Wanhua Merry

Chapter 1195

"You hit me?" Yun Mo pointed to the blue whale in the mist with aggrieved face.

Everyone fainted. "Isn't this person confused, this is a group arena fight, who are you going to hit if you don't?"

Blue Whale was laughing like a 'twittering flower branch', and suddenly heard such a question from the second, it almost fell to the ground in an instant! "It's so funny, didn't you really smash this person's head?"

The blue whale opened its mouth wide, showing its teeth to scare Yunmo! "Are you scared? I think you're just throwing in the towel. My aunt is in a good mood and doesn't want to beat you up. How nice it is to go home with the Yaoming Pill!"

"What a pure girl!" Yun Mo thought while laughing secretly with a stomach ache.

"I'm going to push you down!" Yun Mo shouted angrily.

"I'm going, it's too fierce!"...

Countless demons exclaimed, the power of this pun "overthrow" is not so great! .

The blue whale's face turned black, yes, the whale's head was blackened by this sentence!

'Flower Branch' doesn't tremble anymore, it has a huge body, uh?In fact, this is her body that has shrunk many times. If it is the real size, there is no need to compare it, and it will directly fall under the ring.

His body trembled with anger, and he shouted sharply: "Shut up!" He rushed like crazy.

Lightning was born on its body, runes emerged, and it turned into a long spear composed of lightning, wrapped in light blue water mist, and there was an electric roar in the water. Come!Under such violent anger, this Blue Whale girl did not stab Yun Mo's head or heart.

A warm current flashed in Yun Mo's eyes. This kind-hearted race that does not participate in military aggression greatly increased his goodwill!

The extremely powerful aura was manifested when Yun Mo stepped forward and charged, making the space inside the restriction tremble!It seems that Yunmo is like a brave fighter in ancient times, fearless!

"Push you down!" Yun Mo yelled the slogan loudly, as if a fist made of fine gold roared, it faced the giant lightning spear!The bones of the dead were visible in the splash of golden blood, and the giant lightning gun hummed, and was shot into the air by Yunmo with a whoosh!

The blue whale girl was startled, and her huge tail was thrown from the water mist at a speed like lightning, which was extremely terrifying!

Amidst the crackling sound, countless electric glows took advantage of the water to become more violent!From a distance, Yun Mo seemed to be submerged in a sea of ​​thunder!The black tail is like a mountain of gods born from the sea of ​​thunder, vowing to suppress it!The high-altitude lightning giant gun controlled the momentum of the gun, and stabbed down at the cloud ink splashed with golden blood below!

"Push it to the blue whale sister paper".Yun Mo yelled, with colorful light lingering around his body, as if he had burned some of his origins, his speed soared, and he dodged the blow of the big tail with just a flash.

Peng!The huge tail slapped on the ring, sparks of lightning filled the sky!

Yun Mo's figure instantly became extremely slippery, moving from east to west, up and down, unpredictable and difficult to lock, the big tail and the giant gun couldn't keep up with his speed in an instant, and he beat it indiscriminately, turning the place into a cloud of water vapor, accompanied by Lightning and thunder made a mess!

"Ah, I'm so mad!" Girl Blue Whale gritted her teeth angrily.

"I can't hit that thin figure, I'm so angry! But this guy is always shouting to push down the blue whale girl, which really makes the monster angry!"

All the guys watching from outside showed a knowing smile, and they laughed backwards and forwards. Shu Han had never been so angry in his life.

But the kind girl didn't have any killing intent at this time.

It is impossible for her to have no blood in her hands. However, all the bullies she kills are heinous and bully other monsters. Although this Yun Mo is not serious, he is not a bad person. Naturally, the blue whale with a bottom line would not want to kill he!

This is the biggest difference from Star Fang's embryo killers.

Xingzhiya has never adhered to the bottom line of principle in killing people, as long as he wants to kill, he will kill it.This is what makes Yun Mo hate the most.

If he doesn't respect the lives of others, Yunmo will naturally not respect their lives.One drink and one peck is only self-inflicted.

"Ahh..., go to hell!"

The blue whale was furious, feeling that it was being teased, the lightning flashed runes and ran around, turning this place into a world of water and electricity, drowning that hateful figure running around!

Yun Mo didn't hide anymore, he punched the giant gun flying, and crossed his arms, froze to block the blow of the big tail, he fitted himself up, threw himself on the blue whale, pushed his strength outward, and shouted: "Push down!" you!"

There were loud rumbling noises, and the blue whale with such a heavy body was pushed out by Yun Mo all at once.

Blue Whale was shocked. Unexpectedly, Yun Mo's power was so great. The imperial envoy struck with lightning, and his body grew to thirty feet in an instant!Dozens of times your body weight, your strength has increased!

"Hmph, if you want to compete with me, the blue whales are never afraid!" Flicking its tail, the huge ocean overlord said in a low voice, surrounded by lightning, he wanted to blow the cloud and ink away!

"Get up!" Yun Mo yelled violently, and with both arms, he lifted up the struggling behemoth, like lifting a hill!

"What?" Everyone's jaws almost hit their feet!The Blue Whale family is known to be terrifying because of its great power, but this cloud ink can actually hold down the Blue Whale?Incredible!

"Impossible!" Shu Han was shocked, he couldn't believe that he was restrained like this.

"Big, big, big!" She yelled violently, but in an instant, her body reached a hundred feet long, fully supporting the entire metal plate!This is simply too big!

