Wanhua Merry

Chapter 135

() Guest House, also known as Gui Hotel.It is an extremely large-scale building complex in the Ziye City City Lord's Mansion.

Since you are an aristocrat, there will naturally be a lot of social entertainment that cannot be avoided. There are countless nobles who come to visit every year. Of course, it is impossible for every noble visitor to be received by the city lord personally, but it is necessary to treat guests with corresponding specifications. meaning!

And the Guest House is such a place for hospitality!

It is divided into five grades according to the specifications, marked with simple numbers!

'one.The buildings marked with the Chinese characters are naturally used to receive duke-level nobles and their family servants!For other extensions, the word 'two' marked the marquis, and then three, four, five, one by one, step by step, without any difference!

Each complex has its own plan!For example, the complex of buildings that received dukes and aristocrats is all four floors with golden glazed tiles as the roof and jade inlaid walls!The uppermost floor with the most luxurious decoration and equipment is for the masters to rest and use, and the third floor is the rest place for the accompanying senior personnel, such as commanders and mages who have reached the level of fortune or have a higher cultivation level, or those who come out of the palace People like the big butler are resting here!

The second floor is naturally the resting place for the captain of the guards or ordinary supervisors.

The bottom floor is where the guards and accompanying servants live.

As for monster horses and the like, there are naturally corresponding places and manpower to take over, so as to ensure that they are taken care of in every possible way!

At this time, four groups of people came out from the four buildings marked with the word "one"!Guards are around you along the way.

They were all dressed up to attend.The man is dressed in decent Chinese clothes and brocade clothes, with a high jade crown on his head.The woman wore beautiful and sexy dresses of various colors, with heavy makeup and light makeup, and her long hair was coiled up, and she was dressed like a fairy who had fallen into the mundane world.They walked slowly along the red carpet leading to the reception hall of the guest house!Those who walk on the red carpet are naturally those who are qualified to enter the hall, and the guards without noble status can only accompany and protect on both sides of the red carpet!

If Yun Mo was here, he must have the feeling of seeing some kind of film festival red carpet catwalk!In fact, this ostentation is many times more luxurious than that kind of red carpet show!Because only the proud sons of dukes and nobles are eligible to walk along the red carpet into the hospitality hall, even if the Marquis himself comes, he will not have this honor!This is a symbol of status and rights, and this is the decency that many people in this world dream of!

However, there are only so few people who are qualified, so they can only make the guards who are in charge of guarding next to them stare blankly!

The young and beautiful maids waiting around the red carpet, holding red lotus-shaped lanterns in their hands to illuminate the deep courtyard, looked at the young masters walking on the red carpet with twinkling little stars in their eyes!

They stood on both sides with their best mental state, showing off their slender and exquisite figures as much as possible.Secretly yearning in his heart to be lucky enough to be favored by a certain son, and turn a sparrow into a phoenix!It's a pity that the men on the red carpet and even the surrounding guards were not interested in looking at the estrous maids around them. Their eyes were almost fixed on one person - Shangguan Huo'er!

Huo'er was outstanding today!A head of oily black hair was pulled up by her with a plum blossom swing. She divided her long hair into two from the top, forming a strange long flat bun to the left and right, and twisted inward to form a high bun. This is a typical Manchu girl. Hair style, commonly known as the haircut!A strand of hair hung from the back of his head, and she trimmed two sharp corners at the lower end with scissors. This is commonly known as the swallowtail!Then she inserted the emerald green hairpin into the high bun obliquely, which served as the finishing touch, and looked so fresh and pleasant!

Its reddened skin exudes a healthy and charming luster like a freshly peeled egg!The eyes are big and affectionate, and the frowns and glances seem to be able to talk. Compared with the cold feeling at first, it seems to be a different person!

Huo'er has light makeup on her face, her black eyebrows are like willow leaves, and her complexion is like a lotus!Elegant and luxurious without losing the grandeur, the gentle attitude makes people approachable, the so-called charming and graceful is like this!

The most dazzling thing is the Manchu princess cheongsam she is wearing!The color of this cheongsam today is bright yellow, and it is covered with flowers and plants embroidered with gold thread. It looks very artistic!The Manchu clogs under the feet are also matching yellow color, which stands out like red flowers among the green leaves among the nobles in dark color clothing!

Looking at this charming woman walking in front of her gracefully, the men behind her are all dazzled and unable to control themselves!

It was also the first time Huo'er used this pan-head style, and she didn't dress up carefully before.But since seeing Yun Mo, she is full of longing for the future life again, which makes her love beauty!So I got out all the Manchu Gege matching vows in the memory of the previous life, and really fascinated all the stinky men who saw her!

But Huo'er was saying in her heart: "Yunmo, a woman is a woman who pleases herself! I want to show you this outfit, are you okay? Are you safe? I miss you very much, I don't know if you will be okay tonight. Will it come?" Huo'er was full of anticipation.

