Wanhua Merry

Chapter 1178 Disturbance on Demon God Street <[-]>

This avenue with a width of twenty feet is called 'Yaoshen Street', which naturally means to commemorate a certain god enshrined by the Yaozu.

The middle section of Yaoshen Street is the State Guest House, and the street is a bustling business district.Big hotels, hypermarkets, and large entertainment venues are all concentrated on the street.Things like Zhonghua Restaurant, Nazi Light Cinema, and Zhonghua Cheongsam Store are all located in this area.

Starting from the state guesthouse, ordinary residents are not allowed to wander around.Many offices have offices on both sides of the street.Such as the Naga Intelligence Division and the like.At the end of the street is the resplendent and colorful Naga Blue Palace.

The Yaoshen Avenue is eight hundred miles long, and the bustling noise on the street will not affect the rest of the distinguished guests in the state guesthouse in the middle section, let alone the royal family in the palace.

The destination of the three royal demon kings in Lubaina is the Nagaland State Guesthouse, but as the princes of the Lubaina demon clan, they need to go to the palace to meet Her Majesty the Queen before entering the State Guesthouse for a temporary stay.The residence will be far away from the area where Yun Mo lives, so as to avoid conflicts before the ring battle.

The third prince Sha Nian looks great and handsome, because of the relationship between his identity and his cultivation level, he always looks aloof wherever he goes, when he suddenly heard a human cultivator commenting that he would be beaten to half-mutilated by the master Yun Mo, his eyes turned cold , he looked at the human girl coldly, but his eyes moved again. In just a moment, he knew: he likes this girl!

That's what love at first sight means.

Yehou also changed her appearance today, her hair is black, the shape of her face has naturally changed, her eyes are a strange purple red, I don't know how Sister Na did it?In short, Sister Na's disguise technique has made great progress!

The aura of these two people did not fluctuate significantly. After changing their appearances, Yehou was still very beautiful, but Sister Na's face was so ordinary that she couldn't remember it even after looking at it a hundred times. [

After a roar of 'presumptuousness', the crowds of people on the streets of the entire Yaoshen Avenue were suddenly buzzing.

Among them, more than half are the demon kings of the monster clan, and the other half are human cultivators watching the excitement.

The royal children of the monster race are several times more arrogant than the human royal family.They are not like human royal men who have limited cultivation talent and lifespan, but they only have limited time to be emperors.Strong in force, backed by a strong background of the royal family, he is a true "powerful and handsome" standard monster, and he acts naturally domineering!

However, in the face of witches like Christina and Yewan who are always looking for trouble, do you dare to call them presumptuous?hey-hey…!

"Presumptuous your sister...!"

"Go to hell, you fucking dare to spit shit all over your mouth? My old lady twisted off your fifth limb...?"...

Crackling, Yewan and Sister Na jumped up and cursed at each other!

Who are these two afraid of?It's fine if you don't provoke them, dare to provoke these two aunts in public, let alone you are just a prince, even if Emperor Lubaina is here, these two can still scold their ancestors for eight generations!

All the monsters and people's heads buzzed, and then their eyes turned black!Hearing such arrogant cursing, everyone was stunned! "Who is the royal family here? These two seem to be human girls, and they don't take the Lubaina royal family seriously."

"court death!"

"To shut up!"

"Human beings are bold!"  …

Shouting and cursing came out of the mouths of Farr and the six monster clan powerhouses!

Christina jumped out with a 'so normal' face, and the eyes of all the monsters blurred. The next moment, Sister Na had already stepped on the head of Farr who was clamoring!

Siss...! [

All the monsters gasped and shut their mouths together.Experts do it, just look at it and immediately understand how heavy it is.

Farr was cursing wildly, a light flashed in front of his eyes, and then he felt a woman standing on his head, and the bull's eyes widened and almost tore apart!

"It's too fast, the instantaneous speed is too fast! The speed is comparable to teleportation! I am already a master of the peak of Tianzun Dzogchen Zun Nirvana, even if I face the Fire Control King Tu, this inexplicable scene in front of me will not appear. ? This is simply...!"

