Wanhua Merry

Chapter 1214

It has been a month since the Yaozu World underground organization released the mission to hunt down Yunmo.

Since January, countless great demon kings have sneaked into the Blackwater Swamp. These are the top masters from the three major demon empires.

Najialan couldn't control the development of the situation. Anyway, these masters didn't come to Najialan to destroy them, so the queen of gray abyss fish just turned a blind eye.Of course, both the queen and Ning Laruo were all sweating for Yun Mo.

Basically everyone knew about the major events that happened in the swamp a month ago.The danger level of Yun Mo rose sharply.There is such a terrifying force behind him, which no one can imagine.Combined with his previous actions, all the monsters understood the fact that Yun Mo had been playing tricks.He secretly scolded him for being cunning, and at the same time, provoked Thumb to praise him!Can kill more than 500 big demon kings of unknown origin, who is he?

Of course, the Queen already understood what Yun Mo said when he said goodbye.

This swamp is not immersive, and it is absolutely impossible to appreciate how vast it is.With so many masters entering, the chance of meeting each other is extremely low.

There are a lot of horrors in it, and many masters of big families were killed by the terrifying Jedi in the swamp before they could find Yunmo.There are also some more unlucky ones who were secretly attacked and fell by other big demon kings.

The task of chasing and killing Yunmo has no clue at all. On the contrary, the demon kings who want to protect Yunmo or chase and kill Yunmo for profit, died of hatred in the depths of the swamp due to various unimaginable reasons!

Here, the divine sense is compressed to a distance of only a few feet, which is extremely inconvenient.Cultivators are almost no different from ordinary people here.Life is just as fragile. Once caught by the swamp vortex, without the help of companions around, it is easy to be swallowed and dead.

In this month, it is estimated that the masters of the third level world of the Yaozu suffered heavy losses.But because of the interests, there are so many people who don't want to die.

Yunmo is like a moving super treasure, not to mention the rewards of the killing order, just Yunmo's own Sunset Fan and Yaoming Pill make the world envious!By the way, people still cut meat with heavenly short knives!

Thinking about it this way, no matter how many people die, they can't stop the "enthusiasm" of the Yaozu world, and more shameless people will enter the swamp.

In the past month, some demon kings have seen Yun Mo's figure, and it seems that several of them were killed by his own hands!Moreover, none of Yunmo's powerful human helpers noticed, and they obviously all evacuated.

It's not clear why Yun Mo didn't leave the swamp, and the monsters don't want to think about it, but one thing is certain, Yun Mo is now an older brother again!Xiaoxin's humble cultivation was ignored again, and Xiaoxin's "Sisi" protested with snake letters, but it was ineffective.

Since it is confirmed that Yun Mo is alone, with no more helpers, and still in the black water swamp that is haunting the sky, isn't this the greatest opportunity in the world?At this time, if you don't know how to fall into a well and rob this mobile treasure, isn't it the number one idiot in the world?

After the news spread, the number of masters in the Blackwater Swamp increased sharply.Everyone seems to understand that maybe this is the second time Yunmo has set up a trap.But those who dare to come in are those with high skills, monsters and courage. Soldiers come to cover them with water and earth, so what's there to be afraid of?Not sure who is plotting to kill whom!

Under this mentality, the Blackwater Swamp has become the most dangerous place!The mixture of dragons and snakes with their own ghosts is not enough to describe the horror inside.

The Blackwater Swamp is more like a devil laughing wildly, waiting for more sumptuous dinners to come to your door!

This situation suddenly changed in the second month after the killing order was issued!

One day, thick dark clouds appeared in the sky above the Blackwater Swamp, and the inside of it was shrouded in light, and thunderbolts were violently generated. The overwhelming thunderstorm almost covered the entire swamp!All the big demon kings in the swamp were frightened for a moment and screamed as if they had encountered a ghost, and tried their best to use various evasion techniques to escape from the range of the thunder and lightning. They escaped from the swamp one by one like stray dogs, yelling at each other from a distance!

"Who the hell is this? It triggered a catastrophe in the swamp? The swamp itself has the effect of preventing the transmission of breath, which can't stop the fluctuation of its breath. Obviously, the demon of Tianzun Dzogchen impacted a higher level of terrifying catastrophe ! This simply doesn’t take the lives of the demon kings that exist in the swamp into consideration! You can’t choose a different place to cross the calamity? It’s really annoying to cross the calamity here!”…

Countless demon kings who hide their heads and show their identities without revealing their identities are gathered in groups of three or four on the outskirts of the swamp, watching the terrifying scene of thunder raging in the distance high above the black water swamp. The guy with the knife is so wicked to cause the catastrophe here?

There are bursts of thunder in the clouds and mists, sometimes big and sometimes small, just endless!The brilliance was shining, and the goddess who seemed to see the formation of thunder and lightning with sharp eyes smashed down the kingdom of thunder and lightning with Thor's hammer in her hand!It is densely packed with various buildings formed by lightning, including palaces and cities, and it landed with a rumble, piercing the sky and the earth, terrifying like a catastrophe!

The endless thunder and lightning runes are like a collective riot, covering every inch of space, even crowded!The lightning energy here caused Najialan's extreme panic. Even the queen of the gray abyss fish would not be able to arouse such a terrifying divine punishment?It's so scary!

The monsters watching around all retreated hundreds of thousands of miles away, so they couldn't feel the creepy feeling.

"Could it be that the world's number one expert is going through the tribulation in the Blackwater Swamp? Or is Kuiya Mozun just leveling up there? It's impossible!"...

All the demon kings talked about it, but no one thought of Yun Mo.

The reason is that this kind of catastrophe belongs to the most terrifying thunder catastrophe. Even if Yun Mo breaks through, it stands to reason that it will not trigger the "Lightning Kingdom" to descend.

The problem is, the impossible can really happen!

Chaos has been reborn, the soul contract was expelled by Beckham, and he regained his freedom.

Yunmo knew the whole story from Luanhou's mouth, and Yunhu has been in secret contact with Yunmo, Yunhu's information is endless, and cross-verification with Yunmo has confirmed the truth.

Yun Mo finally understood the truth of what happened back then.However, it is also extremely distressing.Because the enemy is too powerful, after Star Fang, Secret Zen, Shuangtong and Yaozu alliance, another behemoth surfaced!Yun Mo estimated the strength in his hands, and he could fight one of them recklessly. If these five enemies join forces, then they are definitely not opponents!These are all ancient organizations with endless backgrounds behind them. There are countless "fake death" old antiques sitting in the secret ground. To completely eradicate them will undoubtedly require greater strength!Asking for others is better than asking for oneself, Yunmo's third step of plan 'to figure out what happened in the past, and take back some interest by the way' has been successfully completed, and he started the fourth step of plan without hesitation——becoming a celestial being!

Therefore, it was really Yun Mo who caused the vision today. He is going through the greatest test in his life——completed the rebirth of Nirvana in the Kingdom of Thunder and Lightning!

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