Compared with the previous wave of spell bombing, although the number of damage spells this time is better, the quality is high enough.All the scrolls at the bottom of the box are engraved with the magic they are best at, so the explosion this time is not as loud as before.

After the last druid player's fire meteorite was released, everyone felt a silence in their ears, and then a voice like Huang Zhong Dalu sounded.

"System announcement: Congratulations to the Chinese guild 'Taohuawu' for being the number one in the world, killing the final boss in the Corrosion Pool of the Clear Water Forest: Associate Professor Busques! This is the most difficult dungeon boss that players have defeated so far !

The name of Taohuawu will forever be engraved in the history of Faerun Continent! "

Three consecutive system announcements resounded throughout the game world. Everyone in Taohuawu in the dungeon couldn't restrain the excitement in their hearts. Xiaoyao and Xiaolei shouted a few times with their crazy looks.

"We... passed?"

"You are stupid! Didn't see the announcement, it's over!"


"Oh... little demon, you threw your shield... you killed me..."


Some players couldn't restrain their excitement, tears overflowed from their eyes, and then pretended to wipe the stains on their faces, and quietly wiped away the tears, leaving only unconcealable ecstasy on their faces.

The entire open space became a sea of ​​cheers!

There are a total of 100 people in the team, except for Fang Yi, none of them has won the world first kill.I have never tasted the feeling of picking the fruits of victory before hundreds of millions of other players.

Taking the first kill requires not only strength, luck is also a very important factor.Before joining the Taohuawu guild, many people in the team formed a small adventure team with their friends to take risks in the wild, and had no chance to touch the [-]-player dungeon at all.

So it's no wonder everyone is so excited~

At this time, in another time and space in the game, those major guild teams who were still struggling under the ravages of Busquez's spells heard this loud voice coming from their ears.

As players who are engaged in battles, missions, etc., in order to avoid affecting them, the system will only play the world announcement once.But even if only once.It is also enough to have a big enough impact on the elite characters in these games.

The Peach Blossom Guild has only entered the Cheshui Forest for the fourth day...


Chen Jing looked at the throbbing and cheering crowd.Suddenly, I felt a bit sore in my nose: After working so hard for so long, and silently preparing for so long, Taohuawu finally has a chance to be proud in front of the world!

But everyone found that the head portrait of the guild boss Fang Yi has not faded.Instead, it presents a dark color in an "unknown state".Let everyone be a little confused.

However, everyone's doubts did not last long.

"Damn's finally done..."

Fang Yi's voice overwhelmed all the voices in the team channel.Youyou appeared and immediately calmed down all the players present.Everyone immediately turned their heads in unison, poked their necks and looked behind.

The smoke and dust caused by the spell had dissipated without a trace.Fang Yi's lonely figure struggled to get up from the ground, dusted off the dirt on his body, and waved to everyone.

"Wow! Are you still dead?" Luo Lie screamed strangely.

"You belong to a cat, boss..." This was the voice of the little demon from Montenegro.

"Brother Fang, you are so... perverted..." Xiaolei sighed.

This was originally an exciting moment, Fang Yi had already set up his poise, and was ready to welcome everyone's admiration and admiration, but who knew that what came to his ears were such teasing voices, Fang Yi, who was so disappointed, almost twisted his old waist , put away the shape resentfully, and turned back to check the boss's body.

Here, everyone revived the teammates who died, and surrounded the group leader Chen Jing, the chief healing holy priest Caisangren, the main tank Heishan Xiaoyao and Luo Lie, and the main output Xiaolei, etc., chatting and laughing towards the wave Walking over to the place where ss died, various auxiliary professions have already begun to cast spells to resurrect those thieves who were killed by the mysterious storm.

The last hurricane summoned by the boss was so powerful that only the few players on the outermost edge escaped.If all the [-] people in the team went up at that time, I am afraid it would be another experience of group destruction.

Everyone is naturally curious about how Fang Yi escaped, but as a master player, Fang Yi has the privilege of maintaining an "unfathomable" image, which is also an image that Peach Blossom Guild needs, so there are no ignorant people in the team Come to the root of the problem.

The one who saved Fang Yi's life was naturally the Deep Earth Walker Amulet.

As soon as he received the warning from Supreme Treasure, Fang Yi activated the amulet and plunged his head into the soil. He didn't try to avoid the rallying point of the magic bombing, but instead drilled down.

But the Amulet of the Deep Soilwalker is not a panacea. When the rocks and soil where the player lives are violently hit, the spell will have a high chance of being invalid.So Fang Yi was only in the ground for less than three seconds, and was lifted out of the ground by the spells that came all over the sky.

