yi, who was hiding in the dark, gave a thumbs up secretly, thinking he was a man!

The weapon master profession is similar to the monk and other professions, both use "Qi" as a combat resource, and the weapon master uses a class-specific passive skill - using "Qi" to strengthen melee attacks, and each attack has an additional 50% Chance to cause maximum weapon damage!

That's not to mention, if you choose a proficient medium weapon, the weapon master will use a special technique when swinging this weapon: a large swing of the weapon, such as a full slash or a hard blow, takes only as long as other half of the profession.

So when you are fighting with a weapon master, the most obvious feeling is that the movement of this guy seems to be electrified. If you still use your usual experience to judge the time required for the weapon master to chop and slash, you will definitely suffer! (to be continued..)

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