Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 787 The Mage Tower of Peach Blossom Island

The next plot follows Fang Yi's mission.

The first is this "Jenna's Ring".

The original owner of this ring was actually Shar. As a hidden high-ranking mage, the ring he gave to his daughter and will be passed on to his granddaughter in the future is naturally not ordinary.In this way, the material of the ring itself is very special, and there are secret engraved magic patterns inside.

When the wearer of the ring is mortally wounded, the healing effect of all healing spells on the ring's owner is doubled!In the unfortunate event of death, the success rate of all resurrection spells cast on the ring owner will also be doubled!

It's just that when little Jenna died, there was only Fang Yi beside her, who didn't know any spells, so this effect didn't take effect, but another special attribute of the ring did.

If it is not revived within a short period of time, the soul of the ring wearer will not float to the God Realm, but will be completely absorbed by the ring and make it dormant, just like a miniature coffin, but the "coffin" lying inside Not a body, but a soul.

Later, when Fang Yi inadvertently broke into Shaer's library, Shar discovered the ring immediately, and naturally knew that Jenna had been killed.But at that time, the cover attribute on the ring—that is, another state presented to hide the true attribute of the ring—has been activated, which means that the ring was given to Fang Yi by Jenna, otherwise it would just be a A simple ring.

At that time, Shar was naturally very angry + sad, but in order to respect Jenna's last wish, Shar did not forcefully snatch the ring from Fang Yi, but raised a bold plan, and then gave Fang Yi a task of finding the soul rose .

Soul roses are indeed, as Fang Yi guessed, a core item in the Lich Transformation Ceremony.Shar is very proficient in this spell, and also knows that the soul rose has the effect of absorbing the soul for a long time, which can not only keep Jenna awake, but also protect Jenna's soul from damage.

So Shar wrote a letter to her old friend Gelbo.Let Gelbo, who is a great enchanter, help strengthen the ring. While ensuring the safety of Jenna's soul, he also gives Fang Yi some rewards, so that Fang Yi has the motivation to search for the soul rose with all his strength.

After Fang Yi embarked on a journey to find the soul rose.Shar also started her own plan.

First of all, Shar secretly investigated the cause of Jenna's death, all the way to the night mask.Shar, who is very familiar with the situation in Ximen Port, did not act rashly, but slowly figured it out. He successively killed dozens of leaders of the Dark Night Mask with cruel methods, and killed the previous Dark Night King.

But the Mask of the Night is an evil organization that has been passed down for countless years. If a leader dies, there will be a replacement immediately to take his place.Shar, who had been dealing with the Night Mask for a long time in Ximen Port, also gradually felt the danger, because these assassins were all hiding in the dark, which was quite dangerous for a mage.

So Shar deliberately released clues.Sending news of Westgate's basement library to a small guild, turning 444 Oak Street into a bustling bazaar to confuse Night Mask.

At this moment, Fang Yi came back with the soul rose.

The ecstatic Shar immediately transferred the sleeping Jenna's soul to the soul crystal, during the time Fang Yi left Ximen for the second time.Shar has finished processing the soul rose and successfully revived Jenna's soul.

"The reason why I came here is because there is a special condition needed to revive Jenna,"

Speaking of this, Shar's eyes flashed with excitement uncontrollably, staring at Fang Yi and said: "It has been such a long time. Jenna's soul has become quite fragile. Although I have retrieved her bones , but even if there is an archbishop-level priest to cast the resurrection spell, Jenna's soul can no longer bear this spell."

Fang Yi frowned slightly, looked at Jenna who lowered her head, turned her gaze to Shar again, and asked, "Well...and then?"

"Pulsating tide! I know. There is a pulsating tide in this emerald forest!"

Shar took two steps forward excitedly, pointed to the giant tree left by the two of them and said: "This is a special magic that can only appear on the high-level tree of life! As long as Jenna is in the pulse Resting within the range of the tide for a period of time, her soul will be greatly strengthened, and she will be able to use the complete resurrection technique!"

