Wanhua Merry

Chapter 1368 7 Demons in the Colorful Light

The powerful energy in the muscles and muscles was released without reservation at this time, every cell was howling angrily, waving the energy of terror, just blink of an eye, the terrible toxin released from the palm of the poisonous master was absorbed by Yunmo's body immunity.With a pop, the hat on Yunmo's head was shattered, revealing his blue hair.

The shape of the poisonous mist spread, and everyone within a mile of the surrounding area suffered.

The poison master released hundreds of poisons hidden in the nails of his hands at the same time.Don't look at Yun Mo, who is immune to all poisons, but still has blurred vision, and Ning Laruo has already fainted, and Yun Mo supports him with one hand.

This poison can bring down Tianzun, one can imagine what will happen to ordinary people?These poisons are different from the poisons he used when he assassinated people in the Zhonghua Restaurant. They cannot be precisely located, the killing speed is extremely fast, and they cannot be manipulated at will.Not against Yun Mo, he would never use this kind of uncontrollable mixed poison.

Those passing by people who were not impacted by the energy were instantly poisoned, and before they could even howl, they fell to the ground and died, black blood flowed from their seven orifices, and they were indescribably terrifying and disgusting.

These things happened in an instant, and special runes were engraved on their bodies, so the attack took place in an instant, and the imperial capital formation had just sensed the sudden energy fluctuations that spread here.In other words, the attack at this moment was undetected, and even the Imperial Capital Array could not sense it.A moment of time is enough for them to accomplish many things.At this moment, the time had just passed, and at the same time that the imperial capital array sensed it, the two elders sitting in the Nazi light theater and the alarmed imperial worship group in the palace just flew off the ground.Moreover, it will take three fingers of time for the big formation to imprison this place, and it will take five fingers of time for these great powers to suppress their spiritual thoughts. With this little buffer time, plus the moment of time they grabbed earlier, it is enough to come prepared The assassins have completed a series of actions.This time has been calculated several times by them, and there is a slight deviation, and they will not be able to leave the imperial capital today.

Time is life, race against time, there is no retreat, count to the bone, if you fail, you will be benevolent.

In this area of ​​Fengtian Street, corpses were strewn all over the field and blood flowed into rivers, and all the people watching the light and shadow in the light theater died.Such a terrifying spread of poisonous fog was thrown out. The number of people who died of poisoning on this street has reached 60 million. The lethality of the poisonous fog is appalling. Mo hated it in his heart.

Fortunately, the range is within one mile, and the Zhonghua Restaurant is not affected. This street is too long, and the restaurant is more than one mile away from here.It was this distance that allowed Zhonghua Restaurant to escape. [

Those powerful snipers who sniped the six demon kings all appeared at this time, and each of them was in the peak state, ferocious and terrifying, and the ruthlessness of their attacks was outrageous.The surrounding people were all violently swept into a blood mist, and the air in winter was full of blood.

A total of sixteen powers teamed up to kill six monster powers.

These sixteen are obviously human beings. Elder Osama, whose cultivation base is higher than that, did not give in. They cooperated with each other tacitly, and beat the six monsters into chaos like idiots. 』The appearance of running away is useless at all.

The poisonous mist can't kill the powerful monsters, but it has an effect on their senses. When they are dizzy, they probably fight back even harder, and the pain on their bodies is even heavier.

Of course, the sixteen human powers were not affected, and they had obviously swallowed the antidote in advance.The ratio of men to women is close to two to one, women are more capable of attacking more ruthlessly, they don't even consider the power to smash innocent people into pieces, many of them are only five or six years old, and they also did not escape being killed destiny.

Seeing such a situation, Yun Mo's divine sense almost burned the world out of a huge hole with anger in his heart.

At this moment, he understood: he was the target, and attacking Ning Laruo was the plan.It is absolutely impossible for him to hurt the princess, so that he can hit himself.

"It's such a vicious and precise assassination method, who can know the whereabouts of He Ruo?" Lightning flashed in his mind, and a suspicious person appeared.Several of them are suspected.

"Don't let me know who it is, otherwise, you will be hacked into pieces."

"You can hit yourself with one palm, and you can use poison to perfection. It's not much worse than the ten masters. Boys and girls, they are ruthless and ruthless. They don't care about anyone. They are bold and dare to lead the task of dealing with themselves. This man Who is it?" In just one thought, messages such as 'Poison Master, the Second Assassin' appeared in Yun Mo's mind.

Yun Mo's face was pale, his blue eyes were shining, and he dragged the fainted princess with his right hand, and kicked tens of thousands of legs at a speed that even the poisonous master could not react.

