Wanhua Merry

Chapter 1012 Armed combat readiness upgrade

() The reason is very simple, although the finished parts do not need seal carving talismans, and there is no need to design spell activation, which seems to save trouble.However, the materials used are fucking horrible!

Not to mention anything else, it is the 'star magic feather steel' mentioned by the girl just now. There are not many master craftsmen in this world who can refine it into a suitable shape according to their wishes.What's more, this thing called 'spring' is made of top-grade metal. On this basis, its elasticity can be increased by more than [-] times. Is this something that ordinary masters can do?

The melting point of some materials is too high, and the refining process is too complicated. Ordinary people really can't handle this job.

Not to mention Zheng Xun, even Kui Ye Mozun can't reach this level of refining, only this girl has this ability!

Ye Lianhua saw that she had thought of it a long time ago, so she no longer hid it, and said slowly: "What the girl said is true, this spring is indeed the most important thing, after assembly, it will be the rainstorm pear flower needle! Girls helped to rebuild it. After refining it once, a peerless hidden weapon capable of killing the second layer of Tianzun and injuring Tianzun's Dzogchen will be born soon!"

The girl's eyes narrowed.

"How many Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needles can you assemble with the parts you gave me to upgrade?" She asked after pondering for a while.

"There are only three barrels, which are used by my grandson to save his life! This kind of vicious concealed weapon is too terrifying, my grandson can't let it spread, and the finished product can't be given to the girl. Please understand."

Ye Lianhua understood the girl's intention in an instant, and immediately blocked the conversation.

This thing can only be controlled by oneself, and the assembly method should never be learned by anyone else.He also kept a hand, among which objects made of other materials, he didn't let the girl make them, he could make them himself.

Therefore, even if the girl builds all these parts again, she can't assemble them by herself after thinking about them and experimenting.

The physics in the previous life is different from the refining science here, and the girl will never find the right direction.

He's cautious to the point of being hateful!

The girl was obviously very unhappy, but she gave the young man another high look in her heart. "There is a bottom line in acting, even in the face of elders like myself, you don't back down, good job"!

She really wants a finished product research, as long as there is a finished product, what can't be made?

It's a pity that this young man won't let her touch her life and death. She is itching in her heart, but she knows that what the young man said is reasonable. If this thing becomes popular in the world, then the world of cultivators will usher in catastrophe!

She felt relieved when she thought of this.

But the mouth is naturally unforgiving, a meal of "little bastard, little white-eyed wolf" scolded Ye Lianxing into shit.Then let her meditate and rest in this room, and she went to work in the refining room.

Ye Lianxing's face was full of bitterness when he was scolded, but he could never compromise on matters of principle.

If so, he enters into the deepest meditation.

In this world, the residence of the little teacher is the safest place, he is extremely at ease. ………


A day later, Yi Rongcheng became the old lady's aunt, and handed over the upgraded version of the spring to the young man.And one hundred thousand fine needles have been successfully refined, and they are good things made of star phantom feather steel.

This Star Phantom Feather Steel is very difficult to refine, but there is still a way in this hands.

But the teacher didn't teach it, she said: the saint is better than herself, I can't teach Ye Lianxing skills first, to avoid preconceived mistakes!

Ye Lianxing naturally understood this, and was very grateful for the girl's hard work.But it's very embarrassing for the girl to charge him a price of 3000 trillion gold coins as a reward!

There are so many high-quality metal materials, coupled with the girl's skill, it is priceless!The question is, aren't you a girl, and you still want gold coins from your grandson?

After he successfully smelted the spring, he asked politely.

The girl who turned into an old woman pursed her mouth, and said in a concentrated voice: "Leave a finished product, a gold coin will not be accepted!"

Well, Ye Lianxing insisted on the bottom line when he was still in the first place, and didn't get entangled with the rainstorm. Anyway, Ye Lianxing is a world-renowned rich man, who would not be bullied?

It's really annoying the cycle of natural retribution!Ye Lianxing likes to be ripped off the most, and he loves money like his life. It hurts my heart to be knocked out of thousands of trillions of gold coins by my little girl!He rolled his eyes, and begged his little girl to help him speak well about the scandal at Mozun's place.Otherwise he will not give money.The little girl couldn't laugh or cry, so she had no choice but to agree to help him settle it.

If a little girl spoke, it is estimated that Mozun would not dare to attack too harshly, and all the teachers and uncles would not dare to make trouble.Here, the little girl is more eloquent than the demon king, that's why he dared to trick everyone.There is a girl behind her, and the outer building can run rampant.

He left the golden ticket.He muttered something like 'the girl is a vampire', and left in despair.

<In the secret place in the season scene, Ye Lianxing poured out a lot of metal parts that cost huge sums of money after setting up isolation restrictions.

Sitting cross-legged, beside him were three syringes that he rebuilt in his spare time.

This time, there are 880 tiny holes in the front end of the syringe!Because the needle body is three times thinner than the original refining one, the needle cylinder this time can naturally expand the needle body shooting channel by about three times!

If it is opened, it will look like a densely packed honeycomb pattern from the inside to the outside, and the inclination of the needle path will become slightly larger, so that after the needle body is shot out, it will cover a space ten times larger than before!

At the limit speed close to the speed of light, these needles can't even be avoided by the triple god!And pure mechanical kinetic energy, when activated, will not generate a trace of energy, no one will notice, naturally there is no way to prevent it, and the triple heavenly deity Dzogchen will also be recruited!

Black needles thinner than ox hair appeared in his palm.This is something made of the top star phantom feather steel. The star phantom feather steel is also a black metal, one of the hardest metals.Even if a body as terrifying as Jin Yueteng encountered it, it would be pierced several points!Regardless of the ordinary Zun class Dzogchen?It will definitely hurt!

In the battle of masters, a slight injury is enough to change the situation of the battle.

He observed the [-] thin needles with a spiritual mind, and clearly saw the thin grooves carved on them according to his requirements.These grooves can not only play an acceleration role, but after injuring the human body, due to the speed effect, the shallow grooves invisible to the naked eye will cause extremely terrifying destructive power to the physical body!

"It's so beautiful!" Shen Nian had to see the black needle clearly, and looked at the grooves on it as beautiful as a work of art, and he was amazed at the girl's forging skills in his heart!

"It's insane!" he yelled, dying of glee.

Put the needle away, leaving only one.

Exercise your palms to achieve the strongest strength.

The other hand stretched out, pinched the black needle with his fingers, and stabbed it at the palm of his own hand!

There was not even a slight sound, the needle had penetrated half an inch deep into the flesh of his palm, and this was still in a normal state, if it was shot out with a needle barrel, under the blessing of the spring that became ten thousand times stronger, the hand would Will be pierced!

Heartbreaking pain came, and joy appeared in the young man's eyes!After just experimenting, I knew that the penetration was better than I expected.

When the experiment was over, he put away the parts.

It cannot be assembled at this time because one component is missing.

And that thing is in the hands of 'Little Ten Master'.

I don't know if it was successful?As long as that thing is successful, the lethality of the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle will increase dozens of times!

Ye Lianxing was looking forward to it.

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