There was still no blood on Shar's pale face, but his eyes were already a little red.The expression was a bit ferocious, enough to show how excited this usually gentle lady was now.

Fang Yi stroked his chin, turned his eyes around Jenna and Shar, and quickly thought about the pros and cons.

At this time, Jenna, who had been quiet all this time, said, "Mr. Fang, I don't want to cause you any trouble, so I must explain the pros and cons of this place to you clearly."

"If you take me in, you have to face the fact that there is an extra ghost in your territory, and this fact is something that believers of many gods will never allow to happen! You may have many more potential enemies because of this."

As if she didn't see her grandmother's eyes, Jenna's clear eyes just looked at Fang Yi, and continued: "We just met by chance. I am already very happy that you can fulfill my last wish. I don't want to add any more to you." Trouble."

Hearing this, Fang Yi chuckled, looked at Sha Er who shook his head and sighed slightly, and thought to himself, look at his awareness, it's better to be a child, not so thoughtful.

What Jenna said is definitely an important issue. Ghosts are a type of undead creatures, and undead creatures are definitely not tolerated by the mainstream society of Faerun.This is different from those players who are advanced Necromancers. Jenna is a real and original NPC, and she has to consider the impact of this incident on the reputation of Peach Blossom Island.

Fortunately, what they were facing was Fang Yi, a unique lord who never cared about the world's opinions.

Fang Yi held his head and thought for a while, then exchanged a few words with Supreme Treasure next to him.

"Little Treasure, do you resent an extra undead creature in the territory?"

"What really disgusts us silver dragons is evil, and it has nothing to do with what kind of creature it is~Master, you're making a fool of yourself."

"...Then let you play with Jenna in the future, do you have any objections?"

"This... she is not more 'lively' than Mia, is she?"


Fang Yi turned his head and grinned at the two of them, "Our Peach Blossom Island welcomes all guests who come with good intentions. This sentence is not just a word. So, I welcome little Zhenna to our island."

Shar and Jenna looked happy.Full of joy and joy seemed to burst out of the body.Especially Shar, his chest heaved and heaved a few times with excitement, and a rare trace of gratitude appeared in Fang Yi's eyes.

"But well~"

Fang Yi took a breath, and then continued with a smile: "Our Peach Blossom Island currently lacks an experienced mage. There are very few relevant materials. Ms. Shar, as a senior mage, have you ever thought of sponsoring How about our Peach Blossom Island?"


Fang Yi and Shar chatted in the canopy for nearly an hour, and then flew back to the city lord's mansion with satisfied smiles, and then Fang Yi quickly issued a series of orders as the lord of Peach Blossom Island.

Separately plan the profits from the Cantor Auction House and several stores, and plan to build a large mage tower on the cliff outside the east wall!The specific structure, drawings and corresponding details of the mage tower are all based on the suggestions of the new archmage Shar and the great scholar Gelbo who joined Peach Blossom Island.

The place Fang Yi chose is the largest piece of wasteland on Taohua Island, and it is also a place on the island where the defense is relatively weak.Building a mage tower here can prevent others from disturbing, and secondly, it can make Shar act as a fully automatic watchtower + defense tower.

Because after Shar officially joined Peach Blossom Island.Fang Yi, as the lord of Mithril, immediately saw various attributes of Shar.

"Name: Shar; Human, Female; Age: Unknown

Occupation/Level: Level 10 Mage/Level 31 Archmage/Level 5 Chief Necromancer.


Loyalty (Peach Blossom Island): 70;

Friendliness: 80"

This is the most powerful NPC recruited on Peach Blossom Island so far, bar none!

Although the loyalty is somewhat low.But that's because they are newcomers and don't have a sense of belonging here. As Jenna's condition on the island gets better and better, her loyalty will inevitably rise to an objective level.

If someone came to attack Peach Blossom Island, but found an archmage who could throw the sword of Duncan and burst fireballs suddenly appeared above his head, what expression would he have?Haha~

As for one more ghost on the island, will it have any impact on Peach Blossom Island's reputation among the original residents of Faerun.Fang Yi never worried - fame is an illusory thing, but Fang Yi only believes in strength.

