Wanhua Merry

Chapter 1122

The Huangya Mountains, which run vertically from north to south, are ancient and majestic, revealing the vicissitudes of time in their majesty.This mountain range is majestic and steep, and each section is firmly guarded by the monster army that has deployed defenses here.This winding mountain range has now become the biggest obstacle for human beings to take back Minshun!

It is not allowed to garrison troops on this mountain range. If there is an army garrison, wouldn't it be the intention of becoming a king? Who would dare to do that?Min Shun and Min Tang built hundreds of huge official roads in this mountain range, all of which were built by splitting the mountain and expending manpower and material resources.

Wisteria never expected that, just because there was no military defense here, one day, this place would be used and controlled by the monsters and become a natural danger!Hundreds of official roads were heavily guarded by the demon clan, and they built countless strategic fortresses in a short period of time, all of which were fortresses blessed by boulder formations!If the army wants to survive from now on, it will face a merciless attack from the condescending strategic fortress!I don't know how many rolling logs and stones have been prepared!

These ancient means of killing the enemy, there are no rare reserves in Zichao City.

The long-term peace has made Zichao City's defense consciousness loose.

According to Ouyang Qing's thinking, it might just be to intimidate Min Shun's nobles. He never thought that his city with tens of millions of soldiers would be besieged!He had a high self-esteem, and as a result, he ate the bitter fruit of insufficient armaments.

If we reserve more of these original attack methods that can kill the enemy on a large scale without using spells, perhaps, in the Zichao city defense battle that has ended, human warriors can harvest more monster warriors' lives.

Yun Mo flew over from a high altitude, watching the military deployment of the Yaozu using primitive means, and thought so in his heart.

"Self-esteem is not advisable! By the way, after returning to Jinyimen, in addition to strengthening the mountain guard formation, you must also learn from the bastards like Yaozu, and stock up on ancient enemy killing methods such as rolling logs, rocks, fire oil, etc. Although it is ancient, it is absolutely effective, Zi Chaocheng is arrogant, a lesson of blood!"

Yun Mo secretly concluded.He is arrogant on the surface, but in fact he is as careful as a hair, always able to notice things that others ignore, and always alert himself to maintain a humble attitude.Only people with an open mind can make continuous progress, because they can see the shortcomings and improve them.Yun Mo's ability and courage to challenge a big demon king like the Demon Emperor so quickly, this kind of heart that is always eager to improve is an indispensable part.This is hidden under his arrogant surface, and others will not notice it.

Life is like acting. Yunmo possesses the art of transformation and can become someone else at any time, so he will naturally play his role seriously.As for Yun Mo's true identity, he has always concealed it very well.Ye Lianxing enjoys countless auras, and he also enjoys the pleasure of being famous through this title.However, this world is too dangerous. Before Yun Mo can challenge all the powers of Wanhuamen, it is wiser to keep a low profile.Although it is quite a pity that Jinyi Yexing can't be seduced, life-saving is the most important thing.That's why he hasn't lifted the mask of 'Black Moon' and let the real name 'Yun Mo' come into the eyes of the world.

When people are alive, they have everything, and when they die, they have nothing. Mao's beliefs, Mao's gods, will they care about your life?

He understands this better than anyone else.Therefore, he is not trying to make a name for himself.Of course, one day he will no longer be threatened by the art of transformation, and he will consider telling the world: Whether Zhang Yunyun or Ye Lianxing, it's all me, Yunmo!

Enjoy the thrill of fame then, now?It's obviously not the time to reach the respect level!

"It's a pity that the incarnation of Ye Lianxing has to enjoy the title of 'Hero' again this time!" Yun Mo sighed regretfully thinking about this kind of problem in his heart.Silently, the person in the armor changed into Ye Lianxing's handsome appearance.

Then, the whole world saw that Yunmo, who was only three meters above the ground for unknown reasons and was flying slowly, just stepped out of Minshun's boundary and entered Mintang's range, suddenly lost control and fell down!

"Oh shit!"

Everyone understood what was going on in an instant, and cursed this person in their hearts for being so cunning. No wonder after flying over the top of the mountain heavily defended by the monsters, they slowly descended to a height of only three meters from the ground. It turned out that this was the case. !

Yun Mo's head was dizzy, and he fell down heavily!

In fact, he was at the end of his battle a long time ago, and he kept pretending to be thirteen, fooling everyone, and was able to get out of Minshun smoothly.As soon as he relaxed his nerves, he knew that he would first change into the appearance of the three heads of the detective department, so he couldn't hold on anymore, and fell down all of a sudden!While rolling, he tried his best to control his face down and touch the ground. At this time, he also paid attention not to crush Ouyang Qing who was behind him.

Peng!He fell heavily on the western slope of the Huangya Mountain Range, and rolled wildly towards the foot of the mountain!This time, he didn't care whether Ouyang Qing would be injured.

I don't know how many times it rolled, and then it stopped the falling trend after hitting and breaking a big tree.

The whole world saw the golden blood flowing out from the cracks in his battle armor!He is seriously injured, is it that fun to play with Heavenly Tribulation?This guy is risking his life!In fact, after triggering the Heavenly Tribulation for the first time, Yun Mo was no longer capable of triggering the Heavenly Tribulation.It takes a lot of energy to break through the level, and you can't just do it if you want to.This guy has been pretending to be calm, flying slowly and appearing domineering, but in fact he is scaring Zhi Gudela!If Zhi Gudela had the courage to attack him casually, he would be beaten to the ground immediately!As for flying to the high altitude of the Huangya Mountains to pretend to be thirteen and release evil spirits, it is a last resort to make the Demon Emperor think that he still has infinite power. In fact, if any cultivator pulls him, he may be able to knock him down.After a series of fights, this man couldn't hold on anymore.

"It's safe...!"

Three weak words were uttered with difficulty, and the red line battle armor suddenly disintegrated.Yun Mo's handsome face turned into Ye Lian Xing was covered with golden blood, and he appeared in front of everyone like this.Ouyang Qing, who was wearing a battle armor, fainted and lay on the edge of the broken tree in the shape of "big". This position is already at the foot of the mountain, already in the territory of Min Tang!

Yun Mo's clothes were already stained with golden blood. His injuries were too severe, and he had been performing the kungfu to the limit. Could he not stimulate the injury that had just stabilized and burst into pieces again?Yun Mo's strong and inhuman nerves did not show any pain at all, which moved everyone who saw the truth at this time!


I don't know how many soft-hearted female cultivators looked at the blood-soaked man in the water mirror, with crystal drops of water dripping from their eyes.

Yewan and Yuan, who had already arrived in the imperial capital, cried bitterly, and were comforted by Christina in her arms.Sister Na's tears flowed uncontrollably, but she gritted her teeth and kept silent.

Yun Mo's body hurts, and their hearts hurt!

Miao Miao, who was in the gate of the Nazi brocade, was crying heartbroken.

In the palace, Princess Zihe seemed to be crazy, yelling, telling her father to send the best healer to Min Tang to help her man.

Of course Ziyu complied immediately, and only then did she coax Princess Zihe, who was almost insane.

Zhi Gudela appeared at the high altitude of the Huangya Mountains, and Qi's face was distorted! The three words 'betrayed' floated in his spiritual sea, making his face hot.But I also applaud this man in my heart!

Whoosh whoosh...!

After the sound of flying and piercing the wind, Guan Chou led hundreds of senior experts in the army to protect Yun Mo and Ouyang Qing.

Soldiers of the Wisteria Empire, rest assured!

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