Wanhua Merry

Chapter 101

() The law and order in Ziye City has returned to normal, and the martial law has been lifted. The reason is very simple. As early as two days ago, the owner of Ziye City had broken through and left the customs!After hearing everyone's report, he immediately ordered the lifting of the state of alert!As far as he is concerned, there are really not many things in this world that can scare him!

"I'm still alive. Now that I'm out of customs, those ghosts and ghosts, come and visit if you are brave enough!" This is the hidden message that City Lord Ziye sent to everyone!

Arrogant, confident, arrogant, but not domineering!This is the unique style of Ziye City Lord that seems reckless but can shock the world!

This is Wen Xing's style!Wenxing titled 'Ziye Fengzun'!

This is a big man who is even more legendary than Pang Tianya!He was born in a reckless family and fought wildly in the world!Absolutely a great hero born in the world, and also a great master of martial arts and art of war who shocked the world!Because of his existence, Yaoyue Empire has basically dared not to use swords and guns lightly in recent years. Those painful lessons decades ago have severely damaged Yaoyue Empire's vitality!

The names of Wen Xing and Pang Tianya are even more resounding in Yaoyue Empire, and all the military generals who have conquered the world admire him!Including his enemies!

There are many martial arts masters in the empire, but there are really not many martial arts masters who use soldiers like gods like Wen Xing and Pang Tianya!Therefore, the emperor attached great importance to them, and it is understandable that they were dukes and called brothers!

Wen Xing's art of war is like a god, but he is more tactful in life and knows how to advance and retreat!Back then, he and his sworn brother made great achievements. Before the emperor could speak, the two handed over their military power and claimed credit for themselves!

This behavior made the emperor Long Yan very happy!Since ancient times, those with high achievements have not come to a good end, how could Yi Wenxing and Pang Tianya's scheming not expect this?So the two retreated bravely. To be honest, the emperor was really relieved!

Therefore, Ziye City was placed under Wen Xing's name, and Pang Tianya did not accept the fief due to his own reasons, but came to Ziye City with his eldest brother, which resulted in the current intricate relationship between the five cities!

But everyone knows that even though Wen Xing has no military power, he is still the Great Wall that the empire relies heavily on!Once the Yaoyue Empire breaks the peace agreement and invades brazenly, Wen Xing and Pang Tianya will surely lead the army again, and it is their duty to defend their home and country!

Wen Xing often said a word: the best ending is the bloody battle of a man and the shroud of horse leather!This guy is a war madman!He is good at deploying troops in frontal layout, step by step until he destroys all the vital forces of the enemy, and he will win or lose the battle!On the other hand, Pang Tianya is just the opposite, he is good at using insidious tricks and tricks, using endless means, and using everything to the extreme!It's overwhelming!These two people are positive and negative, and they cooperate with each other tacitly to complement each other. They are really the fearsome wisteria army gods!

The Yueyue Empire is also well aware of this situation.Therefore, the government and the opposition reached a consensus: until there is no military marshal who can compete with the two military gods of the Wisteria Empire, or the assassination of Wen Xing and Pang Tianya is successful, do not invade the Wisteria Empire for the time being, so as not to repeat the same mistakes!

The people all over the world have been able to enjoy a peaceful and comfortable life for so many years, thanks to the two men!

This is the biggest reason why these two are famous all over the world!Not only because of their own top-level cultivation, but also because of their military talents and their great contributions to the empire!

In this way, military generals who wear armor to lead the army in war and take the initiative to hand over power in peacetime are the most valued and trusted by the empire!So although the two are in the court and the wild, they are in the heart of the emperor!No matter how much trouble you make, how many people you kill, or even how many noble families you kill, as long as you don't go too far, such as rebelling or colluding with the emperor's heir to seize the throne, you will never be punished!

This is also the main reason why the surrounding four cities dare not turn their faces in the open!Although these ancient aristocrats with a long history looked down on the two nobles who were born as commoners and got into high positions, they also knew the heavy weight these two had in the emperor's heart, so naturally they did not dare to neglect their face!

Since the title is Feng Zun, it is natural to comprehend the power of the wind attribute!It is said that the hurricane controlled by Wen Xing can instantly destroy a small city as large as the City Lord's Mansion, and its destructive power can be called extremely terrifying!If we talk about fighting alone, I am afraid that Hong Wang, the chief eunuch "Blood Robe Yan Luo" of the detective department may not be his opponent!In the entire empire, the only one who dares to say that a single person can overwhelm Feng Zun Wenxing is the mysterious Yunxiao Palace Master!

This is Wen Xing, the Wen Xing that makes people change their colors and fear in their hearts!

And the little witch Wen Yingying wanted to vent her anger on younger sister Yunyun, so of course she had no scruples about dealing with a bastard like Wan Ming, who made her father Wen Xing?

So Wan Ming may have a lot of fun tonight!

Sister Yunyun, who succeeded in framing her, coaxed Ms. Yingying very obediently, and then used the excuse of going home to report her parents' safety, leaving Luanming Pavilion temporarily, and vowed to come back at night to clean up Wanming with Yingying!

