In the narrative of the old mage, Saruul is a typical dwarf—stubborn and short-tempered, especially those subterranean dwarves are not pleasing to the eye, but once you get his approval, he will become your best friend.

Kaiben usually travels around Faerun continent, sometimes in the Underdark region, and may go to Waterdeep City next month, and usually does not have a long time to catch up with Saruin.

When Kaiben received the letter from Saruin, he felt that the situation was wrong, and when he rushed to the furnace of the Virgin, there was no trace of the old dwarf.Later, Kaiben went to Menzoberranzan again, and even went deep into the Drowned Land for more than a month, but he didn't find any clues.

Hearing this, Fang Yi's eyes lit up, and he immediately interrupted and asked, "Do you also think Mr. Saruin has been to Menzoberranzan?"


Kaiben looked at Fang Yi with brown eyes, and said in a low voice: "He went there to prove one thing, and he must have got the answer he wanted there, so he made up his mind to go to the place of Drowning... Drowning The land of the stream, you stubborn old man! Why do you go to such a place!"

Speaking of this, Kaiben couldn't help cursing bitterly, but Fang Yi heard only unconcealable worry and anxiety from the cursing, as well as the sadness of seeing his old friend missing.


Since then, Kaiben has settled down in the city of the Furnace of Our Lady, hoping to find relevant clues.

During this period, Fang Yi and Jian Dang Tianxia fought for a long time on the Mithril Throne and obtained a private territory; the defeated Trinity Alliance returned to the Furnace of Our Lady in embarrassment, and seemed to have reached some kind of agreement with the great lord Eragon.

Kaiben once thought that the secret that Saruin was looking for was the Mithril Throne.I also thought of going to the surface to find Fang Yi, the mithril lord, but later I didn't make the trip due to various reasons. Until now, I accidentally saw Fang Yi in the furnace of the Virgin.

Having said that, Kaiben concealed the melancholy on his face, stared at Fang Yi with deep eyes, and said slowly: "You sneaked into the blacksmith's shop of the source of evil last night, and you must have found something, right? Otherwise, Kedrav I won’t come here in person.”

" do you know I've been there?" Fang Yi asked with widened eyes.

Now the more I look at the old man in front of me, the more he looks like a magic stick, as if there is nothing he doesn't know, as a thief who is very confident in his stealth skills.This situation is too shocking.

"Hehe. As a sorcerer who has lived for so many years, I always need some small spells to protect myself,"

Keben by the fireplace refilled his teacup with some water, then stretched out his finger and pointed to the roof. "You squatted on my roof for half a day and half night. It seems that you roasted some blue potatoes with my chimney? The cooking skills are not bad. It's very fragrant~"

Fang Yi blinked, then immediately jumped up from the chair, rushed to the window and opened the curtains with a "crash": outside the window was a bustling street.The crowd was constantly flowing, and on the other side of the street, the wooden signboard with the words "Source of Evil" hung high outside the door on the first floor, shaking slightly with the hot wind in the city.

"I went to..."

Fang Yi slapped his forehead, looked back at the old human man with a kind smile on his face, and felt more and more that the man looked like a cunning and cunning person.

For a long time, Kaiben's so-called "intelligence collection" is to buy a house opposite Saruin's blacksmith shop, and quietly peep?

I also squatted on the roof of someone's house for a long time and a night...

At this time, people were coming and going in the blacksmith shop of the source of evil, and normal business had resumed. Fang Yi glanced down condescendingly, but did not see the previous guards.

"Those people are hiding in the dark, you can't see them,"

After hearing Kaiben's words, Fang Yi gently closed the curtains, turned around and sat back in his seat, thought for a while and said, "I do have some discoveries, but... how can I trust you? If this is Kai De What about Raff's deliberate trick?"

"Haha~ Suspicious brat, no wonder you became the mithril lord,"

Kaiben laughed, shook his head and took out something from his pocket, raised his hand and threw it to Fang Yi, "You still don't believe in this thing?"

Fang Yi received the item in his hand, and found that it was a pendant similar to Saruin's memorial, but the pattern engraved on it was half an arm and a dwarf's head. Judging from this movement, it seemed that he was reaching forward to reach what.

Fang Yi's heart moved, and he quickly took out Saruin's souvenir, and lightly pressed it together with the pendant in his hand - the two pendants fit together perfectly, and the figure in the middle of the hollow pendant became A dwarf with his right hand raised, with a focused expression and a hammer in his hand, seemed to be concentrating on processing something.

The ingenious structure of the pendant and the exquisite seal cutting technique are amazing. Fang Yi couldn't help but whisper, saying that the craftsman who made this necklace is not simple, and this technique alone is enough to make most of his peers proud.

