Wanhua Merry

Chapter 1225

The dolphins screamed in fear. They couldn't speak, but their highly developed brains clearly judged that except for the creature wearing a hat, the rest were all malicious demons!

The kind-hearted dolphins gather around Yunmo for protection, and their big eyes are full of pitiful pleading.

The huge blue whale has been out of the sea for a long time, dying at any time.

Under Yun Mo's conditioning, he finally struggled back from the hand of death.

This is a pregnant female blue whale. In fact, she has been desperate for a long time, but the little life in her stomach prevents her from giving up.At this time, she reluctantly raised her head, looking at Yun Mo, the eyes clearly conveyed the message of 'please keep my child', so what if she can't speak?She has strong feelings too!

Yun Mo's tears came down all at once!

He didn't use his power to evaporate his tears, but let them fall down one by one!The whales in Yunmo's previous life had degraded eyesight, but it may be because of other reasons. The whales here have bright and charming eyes, and they can express their minds in a blink of an eye. It's all grief.

Standing on the metal frame, he squatted down and stroked the dolphins gathered around him. Compared with the blue whale and the dolphin, his body was so small, it seemed insignificant, but at this moment, this incident has shocked the whole world!

Countless water mirrors locked on this mysterious man who dared to stand alone against the human traitor Wanhe, and the reason was ridiculous to save the lower animals.

Is it a lower animal?Just now, the humanized eyes of the blue whale begged the mysterious man to protect the child in his womb, and appeared close-ups in countless water mirrors.The souls of the soft-hearted female cultivators were touched at that moment, and their eyes turned red instantly. I don't know how many women were crying!

Maternity is innate, just a look, all the cultivators who pay attention to this place in the human world understand why this mysterious man made a move. "Such a highly intelligent life, if I encounter it myself, I will help it? It's just that under such a powerful force as Wanhe, few people have the guts!"

'True heroes are the ones who eliminate violence, bring peace and goodness, punish the strong and help the weak'!Regardless of humans or monster races, as long as the cultivators who watched the situation here, these words came out of their hearts.

What is chivalry?This is!

Those who stand up for the weak are always the most admirable!Whoever the hat-wearing man is, his behavior fits the definition of a hero.

Zixiao Fengtian City Imperial Palace.

Emperor Ziyu looked at the close-up picture on the water mirror, and fell in love with strange creatures such as dolphins and blue whales with just one glance. He traveled around the world but rarely touched the ocean. Tianjie Ocean is full of unknowns, and subconsciously he stays away from it. .I only have a vague understanding of these kinds of creatures, and I only know how human they are today.Such a miraculous creature, not to mention conferring auspiciousness, at least can't be the target of massacre?

He looked at the close-up picture of the man in the water mirror, seeing tears dripping from the man's slightly exposed cheeks in silence, he was shocked in his heart!

There are not many things that can move Ziyu, but this man is so righteous, for the sake of a weak life, he resolutely confronts Wanhe and the powerful forces behind him. How much courage is this?Regardless of whether it is a human or a demon, as long as it is against Wanhe's brutality, it is an event with great political influence!

Sitting next to Ziyu, Helan Yuanhai and Huangfuming looked at the emperor at the same time.

Ziyu understood that these two also thought of political influence. 'Uglifying the enemy and promoting the main theme of justice' is always the most powerful means in politics!At present, the foundation of Minshun Yaozu's rule has begun to become firm, and the people of Minshun have begun to integrate into the Yaozu. This is not a good phenomenon. This shows that it is very likely that it will be difficult to regain lost ground in the future, and if the people's hearts cannot be won, how much impact will it have?Ziyu was extremely anxious about this.

However, today is an opportunity that is enough to change the whole country, including Min Shun, all the people's views on the Yaozu ruled area! The big hat of "cruel and inhumane" must be put on him!

"Preach my decree, use the water mirror technique in major cities across the country, and broadcast what is happening in Ziye City to the public! I want the public to see that there are lonely heroes who dare to resist the cruelty of the Wanhe rebels! This is the rule of the Yaozu The real events that happened in the lower area, this kind of thing can't be watched like this, killing such auspicious beasts, human and gods will be outraged and unreasonable!"

"Follow the order".The eunuch responded and hurried out of the palace to deliver the decree.

He Lan Yuanhai and Huangfu Ming nodded at the same time and said it was 'great kindness'.

Including political purposes, this matter can be called vigorous and resolute!

In just a split second, the mighty members of the consecration group used their mana at full strength, and a huge water mirror appeared in the sky over the entire Minshun, including the fallen 'Chuanzhou Freedom United Kingdom'!The picture presented on it instantly attracted the attention of all the people in Wisteria. Countless people walked out of their workplaces and homes, looked up, looked at the pleading eyes of the blue whale in the close-up picture, and looked at the scared man surrounded by the mysterious man. The low-pitched dolphins, countless kind-hearted people shed tears!

Emotions are contagious. My mother, wife, and daughter wept uncontrollably, and immediately infected the eyes of all the men who advertised themselves as strong!

"Down with Wanhe, down with Yaozu!"

On the ground of wisteria, the people raised their arms and shouted, and there were like clouds of followers in an instant!The chain reaction was so strong that no one expected it.

Countless people raised their arms and shouted 'Down with Wanhe, down with Yaozu'. The scene was staged on the wisteria land, and the momentum was getting bigger and bigger!

