Wanhua Merry

Chapter 1386: Dawn Illuminates the World<Part [-]>

What is democracy?this is a big problem.

This word officially entered the world's attention for the first time, and the people racked their brains to figure out the meaning of democracy. Then, under the propaganda of public opinion, they understood that the simplest explanation of democracy is that the people have the final say and stand up as the masters.

Happiness came too fast, and the uneducated people were collectively stunned.

Three months after Yun Mo's disappearance, the wisteria royal family spread the news that the first democratic general election will be held in July in the summer.The detailed rules were announced, and the hearts of the world beat accordingly.

As long as you are a full-fledged citizen of Wisteria and over the age of [-], you have the right to vote regardless of gender. The Detective Department has full supervision to eliminate the possibility of any black-box operations. Under strong monitoring, this election will be extremely transparent, and no one dares to do it. Hands and feet, or wait for the whole body to die.

The common people went crazy.Who has been the leader since the empire's history, and when did it ask for the will of the people?It was a groundbreaking feat.

Former wisteria officials and royals are automatically eligible for election.The local government adopts a step-by-step election method.

For example, in a small village, the villagers collectively elect representatives. Then, when the representatives enter the county, the representatives are not allowed to choose themselves, but can choose others.Choose the most prestigious among them, go to the provincial capital, and continue to choose like this.

After rounds of elimination, each province will select the person with the highest prestige in the province, who will enter the imperial capital together with the former provincial governor and other high-ranking officials.At that time, these people will join the people of the imperial capital to collectively vote for the president.The electoral power of the people in the imperial capital is relatively large, and no one has any objection.Allowing the people of the imperial capital to have the final right to vote was originally proposed by Yunmo.It must be ensured that the first election of the Wisteria Royal Family is the winner, otherwise, Ziyu will never really carry out reforms.This is something that must be compromised. As long as you start and change slowly, the people of the whole country will have the right to elect the final winner sooner or later. Don't rush it for a while.The first election looked fair, but it was actually paving the way for the wisteria royal family to gain benefits, which was not fair enough.But there is no way, politics has to be done little by little, and I can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry.A good start, as long as the direction is right, sooner or later a high degree of democracy and transparent politics will be realized. [

These links are all guarded by the detective department. Whoever dares to engage in small tricks in secret will be decapitated.

The people selected in this way won the hearts of the people and were extremely capable.Ordinary people don't rub their eyes, and anyone who can do practical things for the benefit of the people seems to have a mirror in his heart.

At the end of the general election, the president and new cabinet ministers are directly elected according to the number of votes cast.

The first assistant of the cabinet was called the prime minister, and the second assistant was naturally the deputy prime minister.Most of them have redefined their names according to Yunmo's proposal, and the division of rights is clear.

Those who were born in the military will also elect the deputy marshal of the imperial army and horses according to the number of votes.For the rest, according to the new military ranks, they will be arranged in the order of general, lieutenant general and so on.The whole wisteria will definitely take on a new look.

People's enthusiasm for these whimsical but interesting names continues to heat up, and who can be the first prime minister and deputy marshal of the army has also become a hot topic among the people.

As for the Generalissimo?Naturally, it is the presidency.

Everything is in order.

All in all, through this layer of screening, some political magnates who came from common people will appear. This is something new that has never happened before. Various new titles appear, just waiting for capable people to take them over.

The matter went smoothly, and many people with high reputation among the people were elected.

In this way, in the summer of July, the presidential election set off the final election storm. The people of the imperial capital held the ballot papers with their names in their hands, and cast their glorious votes in front of the ballot boxes in the streets and alleys.These votes are monitored all the way, and water mirrors are everywhere, and no tricks can affect the presidential election.

It lasted for a month, and the number of voters accounted for more than nine floors of adult citizens in the Wisteria Imperial Capital, which is definitely enough.

After another half month, the final result was announced by the Detective Department.

The original wisteria emperor Ziyu, with the support of more than six levels, was crowned the first president of the 'wisteria democratic empire'.

This result made Zi Yu, who had been secretly hanging on his heart, heaved a sigh of relief. [

Unsurprisingly, Mao Zedong, the original chief assistant, was honored as the first prime minister of the empire with two levels of popular support.

The position of deputy prime minister was elected, and the world was in an uproar.