Boundless power descended from this huge body! "Crush you to death!" Blue Whale roared, trying to sink his body, trying to crush the moving Yun Mo to the ground!

Yun Mo's arm was three times thicker than usual, and his muscles bulged. He roared angrily: "Push you down!" He took a step forward, "Push you down!" and took another step.


Everyone wiped their eyes, opened their mouths wide, watching the ant-like guy walking forward holding the 'big mountain', and thunder burst in their minds! "How strong are these arms? The body is so strong, and the lightning and water arrows keep attacking him, but he can't get down!"

The huge spear shrunk and became thinner, stabbing at Yunmo's back!Like a scorpion, Yunmo kicked the energy gun away with one kick, and smashed the lightning and water arrows into powder with another kick, like a humanoid god!

"Let's go!" Moving forward more than a dozen steps, breaking up countless times of the blue whale's tail whipping and big head bumping, Yun Mo yelled violently, and threw the huge thing above his head out!

'boom…! '

The blue whale was crushed miserably under the ring, cracking countless stone slabs in the square!If it wasn't for the restriction, it would be a big hole of unknown size and depth!

According to the rules of the ring, being knocked out of the ring is a failure.

With a flash of light, the blue whale disappeared, and Shu Han, who had recovered his human body, lay twitching on the ground, his eyes filled with disbelief. "It's completely defeated in terms of strength, how is this possible?" The girl only scratched the skin of her arms, and didn't suffer any other injuries.

"It's really too heavy, girl, I finally... pushed you down!" After Yun Moqiang finished speaking, panting with a 'huchi, huchi', he fell down on the metal plate, obviously very tired.

"Shu Han fell into the ring and failed, Yun Mo won!" Ning Laruo shouted.

Shu Han stood up and closed the wounds on his arms.

"The other party didn't kill him when he touched his body. He defeated him in the least harmful way. This was intentional!" She instantly understood that Yun Mo held back.

"Just now this guy killed like a devil, why did he do this to himself?" The girl had a suspicious look in her eyes.

"It's not because I like myself, but because I don't want to hurt him. This guy is very principled!" After thinking about it, the girl understood Yun Mo's thoughts.The pink face was slightly red, and he glanced at the bastard above, then turned around and swept towards the gathering place of fellow cultivators on the surrounding floating mountains.

Watching this scene, the other nine members of the Blue Whale Clan felt good for Yun Mo and didn't mention it.

"An ordinary man who is strong enough to lift mountains!"

The remaining challengers cursed inwardly, getting angry for such a powerful freak!Facing such a powerful guy, if you want to win, you can only rely on superb skills!

Seeing Yun Mo's almost exhausted appearance, these guys thought so.

Yun Mo still took the elixir as usual, healed his wounds, said 'hungry', then ate hot pot, and waited for the third match.

No one saw him as a monster this time, he used such a lot of strength, why don't he eat some delicious supplements?

"It's time for the third match!" Ning Laruo shouted.

A young man came out with a silver light ball shining in his hand, with the word 'three' on it...


Yun Mo fought hard one after another, many bones were broken, his face was bloody, and he shot with golden blood!But no matter whether it is a human or a monster who comes to challenge, the final winner is always Yunmo.You can beat him just a little bit, but you can't beat him.

Every time, Yun Mo is scarred and hard.During the break, I just eat hot pot to heal my injuries. I don't know why this guy has such a good appetite?Have you seen so much blood, can you eat it?

People really can eat it.Not only is it easy to eat, but the more you eat, the more enjoyable it is!

The last game was as miserable as a pig's head, and the next game will be full of life immediately.It makes all the cultivators wonder: Could it be that the hot pot has some kind of magical healing ability that they don't understand?

Of course they didn't know that several Yuhuo Pills had melted into the hot pot soup!Yun Mo is playing bitter tricks. Although the trauma is fatal, it always hurts. Can you think of a way to relieve the pain?

The Yuhuo Pill is not swallowed whole, it is spread out like this, and the power of the medicine will pass through more than nine layers.That is to say, Yun Mo is used to being extravagant, who can be so prodigal and spoil good things like this?

One day passed like this, and Yun Mo won all the ten fights with 'disastrous victories'!

He was really just a little stronger than others, but he survived!Out of ten challengers, six were killed by Yunmo on the spot!One of them is a human beauty, but that one is too ruthless, and her moves are fatal. Even if she is a beauty, Yun Mo is not used to her faults, and directly beats such a vicious woman into blood powder!It was as violent as a demon, causing countless female cultivators to exclaim and curse at him for destroying flowers with his hands.

Only four survived, and three of them were women, and the only man suffered comminuted fractures of his limbs from Yun Mo's beating.

In just one day, the reputation of this 'devil' spread all over the world.

It's too hard!

People concluded: Yunmo is softer towards women, but extremely cruel towards men!As long as there is a trace of killing intent, he will be killed.Only women who are as insidious as that beauty, Yun Mo will kill.Even if the man has no killing intent, he will be beaten badly!

A typical person who must repay the pity and pity the jade!

But it's not unprincipled sympathy and pity, but it depends on the situation.

Star Fang, Shuang Tong and Mi Zen Zong hate Yun Mo deeply!Four of them went up today and were all beaten to death. Yunmo's cruel methods are outrageous!

"Why can't you beat him? Is he pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?" Everyone had this kind of doubt in their hearts.

There is no evidence to support this speculation.

Days passed day by day, Yunmo won 48 consecutive games and killed [-] opponents, shocking the whole world!

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