Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 877 Towards a Higher Peak

Fortunately, the casualties of the NPCs living in the city were not serious.

As soon as the battle was over, Quinitos and Ms. Shar were responsible for putting out the fire in the town, and asked everyone to clean up the ruins and start construction.Speaking of which, most of the fire was started by Quinitos...

Quinitos, transformed into a giant water elemental, moved quickly in the town, dousing the burning elemental fire, and Shar cooperated on the sidelines.Everyone in the city also put away their combat equipment, and cleaned up the mess under the command of Chen Jing and others.

The city was in ruins and black smoke billowed up, but everyone was smiling, relaxed and happy.Because this big victory is not just as simple as repelling the enemy.

Nearly 2 players died in the open space outside the city and inside the city, and the number of equipment dropped is countless!

Because this time the Japanese players did not launch a war through the gang war system, but engaged in a surprise attack, which is a malicious attack on the player's resident.Such a chance of winning is great, but the disadvantages are also obvious.

In addition to the inability to destroy the core cornerstone to occupy the territory mentioned earlier, all attackers will be regarded as carrying pk value, and the chance of dropping equipment after death is greatly increased!Now walking down the street, you can easily find shiny gear and other drops around corpses.

The dedicated scavenging team in the guild was running out of manpower, so all the people went to battle, picking up equipment as soon as they saw it, and soon even the guild warehouse was full.Some players are walking slowly on the bloody street, not because he is calm, but because his bag is full of things, and he is too heavy to walk...

Therefore, the actual loss of the territory this time is not large, and there may be a surplus.The only thing that is depressing is that many buildings in the town have been damaged and it will take time to rebuild.


The moment the enemy army was wiped out, Peach Blossom Island received a letter from a guild in Japan.

The content is nothing more than some official rhetoric, expressing regret for this war, and wanting to be friends with Peach Blossom Island, and form a business alliance in the foreseeable future.

Fang Yi couldn't help curling his lips and shaking his head when he saw the news, but he also faintly admired it.As soon as one side fails, the other side can immediately change its strategy.There was no hesitation at all.Fang Yi also more or less figured out the plan of the other party. It should be that the position of Peach Blossom Island is too important. These people have already begun to plan for "communication" at the national and regional level after level 50.

Fang Yi didn't yell, but responded to the other party in a blunt tone.Said that everything is negotiable, and by the way, talked with the other party, asking the other party to give Taohua Island a certain amount of compensation for the loss - of course there is no compensation, Fang Yi just wants the other party to lower their vigilance and pave the way for a future trip to Japan.

Riding a dragon to the opponent's place to wreak havoc, and being a devil in the world, just thinking about it makes my heart beat!

The outside world's attention to this battle also continued to be hot, and gossip emerged in an endless stream.While everyone was amazed at the combat power of Peach Blossom Island, they couldn't help being curious about how these Japanese consortiums hid such a large power in China and then gathered together.Trying to destroy Peach Blossom Island?

It's scary to think about it, if any of the Grand Guild's resident is attacked so suddenly, it will almost 100% fall... Others don't have the ancient guarding trees and outrageously tough guards here on Peach Blossom Island.

These Japanese have kicked the iron plate this time...

Because many players rushed to help Peach Blossom Island during the war, and there were many live broadcast reporters, the details of the war were not a secret.

About the reason why Peach Blossom Island is so powerful.Quite a few witnesses have stated that they clearly felt that some of their attributes had been strengthened during the battle on Peach Blossom Island, and not just a little bit!

The buffs of the tree of life and the sword of the earth are put on the players, but they can't see the specific effects and numbers of the buffs, so they can only guess randomly.There are only a few people on Peach Blossom Island who know the truth, and they are left to guess.

Moreover, the buff during battle is different from usual. When the battle situation is critical, the tree of life can activate its full potential.All the buff effects provided by the tree of life are increased by 100%, and other buff effects on the player are increased by 50%. The price paid is that the buff effects including the pulsating tide are greatly weakened for a period of time.

One must know that the benefits brought by the sword of the earth are vast, and the effect of an overall increase of 50% can be imagined.It is precisely by relying on these attribute bonuses that the princes of Peach Blossom Island were able to fight bloody battles and persevere to the end.

Unless the tree of life is destroyed.Otherwise, this effect will always exist and become stronger and stronger, protecting Peach Blossom Island forever.Until the second tree of life belonging to the player is found.


"Bastard! A bunch of trash!!"

An angry roar came from the office, and the secretary standing outside the door lowered his head, forcing himself not to listen to the content of the boss's roar, "A large army of 4 people. Just like that!? Our one-year arrangement! How much money was invested!? It was eaten alive by such a projectile-sized place!?"

In the office, a bald man kept wiping his shiny forehead with a handkerchief, nodding his head, his face full of fear.

