Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 814 Saruin's Mist

"Hey... can't you use some fresh tricks?"

Fang Yi, who was standing in the direction of the door, pursed his lips, shook his head speechlessly, and shook the mithril scimitar at the female drow. The meaning was obvious-you can't do this.

Bright light blinding doesn't work for me...

Fang Yi adjusted his goggles, and really wanted to explain to these guys who used the same move, but after thinking about it, it's better to be counted as a dark elf, and the result is a complete miscalculation.

The female drow was no longer surprised at this time, but turned into complete astonishment—isn't this guy a dark elf?Even if I closed my eyes just now, I felt a bit of discomfort, why this guy seems to be completely fine!

At this time, the stairs on the right side of the two creaked, and the huge monsoon mastiff slowly walked down the stairs. The black cat in its mouth was already soaked in blood, and its fur turned dark red.

If it wasn't for the black cat's bad taste, Ji Feng would have chewed it up long ago.

"Look, can we have a good talk now?" Fang Yi opened his hands and said sincerely.


There are several houses next to the Blacksmith Shop, the source of evil. The nearest house lived in an elderly dwarf couple. The old dwarf, Fran, lived in mining, skilled in mining skills, and lived a leisurely life.

It's just that the old dwarf was in a bad mood that night.


"Ding dong!"


Lying on the bed on his back, there was a clear noise from the next door from time to time.It's okay during the day, but everything is quiet at night.I could hear even a little bit of sound, and the sputtering sound hit my ears.

Whenever Fran's sleepy eyes are blurred and he wants to fall asleep.Loud crashes would always come through the walls at just the right time.

"Damn, what a sleepy ass!"

The irritable Fran endured and endured, and finally couldn't bear the evil fire in his heart, jumped up from the bed, picked up the mining hoe leaning against the wall, and was about to rush out the door.

"Hey old man, what are you doing!" Fran's wife didn't fall asleep. Seeing this, she quickly pulled her wife back and said in a low voice.

"Why? How can you sleep here! Tomorrow I have to go to work in the mine!" Fran cursed loudly, his beard standing on end in anger.

"Be patient. You forgot, the next door is no longer Saruin. He has been guarded by the guards of the great lord for a long time. You can only be beaten violently in the past!"

Hearing his wife's words, Fran was taken aback for a moment, and most of the gas in his stomach disappeared suddenly—that's right, Sarouin was no longer here.Now there are Eragon's guards in the house!


At this moment, a short, sharp scream suddenly came from the blacksmith shop next door, which made a dwarf couple in the room tremble with fright.

"Well... I think it's better to sleep, there should be no sound."

Fran turned his head, as if he could see the situation next door through the wall, shook his head and said.


Withdraw the machete.Fang Yi took a rag from the wooden table next to him and wiped the blade.The rag is used to wipe the quenched weapon, the surface is extremely delicate and feels great.

But Fang Yi was a little disappointed at this time.

The female drow's willpower is much stronger than Fang Yi imagined, and ordinary questioning methods are useless at all, and almost let her find a chance to escape.Fang Yi could only ruthlessly kill the opponent.

Originally, this was an excellent entry point to find the messenger behind the dark elves.The plot of the whole mission may be solved easily.



Ji Feng, who was next to him, came to Fang Yi's side, and gently licked the wound on Fang Yi's arm with his tongue - the female drow's counterattack was very dangerous, and Fang Yi also had many wounds on his body.

Gently touching Ji Feng's furry neck, Fang Yi squatted down and began to search for things dropped by the dark elves.

A gem of fine quality, dozens of gold coins, a poison bag, and...


Fang Yi's eyes lit up, and he quickly took out something from the female drow's bag.

This is a piece of wood that has been split. One side is fresh stubble, and the other side is extremely smooth. Several ancient dwarven scripts, meaning "blow wind".

"Blowing method?"

Fang Yi frowned slightly, and subconsciously murmured.

Without thinking too much, Fang Yi immediately turned around and went upstairs, and put the piece of wood on the gap at the head of the bed.

It fits exactly!

really!It's better to come early than to come early!

The female drow assassin must have just accidentally discovered these words engraved on the head of the bed, and was worried that the information would be seen by others, so she simply chipped off the wood and prepared to take it away, but Fang Yi happened to bump into it !

These words on the wooden block were hand-carved in ancient dwarf characters, very scribbled.

Fang Yi didn't know this kind of characters at first, but when he was in Peach Blossom Island, Fang Yi looked up materials in the library for a long time.There are many ancient documents recorded in ancient dwarf languages, because this Fang Yi often consulted Gelbo, and over time, he also learned some ancient dwarf languages.