The voices gathered and scattered Gao Tianliuyun!

The soul power of the mages was running, amplifying the sound countless times, and transmitting it through the fine particles in the space!

The world is shocked!

After Wisteria, the Yaoyue Empire and the Heifan Empire's rebels controlled the area and understood the political significance of this moment. The monster race is a threat to the world, and this is a good time to make a big fuss!

The sky above the entire human world is covered with water mirrors!

Countless people raised their arms and shouted 'Down with Wanhe and down with Yaozu', the sound rumbled through countless spatial distances and passed to Minshun territory!Min Shunzhong's monster clan powerhouses were all shocked, and countless human people who didn't know the truth poured out of their homes, listening to the slogans swaying down from the sky in a daze!The originally assimilated non-resistance heart was instantly aroused. Blind obedience is a major characteristic of human beings. Although it was captured by the evil power of the monster race, no Minshun people dared to shout at this time, but the seeds of unyielding were planted. This seed will guide the hearts of the people of Minshun: You will always be human beings, and you must not forget your roots!

The speed of evolution of this incident reached the extreme, which caught the Yaozu by surprise!The water mirror technique of the three great monster clan empires also fell here at the same time to watch what happened?Countless hidden families of the monster clan have used the water mirror technique to see the picture in Ziye City.

A secret place in the Yaozu world.

The strong men belonging to the blue whale clan stood together in front of the water mirror, tears streaming down one by one. They are a peace-loving race who are unwilling to fight with other races. However, today, their descendants were brutally hunted and killed, but Is it an outsider helping?Do you still have the face to be called the ancestor of the blue whale family?

Zhi Shuhan, the blue whale girl who had fought against Yunmo in the Najialan arena, had already cried and collapsed on the floor of the family meeting hall, her eyes were as red as walnuts from crying!

The Blue Whale Clan is almost isolated from the world, and all the demon kings looked at a calm man.

This man has a rough face, but his eyes are full of water-type runes, and under the rage, he almost formed a rune divine map!

This is the contemporary patriarch of the Blue Whale Clan.

"It is my order to abolish the order No. 11 of the Clan Law of the Clan "Do not fight with humans and monster cultivators" from today. It will be tens of thousands of years. The Blue Whale Clan lives in seclusion and does not care about worldly affairs. Have you forgotten how miserable our descendants are still living at the bottom of the world? They all came from that time. Without tens of thousands of years of tempering, it is impossible to become monsters. The number of blue whales is less than other races. If the evil forces are still allowed to hunt and kill like this, the blue whale family will not be far from extinction! Compatriots, it is time for us to stand up and fight for the rights of our family! Don’t be a turtle anymore, do you agree? "

"Support the patriarch, support the patriarch!"

Shu Han was the first to jump up and shout this sentence, the other mature and prudent big demon kings looked at each other and nodded silently.

The masters of the blue whale family rushed out of the secret ground and rushed to the surface world.

In order to be free and to be able to pass on, the race that does not compete with the world must face up to the difficulties!Faced with the pressure of the entire monster clan, you can't compromise!

Others don't know the golden feather hat, how could Yun Mo's confidante not know?

The sky above the imperial capital is full of water mirrors. In the close-up picture, while Yun Mo is crying, several beauties are crying in their own homes.

Wen Yingying threw herself into Christina's arms and burst into tears. Sister Na's eyes were red, and she held Shangguan Huo'er who was also crying tightly with her other hand.

Huo'er looked at Shui Jing, only she understood why Yun Mo was crying, and she also thought of the atrocities of the island country in her previous life, which hunted and killed endangered creatures, and her heart was full of resentment!

A woman's heart is always emotional, when Yun Mo cries, all his beauties are sad!

Li Xiangxiang took a day off today, holding the 'kite' tightly in her courtyard and crying into tears, how could she not know the golden feather hat?When Yun Mo and Miao Miao went out on a date, she secretly sensed that the hat looked familiar.

The kite is also crying, it is because the young lady is crying sadly.

Wan Wan and Yuan even cried into little cats in the Nazi brocade clothes!The powerful elders of the Nazi Jinyimen shook their heads wryly.But he praised his head's behavior of standing up for the weak.

The entire imperial capital was violent, the common people gathered in the streets and alleys, and countless people's eyes were reddened by the situation in front of them. For a moment, the hatred born in the hearts of human beings all over the world was enough to burn the sky!

Ziyu's political goals successfully achieved results!Emperor Ziyu was very pleased to burn the Yaozu into a mess by borrowing the east wind!

Stand up for justice and swing a big stick to smash the enemy!This is an indispensable part of political means, and Ziyu has done it very successfully.

On the streets of the imperial capital, the two leaders of the Gentlemen's Party and the Demon Flower Party stood on a high place and began to give speeches in turn. These two were knowledgeable and talented people, and they also knew a lot about blue whales and dolphins.

The water mirror projected the audio and video of these two masked, eloquent speeches to the whole world!

People who have never seen the ocean in their life also understand how human these two creatures are.Looking at the atrocities in Ziye City, it was obvious that they were going to be slaughtered. Women all over the world were angry, and then the infected men were also angry!

More and more people gathered at one place, and none of the three empires interfered with the gathering.This is a good opportunity to unite the people of the world against the Yaozu, and Emperor Ziyu and Emperor Yaoyue are even behind the scenes.

The slogan of 'Down with Wanhe, Down with Yaozu' is getting louder and louder!

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