Now that there is this thing, Fang Yi is completely relieved, took out the mysterious metal plate from the backpack and handed it to Kaiben, and told the process of discovering this thing by the way.

Kaiben rubbed the metal plate in his hand, and murmured: "So it's like this... I only know a little about the ancient dwarf language, and I didn't notice the scratches on the bed when I went into the house..."

After saying this, Kaiben stood up and opened a wooden cabinet next to him, as if he was looking for something.

At this time, Fang Yi's message manager also beeped. Fang Yi looked down and saw the warning message sent by Chen Jing and Luo Lie, and couldn't help but smile wryly.

Just thinking that tracking with stealth skills is no problem, but forgetting that there is no such thing as "absolutely strong" in this game.This crisis could have been avoided... I was too big on myself.

Fang Yi sent a message back to the two, explaining that he was fine. At this time, Kaiben also found something and handed it to Fang Yi, saying: "I found this in another residence of Sarouin, maybe you can translate for me?"


Another sheet of metal!

Fang Yi took this metal plate which was similar in size to the previous one, and couldn't hide the surprised look on his face.But there are many messy nicks on the surface in his hand. From the traces, it is earlier than the two writings on the surface.

"Year of the Dragonmaw, Moon of the Wandering,

Everywhere I see is killing, how should I deal with myself?

The two sisters were talking and laughing in front of me. They were plotting against each other yesterday and almost killed each other. Seeing their smiles only made me sick.

The timing stone pillar was ignited again, and a new day began again, but why didn't I feel any hope, even a little bit of vitality?

They all said that I was deviant, and my mother warned me yesterday that if this continues, I will have no place in this family, and the end result will only be expulsion, or... death.

Shouldn't the family be warm and kind?Why are people in this city like this?I hate it here.

The mercenary leader came to see the mistress again yesterday, and said some strange things to me... He said that I once had an older brother, and seeing me reminded him of him.

I decided to go to him and ask. "


"What a similar thought, what a familiar tone, isn't it?

Rebellion in the evil city...let's wish him luck.

Black Cloud Moon, Saruin, in Menzoberranzan."


Fang Yi read out the words on the slate word by word, then looked up at Kaiben inquiringly, and asked, "Mr. Master, is this what Master Saruin is looking for so hard?"

Kaiben shook his head with a calm expression as if he was thinking about something, "I don't know, what he said in the letter to me was vague, but I can feel that he is very excited, and he will only feel this way when he discovers something extraordinary. emotions. However, these two metal plates are the only clues we have so far."

Fang Yi scratched his head, thought for a while and said, "To tell you the truth, I actually came to the Underdark Region this time to find a book, which was left by Master Saruin. It records many anecdotes and mysterious histories. I'm trying to find some clues."

"Oh? Speaking of history, maybe I can help?" Keben smiled slightly.

"Uh... well, that's it..."

Fang Yi, also in line with the idea of ​​having one more person and one more helper, talked to Kaiben about the upgrade of the elf dagger.

The human mage in front of me looks over 60 years old, but Saruin is over 400 years old now, and Saruin was still a young dwarf when the two met...

In this way, this guy is purely an old goblin~

"The White Queen..."

Kaiben touched his smooth chin, frowned and pondered: "I know something, but I don't know if it has anything to do with your affairs."

After hearing this, Fang Yi's eyes lit up, and he said eagerly: "It doesn't matter if he has anything to do with it, I want any news now! Tell me quickly~"

Kaiben stared at Fang Yi, and a sly smile appeared on his originally kind and honest face: "It's just right, I also need your help with something, can this be part of the reward?"


There is no difference between the Underdark and the surface world to some extent. For example, novice players have to go to the novice map to level up, and also return to nearby dungeons to open up wasteland to strengthen their own equipment.

Like most of the main cities, there is a large novice map around the Hearth of Our Lady, where there are goblin tribes, kobold tribes, etc. specially prepared for novices.

Moreover, players in the Underdark generally have a higher leveling speed than the surface world, because there is no real night here, everyone has night vision skills, and there is no so-called darkness penalty, so compared to most surface players who have to rest during the day, The underground players can also be regarded as enjoying a special benefit.

Fang Yi left Kaiben's hut and didn't stay long, but went straight to a place called the Cave Hills in the east outside the city, where there was a novice map.

On the contrary, Fang Yi found many diligent Trinity Alliance players at the gate of the city, carefully staring at the players entering and leaving the city gate, looking for a figure of a human assassin.

Am I so hated?Fang Yi touched his cheek, then smiled, and walked towards the distance stealthily. (to be continued..)

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