No matter how reluctant Yingying is to let her sister leave, she can't stop her from going back to see her parents, can she?I had no choice but to follow Yunyun's wishes and let her leave Luanming Pavilion!

After Yunmo got out smoothly, without changing his image, he immediately headed towards the cave where the bird was hiding! "It's been four or five days, and Chi Niao has already blamed himself to death?" Yun Mo thought, and quickened his pace.


Although the City Lord's Mansion has recovered its stability, there are a few suspicious cases that are puzzling!

It's really a mystery!Many people went missing the night of the explosion!The chief manager Cheng Fugui and his son, the supervisor Zhou Quan and his son, the captain of the guard Wen Junlai, the third wife Lin Meier who is in command of Gongsun Furan, and the young Yunmo who has never been found, so many people have no record of going out of the city, so they are here. People disappeared under their noses!It really made the leaders in charge of investigating the incident that night in the city lord's mansion feel as if they were in a fog, and they didn't know how to continue the investigation!The last time Chen Fugui appeared in front of people was when he left the mansion alone that night, and then had a few conversations with the old man guarding the gate.After he left the house, he disappeared from people's sight like a bubble burst, and no one saw him again!

"What's the situation?" The commander who investigated the matter recorded the statements of the guards who were on duty outside Cheng's mansion one by one, but they all said that they didn't see the chief executive. This is really evil!

And the place where Zhou Quan last appeared was the Cheng Mansion!According to the witness report of the guards involved, after Zhou Quan and visiting Wen Junlai followed Cheng Fugui into the garden, they were never seen coming out again. Later, Cheng Fugui came out alone!

But where did Zhou Quan and Wen Jun go?I don't know how to investigate, I have no choice but to dig this garden three feet to find it!Finally found a secret room in that rockery!

But the chamber of secrets is blessed by magic, and ordinary people can't crack it!The news was reported layer by layer, and a mage with great soul power supported by the mansion was forcibly dragged out of the pill refining process!This old guy with a sparse beard three feet long and few strands of hair on his head, with an expression of reluctance on his face, disappeared as soon as he cracked the spell!There were only a few cursing voices of 'you bastard, delaying Grandpa's refinement of the elixir', and several high-ranking commanders had no choice but to pretend that their ears were deaf and didn't hear them!

What is their identity?Alchemy Master!Generally, this kind of people stay in di du and are supported by the royal family!This person agreed to stay in Ziye City for many years because of his excellent relationship with the city lord!You have to pay three points for hearing and doing, and if you scold you commanders a few times, do you still dare to talk back?

"Hey, just scold me, as long as the quality of the elixir assigned to me doesn't drop!" Several commanders cursed the old bastard in their hearts, and entered the secret room.

The result is extremely speechless!

The secret room was a mess, with traces of fighting everywhere.The table was turned over, and there was also a set of clothes that Zhou Quan wore that day!

But the question is, what about people?Where the fuck did he go?All the hidden secret passages in this secret room were broken by the mage, even the place where the gold coins were originally hidden was opened, and the things inside were naturally missing.But why is this big living person gone?

"I'm going, what a fucking hell!" These commanders cursed, feeling depressed in their hearts.So far Zhou Quan disappeared.

Later, it became even more strange. Cheng Fugui disappeared after leaving the mansion, but someone saw Wen Junlai appearing on the street, and then disappeared. It was so strange. No one remembered Wen Jun came to Chengfu. What the hell is going on? thing.Wen Junlai is a practitioner who has mastered super combat skills, and in order to protect the lives of the residents of Ziye City, he fought against ten with one enemy.Fuchu has decided to vigorously cultivate.Why did he disappear mysteriously at this juncture? How do you say this?

As for the two injured teenagers, the guards also remembered clearly.

When Cheng Fugui came, he met Nizi who was injured and cheated, so Lei Ting was furious, and gave the maid in charge a good lesson!That charming little maid was even sent flying by the manager, and then she was fined a monthly fee and kicked out of the compound!

Then, after about half an hour, Cheng Fugui left in a rage!He was indeed alone when he left. After one night, someone came to deliver breakfast, only to find that the house was in a mess. The bandages on the two wounded people were all over the floor, but the strange thing was that no one was there!

"This Cheng's mansion has run into evil!" This is the true thought in the hearts of all the leaders investigating this matter!Don't think about it for the time being, it is definitely the most bizarre disappearance case.You can't see people alive, but you can't see dead bodies!

Then Gongsun Furan's investigation results are also full of suspicion, and I don't know why!

First of all, a girl was released in the small building where the maids bathe and dry clothes. This girl is called Lianlian, and she is the personal maid of Lin Meier, the third wife of Gongsun Furan!According to her, she just fell asleep on the chair in the drying room, and when she woke up again, she found herself locked in the storage room, with firefoil and food in her arms, which were not hers, somehow It will come to me, and the clothes I washed, including the shoes on my feet, are gone!

Then she started knocking on the door for help, and then someone let her out!Only then did I realize that I slept here all night!

This sounds strange, and even stranger things are to come!Bixin, another maidservant of the third lady, swears that Lianlian went back with her after taking a bath, and there is also the testimony of the maids working on the first floor at that time!But Lianlian was indeed locked in the storage room, how could there be two Lianlians?

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