He just thought about it like this, and his whole body was drenched in cold sweat instantly, and he didn't dare to move.Otherwise, who can be sure if someone's head will be crushed if he exerts strength under his feet?

Clap clap...!

Ye Wei jumped up and down and applauded! "Sister, you are the best, trample him to death! If you dare to scold me, trample him to death!"

Everyone was dizzy again!This is the Najialan Imperial City!Trampled to death a member of the Baina royal team in public, is this intended to cause a melee between humans and demon cultivators?

Christina tapped her big head with her toes, and said softly: "You shout, you scold? This is the capital, and my mother gave the queen face, so I didn't trample you to death! How dare you pretend to be the boss in front of the Nazi Jinyimen, Are you tired of living?"

"Nazi brocade door?"

One stone stirred up a thousand layers of waves, and all the cultivators around were excited!

"This woman said she was from the Nazi Jinyi Sect. I can't be wrong! That's right, that sect entered the practice world with the most high-profile attitude. Along the way, even Yunxiao Palace couldn't stop her footsteps. Facing the Nazi Jinyi Sect, if recorded Emperor Baina probably still has the possibility of equal dialogue here, but if you are the prince, even if you are a super genius of the Yaozu, don't even try to pretend to be the boss in front of the Nazi Jinyimen!"...

There was a lot of discussion.

"Your Excellency, are you...?" The third prince was polite, gestured slightly to the woman standing on the head of the guard captain, and asked extremely calmly.

"Boy, watch your monster's mouth, otherwise, I will take his head off with my own hands! Remember, I am Christina Yun!"

"The elder of the Nazi Jinyimen?" the third prince asked.


The third prince fell silent.

Does anyone in the practice world know that Christina Yun teased the master of the Spring Flower Hall of Yunxiao Palace at the opening ceremony of the Nazi Jinyimen?The third prince never dreamed that the guard's words would lead to such a troublesome woman!This woman is unreasonable, she even flirts with women, and the cultivation world knows it, she is definitely a big thorn!The third prince doesn't want to be missed by such thorns, if it leads to the big evil stars of Hei Yue and Yu, it will have a negative impact on the empire!

With a flash of thought, a smile appeared on the third prince's face.

"It turned out to be an elder from the Jinyi Sect. He has admired his name for a long time. Today it was a misunderstanding. Farr was reckless. There are a lot of elders. Do you think you will be as fussy as him?"

Christina glanced at the neither humble nor overbearing prince, and nodded slightly.

"Okay, the face of the Lubaina royal family must be given. You, are you called Farr? Apologize to my little sister, otherwise, I will crush your head right now."

In front of everyone, I can't afford to lose my face!Once an apology is made, the national face will be lost.

"Hahaha, Christina, if you want to trample me to death, you are the first to speak out, and I will be the last to scold you. Is the Nazi Jinyimen so unreasonable?" Farr shouted, poking his neck.

"court death"!Sister Na's eyes flashed fiercely, and she was about to step down.

"Wait a minute".The third prince shouted.

Everyone looked at him.

He jumped off the back of the demon horse and strolled in front of Yehou, his hand flashed, and a yellow necklace made of the bones of the demon king appeared, and he stretched out his hand to Wanhou and said: "Young lady, it's easy to pretend, but, You are absolutely beautiful in person, this thing is not of high value, it is just my wish, please don't care about the gift of my guards. Also, what is your name, girl? Another day, Xiao Wang wants to invite the girl to have a light meal, I wonder if the girl is willing?"

Everyone's expressions changed, the Third Prince has taken a fancy to this girl!

Yehou's vanity exploded in an instant!

Proudly puffed up her already big chest, and said arrogantly: "Seeing your sincerity, this girl will not care about that big stupid cow in your family. The name is kept secret, as for the meal? Sorry , this girl has found a master!"

Such a public refusal is very disrespectful to the Third Prince.

All the monsters are in an uproar!

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