Wanhua Merry

Chapter 1087 Ban Jue Mountain <[-]>

The mountain wind from Banjue Mountain blew on Wan He's body, and he felt cold all over for no reason.

"It seems that the title of the biggest traitor in history has been firmly held. Meow meow! When I colluded with the Monster Race Alliance, I should have thought of this day. It's just that I didn't expect it to come It’s all so fast! Forget it, forget it, this is a road of no return, if you don’t succeed, you’ll be benevolent, at least, I’m still alive. The other three city lords are already dead, so in this respect, I’m the winner.”

Looking left and right at the three fake city lords, Wan He comforted himself like this.

Shi Qing sneered in his heart!

"The trend of the times, this is the current situation Wanhe is facing! We can only follow the trend, otherwise we will be smashed into pieces! The day of revival of the monster clan has finally come!" Shi Qing was full of excitement.

Tens of millions of troops have already entered Banjue Mountain, stretching out countless miles diagonally!The terrain of Banjue Mountain is very high, and the road becomes more difficult as you go up it.After all, this is not an official road for the army and horses, it is just an avenue for merchants to and from goods, but it has a special location, like a choking throat, and its strategic position is prominent!

Why is there no military station for defense here?Naturally, it was because Wen Xing and Pang Tianya had already made arrangements.Therefore, there has always been no army stationed here.

The four cities had suspected it a long time ago. Why didn't Wenxing send troops to defend such a strategic location?But I still can't figure it out, and as time goes by, I get used to it.

Get used to this kind of thing once it starts, it will give people a preconceived impression that this group of Jueshan has no troops to deploy defenses, which is naturally a normal phenomenon in the eyes of Sicheng.

This is exactly the judgment that Pang Tianya wants everyone to make.

The concept that Wen Xing and Pang Tianya hoped to form in people's minds was: Ziye City's defenses are indestructible, so the two military gods are confident that their high walls are enough to hold back thousands of troops!

At the beginning, people didn't believe it, but after a long time, they accepted this explanation!

Therefore, no one is skeptical about the fact that there are no soldiers guarding dangerous areas. After all, so many years have passed, and there has never been a single soldier here.

In the dark night, there are inconspicuous eyes, looking from top to bottom, through the darkness, looking at the Allied Forces of the Four Cities who are climbing the mountains with hidden aura, these eyes slightly sweep over Wanhe, Shi Qing and the top masters behind them There is no trace of the past.But already knew the whole situation clearly.The eyes that can peek secretly without disturbing Shi Qing are naturally not something ordinary people can have. The owner of these eyes is a man with an ordinary face——Pang Tianya!

Wen Xing, Pang Tianya, and Zheng Xun were all fully armed, and they were already wearing heavenly high-grade battle armor.The magic weapon that is rarely used is ready to move in the storage magic weapon, ready to go!

These three people were hidden in the high-altitude clouds, and behind them were more than [-] masters of the heavenly king level who were armed to the teeth, and they were levitating on various magic weapons.These more than [-] masters are all members of the 'Purple Leaf Night Owl'. At this moment, Purple Leaf City revealed its ultimate power that had been hidden for decades.Among the more than [-] heavenly kings, there are five or six people who are suspended in the void, and they are all masters around the second level of respect!

The power of 'Purple Leaf Night Owl' following the three bosses accounted for two-thirds of the overall power.There is still a third of them executing the Feixiao plan!

The sky is full of clouds, the night is dark to kill people, and the wind is high to set fires. It is a good time to fight!

Zheng Xun controls the invisible magic circle to isolate the detection of the high-altitude monster clan magic circle, and at the same time hides the aura fluctuations of his team.

Raiders vs. Raiders!Both sides are playing the Raiders route, but who can have the last laugh?

"Brother, all of them have entered the range of Banjue Mountain. There are more than 200 million troops, including a quarter of the cavalry. More than [-]! The waiters are all above the fourth level of Tianyou, and they are all elite soldiers in the four cities! They don't know who they are working for, and we have no way to prove that there are monsters among those mysterious people. This is our drinking It’s a good opportunity for enemy blood, and Ban Jue Mountain’s big moves that have been arranged for decades have finally come in handy, and I’m so excited, my little brother!”

"Hehe!" Hearing Tianya's voice, Wen Xing laughed happily in Linghai.

"Huh, if you dare to collude with the monster clan, ten thousand and one hundred deaths are not enough to atone for your sins! Let's give the four cities a blow today! Remember, while beheading the enemy, don't make unnecessary sacrifices. Ziye City only has this wealth, and we can't be defeated." rise".

Wen Xing ordered.

"It's natural. Most of the monsters are land monsters, and they are not good at water battles. Therefore, their first choice is to attack by land. In fact, if they use ships to detour to Tianjie Ocean to encircle Ziye City, they will take the most initiative. It's a pity. , hahaha!" Pang Tianya laughed gloatingly.

At this time, Zheng Xun's Linghai was connected to the two of them. Hearing the conversation between the two, he couldn't help but smile!

"After Ziye Yexiao completes the task, he must withdraw from the battlefield immediately. Together with the battle, it is estimated that the leader of the Monster Race Alliance will fly at the fastest speed. Ziye Yexiao cannot confront him, otherwise, huge losses will be inevitable! Their shooting time and opportunities are very short, have you arranged it?"

