In the magical world of Faerun, the lord is equivalent to a dictator, and the residents at the bottom basically have no autonomy over their own destiny.Therefore, the status quo of buying and selling is very common, and it does not change due to the player's will.

But no matter where you are, there are always some people who strive for lofty ideals.

When "Miracle" was still in closed beta, some players organized a relatively loose group, aiming to liberate tens of thousands of oppressed and enslaved civilians in the game.After the game was officially launched, the organization grew rapidly and established a formal guild called "The Liberator".

As a guild that fights against the nobles and lords in the game, the Liberator did not do well in the game at the beginning, because no city agreed to let this guild be stationed or build a guild resident.Later, these people had to travel from the original base of Deepwater City to Silvermoon City, and only then did they have a temporary base.

But the development of the Liberator later far exceeded everyone's expectations.

The slaves in the game are a huge crowd. During the process of rescuing the slaves, the liberators accidentally discovered that there are a lot of quest clues hidden in the slave trade, some of which involve high-level hidden clues.

The Liberator's Guild took advantage of this to grow rapidly, and its influence gradually spread to the entire Silver Moon Alliance, and then expanded to other maps of Faerun Continent.Before Xiaolei came to Taohuawu, she had participated in related activities of the Liberator's Guild.

But it didn't take long before the famous split of the Liberators occurred.

Hundreds of people in the Liberator's Guild suddenly announced their collective withdrawal from the guild. Among them, there were more than a dozen core members of the guild who started their own cooking and established the later famous "Wings of Liberty" guild.

This was a big news on the forum at the time, because the strength of the Liberator Guild was already very impressive at that time, and there were faint signs of developing into a super guild.

This schism gave the Liberator Guild a head-on blow.The guild leader immediately announced that he was in a state of hostility with the Wings of Liberty guild and would never reconcile.

Fang Yi once heard some news from Xiaolei: According to the leader of Wings of Liberty, the Liberator Guild has deviated from the original intention of establishing the guild and has become a profit-making tool for some people.It is no longer worthy of the name "Liberator".

Fang Yi also analyzed it with interest.It is nothing more than after the team has grown and grown, with the increase in personnel.Various investments are also pouring in, and it is basically impossible to simply maintain the original dream.

Investors want benefits, and the Liberator's Guild is the platform to get benefits. If the matter of "liberating slaves" is contrary to some huge interests.It's easy to guess what choices the guild's rulers will make.

This is a game after all.

Moreover, these members of Wings of Liberty are also connected in reality, and some of them are members of a related organization that "curbs human trafficking" in reality.

In reality, these people have their own jobs, some are doctors, and some have their own small shops, but they all gather together for the same purpose.Fang Yi still admires the persistence and ideals of these people.


When Fang Yi "accidentally" glanced over the girl's chest and saw the guild badge depicting angel wings on the girl's chest, he immediately recognized the identity of the female player in front of him—a member of Wings of Liberty.He also instantly thought of the purpose of these people sneaking into the courtyard.

Free those slaves including Anna.

Fang Yi didn't know the inside story of the Liberator's Guild, but this Wings of Liberty was quite famous on the forum.

More than 90.00% of the members of Wings of Liberty are women. The only purpose of the guild is to save slaves, and all actions are based on this purpose.Because there are so many beautiful women in the guild.In addition, they are all passionate young people who are striving for their ideals, and they have a group of fans on the forum.

Now Farrell and that prince must have stepped up their guard. It is impossible to sneak in in a short time, so they can only think of other ways.And to find relevant clues, contacting these members of Wings of Liberty is undoubtedly the fastest way.


There are three main canals in the city of Suzal, the largest of which flows from the north.

Outside the city walls, both sides of the river are dry weeds and sparse forests.The figure of the Supreme Treasure flitted across the air, even in the dark night, the silver dragon's huge and incomparable body would bring invisible coercion to any creature that saw it.

A group of five female players were standing on the ground. Under the influence of Long Wei, the brows of several of them were slightly frowned, because the feeling of facing the dragon was not very pleasant.


The female player who got off the dragon's back quickly ran to the side of the few people. They saw that their teammates were fine, and their expressions relaxed. Someone immediately stepped forward to check the injury on the girl's leg, while the others looked curiously at the girl a few steps away. The human assassin's eyes were full of surprise and disbelief.

Fang Yi waved his hand and asked Zhizunbao to go for a walk in the sky by himself, and at the same time carefully looked at the people in front of him.