The Poison Master was startled, and hurriedly flew back, but he was still inevitably kicked in the lower abdomen, chest and other parts, and dozens of bones were broken in an instant.

But there was a sinister smile on the corner of the guy's mouth.

Yun Mo felt it, and a strange rune appeared on the injured part.

This is a kind of rune that Yun Mo doesn't understand, and it instantly scattered two clusters of colorful light. [


Du Zun endured the severe pain in his chest and abdomen, and howled wildly.At this time, the imperial capital is about to attract a large formation to suppress it. If you don't leave, it will be too late.

'咻咻...! '

The sixteen figures, dripping with blood, merged with the Demon Lord and entered the colorful light.Another scattered light enveloped Yunmo and Princess Ning Laruo, and powerful space power acted on them.

Du Zun's task is not to assassinate Yun Mo, this is not something he can accomplish, and it is even less likely to succeed in the imperial capital.His task is to imprint this teleportational space rune successfully refined by exhausting resources on Yunmo's body.As for who would be implicated in this matter, it was out of his consideration.

This rune obviously splits into two groups of light, which will teleport the victim and the attacker to different locations, and will definitely not be within the scope of the imperial capital by then.

Yun Mo suddenly realized what would be waiting for him after the teleportation, he had already thought of it.

Du Zun is full of ambition.

Originally, as long as he was able to get out of this mission, he would be considered lucky. Those sixteen people all came with the idea of ​​burning jade and stone together. At this time, they were able to leave the imperial capital completely. He couldn't believe it went smoothly. After all, the goal was Yunmo ah.

At this time, three fingers of time had passed, and the coercion of the imperial capital's great formation fell, but it could not expel the two groups of light that had already worked.

Several Da Neng had already flown here, and even Yun Mo could see He Lanyuan's face that was ashen.

The old man looked at the scene like a hell on earth, his beard and hair were all stretched out in hatred, and he looked like a ghost.Lan Yuanding had already appeared in front of him, but it was too late, and the culprits could not be left behind.

Du Zun smiled, his beautiful face was covered with golden blood, he looked like a demon in colorful light.

Then, a whistling sound suddenly sounded!

Even the poison master's consciousness can't keep up, but his perception clearly knows that there is something invisible that shot himself into a hornet's nest.what is it

Du Zun looked forward in disbelief, and saw Yun Mo, who was about to be passed away, holding a strange cylindrical object in his left hand two feet away, with densely packed small eyes on the top and front end.

"Your sister, is this...?"

He instantly recognized the origin of this thing, but what he didn't understand was: Couldn't this thing "shoot" through the body of the Zun-level Almighty?What is the situation now?

He was lost.

That's right, Yunmo launched the biggest murderous intention, and the rainstorm pear blossom needle was activated.The distance is only two zhang, and Yun Mo used it without hesitation in anger, who can escape?

The Poison Lord has a heaven-level battle armor, but he didn't have time to wear it. The sixteen assassins also couldn't react. Before they were safely teleported, they were "shot" into a hornet's nest by this super poisonous hidden weapon!But still can't die.The scary thing is not only the shooting injury, but the poison mixed on it is even more terrifying.

"Sure enough, the relationship between Ye Lianxing and Yunmo is deep enough, so I gave Yunmo all these things."

Before they could finish their thinking, seventeen executioners, including Poison Master, lost their resistance for a moment because of the mixed poison on the needle, and the most terrifying talisman that Yun Mo threw out immediately after the pear blossom needle was activated in the colorful light group.The poisonous needles seriously injured them and lost their body control right for a moment. The golden forbidden technique that reached the imperial level broke out, and the blade chopped them all into pieces.And because of the effect of the space light group, the energy will not overflow, and their physical body and soul body are shredded by the violent energy.If he didn't lose his resistance, at least he wouldn't die, but he couldn't run even if he wanted to.

When the "poison master" who had been around for hundreds of years died, he still remembered the note that the gorgeous beauty waiter had stuffed him.Unfortunately, he couldn't make it to the appointment.

Greed makes him fall before he succeeds.

With a flash of light, a large pile of flesh and blood flakes were sent out.This space teleportation cannot be stopped by the imperial capital formation.

"If the princess is with me, tell the queen, and I will keep her safe."

Yun Mo shouted, the sound spread to every corner of the imperial capital, colorful lights shone, and he and the princess disappeared at the same time.

The enshrining group surrounded this place, and seeing the hellish situation here, the entire imperial capital was shaken.

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