A huge stag is walking in the forest, greedily gnawing on the grass on the ground, raising its head from time to time, pricking up its ears to listen to the movement around it, very vigilant.

Suddenly, less than three feet away from the stag, a huge white beast sprang out without warning, bit the stag's neck fiercely with its bloody mouth, and knocked the stag to the ground!The stag, which was bitten to the point, struggled desperately, but did not realize that there was another translucent figure approaching quietly behind him.


The sharp blade that appeared out of thin air accurately pierced into the vital point under the stag's tail!Accompanied by a wailing sound, the spurt of blood rushed five feet away, almost splashing the attacker all over.

"What a tight chrysanthemum, worthy of being a monster at level 37,"

Pulling out the sharp blade, Fang Yi nodded seriously and praised, then with both hands, he stabbed the scimitar and dagger back into the stag's chrysanthemum with a sound of "poof!"


Quickly peeling off the deer skin, Fang Yi disemboweled the stag, removed all the edible meat from the deer and put it into a backpack, then wandered into the woods with Monsoon.

This is deep in the forest on the Mithril Coast, not far from Osram Ridge.

Since returning from the Cormyr Empire, Fang Yi didn't run around anymore, but took root on the Mithril Coast, killing monsters and upgrading tasks safely.

Like other guild residences, since Peach Blossom Island is a new city, the system takes good care of all aspects. The mission experience and rewards in the city are relatively rich, and the efficiency of leveling here is higher than most places.Now that two weeks have passed, Fang Yi's level has reached 38% of level 2.

After walking for a while, the sound of running water faintly came from the other side of the forest.Fang Yi walked around a bush, and a stream with a width of more than ten feet appeared in front of his eyes.

Taking out a large piece of venison, Fang Yi washed the piece of meat in the stream familiarly, put it on the rock beside him, and then went around to pick up a pile of firewood and lit a bonfire.

At this time, Ji Feng, who was following Fang Yi, was already jumping up and down excitedly.The saliva was drooling, and the big black eyes were rolling around, staring at Fang Yi who was picking up the venison, his expression was so cute.

"Hey...how did I find you two foodies..."

Fang Yi let out a long sigh.He poked a few holes in the piece of meat with an elf dagger, passed through it with a strong wooden stick, and set it on top of the campfire.

Not far away, a slightly excited dragon chant could be heard. It was Zhizunbao, who was sent out by Fang Yi to watch, feel Jifeng's excitement, and hurried back.

Putting the barbecue at a suitable angle, Fang Yi took out the buckskin from his backpack again and checked it up and down.

Why do you poke the chrysanthemum instead of the neck when killing a deer?Because what Fang Yi wanted was the fur of the stag.The more complete the fur, the higher the degree of mission completion, and naturally the more experience it will give.

This kind of quest to collect quest items is basically based on this kind of rule. At first, some people may think that there is something wrong with it.It is only a little bit of experience, but experience tells Fang Yi that the gap between people is widened bit by bit, and it is easier to stand out from the crowd if you are "willing to pay attention to the details".

The huge body of Supreme Treasure fell to the side of the stream with a gust of wind.Also falling down was a large bird more than four feet away.

"Master, I found this on the mountain and flew behind me for about ten minutes,"

Supreme Treasure opened its mouth full of giant sharp-toothed dragons, and while speaking, his eyes were fixed on the venison on the campfire, "Do you think it was roasted together? I heard from Rashomon that roasted bird meat tastes good too. ..."

"Roast you xx. You foodie, get out of the way!"

Fang Yi pushed the Supreme Treasure angrily, pulled the big bird's body out from under Yinlong's feet, threw a probing technique on it, and his mouth was already curled up.

While checking the previous battle records of Supreme Treasure, Fang Yi has already taken off a metal buckle from the foot of this giant bird that resembles a giant eagle.

"It was domesticated by humans..." Fang Yi looked at the metal ring engraved with words on his hand.He said to himself, the metal ring was crushed flat when he exerted force on his hand.

The metal ring must be a man-made product, and the abbreviated letters engraved on it Fang Yi can't tell what it means, but it is based on the previous battle records.The big bird that was killed by Supreme Treasure really belonged to someone's animal companion.

But there is no pk record, which means its owner is an npc.

Which npc force will send flying creatures over now?With this strength and this reason, Fang Yi can only think of the group of people on the Pirate Islands.

Do you want to act~?

Grinning, Fang Yi raised his hand and threw the metal ring into the stream. The small splashes on the water surface were quickly submerged by the stream, and no trace could be found. However, Fang Yi scratched his head, and soon I also thought of a question: If they don't scout the Taohua Island well, what are they doing in such a deep inland?

"Wang Wang!"

"Master, it's time to add seasoning."

The two foodies stood by the campfire, looking at Fang Yi eagerly.

"...Damn it! Just let Ji Feng drool, but Supreme Treasure, your saliva means something!? Hmm? You put out the fire!"


After the last piece of scorched venison was snatched away by the monsoon at lightning speed, Fang Yi didn't bother to argue with the two foodies, so he leisurely came to the stream, took out the fishing rod from his backpack, and started the daily fishing life.

Now Fang Yi has slowly fallen in love with the days of leveling alone in the wild, without noise and troubles, as long as he completes the planned tasks every day, and then strolls by the stream, grilling and smoking Smoked fish not only made Fang Yi and the other two foodies a feast, but also improved his cooking and fishing skills significantly.

