The spring rain is like silk, and the cool breeze is blowing. The Dragon Coast is one step closer to the warm spring.

As if to echo the verdant tree of life on Peach Blossom Island, the originally gray woods on the coast are slowly stained with a layer of green, which means that various trees are slowly sprouting and growing leaves.The withered grass is one step ahead of the woods from the raw ground, and a layer of fluffy grass leaves has grown, dyeing a large piece of wilderness on the coast green.

Sitting on Yinlong's back, Fang Yi looked at the vibrant wilderness with a smile on his face, took a deep breath, and filled his chest with the cool but fresh air, "Phew~ Those people haven't replied yet. Is it?"

The centaur chief Cable standing next to Fang Yi replied in a deep voice: "No, they are still busy building the station."

At this time, the chief of the centaur is completely different from that of more than a month ago. The simple leather armor on his body has long been replaced by a refined mithril chain armor. The full set of armor wraps the chief of the centaur tightly. A centaur saint wearing a silver holy garment!

The longbow and heavy spear on the back were also updated, becoming triangular throwing spears and ironwood heavy bows forged from metals such as mithril.

"Hmph, building a garrison? If Peach Blossom Island wasn't here, they wouldn't have built it!" The dwarf guard captain Max snorted and said angrily.

Two months ago, the coast in front of me was still bare, with nothing but rocks and wild forests, and no fool would come here to build any guild resident.

Now the lumberyards and quarries of Taohua Island, as well as a small number of NPC workers and their families who work in them, all live in temporary wooden houses on the coast.The place chosen by these people happened to separate these buildings from Peach Blossom Island. If they really built it, then the construction of Peach Blossom Island would not have to continue, and it would simply stop.

Fang Yi neatly wiped the poison on the scimitar.He didn't say anything.It's just that the people around felt a chill emanating from their big boss, as if the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped several degrees.

"It's a good thing that someone is building a station on the coast,"

Fang Yi inserted the poisoned double blades back into the scabbard, seemingly talking to himself.In fact, it is telling the people around: "Everyone works together, and each other's horns, the strength is definitely much stronger than the lonely family of Taohua Island, and we are sure to deal with pirates and so on."

The arrogant soldiers and generals next to them looked silent, silently comprehending the meaning of their big boss.Xiao Xiaoya, who was in charge of recording Fang Yi's orders, also blinked her big eyes and listened carefully.

"I set aside a place for them. As long as it doesn't affect Peach Blossom Island, I welcome other guilds to develop on this coast. But they took my words as fart, this coast is so big, it is enough to build ten guild resident! They just took our place!"

Speaking of this, Fang Yi tilted his head and looked at Cable and Marx who looked stern, and said word by word: "You say. What should we do?"

"Fuck them!" "Put durian in their "pi yan"!"

The two chiefs shouted at the same time.The men, dwarves, and druids standing in the square team immediately yelled, and the roar became one piece, and spread far to the woods on the coast, startling countless birds.

Fang Yi patted Yinlong's slender neck, waved to the army behind him, and shouted loudly: "From now on, this place will be called Mithril Coast!"

"Mithril Coast!!!"

The sky-shaking roar resounded through the sky.As Fang Yi waved his arms, the warriors in silver armor held their bows high, causing rumbling vibrations as they ran. The fierce and incomparable momentum made Xiao Xiaoya subconsciously hide behind Fang Yi, and the peach blossoms behind him On the island city wall, those who watched the battle from afar felt terrified.

There are many people here who have not experienced the war in the Giant Plains, and the tragic war scene is too unfamiliar to them.

But they won't be waiting long.


The players in the middle of the woods had already formed a formation, waiting for the army of Peach Blossom Island.

Originally, these people released the news that they were building a guild resident, but in fact, the facilities on the open space were all simple defensive facilities - low walls, pits and so on.

"I said. Do you think Cube really dares to attack us? Didn't he see that more than 200 of us are combat players?"

"Tch, it's better if he doesn't fight, we just blocked his way, and he's still developing!"

"Hey, if he dares to fight, tomorrow's forum will definitely be full of news about Taohua Island's bullying, haha~ Pull that cube down in anger, I'll see him not pleasing to the eye!"

"However, I heard that the face of this cube is surprisingly thick..."

While the players were whispering, there was a faint sense of shock coming from under the feet of everyone, followed by a group of "cavalrymen" with silver light galloping out of the woods, rushing towards come over.

A hundred cavalry stand together and charge, but in fact, they don't have the momentum of thousands of horses galloping, ready to destroy the world.But now the charge is not ordinary cavalry, but a group of elite centaurs of level 37, and a centaur chief of level 42!

The men and horses charged without roaring, it would only make themselves feel cold;

The centaurs and horses charge without shouting at each other to maintain formation, because they don't need to rely on mounts, and their four long legs are the source of their momentum and speed.

"Soldiers to the front! Those with spears stick out!"

"Hurry up, hurry up! They only have more than 100 troops, kill them all! No one can use Peach Blossom Island!"

The players had already set up their formation, and shouting loudly now was just to cheer themselves up.The centaur warriors rushing forward didn't say a word, but they could feel a breath of evil spirit from a distance, which made these players who had never faced a large-scale war a little uneasy.