Fortunately, Fang Yi's high resistance saved him from disaster. After the players finished throwing their spells, Fang Yi's health on the ground was less than 50 points.


The boss dropped eight pieces of equipment, and a strange gem.The quantity is not much, but the quality is absolutely superb!

Seven of them are 35+ purple equipment, and what I have to mention is a set of equipment, and the last piece of orange equipment and gems.

"Mentor's Necklace (Rare Necklace) ('Nature's Gift' Set 1/3)


Equipment requirements: any druid basic occupation, level 35+

Weight: 3

perception +1

Plant growth spell level +1

Cure Fatal Wound Spell Level +1

Fire Resistance +7

Set effect: unknown"


Memory Fragment (Epic Staff)


Equipment requirements: Intelligence 28+

Intelligence +2

Casting Speed ​​+15%

Casting Range +20%

Spell Penetration +15

Gem inlay hole +1 (100% success when inlaying gems)

Flashing memory: After activating the skill, the user can immediately select any 0-5 level spells that have been learned.It is cast immediately at 120% of the normal casting time and costs 500% of the mana.Spells that are still cooling down can also be used, and will not affect the player's existing spells. Spells with a cooling time of more than 3 hours are invalid.

Cooldown time 3 hour.

Weaving Memories: After activating the skill, the user can immediately complete the cooling of a spell that is still in cooling, and it can be used normally.Spells with a cooldown of more than 3 hours have no effect, and the spell will consume 500% of the mana.

Cooldown time 3 hour.

"The dead have no memory"


"Skeletal ruby ​​(rare)

Inlays, only armor type equipment.

Ossification: When the gem is inlaid, it can add 10 points of full damage absorption effect to the equipment, and increase the defense level bonus by 5 points. "


Fang Yi looked at the attributes of the orange staff.Look at the large troops rushing towards their side.He grinned, "It's time for mages to fight their heads again~"

After killing Busquez this time, the guild points gained were at most 120 points. On the contrary, it was this incident that made Chen Jing the happiest.It can be seen that Fang Yi, the commander, made Taohua Island move forward in great strides.I have long been worried about Chen Jing, the "proprietress" who runs the house.

Fang Yi did not participate in the distribution of equipment.Because the fallen purple clothes were not enough to tempt Fang Yi to change the equipment on his body, sitting on a stone, Fang Yi carefully browsed the system prompts that he hadn't looked at just now.

"System prompt: You have obtained the achievement: Teach you to be a human being - kill Associate Professor Busquez with the number one pick in the world.

You have obtained the world achievement: Going Back to School Veyron—on the premise that the team's staff reduction does not exceed 30%.Defeat Associate Professor Busquez.

You got the world achievement: get out of class is over! ——During the boss battle, he interrupted Busquez's death circle twice in a row and won the battle. "

Regardless of the achievements and equipment obtained, the experience value rewarded by the boss of the first 35-player dungeon is also surprisingly high. Fang Yi glanced at the experience bar inadvertently, and found that the experience value has soared to 50% of level [-]!

As long as you take two more first kills, you will be upgraded 100%~ haha~

After Busquez was killed, the poisonous gas pervading the entire pool of corrosion began to dissipate at a speed visible to the naked eye. After Chen Jing distributed the spoils, her vision was clear, and there was no trace of the poisonous gas. The natural damage that has been haunting the players like tarsal maggots has also dissipated invisible.

At the same time, everyone also received a system prompt.

"System prompt: Busquez's death purified the pool of corrosion, allowing the creatures in this forest to escape the nightmare fate and regain their vitality. In order to repay the brave and fearless adventurers, the forest fairies offer adventurers Blessed by the spirits."

"You have obtained the blessing of the goblin: fire resistance +15; players will automatically recover 5 points of health every time they receive fire damage."

Seeing the content prompted by the system, Fang Yi and Chen Jing looked at each other and smiled, and they all saw the relaxed look in each other's eyes.

Among the four major regions of the Cheshui Forest, there happened to be a "Land of Fire".

It seems that the setting of the Clear Water Forest dungeon is "difficult before and easy later". Whenever the player clears the boss in an area, he will get some powerful buffs, making future battles easier.

Chen Jing came to Fang Yi's side, and asked inquiringly, "Continue today? It will be updated tomorrow. Shall we go and see the boss of the Land of Fire?"

"Well, go and have a look, try it out first,"

Fang Yi looked at the time and said: "There should be a lot of people who have the chance to die, right? Let them test the boss skills, and let's start from scratch next week."

"Yes." Everyone nodded in agreement, quickly organized the team, and marched forward with great vigor.


In the next month or so, Taohuawu's elite team will be in the clear water forest and these strange-shaped boss bars. (To be continued..)

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