Wanhua Merry

Chapter 1110 Bloody battle in the sky

The Yaozu Air Force will be condescending and carry out a fatal blow to the stubborn human beings!If the Air Force gets this opportunity, it will greatly accelerate the demise of human cultivators!Fearing too much loss, the air force has never attacked at any cost, but the commander-in-chief of the army has issued a lore military order. At this time, the air force will naturally start a general attack!

Surrounded by so many monster kings, as strong as Ouyang Qing, he was also beaten badly.If it weren't for his years of experience in surviving in pursuit, he would have been beaten to death by this time.

Flying with Ouyang Qing to defend against the enemy's cultivator team, there were only less than eight people left at this time.

The Tianwang class has been killed and injured, and three Tianzun have fallen.Lu Feng, the leader of the Zichao City Detective Department, was surrounded by three big demon kings, and the situation was precarious and not optimistic.Most of the rest of the respected masters are first-level experts, and they are in danger of dying at any time.However, they would rather die in battle than escape by escaping.In fact, they knew in their hearts that the Yaozu must have arranged a formation to block the escapism in the distance, and if they activated the escapism, they would become deserters, and there would be a risk of being killed quickly.Instead of this, it is better to fight to the death here, and to die is to die heroically!

At the top of the wall, amidst the sound of 'whoosh', the monster warriors lined up in a row, raising giant knives and guns together, and slashed at the human warriors who were desperately resisting!These reckless heroes are tyrannical in individual force, but without the experience of group combat, a single slashing action by the monster warriors slaughtered the lives of countless human warriors!

The city wall of Zichao City is very wide, tens of feet wide, which shows that the basic construction of this ancient city is in place.The black monster soldiers pressed forward. After consolidating the bloody territory, they quickly lined up under the command of the officer, hacking and killing like a forest of knives and guns!The power that humans could have been able to block was broken in an instant!For a while, the battle was one-sided. In front of a well-trained army, the reckless cultivators who don't know how to fight in groups instantly suffered a big loss!

In just a few breaths, more than [-] heroes died on the city wall, the golden and red blood mixed together, and the smell of blood spread for countless miles with the wind.

"Too deceiving!"

Ouyang Qing sensed the situation below, and saw the Yaozu Air Force aiming and throwing short spears, condescendingly slaughtering human warriors like chickens, her heart was full of fire, it was a fire that could burn the sky!With so many people dying in front of their eyes, even a great practitioner cannot calm down.

A white talisman was sacrificed by it!A loud singing voice suddenly echoed between the sky and the earth, and a gray-white light burst into the sky in an instant!Ouyang Qing drew the hole card at the bottom of the box, the great forbidden spell of the talisman!

This is a great forbidden technique that reaches the level of Wang Ding. These gray-white energies condense in the void to form a giant ax that is thousands of miles long. Facing the black demon clan air force slammed it down!An area of ​​thousands of miles was covered by the attack of this axe, and the control was ingenious, and all the targets were the figures of the Monster Race Air Force.Qiqi, the monster soldiers who were condescendingly throwing weapons at the human cultivators and killing people for fun, turned pale in shock.

In terms of this talisman, the Yaozu is absolutely no match for humans.Because the craft of making demon charms has basically been lost, so far, there are not many demon charms surviving in the world.It takes time for the mages in the monster army to prepare the forbidden spell, and it is even more impossible to cast it instantly. The attack of this magic talisman can only be endured abruptly!

Ouyang Qing's golden giant sword coiled in the air, spitting out terrifying sword lights at the five demon kings surrounding him, the cutting force almost pierced the sky, preventing these demon kings from having a chance to rescue those who were about to be hit Yaozu Air Force.

Like a tacit understanding, Lu Feng and others launched a big move together to prevent some big demon kings from going to rescue.At the same time, the city heroes who fought with a part of the Yaozu air force also broke out violent attacks, preventing the Yaozu air force from consolidating their overall strength to contend!

"Everyone has it, vote!"

A Yaozu air force officer shouted in amazement. Although it was in the language of the Yaozu, humans could not understand it, but they all understood what the monster was shouting.

The locked Yaozu air force soldiers were all terrified, and as the officer shouted, they quickly threw the short spears on their backs at the chopped axe at the same time!The power of so many short spears concentrated in one place is really terrifying.It looked like a Mercedes-Benz torrent of steel collided with the giant axe!There was a thunderbolt, and lightning flashed across the sky like countless electric flashes. The force of impact and friction was too great, and the sky was instantly covered with electric flashes!

Boundless hostility erupted from the giant axe, and it knocked away the short spear blocking the way with a thunderous momentum, reducing its size by more than half, which shows how powerful the collective throwing weapon is.

Simple and heavy, the power that can crush the heavens instantly acts on the Yaozu air force fighters!

With the giant ax in front of him, all the monsters are full of colorful lights!In the crackling lightning, no one could see the real situation clearly. There were countless chaotic sounds of "Kakaka", and the corpses of more than [-] Yaozu soldiers suddenly fell from the sky!The eagles and eagles under them naturally became corpses too!It was just a great forbidden magic talisman that wiped out [-] precious monster soldiers in one blow, and it was still the air force.


Ron Gudella's eyes are tearing apart!I don't know how much resources the empire spent to cultivate these air forces, and now they were wiped out like this, and he was already so angry that his hairs stood on end.

"Kill Ouyang Qing!"

He is the commander-in-chief of the first army. He can't go to the front to fight, he needs to sit in command, so he directly gave the order to kill. So many heroic air force fighters died, he seemed to have seen his father's distorted and angry face.

The life of every member of the Yaozu is too precious, and he cannot bear too much loss.

All the air forces that were still alive instantly gave up on the target and suddenly took off, gathered in one place, and flew towards Ouyang Qing's place!The big demon king who was fighting with Ouyang Qing immediately left, and Ouyang Qing was instantly under the collective attack of the demon clan air force.

Others were too late to rescue.

Overwhelming, there are hundreds of thousands of spears thrown with all their strength and thrown down at Ouyang Qing!It was covered in all directions, and before the first wave of blows came, two waves of throwing roared after it!The monster warriors threw three waves of short spears, exhausting all their monster power one by one.For this woman, these monster races hate her to the bone.This was the most horrific bombardment since the start of the war. Not to mention Ouyang Qing, even if Palace Master Yunxiao was in front of him, he would be beaten like a rat running across the street.

After Ouyang Qing activated the magic talisman, all her vitality was exhausted, and she was unable to activate combat skills and evasion techniques at all, and escaped from the blow. She used the golden sword to block her body, knowing that her limit had come!

A ten-foot-long pink magic banner appeared out of nowhere, covering Ouyang Qing's head.

Christina is here.

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