The fog is in the air.

Can't see five fingers.

This is probably the first impression of everyone who first came to Cheshui Forest.

The dense fog, dark vision and the like are completely useless. Here, everyone has the same field of vision. As long as you go deep into the fog, your field of vision will definitely not exceed ten feet.

At this time, the Taohuawu team was standing in the small square at the entrance of the instance, and the surrounding fog could not penetrate here, which was also a zone for players to prepare and buffer.

Fang Yi has seen the relevant strategies and demos of the dungeon a long time ago, and knows that these fogs are the first test players will face.

The mist is a knee-deep swamp terrain, and there are many swamp murlocs of level 33+ hidden.These monsters are not strong, most of them are melee attacks, and there are only a few mages and warlocks.

But the difficulty lies in these dense fogs.Due to the extremely low visibility, it is common for murlocs to sneak attack. If they forcefully rush through, player attrition cannot be avoided.If you clear the past step by step, it will be a waste of time-you know, you only have an hour a day.

"There are still 10 minutes to open the copy, let's talk about the plan first,"

As the team leader, Chen Jing's voice instantly overwhelmed other voices in the team channel, "Our goal today is to meet the second boss of the Corrosion Pool, and try our best to fight the third boss of the Corruption Pool..."

Listening to Chen Jing's explanation of precautions, Fang Yi's attention has been put on the tumbling mist around him.

"Don't worry about the dense fog, I'll find a way,"

Frowning and thinking for a while, Fang Yi re-summoned the silver dragon and rode on it, and said to the people behind him, "I'll go to scout first, and I'll be back in a while."

"Well, be careful," Chen Jing nodded.

There is Fang Yi, a free air reconnaissance plane.Underutilization is simply a disservice to the people.


The huge body of the silver dragon was soon covered by mist.

The dense fog was not only on the ground, but even extended to the sky. Fang Yi felt his eyes darkened, and his vision was completely blocked by the fog, but immediately after, a clear vision image appeared in Fang Yi's mind.

On the ground is a wide valley, the black swamp of the valley twists and turns.Extending forward into the distance.At the end of the field of vision is a vast savanna plain, connected there by four passages with different terrains, presumably it is the passage leading to the four large areas of the dungeon.


Supreme Treasure's see-through cloud skills are effective here!

Fang Yi suppressed his excitement, let Supreme Treasure speed up, and flew directly to the pool of corrosion.Since there are no enemies in this space, why don't you take the opportunity to inquire about the enemy's situation?

But just flew to the edge of the sky above the pool of corrosion.Fang Yi was taken aback.

The Pond of Corrosion itself is also a swampy terrain. From a distance, rotting trees and bushes can be seen everywhere.But when he got really close, Fang Yi heard a buzzing sound of "buzz!" from the sky in front of him, and a large black flying creature soon appeared in his vision.

"Damn it... This shit is a mosquito!?" Fang Yi hurriedly let the Supreme Treasure hover in place, and couldn't help cursing when he saw the things in front of him clearly.

The thing that makes people get goosebumps is the mosquitoes!These mosquitoes are not much smaller than sparrows.Fang Yi could even vaguely see the straight spike of the mosquito on the ground!

Where are the mosquitoes here? They are obviously countless monsters comparable to vampire bats!

The swarms of mosquitoes covering the sky and the sun completely cover the top of the pool of corrosion. If you want to observe the situation below from the sky, you must rush through the blockade of these swarms of mosquitoes.

But Fang Yi was not willing to retreat like this. After thinking about it, he let Supreme Treasure fly to the periphery of the mosquito swarm, and aimed at the black mosquito swarm with a mouthful of dragon's breath.


After the Supreme Treasure is upgraded, the range of spitting has also been greatly increased.This action directly wiped out all the mosquitoes in Fang Yi's field of vision, and a large piece of the black mosquito swarm disappeared immediately.

A horrible scene happened.

The whole swarm of mosquitoes was shocked suddenly, the buzzing sound suddenly became louder, and they rushed towards the direction of Supreme Treasure—the formation was like a huge wave rolled up by a hurricane on the sea, and the huge Supreme Treasure The human mosquito army is like a small boat in front of it, and its momentum is high and low.

"Grass, this thing is immune to Longwei!"