Wen Xing asked worriedly.Ziye Yexiao was his and Pang Tianya's hard-core army, losing even one would be heartbroken, how could he be allowed to take risks?Wen Xing naturally wanted to ask one more question.Although he is aware of the ability of his foster brother, but at this time, "cautious" has become the attitude that Wen Xing must follow, and the matter is of great importance and cannot be missed!

"Brother, don't worry, I have already ordered Ziye Yexiao to attack according to the plan. When the time comes, no matter what the result of the battle, they will fly away from here immediately, and they will carry a magic weapon to cover their breath, and will not stay behind." No one can track their whereabouts. They will join the Feixiao plan, and it is our turn to complete the other strategic goals! The real danger will fall on you and me. Big brother, do you think that Little Dingdang will be able to Will the information be delivered before the scheduled time? Can Yunmo really catch up? If he comes a step later, he will probably have to collect the corpses for you and me. This is a big adventure for us. If we are not careful, we will die without burial. land".

Pang Tianya said worriedly.

"Brother Yi, life and death are determined by fate and wealth. If I am destined to die today, then I will not be able to escape. Even if the two of you are involved in death with me, I feel uneasy!"

Wen Xing did not answer many questions, but said this.

Ha ha!Zheng Xun suddenly laughed! "Little Xingzi, Xiao Yazi, if I die together in Banjue Mountain today, I, Zheng Xun, will not lose! Besides, if I die, my master Kuiya Mozun will be furious, and the Yaozu Alliance will also lose at that time." Serious! Even if I die, I will not lose. In this life, I have earned enough!" Zheng Xun said loudly.

"Brother, you are the real warrior!" Wen Xing said sincerely, the three of them looked at each other, Wen Xing and Pang Tianya said to Zheng Xun together: "Thank you, brother, please send a big meal to the Allied Forces of the Four Cities!" "

"Hahaha, okay, brothers, let's deliver Banjueshan appetizers to the Allied Forces of the Four Cities!"

The spiritual thoughts reached the spiritual sea of ​​hundreds of people behind him, all members of Ziye Yexiao laughed cruelly.

The soul power was surging, and in just an instant, one hundred thousand fiery red crystals were communicated!

The fiery red crystals are buried deep in the caves in Banjue Mountain, and they are all on the main mountain nodes!

Fire spells are sealed in these fiery red crystals!

This is a terrifying weapon made by the fire-type soul mages of Ziye City for decades, and it was secretly placed in Banjue Mountain by Pang Tianya's envoys, just waiting for today's moment to come!

Originally, they thought that this buried ultimate move would never see the light of day, it was just a preventive measure.Unexpectedly, today is finally their time to shine!

These [-] fire crystals are all engraved with a strange magic circle, which is controlled by Zheng Xun's soul power, and Zheng Xun is the only one in Purple Leaf City who can inspire [-] crystals.He was like a remote-controlled detonator, the moment his soul power was transmitted to the crystal, a terrifying explosion sounded instantly on the entire Banjue Mountain!

Rumble!The sudden sound from the mountain and the fire fluctuations that stirred up the vitality of the heaven and earth instantly made Wan and Shi Qing change their colors!

bang bang...!

Countless strange noises suddenly came out, shaking the earth and shaking the mountains!Ban Jue Mountain became a rotten beehive in an instant, countless large holes were formed out of thin air, and boundless and terrifying flames rushed out of the holes like crazy!It rose into a huge pillar of flames with a diameter of hundreds of feet, and shot straight into the sky!

The terrifying high temperature instantly melted the rocks, and the magma rushed out!

It's like countless volcanic eruptions appearing out of thin air!In the depths of the mountains here is an extinct volcanic crater hundreds of millions of years ago. No one else knows this, but only the high-level officials of Ziye City know it. It is very useful at this time!

Groups of violent magma fell like rain, engulfing more than half of the guards of the Allied Forces of the Four Cities!

In the raging fire and lava, these low-level guards were burned to a mass of ashes before they could even scream, and disappeared from this world!Even the weapons in their hands were melted by the scorching heat.


The explosion continued, and after the magma and the flames of the explosion, the mountain couldn't bear the impact and finally disintegrated!

Amidst the rumbling sound, sand and rocks flew away!

The mountain disintegrated into countless stones of different sizes, which rushed down along with plant debris and endless sand, forming a terrifying landslide!

Because the position of the crystal was set with great consideration, it was determined that the flow of the landslide happened to be behind Purple Leaf City, that is to say, it was facing the Allied Forces of the Four Cities!


The coalition guards who had no flying magic weapon and no high cultivation level howled in unison!Such a terrifying landslide happened suddenly without warning, and just when I stepped on this mountain, how else could I escape?

Just in the blink of an eye, except for the cultivators above the celestial master level who have flying magic weapons and the respected masters who can fly physically, the tens of millions of troops who cannot fly and millions of monster horses are completely submerged in the composition of stones, magma and fire. In the torrent of landslides, there are no dead bodies!

The Allied Forces of the Four Cities are destroyed!

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