Ye Lianxing and Shangguan Huo'er each had a half support rate, defeated many former wisteria high-ranking officials without any suspense, and tied for the position of deputy prime minister.Ye Zhanyin was missing, but Shangguan Huo'er, the deputy prime minister who had not yet graduated from the academy, shocked the world.

Women ranked No.3 in the election. How much appeal is this?

Huo'er was surprised, but she didn't take it off. With the personal approval of Dean Sheng Baibai, Huo'er graduated ahead of schedule, entered the cabinet of the Democratic Empire as a deputy prime minister, and became a female minister.The eyes of all the politicians in the world turned to this woman surrounded by countless halos, and the world cheered for her.

Shangguan Huo'er has been close to the people's livelihood these years, and the clothing styles of Zhonghua Trading are all made by her.

In fact, it is to improve and copy the style of the previous life. It has to be said that Huo'er has achieved great success in this regard.Even men's leather shoes and women's high-heeled shoes have been moved over. The latest women's underwear is popular all over the world. Bras, underwear and sanitary products for women's menstruation are all over the world, fascinating women all over the world.

According to Yun Mo's words, the number of Huo'er's fans.

What's more valuable is that several of the newly announced national policies were suggested by Huo Er through the Detective Office, and finally adopted by Zi Yu.For example, open a hospital with a complete system.To treat diseases for the public, the price is fair and reasonable. Physicians must hold a certificate issued by the empire to work, and resolutely crack down on doctors who see a doctor with a certificate, and doctors who see a doctor without permission will also be severely punished. As soon as this move came out, the world was in an uproar. I don't know how many people secretly called Huo'er the reincarnation of the compassionate Buddha girl.

Another proposal is more ambitious, the opening of schools across the empire.

Please teach me, sir, not only literature and military affairs, but also applied courses.Practical subjects such as cooking, tailoring, medicine, and counting and statistics.In terms of education, Wisteria is at the forefront of the world.

The last suggestion is to maximize Huo'er's reputation.Orphanages and nursing homes were opened in various regions of the empire to keep orphans and widowed elderly from living on the streets.

These suggestions were secretly submitted by Huo'er through the Detective Office, but in the end, Ziyu made the truth known to the public. With Huo'er's reputation skyrocketing, becoming the first vice-prime minister of the empire was something people wanted, and it was a matter of course.

Shangguan Huo'er officially entered the official career, with a bright future ahead.

Not surprisingly, Guan Xie became the first deputy marshal of soldiers and horses.The military team was formed, and Ouyang Qing became the head of the generals, and his glory shone across the world.

She and Huo'er are the most eye-catching women in the Wisteria New Deal, and the whole world is overwhelmed by the glory of these two outstanding women.

A new cabinet is formed, a new leadership team is formed, and new officials at all levels are produced.

The people's representatives form the House of Representatives, with a total of [-] members. They are all those who received the most votes in the election. Most of them are former officials, but there are also many newcomers among the common people.They have the right to decide national policy, of course, it is a collective discussion to solve the problem.There are a lot of specific rules, so there is no need to elaborate.

The name of the Detective Agency remains unchanged, and it still supervises the entire empire.It's just that, in name, they are responsible to the president and the cabinet, but in fact they only listen to Ziyu.This is also where a compromise must be made. An organization like the Detective Agency will undergo major changes over time, but it is impossible to make a major change now.

Ziyu has become the president, and his descendants will inevitably become the president. From now on, they have to work hard for the people to win people's hearts.

Although the Zi family is no longer the royal family, they are still crowned kings and loved by the people of Wisteria.

How long it can last depends on whether Ziyu's juniors are up to date?They still stand on top of the pyramid.

The Wisteria Democratic Empire was formally established, all signs of rebellion across the country were wiped out, the people were united as never before, and the empire was thriving after the general election.After more than a year of running-in, the common people have adapted to the new political system.Feeling elated, I realized for the first time in my life: this is the life a person should live.

The dawn has illuminated the wisteria, and based on this, it begins to illuminate the world.

The ancient nobles all felt the urgency and horror of the approaching doomsday. Wisteria's democratic politics pointed out the direction for the suffering world. People all over the world who have not received this kind of treatment eagerly look forward to the early arrival of democratic politics.

The torrent is rolling and unstoppable, whoever dares to stand in front will be smashed to pieces.

The aura of the two traversers shines all over the world during this process.

Its daybreak. …………



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