The reason why Fang Yi happened to know these three words was because "blast method" is a term in blacksmith skills, which refers to a method that accelerates the burning of coal, quickly refines ore, and thus greatly speeds up the smelting efficiency.

Fang Yi spent a lot of time searching for ways to upgrade the elf dagger, and was particularly concerned about the ancient dwarven language related to forging, so he can barely figure it out now.

It's just... This method has been eliminated in the history before the players officially entered the game. Now the furnaces used by the players do not have this kind of equipment, and most of them have been replaced by magic-driven semi-automatic devices.

Thinking of this, Fang Yi's eyes lit up, he immediately turned and went downstairs, and walked quickly to the stove.

The four-foot-high furnace is cylindrical, and more than half of it is hidden underground, which is convenient for short stature dwarves to operate.At this time, the fire was burning vigorously, and the raging flames made Fang Yi's black face red, but Fang Yi's eyes were firmly fixed on the bottom of the furnace.

There is a long strip of equipment there, which is exactly the ancient style equipment recorded in the book.

Fang Yi observed back and forth for a long time, then pulled out his dagger, rolled up his sleeves, and began to disassemble this ancient furnace part.

Saruin is a great master!There are not many in the entire Faerun continent, why use such old equipment.

Unique?Weird habit?

If there is no handwriting on the wooden block, this detail will probably be ignored by most people, and Fang Yi is no exception. Now... I'm sorry for this clue if I don't dig three feet into the ground.


The raging flames were burning above the furnace, and it didn't matter what Fang Yi was doing underneath.Anyway, Fang Yi is also a blacksmith who is about to enter the hall of masters, and dismantling a blower device is only a matter of minutes.

The outer layer of wood is peeled off layer by layer, and there are two thin metal partitions in the blower box to prevent the wood from being ignited by excessive temperature.Fang Yi checked each board one by one, and then removed the metal sheets one by one, gently scraped off the dust and soot on them with a dagger, and carefully observed them one by one.

"Have it!"

After removing the last piece, Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help but light up, and his heart skipped a beat.

This metal plate is extremely heavy, almost three times heavier than the previous one. After scraping off the thick dust on it, a dense pile of words was exposed on it.Forget about Fang Yi's excitement, he simply washed the iron plate in the water tank at hand, and then took it to the stove for a closer look.

The whole iron plate is blue-black, square, less than a foot long on a side, and there are some clear small characters printed in the middle.These words are divided into two ends, and some of the upper ones are in Elvish, and the font is also very delicate.The latter one is clearly inscribed recently, and is written in Common Tongue.

"Year of the Great Gate, Black Moon of Thick Blood,

I'm at a loss,

This morning I witnessed the killing of more than a dozen dwarves. Two underground dwarves who wanted to resist were severely whipped by the sisters' snake head whips. Black blood stained the stone slab at the door and flowed down the stone steps. Go down far.

No matter what race it is, the life of a slave is only worth two copper coins, just like those lowly male drow, there is no need to be pitiful - I have been taught this by my mother since I was a child.

But is this really right?Why do I feel so troubled, like witnessing some blasphemous act?

Maybe I should go to the library in town for a while..."

There is no signature after the first paragraph, and it seems to be something like a diary, but there are basically no valuable clues in it.Fang Yi read this passage several times, and finally gave up his efforts to discover some mechanisms and code words from it, and could only turn his attention to the next passage.

"Does any legend begin with a little story, a little coincidence, or even... some arrangement of fate?


At least it's an exciting discovery, isn't it?In the far and dark underground, there is a legend that started here, and finally left a strong stroke in this world. It is very exciting to think about it~

Oh, by the way, this place seems to be not far from Menzoberranzan City, I think I'd better be careful.

The moon of the poisoned dagger, Saruin, is recorded in a cave of unknown location"


Saruin... Finally, Saruin's name appeared!

Fang Yi stroked the textured metal plate in his hand, his mind was full of thoughts, and his brows became more and more wrinkled.

Doesn't make sense?

Saruin left the Furnace of Our Lady a few months ago. It is said that he was going to explore the Drowning Land. He was caught by the mind flayer and sucked his brains dry. The necklace Fang Yi is now wearing around his neck is the proof.

But according to the records on this stone tablet, Saruin had been around Menzoberranzan earlier!The positions of Menzoberranzan City and Drowned Land began to be reversed!And this metal plate is here, which means that Sarouin has come back!

Then there is only one explanation, Saruin returned from Menzoberranzan, hid what he considered very important at home, and then set off for the home of the mind flayer.In this way, the actual time of Saruin's disappearance will be fully shortened by half of the legend.

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