A few years ago, not to mention the imminent war, even in normal times, Fang Yi would definitely not have such a mind to travel around the mountains and rivers here leisurely.

The stream in front of me is melted snow water from the Osram Mountains, cold and pure, and the big fat fish in the stream just swim through the water recklessly, as if they are showing off their plump figures to Fang Yi.

Coupled with the rising temperature, turtles, snakes, frogs and other animals have also woken up and crawled out of their hiding holes.Fang Yi has been fishing here for a week in a row. During this period, many stupid turtles and small snakes took the bait, and Fang Yi beat them to the teeth.


In less than a minute, a fat big fish bit the earthworm on Fang Yi's hook fiercely.Then he was pulled out of the water by the fishing line, and Yuzi was still struggling frantically.

Fang Yi smiled happily, skillfully unhooked, scaled, and disemboweled, and was about to take out the iron pot from the bag.Stew a bowl of fish soup for two foodies.

But at this moment, Fang Yi's brows frowned slightly - two small green characters flashed faintly on the fish in his hand.

In addition to the original white introduction text of "Fresh and plump black carp", there is a line of attribute descriptions that Fang Yi has never seen before, "Contains poison!"

Fang Yi took a closer look at the big fish in his hand. It was indeed a black carp. This is the most common fish in this stream, and it tastes delicious. Fang Yi has stewed it for Jifeng and Zhizunbao no less than ten times. up.

After thinking about it, Fang Yi threw the processed black carp aside, and threw the pole again to catch another one.Maybe the fish ate something unclean?

soon.The second black carp was also caught, but to Fang Yi's surprise, this carp was still poisonous!


Fang Yi rubbed his chin, looked up the stream upstream, and seemed to think of something in his eyes.Immediately opened the message manager and sent a message to Chen Jing, ordering the people on the Mithril Coast to immediately stop using the streams flowing down from the mountain, and to get all drinking water from the springs on Peach Blossom Island.

After receiving the confirmation from Chen Jing, Fang Yi threw the still thumping carp into the river, and waved to Supreme Treasure, who was picking his teeth with sharp claws, "Let's go. Let's go upstream and have a look."


No matter how big the river is, it is also formed by the convergence of trickling streams, and the game is no exception.There are many branches in the upper reaches of the stream, and there are always more than a dozen of them.Fortunately, Supreme Treasure's flying speed is beyond the reach of most flying creatures, and it has turned the entire watershed in just half an hour.

"Master, there is something over there."

Supreme Treasure's deep voice sounded in Fang Yi's mind, and Fang Yi narrowed his eyes slightly.Almost at the same time, the "thing" that Zhizunbao said was discovered.

It was a small lake with a radius of only about a hundred feet. Three or four small streams flowed into this small lake, and then flowed out from the gap downstream. It was one of the main tributaries of the previous stream.

There is a clearing full of rocks beside the lake. At this time, a group of five figures are squatting by the lake.It seems to be tinkering with something.

These people were very alert, and Supreme Treasure was immediately discovered by them as soon as it approached.Four or five figures immediately scattered and ran towards the woods in a panic.

Fang Yi looked at the situation on the ground with cold eyes, without even thinking about it, he waved his hand directly: "Kill it!"


Yinlong and Fang Yi were in the same mind. At the same time as Fang Yi ordered the exit, Supreme Treasure had already retracted its wings, and its huge body rose slightly in the air. It was followed by a dive, and it rushed directly to the lake with unparalleled momentum. side!

The speed of running on the ground and the speed of flying are incomparable, not to mention that Supreme Treasure didn't intend to fight melee, and when it was tens of feet away from the ground, it opened its mouth wide, and the gushing dragon's breath swept across the entire area in an instant. Rocky shore!

The icy breath and the paralyzing breath came one after another. The raging fog mixed with the strong wind brought by the dragon's wings blew these people who were trying to escape tottering, and three players fell limply to the ground on the spot.


When Fang Yi landed on the ground, he had already summoned Ji Feng, and the lion-like mastiff bit the neck of one of them, frantically shaking the target like a rag, and Ji Feng was about to bite the man's head off .

Fang Yi's movements were not slow either. He killed the other two paralyzed people in an instant with the knife in his hand. When the two white lights flashed one after the other, Fang Yi had already activated his sprinting skills and caught up with the other two people. guy.


The Supreme Treasure that came back from the air dived directly to the ground. The "Jianjin Falling" kung fu was practiced perfectly. It sat on the head of the fastest player and knocked down a few big trees. At the same time, Yinlong There is also a white light under the buttocks.

"You can't kill people casually!! Aren't you a master, why don't you talk about quality at all!"

Seeing that there was no way to escape, the only one left panicked and pulled out two daggers from his waist, turned his head and shouted hysterically at Fang Yi: "We are here to practice, why do you kill people for no reason!"

Fang Yi held the scimitar and walked up to the other party with a smile, ignoring the thief's gesture to start recording the demo secretly, and directly stabbed the other party's neck with a dagger.


"Let Mia send a few druids out and set up observation posts on several major rivers,"

Fang Yi put away his weapon and sent a message to Chen Jing, "In addition, a notice will be sent at the main street of the business district, and irrelevant players are prohibited from approaching the upstream water source in the near future. If someone finds someone who does not listen to dissuasion, he will directly notify Supreme Treasure. Kill a few, don't listen to their explanation."

Shameful?Hmph, I thought of going with me... Fang Yi looked at the corpses on the ground, his face gradually turned cold.

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