Fang Yi cursed secretly.Before he could speak, Supreme Treasure, who was sitting down, twisted his ass and flew away in the opposite direction!

1 minute later.

Fang Yi scratched the big red bump on his arm, so depressed that he almost vomited blood.

In just a few seconds of contact with the other party just now, Fang Yi was sucked by the mosquito swarm for nearly half of his life points... and the mosquitoes that were sprayed to death by Supreme Treasure just now were not 100, but [-].It only gave [-] experience points!

I can't pass this day.

Looking from a distance, the mosquito swarm had returned to its original position and continued to hover over the pool of corrosion, and there was no change in the number at all.

Of course Fang Yi will not just give up like this, it won’t work here, isn’t there three other places?


Ten minutes later, Supreme Treasure's bright silver body emerged from the mist and landed firmly on the ground.

Chen Jing stepped forward and was about to say something to Fang Yi, but when she saw Fang Yi's appearance, she couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, and then "Puff!" laughed, "I said Fang Yi, you are here... "

No wonder Chen Jing laughed, at this time Fang Yi was covered in five-colored unknown liquid, and there were many large and small insect remains, especially on his forehead, where two big bumps were bitten out by something, One left and one right are exactly symmetrical, just like having two horns, which is very funny.

"Cough cough!"

Seeing that the Black Mountain demon, Caisang MM and others gathered around, looking at his forehead with scorching eyes, Fang Yi straightened his face immediately, coughed twice and said, "Okay, get ready, let's go."

"Hee hee~" "Haha~" "Brother Fang, why are you swollen?"


When the time came, everyone followed their team into the dense fog in an orderly manner.

The general team will stand in a defensive formation here, and the melee players will be outside, protecting the legal system and other crispy skins to prevent the murlocs from sneaking attacks.

Although this is a bit slower, it can avoid attrition.In the [-]-player dungeon of normal difficulty, each player has two chances every day, and experience and equipment will not be dropped after death.But for this kind of large dungeon, it's best to save these two opportunities for the boss battle.Otherwise, there will definitely be a large number of players losing experience in the end, and the loss will be serious.

However, Taohuawu's team was not like this. Instead, they lined up in the usual rushing formation. Each team left 1-2 melee players behind, and the others advanced at full speed.At this time, Fang Yi rode Longfei on a high place, staring intently at the situation below - the thick fog had no effect on Supreme Treasure at all, and the whole thing was just an empty lookout plane.

The team channel has only Fang Yi's voice.

"Team five at the rear right. Two murlocs!"

"On the left of the tenth team, there is a murloc warlock and two murloc fighters. The thieves nearby go and get rid of it!"

"A ten-man murloc team is turning around behind us. The distance is about fifty feet. The mages are shooting blindly with fireball. Blow them up!"


As the orders were issued, the murlocs on the ground were in bad luck. The players seemed to have clairvoyant eyes, suppressing the murlocs to death, could they still have a sneak attack!

Under normal circumstances, it took at least 10 minutes to walk through the swamp, but the Taohuawu team only took 5 minutes to pass without any casualties.Little to no magic is wasted, either.

Except for Chen Jing and the others, the players in the team didn't know exactly how this legendary human assassin in the guild did all this.Fang Yi didn't want all his hole cards to be picked up by outsiders.

However, as a mithril lord, it is normal to have some unique skills at the bottom of the box~ Players think so.

Entrance to the Corrupt Swamp.

"Replace all with natural resistance equipment,"

Following Chen Jing's voice, everyone quickly took out spare equipment from their backpacks.This is the benefit of preparing in advance. At the beginning, Chen Jing asked these elite members to use merit points to buy natural resistance equipment in a planned way. Now the team's average natural resistance has reached 30+.With druid's spells and nature resistance potions, it can basically reach 60 points.

Based on this alone, Taohuawu is already a big step ahead of other guilds.

Of course, everyone doesn't know that Fang Yi's current all-magic resistance has reached 50 points, and he changed into two pieces of equipment and drank the potion.With the Druid's "Heaven and Man" spell, the natural resistance has already reached 92 points.

Looking at the words "-1", "resistance" and "resistance" that popped up from time to time on his body, Fang Yi smiled happily.



Without warning, a vine that was as thick as a human thigh burst out from the knee-deep swamp.It tightly wrapped around the thigh of the nearest priest mm, and wrapped around the priest mm's small waist and thigh several times in the blink of an eye, and was about to fall fiercely to the giant tree next to it in the next moment!