It can be seen that the previous battles experienced by this adventure team were not easy. Several people were more or less wounded, and most of them were caused by sharp weapons.What surprised Fang Yi the most was that among the six people in front of him, there were only two stealth players, and the others were all mages and warlocks!

Is this shit a stealthy mission team? ?

The leading female player is an elf mage, her appearance is considered to be above average, but she has a quiet scholarly temperament, which makes people feel very comfortable.

After the female mage looked Fang Yi up and down for a few times, she came forward and stretched out her right hand to Fang Yi: "Lord Mithril? I have known you for a long time~ Thank you very much this time."


Fang Yi squeezed the opponent's soft and boneless little hand and shook it. Looking at the opponent's slender and slender palm, he was a little yearning for what it would be like to be held by the pair of green hands under the glove, "Speaking of what you did just now, The movement is not small, but I was taken aback by you."


The female mage raised her eyebrows and gave Fang Yi a meaningful look, "So, you were also in the building at the time?"

Fang Yi chuckled, and did not answer directly, but gestured to several people, "Let's find a tavern to talk, I think, maybe there is a possibility of cooperation? By the way, I don't know your name?"


The elf mage smiled sweetly, showing two cute little canine teeth, "My name is Thyme."


In the middle of the night, the tavern in Suzal City was still very lively. Players and NPCs who had worked hard all day gathered here, splashing their gold coins to their heart's content, and using the hot soup and cold beer in the tavern to wash away their fatigue.

With a girl to accompany him, it is naturally obligatory for Fang Yi to pay for the treat.I ordered some snacks and top-quality wine for the girls, and opened a room on the second floor, blocking the noisy and restless air in the hall.

In the high-end rooms of the tavern, secondary moonstones and fluorescent stones are used as light sources, and with the embellishment of waxing tables on the tables, the brightness in the room is no worse than in reality.

Cormyr's unique rye wine is sweet and bitter. Even if it is only stored at room temperature, the taster can feel a cold touch lingering between the lips and teeth for a long time, which is very refreshing.

Holding a delicate glass, Fang Yi looked down at the dark brown rye wine in the glass, but his mind was spinning rapidly following the narration of the elf female mage, temporarily ignoring the burning gazes of the female players around him.

"...We have tracked here from the Rockland region in the north, and have confirmed that the girls who were taken by Farrell were brought here,"

Thyme stared at the human player who bowed his head and tasted wine in front of him, and continued: "We went in this time to test the strength of the opponent's defense and see if there is a chance to rescue him..."

"Tsk tsk~"

Fang Yi took two sips of rye wine, shook his head helplessly, and said, "I have something to say, don't worry about it, but don't you think this is too reckless? There are at least 200 guards there. Counting the secret sentries hidden in the dark inside the building, just you guys...what gave you the confidence that six people dared to break in there to save people?"

After listening to Fang Yi's words, several people and girls showed embarrassment on their faces.What Fang Yi said was the truth, why didn't several people see that the chances were slim?It's just that the arrow is on the string, and it has to be fired...

Thyme sighed, and explained: "In another week, these girls will be transported away by ship and sent to the Tumis Empire. By that time, they will really disappear, and they will never be found..."

Fang Yi frowned, vaguely feeling that something was wrong, "Tumis? What's the matter with Tumis?"

Thyme shook her head slightly, and said: "I don't know the specific situation, but judging from the information collected before, this Farrell is not quite right with the Princess Regent, and has been secretly contacting other forces, maybe because he wants to Take this opportunity to get close to the Tumis royal family."

"No matter what, once the fleet goes out to sea, we will have no chance to rescue those kidnapped children! No matter what, we must find a way to rescue them!"

The girls were a little excited and looked at Fang Yi expectantly.

The chances of success in the previous operation were not great. Firstly, the courtyard was tightly guarded, and secondly, the Wings of Liberty guild had limited strength, and there was no way to organize a strong enough army.

But now a great god is in front of him!If there was the help of Mithril Lord, the recognized number one assassin, the difficulty of this matter would not be so simple! ?

But now Fang Yi didn't pay attention to the hot eyes of the women, but fell into thinking.

Now when Fang Yi encounters the mission plot, the first thing that comes to mind is no longer how high the mission level is and how many rewards, but whether the plot changes after the mission will affect Peach Blossom Island.

Farrell contacted Tumisi, and the news touched Fang Yi's sensitive nerves again.

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