Wanhua Merry

Chapter 189 Dinner in Dim Candlelight, Two Sides of Man

() Tianjieyang is violent, and Tianjieyang is also gentle. Every year, many people die at the bottom of the sea, but more people benefit from its broad mind and survive!

Far away from Ziye City, there is an unnamed small fishing village close to Tianjie Ocean, where every family makes a living by fishing.They have been doing this business for generations, and they are very familiar with the offshore environment.It is clear where there are hidden reefs in the seemingly calm waters, and where there are a lot of marine resources in the seemingly terrifying areas.In particular, they knew the location of the absolutely inaccessible area in Tianjie Ocean, and they knew it better than anyone else.This is the precious experience that their ancestors exchanged their lives for generations. No matter how much gold coins you pay, no one will disclose this information to you, because this is the root of the fishermen's survival!

This small fishing village only has a population of tens of thousands, and it is under the jurisdiction of Ziye City, and also belongs to Wen Xing's fief, because the population is too small, and Wen Xing doesn't point to this little seafood income to maintain daily expenses, so he waved his hand , all the taxes of this small fishing village will be reduced or exempted, so although this village doesn't even have a decent name, the people's life is pretty good!

The simple and kind fishermen are very contented.Because many years ago, when Wen Xing was not entrusted to come here, two-thirds of their harvest had to be handed over every year, and the only thing left was barely enough to exchange for rice noodles. It would be good to survive, unlike now , You can still have meat and rice without worrying about food and clothing!This is what the common people want, and they are actually very easy to be satisfied!

It's a pity that even for such a small wish, there are not many small villages in the entire empire that can achieve it!Being exploited by high-ranking nobles, it is a kind of happiness to be able to make ends meet!It can be seen that the tyranny is as fierce as a tiger!

Today, old man Lin at the west end of the village is cooking a pot of delicious braised pork!The fragrance wafted with the night wind, causing countless children to linger outside his yard covetingly.

Old man Lin is a widowed old man. He looks to be over 60 years old. His body is stooped and thin, and the wrinkles on his face bear the vicissitudes of memory!He lives in the simplest thatched house. When it rains, people in the village will come to repair the roof for the old man in their spare time. Some strong men will come to help chop wood and carry water in their spare time. Women sometimes send Come here with some food!

Old man Lin is very grateful for the help of these villagers. He is too old to go fishing at sea, and he is alone without a wife or children. One of the words he often talks about is: If there are no villagers to take care of me, I will I don't know where the old bones are buried!So he is grateful.

The fence is surrounded by uneven wooden piles, covered with green wild vines.It looked extremely desolate!Just like the impression old man Lin left on everyone: this is an old man who is half buried and dying, a poor man!

At this time, the poor man was holding a fan and vigorously fanning the wind towards the firewood-burning stove. The wind helped the fire, and the fire was raging, illuminating the small kitchen on this summer night!

The pork was bought by old man Lin from hunting in the mountains.Things like pheasants and wild ducks can still be exchanged for a lot of copper coins in a slightly larger town!Today, the old man suddenly felt moved, and extravagantly used the copper coins exchanged for hard hunting to buy more than ten catties of pork, prepared seasonings, and made these fat pork cut into small pieces into a pot of fragrant braised pork!

The wrinkles on the old man's face became deeper in the firelight, and the smell of meat became stronger.After a while, the heat came, and the old man happily opened the broken iron pot smeared with black rust, and then put the coriander and scallions that had been prepared long ago into the pot that was churning with oil!

A strong smell of meat instantly filled the small courtyard. The old man took out more than a dozen large bowls with gaping teeth, divided the braised pork into more than ten bowls, and placed them one by one on a three-legged, fourth-legged bowl. On a rotten wooden table with one leg supported by a broken wooden stake, a pair of chopsticks was placed next to each sea bowl, and a blackened thick-faced steamed bun was placed on it.

The old man looked at this sumptuous dinner with a smile on his face!He didn't know how luxurious and extravagant the night banquet was going on in the welcome hall in Ziye City at this time. For him, today was the most sumptuous meal he had in recent years.So he is content and happy.

He staggered out of his small hut, glanced at the dried salted fish on the fence, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.Then an old voice suddenly sounded: "Shanwa, Huni, Xiaogouzi... you little bastards, Grandpa Lin has cooked delicious food, come over to eat!"

A thousand layers of waves!Really has a huge power!

Before old man Lin's words fell, more than a dozen little kids in patched coarse clothes rushed into old man Lin's small yard like a group of boy scouts!

"Grandpa!" A little girl with a snot hanging from her nose yelled sweetly at old man Lin, her big eyes were full of smiles!

,Grandpa Lin, it smells so good, what did you do? "A little boy who was dirty and had a fishy smell but was obviously much thicker than these little guys asked in a rough voice, the saliva from the corners of his mouth dripped out uncontrollably, staining the coarse cloth on his chest even more dirty !

: "Children, grandpa made some braised pork, the big guys let go of their stomachs to eat, grandpa is enough!"