The warriors responsible for protecting the legal system players had been prepared for a long time. With a roar of "Drink!", the bloody big ax swung up and accurately chopped at the root of the rattan!Then the giant ax remained undiminished, and chopped directly on the tree trunk, making a loud "bang!".

This is when the thieves supporting him have arrived, swiped the dagger three times, five times and two times, rescued the priest mm, and then chopped the killing vine into a pile of mud together with the soldiers.At this moment, the radiance of the priest's sister's healing technique has already lit up on the two of them.

The same scene is also playing out in other places in the pool of corruption.

The difficulty of the Corrosion Pool is the ubiquitous miasma, but this is no longer a threat to everyone, and the encounter with these 33+ ordinary monsters is only a surprise. After 10 minutes, everyone has passed the miasma area , came to the first boss.

Mutated Distorted Elements, level 34, boss template.

The boss in front of him is a humanoid monster made of countless dark green vines. His hands and feet are thick vines, but he has no eyes, ears, mouth and nose. The original head is a giant flower that looks like a chrysanthemum... That's right, It is chrysanthemum.

The boss is surrounded by a wide swamp, there are no bushes or other debris, only muddy water with green duckweed floating.

While arranging the positions of the team members, Chen Jing repeated the main points of the boss battle, "This boss is relatively simple, but there are a few points to pay attention to."

"1. Non-heavy armor occupations must avoid its whipping attack. The physical damage is super high, and it will kill you in seconds. 2. Every 20 seconds, the boss will throw a seed of corrosion on the surrounding ground, and it will explode after 3 seconds Form a venom pool with a radius of 10 feet, and you must avoid it immediately, the damage is too high, and it will take up too many healing spell slots."

"The last and most important point is that this swamp will randomly refresh pits. If you see players sinking around you, you must pull them out as soon as possible. Once they are swallowed by the swamp, it will be an instant kill. I understand. Is it gone?"

Everyone was sharpening their knives and rattling towards the boss, and immediately replied loudly: "Understood!"

"Okay! Let's do it!" Seeing Chen Jing making a gesture, Luo Lie picked up his shield and rushed to the boss first.

"Let's do it!" Fang Yi put away the scimitar and dagger, mounted Supreme Treasure, and flew high into the sky.


This mutated and distorted element belongs to the half-plant creature of the alien plane. Most of the resistances are high, except for the fire and ice resistances which are very low.

Fang Yi leisurely sat on the dragon's back, directing the silver dragon to breathe out the dragon's breath towards the boss.

For the supreme treasure at level 30, the effect of dragon's breath has also been greatly strengthened.

"Ice-cold breath: The silver dragon spews out a large stream of cold attribute elements, causing 30 points of cold damage to all creatures within a range of up to 30 x 25 feet, and tries to freeze all objects within the range, and greatly reduces their action speed. Structure damage and impact are doubled for up to 15 seconds."

"Paralyzing breath:...try to paralyze creatures within the range, causing them to be stunned for up to 10 seconds and suffer continuous corrosive damage. The longer the stun time, the higher the damage received."

The mutated and distorted element that was hit by the cold breath was covered with ice, and its movements were very slow. The two whip-like tentacles waved as if in slow motion. Suddenly, he gave a thumbs up to Fang Yi in the sky.

Like other large-scale dungeons, the general gatekeeper's boss is used as a touchstone. This mutated and distorted element has super high physical attacks, plus natural damage that does not exist all the time. It is the test of whether the players' equipment is qualified. best way.

Fang Yi rode a silver dragon and kept calculating at low altitude, but did not join the battle below.In addition to nauseating the boss with dragon breath from time to time, it is to fly around to rescue those players who have fallen into the swamp, or are surrounded by venom pools and have no time to escape.

Once the dragon claw grabs it, a fresh life can survive.

The battle lasted less than 10 minutes. Since the natural resistance of the team members was high enough and the pressure on the auxiliary professions was low, they all joined the queue for damage output. The boss soon fell powerlessly on the swamp.

During the period, apart from a few unlucky ghosts with darker faces than Fang Yi who were instantly killed by the set of "venom pool + swamp trap + venom pool + swamp trap", the losses of the players were not great.

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