Mithril Throne of Forgotten Realms

Chapter 89 Miscalculation

Fang Yi sneaked on the side of the winding road, trying to keep his body in the shadow of Yin as much as possible.What the predecessors said is right, knowledge can change one's destiny. After several months and nights of continuous sorting out boring data, facing a huge amount of mechanical data, what he got in exchange was a thorough understanding of the game content.There must be such capable people in Underworld, but most of them don't know the fierce monsters in front of them, let alone Xi Xng, they can only experience it slowly in actual combat.

The trees in the jungle shaded the sky, and the woods were always dark. Fortunately, although the vision provided by the brooch was limited, it also increased the speed of the journey to a certain extent.Fang Yi gnawed off the second giant fruit, followed the trail, and arrived at the bank of the Long Arm River in less than 10 minutes.It turns out that the cave where the boss is located is not far from the Long Arm River. The river flow here is relatively slow, so no sound can be heard from a distance.

After the third level, the growth rate of skill proficiency slowed down significantly. Fang Yi's listening and detection skills still stopped at 3% of level 42, but this is already the result of Fang Yi's skill almost always hanging on. Level players are already a lot higher.

After searching carefully on the river bank for a long time, when Fang Yi felt impetuous and almost gave up, he finally found traces of the crocodile lizard moving near the jungle on the river bank.

The mud was covered with huge paw prints of the crocodile lizard, and a faint stench came out from the grass. Fang Yi stepped on the place where the crocodile lizard had footprints, and walked carefully into the grass.This place should be a natural gully, the top is tightly blocked by the lush tree canopy, and the sunlight can hardly be seen, causing the place to be filled with a hot and humid atmosphere.

Finally out of the range of mud, Fang Yi lightly stepped onto the wet ground.Observing left and right habitually, Fang Yi was shocked: there was a series of footprints on the mud at the corner on the right!

someone! ?Fang Yi walked up the mountain carefully. Although the visitor deliberately walked along the corner, he could still distinguish a few traces that were not clear. When he drew out the double blades, Fang Yi couldn't help but feel very depressed.

After playing online games for so many years, Fang Yi has long disdained the trick of sneak attacking and seizing treasure, even if the opponent holds a heavy treasure, as long as it is not an enemy or the opponent strikes first, Fang Yi will rationally choose to watch.He, a professional player, earns his living from the game. If the game is full of malicious PK and stealing equipment, the game will not be far from closing down.Although there are a small number of people with low moral character, most professional players will consciously resist this kind of self-destructive behavior.

"Miracle" does a good job in this aspect. Malicious pk players are free cash machines in a sense. All players are angry and violent. After all, if you want to play the evil camp, there are thousands of ways for you to choose. Malicious pk is suspected to be the most dangerous type. [

If the other party gets the treasure, Fang Yi will naturally leave quietly.But now that it's all here, there's really no reason not to take a look.

Fang Yi tiptoed forward at the bottom of the ditch, and soon found a fork.This is obviously the result of the labor of the crocodile lizard boss, the messy paw prints are clearly visible, and the structure of the passage also conforms to the life habits of the crocodile lizard - the thick branches above ensure the concealment of the nest, and the gradually rising terrain also avoids water With the formation of depressions, although the crocodile lizard washes with water, there is little water in the nest.Fang Yi was fully alert, and slowly moved forward to touch it.

The noon sun did not shine on the ground, and it seemed as if the dusk had entered ahead of schedule in the spacious lair. Fang Yi held his breath and concentrated on moving forward with the sound of a series of footprints in front of him.The clues left by the players in the game world last up to 2 minutes (for example, footprints in heavy rain will disappear quickly), and unless the search skill level is very high, there will be basically no traces after that.

The footprints in front of him are clearly visible, obviously just left.Fang Yi turned around and compared his own footprints, and found that the person in front of him was really capable. Either he was a druid who added footsteps, or he had very high voice movement and stealth skills. Be shallow.

Finally came to the end of the nest, the ground became relatively dry, and the footprints disappeared before entering the open space where the nest was located.Fang Yi probed his head for a while, but he didn't find the expected player, but a place of pale bones, all leftovers left by the crocodile boss.Fang Yi's head was blinded by the pungent stench, and he kept regretting that his perception was too high.

Can sneak?Although Fang Yi also hoped that the other party had a power outage and disconnected accident at this time, he still refreshed his investigative and listening skills rationally.

Fang Yi squatted halfway, zigzag forward on the rotten ground, and played peek-a-boo with the other party.When two players who know how to sneak fight against each other, it depends on their hidden skills and the level of related confrontation skills.In this regard, Fang Yi is full of confidence. From the beginning of the game to the present, his listening and detection skills have never been broken, and he does not use stealth all the time. Now he is waiting for the opponent to show his feet.It's just that Fang Yi couldn't figure out how the other party found him.

The dark lair was empty, save for the buzzing of flies flying over the bones of wild animals.Fang Yi detoured to the side of the lair, using his sense of hearing to the extreme, guarding against enemies who would appear around him at any time.

Unknowingly, Fang Yi came to the side of the largest pile of bones, and suddenly stopped.There was an incomplete humanoid corpse among the huge animal bones.The lower half of the body has disappeared, and the torso of the upper body is also quite damaged. Only the head and arms are relatively intact.

Due to the tearing of the beast and the covering of mud, the corpse's clothes were already in tatters, but Fang Yi still managed to distinguish the original bright red color of the robe.What's more, there are several weird tattoos engraved on the bald head of the corpse, extending to the only remaining left shoulder.

Although Fang Yi was quite curious about the corpse, he wisely did not stay in place for too long, but continued to swim.But this time Fang Yi started to stare at his feet distractedly, for fear of missing something.

Another minute passed, and when Fang Yi returned to the corpse, he finally found another clue.This time when Fang Yi passed by, he lowered his body very low, intending to look for any clues that he missed in the mud on the ground, but unexpectedly found a red gleam under the corpse!

Fang Yi squinted his eyes and stopped, backing away slowly until his back was pressed against the wet wall, then squatted down, staring motionlessly at the faint red light under the body of the corpse.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and Fang Yi remained still. After superimposing stealth and hiding skills, if he was still discovered by the enemy, Fang Yi could only admit defeat.

Suddenly, a slight vibration came from the direction of the cave entrance, Fang Yi turned his ears to the side of the cave entrance, closed his eyes and listened.Sure enough, the vibration became more and more obvious, and occasionally there was the roar of monsters mixed in, and the sound had already entered the gully. [


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