This time, the Shangguan family in Ziye City is the main character, so Huo'er and Shangguan Kong should be ahead of everyone!Shangguankong is the leader, he is handsome and handsome, dressed as a young girl in blue and black!This is the biggest diamond king in the surrounding five cities. Not only is he handsome and has a high level of cultivation, but he will also become the next Zihua city lord!With such a man who wants everything he wants, it can be said that few women can resist his charm, and there are countless people who want to throw themselves into his arms!

But when the girls saw Shangguan Huo'er, who was all over the place beside him, they all lamented in their hearts: "With such an outstanding younger sister, it's no wonder that Shangguan Kong hasn't even found a concubine so far! No matter who With such a younger sister, it’s unbelievable how high-minded it is, isn’t it?” As a result, some girls’ desire to climb high branches faded!The reason is because Huo Er compares to the disheartened maid!Wanqing, who is so coquettish that she is almost invincible, is also one of them!

Only nearly invincible, of course!

Wan Qing is dressed up extremely coquettishly today!Her winking eyes are painted with light green eyeshadow, and the eyeliner is drawn with bead thread, which makes the black pupils faint but clear and sparkling, as if a mist of water is flowing in them, one glance is soul-stirring!

The bright red lips are pursed delicately, and the head is full of blue hair into a simple flowing cloud bun. A golden phoenix step is inserted obliquely on it, and a golden silk necklace is placed on it to cover the hairline between the foreheads. Bring out infinite temptation!

She was wearing a purple evening dress with brocade pinching and embroidered with silver pear blossoms. The skirt was long and stretched across the floor, and the waist was crocheted with concentric knots in the same color, making the small waist even more slender and graceful!

A pair of embroidered red shoes appeared from the edge of the skirt from time to time, and then tucked inside the skirt, making people have the urge to lift the skirt to explore!Of course no one would dare!

She was very confident in her meticulous attire today, thinking that no matter what, she would be charming, and planned to show off her invincible charm when dancing with Shangguankong at the banquet, so as to draw this guy's attention away from his sister Woolen cloth!Unexpectedly, as soon as she went out, she would see Huo'er's weird attire that she had never seen in front of others. At that time, Wan Qing's jealous eyes were about to burst into flames!

When it comes to beauty, Wan Qing absolutely must suppress the fire!In terms of figure, Wan Qing is also much more mature than Huo'er, not to mention other things, the pair of towering chests alone are much better than Huo'er!The problem is, Huo'er seems to have a quality that she doesn't have, that kind of inner youth that inadvertently reveals overwhelms the glamorous Wan Qing in an instant!

Wan Qing had the feeling that he was an illiterate facing scholars!How should I put it, she is beautiful but lacks connotation, while the strange clothes wear her own charm, and there are endless mysterious inner waiting for people to discover, everyone will be attracted by this mystery!In fact, Wanqing is all of them, regardless of men?

Speaking of men, one has to mention Wan Ming who is walking behind Wan Qing!This fellow is dressed in purple brocade clothes, looking at him with red lips and white teeth, he is a very cute boy!The color of the clothes is the same as her sister's, which looks like a couple's outfit. Wan Qing once hinted that the clothes of the same color are not good, but Wan Ming pretended not to understand, so Wan Qing had no choice but to let him go!

At this moment, his two eyes are almost not enough!Looking at the waist of Shangguan Huo'er who was walking slowly in front of him, and looking at the high curve of his sister's chest beside him, smelling the faint fragrance from his sister, he almost had some kind of impulse!Looking at Huo'er's plump buttocks under the cheongsam, this buddy's head is full of scenes that are not suitable for children!Among them, there were many scenes where his sister was also brought in, and then he reacted somewhere!

"I'll go!" He scolded himself secretly, trying hard to control the thoughts in his heart, only then did he narrowly avoid making a fool of himself!不然在众目睽睽之下这般露脸,恐怕回去后即使疼爱他的父亲大人也会忍不住狠狠揍他!

"You two beauties are mine!" Wan Ming thought in his heart, but he couldn't help but think of Xiaoyu, the dark guard who chased and killed Wen Junlai, who was chased and killed by Lei Zun to the restricted area of ​​Tianjieyang after he revealed his life that day. , I can't help but feel bored!

This Xiaoyu is his most effective subordinate, he is familiar with assassination, and he is easy to catch with his hands. Why would he miss a captain of the guard at Tianyou level and be hunted down by Lei Zun?This is something that Wan Ming is puzzled by. On the surface, he pretends nothing happened, but his heart is bleeding!Those are gold coins, hundreds of millions of gold coins!In order for Xiaoyu to be promoted, he threw countless gold coins into it, exchanged for weapons and panacea, and thus created such a dexterous killer, so broken, can Wan Ming not feel bad?

But he also knew that Wen Junlai was also missing!This made him feel a lot easier.When Shangguan Huo'er and Wen Junlai hugged each other that day, Wan Ming made up his mind to kill his love rival even if he lost his fortune!At this time, Wen Junlai had an accident, so he was naturally extremely relieved!

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