Old man Lin happily picked up Hu Ni, who was five or six years old with a runny nose, and wiped the girl's nose clean with his sleeve.Only then did I see that this Huni was extremely juicy, her big cute eyes were blinking, and her little hands mischievously grabbed the beard under the old man's chin, but she didn't pull it hard, she just pulled it gently, as if she was playing. Playing a fun game, giggling in his mouth.The little bare feet rubbed the dirt on the old man's chest and abdomen!

Snapped!Old man Lin gave Xiao Nizi a slap on the buttocks, and laughed and cursed: "Xiao Hu Ni is naughty again, if you make trouble again, grandpa will not share the meat with you!"

"No, grandpa, Hu Ni is obedient, I want to eat meat!" The little girl immediately protested.

"I want to eat meat too!" The remaining dozen or so children asked in unison.

Looking at these boys and girls, the old man smiled from ear to ear: "A group of greedy cats, well, we all have a share, come, come, all come into the house!"

Lao Lintou carried Hu Ni into the house, the children cheered and rushed into the house!

The charcoal fire has been extinguished, and a candle in the house is like a bean.

With this dim candlelight, Lao Lintou enjoyed a candlelight dinner with these children.What a grand candlelight dinner!

Hu Ni stretched her little belly round, and fell asleep in the old man's arms, while the other children were also full of greasy food.

Shanwa, a strong boy who was only seven years old, swallowed the last piece of fatty meat in the bowl, took a breath after a long aftertaste, and said with satisfaction: "It's delicious, if only I could eat it every day It's a pity...!" As he spoke, the eyes of such a young child showed unwillingness!

There seemed to be a flash of light in old man Lin's eyes, but the duration was so short that no one could see it.

He handed Hu Ni, who was sleeping in his arms, to Shanwa, and said, "Take care of your sister, and remember what grandpa said, sooner or later, you children will eat meat every day!" Old man Lin said extremely Solemnly.

Shanwa looked up at Grandpa Lin in disbelief, and subconsciously felt that Grandpa today seemed different from usual, possessing a strange quality!

What is different?Shanwa racked her brains to think about it, but she didn't understand it.He held his sister tightly in his arms, and asked with great suspicion: "Grandpa, is what you said true? Do we lowly civilians have a chance to live like that?"

In Shanwa's heart, being able to eat meat every day is a happiness that he can't even imagine, and he doesn't dare to expect it!

The old, veined palm gently stroked the mountain baby's head, and then old man Lin said very seriously: "Grandpa assures you, you and Hu Ni, and even these dolls will live such a life, but ...!" Speaking of this, the old man was silent for a moment.

"But what's the matter, grandpa?" All the children looked at Grandpa Lin with hope, and there was tension in their eyes. They all wanted to ask Shanwa's words.

"However, you may suffer, get injured, or even die!" Grandpa Lin continued.

For a moment, the children were all scared, only Shanwa's eyes suddenly burst out with a gleam. He grabbed the old man's palm and said very firmly: "Grandpa, Shanwa is not afraid of suffering, bleeding or even death! I I just want to live like a human being, and no longer be bullied and abused by those nobles and young masters as a pariah, for this, I am not afraid of death!"

Old man Lin looked seriously at the firm little face of the seven-year-old mountain boy, nodded slowly, and glanced at the shrinking eyes of the rest of the children, with disappointment in his eyes, but he didn't say much, just asked: "It's getting dark, you guys Be careful at home!"

Shanwa took the lead and led the children to bow and thank Grandpa Lin for the candlelight dinner. Then he hugged his sleeping sister and headed towards his home.Those children bounced and followed behind the big brother, slowly disappearing into the starry night.

Today is a sumptuous candlelight dinner, but what they don't know is that this is a dinner that determines their lifelong fate. Many people's fate has changed, just this night!

Watching the children go home happily, old man Lin's hunched figure suddenly straightened like a gun, and an extremely terrifying coercion emerged from him, and then restrained inward!

Glancing at Ye Se, he muttered to himself: "It should be here soon!"

As soon as the words fell, a small black bird not much bigger than a sparrow flew to the fence in front of the old man without making a sound of flapping its wings!

This is a strange bird with black feathers all over its body. It tilted its head and looked at the old man in front of it, with a playful look in its eyes!

"My subordinates see the special envoy of the dragon head!" The old man suddenly knelt down on one knee and bowed down to the little bird, his face glowing with excitement.A special mana fluctuation appeared on his body.

The little bird felt the fluctuation, and nodded in a very human way.Then, the yellow talisman paper tied to its ankle automatically detached from its body and floated into Old Man Lin's hands.

Then the little bird fluttered its feathers and flew high, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Old man Lin stood up, activated the paper talisman, an order came out, and then the paper talisman disappeared naturally.

Old man Lin twitched the corner of his mouth, and smiled cruelly: "It's finally time to do it, I'm really looking forward to it!" He licked the corner of his mouth, his figure flickered, and disappeared!

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