"We have already contacted that Fang Yi, he doesn't look like he wants to take revenge immediately,"

The bald man tremblingly looked up at the man in front of him, and said cautiously: "We just lost overseas strength, and we can rebuild it soon."

"Fart! He has a dragon! It's the highest silver dragon!"

The person who spoke was an old man in his seventies, with silver hair combed meticulously, and a gloomy face that seemed to drip water, "He can fly across the border to our map at any time! Now the monsters on the border can no longer stop him... "

The old man was silent for a while, and then he breathed a sigh of relief and waved his hand, "Since you did it, don't regret it, and prepare for his revenge. This is also an opportunity to let China's number one master fall to Japan...huh..."


As the sun went down, the cleaning work on the battlefield came to an end.The corpses of the dead guards and militiamen were properly arranged. After a hard day, everyone went offline to rest, and the npcs also went home to rest, leaving only the night guards.

In fact, with Quinitos and Gasol here, there is no need to worry about anyone who dares to look for trouble, but Chen Jing is a cautious character and feels that arrangements must be made.Moreover, after this battle, especially after using the "Summon Militia" skill, the happiness of the residents in the territory has dropped significantly. As the consul of the territory, Chen Jing dare not take any more risks.

And at this time in the hall of the city lord's mansion.

The magic chandelier illuminates the hall like daytime, and the air is filled with the intoxicating sweet scent of fruit juice rum, as well as the seductive aroma of the gray-skinned beast that is charred on the outside and tender on the inside, making people unable to bear it. Keep your index finger moving.

But this is not a celebration banquet, because there are only four people in the room, Fang Yi, Quinitos, Gasol and Drizzt.

These four giants gathered around the wooden table, tearing the barbecue on the table with their hands in a very unremarkable manner, while drinking heavily, eating and drinking for a while.

"Hey! You have four legs, why are you eating two!?"

Quinitos grabbed Gasol's wrist, stared and shouted: "I haven't eaten a single one yet!?"

"Go, who told you to eat so slowly~"

With a slight lift of Gasol's thick and short arm, he shook off the druid's palm, and opened his mouth to bite the fat gray-skinned animal leg in his mouth.As a legendary fighter, Gasol's power was several gears higher than that of Quintos, and he didn't care about the druid's obstruction at all.

But just as he was about to bite into the delicious barbecue, Gasol felt his eyes blur, and when he looked closely, the animal leg in his hand had long since disappeared, and Drizzt next to him was eating with both hands with great relish.

"Yeah... that's really good, you can't find this kind of little beast in the underground world~ I really want to thank Fang Yi~"

Drizzt said with a smile, but he didn't hesitate at all, he ate up the meat in a few strokes, and Quinitos and Gasol were annoyed.

This gray-skinned beast is rare even in the surface world, and only lives in the saltwater swamps in the coastal areas. It was bought at a high price and given to Fang Yi.

The result was divided by these three people.

It was not until just now that Fang Yi knew that Quinitos and Gasol were old acquaintances, and they were both acquaintances.Drizzt and the two have never met each other, but they have heard each other's name. The three are legendary or quasi-legendary npcs, and they belong to the good camp. They have a natural ally attribute, and it is not awkward to get along with each other. .

Fang Yi found several people together, in addition to thanking everyone for their generosity and help, the main reason was to discuss the issue of alliances between several parties.

Except for Blingdenstone City, the cities where the other three are located are all around the Sea of ​​Falling Stars, which is a natural competition relationship—and on the other hand, it is also a natural alliance relationship.

Among them, the situation in Iron Tooth Fort is the most urgent.

This time the Iron Tooth Fort army rushes to rescue Peach Blossom Island, the news must not be hidden.Let’s not talk about how the army came here, just say that the hostile relationship between the Tumis Empire and Peach Blossom Island cannot be eased in a short while. The emperor of the empire sang against the stage.

I'm afraid Gasol will have a hard time in the future...

In order to repay Gasol, Fang Yi can't just sit idly by.Now Peach Blossom Island is still developing and growing, and through this battle, Fang Yi's confidence has been strengthened-now he no longer has to be afraid of any forces.

So simply announced in a high-profile manner, and formed an alliance with Iron Tooth Fort and Snow Cedar City at the same time!

"Hope our friendship lasts forever,"

Gasol stood up and said to Fang Yi, then raised his glasses to the three of them from afar, and laughed, "It would be a good thing to add a few more legends to Falling Star Sea, for the sake of glory!"

"For glory!"


The four people's golden wine glasses collided together, looked at each other, and laughed.


Peach Blossom Island is safe, and Black Stone Town is safe.The destroyed facilities on the Mithril Coast rose up again, and the positions vacated by the guards were quickly filled by the newly recruited guards. However, these guards are all low-level, and it will take some time to catch up with the strength of other peers. .

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