The silent cavalry advanced at full speed with thunderous steps, and the elite template gave these centaur warriors a longer charge distance and a longer range.Six hundred feet away from the players' positions, the centaurs had already pulled away the iron wood weights in their hands, and their shiny black arrows pointed obliquely at the sky.


Before the players' astonishment had time to digest, Cable had already roared, and the big bow in his hand was buzzing almost at the same time, and the four-foot-long enhanced feather arrow had been shot out like lightning, flying into the air with dazzling kung fu. middle.


A low, extremely depressing whistling sound reached the players' ears before the flying arrows in the air.An inexplicable atmosphere began to brew in people's hearts.

"Don't be afraid! They shoot at such a distance..."


Someone in the crowd noticed this strangeness and stood up to cheer everyone up, but only halfway through the conversation, the feathered arrows that were thrown had already struck like lightning, directly piercing the heart of the daredevil who stood up. cold.The body was thrown back again by the force of the arrow, and instantly turned into a white light without even screaming.

The man was lucky enough to be shot by Chief Cable.

"Puff puff!" "Clang clang clang!"


"Damn it! Who has a coil that protects arrows... Woo!"

The rain of arrows was under the hood, covering the defensive position composed of more than 200 players tightly, and some people in the crowd immediately wailed and howled.Those who reacted quickly shot themselves with protective arrows.The soldiers raised their shields high, resisting the terrifying rain of arrows.

The rain of arrows is not just one wave. The galloping men and horses don't need to sit on saddles and step on stirrups to adjust their bodies like human cavalry. They only need to keep taking arrows from the quiver beside them, drawing bows, and shooting arrows.The efficiency is many times higher than that of human cavalry!

A full three waves of feather arrows!They couldn't even raise their heads when they directly shot the group of people defending the position.It's a pity that the men and horses don't have mixed professions, and the bows and arrows are all purely physical attacks. Except for the first wave, the damage caused is not ideal.

"Prepare magic, beat these bastards!"

The temporary commander among the players managed to withstand the rainstorm-like attack, and shouted hoarsely: "What is there! Hit me! They can't dodge at such a fast speed!"

The players who had been aggrieved for a long time knew that it was time to fight back, and they all took out their long weapons.The magic of the mages also began to brew, aiming at the people who were getting closer, impatiently waiting for the elated feeling that would come in a few seconds.

People and horses running at high speed can't change direction directly, otherwise they will just throw themselves unconscious, but even if they slow down at this time, they have already entered the attack range of mages and rangers.Facing the players with magic bombing ability, the current troops are undoubtedly a group of living targets that are rushing towards death.

If things go as they should.


Just as the players were gearing up for a big fight, a sudden explosion sounded suddenly, making the players who had set up their positions dizzy, deaf and dazzled.

After everyone looked up and looked around in a daze, they found that the field on the right was already covered with gunpowder smoke, and the heads of a dozen or so players in the team list were instantly blacked out.

"Up! Up!"

Those who responded quickly discovered the instigator.Pointing at the sky above everyone's heads, he shouted hoarsely: "The cube is up there!"

Everyone raised their heads and saw, isn't it? The silver dragon's huge and incomparable body can't be hidden at all, it just hangs so high in the air, fluttering its wings gracefully.It's just that when everyone discovered the silver dragon.Two more flames whizzed down from the dragon's back, slammed into the group of players fiercely, and sent countless stumps and broken arms flying. The scene was quite heroic.

"Cubic my **** uncle!"

"Fuck you!"



All of a sudden, the sound of cursing was everywhere, and all kinds of national and vicious curses resounded throughout the sky, but this kind of cursing lasted only three or four seconds, because the charging men and horses had already arrived in front of the position and crossed three feet. What a high low wall, showing Kratos' proud work-the triangular throwing gun!


"You idiots, just realized I'm shameless?"

Fang Yi, who was sitting on the dragon's back, touched his cheek and said very self-aware, then waved at the mages sitting on the dragon's back behind him, and said boldly: "Throw it! Keep throwing it for me! It's over!" Go to the guild warehouse to get the money, and each of you will compensate you with ten high-level scrolls! Blast me the front line behind them too!"


"Haha~ The boss is mighty!"

Several mage players immediately burst into laughter, holding the performance mana enchantress in their left hand, and took out a scroll from their backpack with their right hand to continue chanting spells, and started throwing fireballs wildly towards the back of the position.

The mages on the dragon's back were all selected by Fang Yi himself, and they were players who had learned the rare skill "Extremely Effective Spells".The ultimate spell can double the power and range of the spell, or even triple it!The price is relatively slow casting speed and massive mana consumption.

A few days in advance, Fang Yi asked several people to frantically make the scroll of the extremely effective fireball technique, for today's battle.Riding on the back of a dragon and throwing spells on the ground, but the opponent can only look up at you eagerly, what could be more enjoyable than this?

The range of bows and arrows is generally much higher than the range of spells, but that is on flat ground.Now the rangers of those players on the ground are just shooting arrows at Supreme Treasure in vain, but the arrows lose their strength when they fly in mid-air, and fall back to the ground crookedly.

Occasionally, a few of them shot at Zhizunbao, but the air flow brought by the dragon's wings flew crookedly to one side.

This is called abuse~ Fang Yi took out a bottle of fruit wine from his bag, took a sip happily, and thought so.

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