But this is not the only thing that surprises Fang Yi.

When Shar came to Peach Blossom Island this time, in addition to bringing Jenna's soul, he also hired four large merchant ships. The huge cabins were full and there was nothing else.All books!

A whole four ships of books!Shar moved the entire underground library here!

So the second order issued by Fang Yi is to build a large library on the central street of Taohua Island, and store all the books brought by Shar in it.

And more than that, as a dwarven city with a long history, Peach Blossom Island itself has many precious collections of books.The collection of books in the lord's mansion alone filled eight rooms. Apart from guiding work at Kratos' blacksmith shop and dock, Gelbo spends almost all of his time with these books.

These two batches of books combined may not be as large as Candlekeep, but Fang Yi can proudly say that his Peach Blossom Island has the second largest library in Faerun~

Fang Yi plans to follow the example of Candlekeep and mark the price of the books in the library. Visitors can borrow them, but they cannot copy them or take them away.This involves a problem of monopoly - when most of the book resources are in our own hands, we can maintain a sufficient advantage and avoid competitors appearing too quickly.

So, what is the use of these books for players?

Various knowledge and skills; adventure data query; task data query; learning high-level and even rare spells... cooking, fishing, magic, celestial phenomena, monsters, etc.

Fang Yi is not worried at all that no one will pay to see it. On the contrary, Fang Yi is worried that people will crowd the library door in the future.

There is another important order that Fang Yi issued to all personnel on Peach Blossom Island: all personnel must treat Jenna who is still in a ghost state equally, and protect her safety as if they were their own comrades-in-arms.

Of course, Fang Yi has confidence in the living atmosphere on Peach Blossom Island. It may take some time for everyone to accept it, but in the end, Jenna will definitely integrate here.


The National Sports Channel is also the largest e-sports channel that simultaneously broadcasts live broadcasts on domestic TV and the Internet.

The chief beauty reporter of the channel is currently on a merchant ship, broadcasting a live broadcast to audiences across the country on the sea a hundred feet away from Peach Blossom Island.Since Peach Blossom Island's power began to expand rapidly, the e-sports channel has set up a special program called "Peach Blossom Island Daily", which is broadcast every other day and reports on various changes on Peach Blossom Island.

It is through this program that players from all over the country and even the world learned about events such as growing trees on peach blossoms, opening up coastal territories, and conflicts with some players.

Whether Fang Yi is willing or not, Peach Blossom Island has inevitably become the focus of players all over the world.

"Okay, the towering city you see on the screen now is the Mithril Throne, the most famous player territory in "Miracle"! Of course, everyone is used to calling it Peach Blossom Island now, and the name comes from the territory The actual owner of the game is also the most popular professional player in China, playing Aki, Cube!"

"Recently, the growth of giant trees on the island is gratifying. Although the coverage area has not expanded significantly, you can clearly find that the canopy of the giant trees is still thickening, and tree roots have begun to stretch out from the cliffs, which shows that the giant trees It has covered the entire Peach Blossom Island."

"According to our exclusive news, a senior front-line player revealed that this mysterious giant tree on Peach Blossom Island is called the Tree of Life. Some players have seen it in some vast jungles. It should belong to some mysterious tree. Druid tribes, but what is the function of this plant, and what is the connection with the ancient guarding trees outside the city wall, we have no definite evidence yet."

"Look, everyone. From this angle, we can see that the originally empty city wall has been covered with a kind of green plant, which looks like a creeper... But I think the cube will not be so boring as to plant a creeper on the city wall. Right? Is this another mysterious weapon? We don't know."

"Okay, our ship has been stopped... The sea area here is a restricted area, and the ships of Peach Blossom Island are guarding it very tightly. One of the more reliable guesses on the forum is that Peach Blossom Island has built a secret port here. , but what is the secret here, we have no more news..."

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