Wanhua Merry

Chapter 22 Affected Chiyu, martial law in Ziye City!

() Just when the shocking assassination happened in Yunmo's residence, in a courtyard not far from here, a man in his thirties with a thin figure, a gloomy face and slender eyes was sitting on a wooden chair in the practice room and waiting. Get started with the news.He was playing with the spar that he got from the Chief Manager Cheng Fugui in his hand, and under the colorful brilliance, his face had an unconcealable smug look!

"Hey..., it's God's help to me that I can get such a huge benefit by killing a little guy at will!" the man said to himself.

The yard has three entrances, front and back, and the architectural style adheres to the ancient style. The appearance is extremely thick and simple, and the interior decoration style is as simple and beautiful as possible!But although they look simple, these simple things are definitely worth a lot, because many things are hand-crafted by art masters. With the painstaking efforts of these artists, how can their value be lower?

For example, the ever-burning lamp in the hall of his home looks inconspicuous, but the lamp is carved out of a hundred-year-old snow mahogany heart. Kedu is worth a thousand dollars!Of course, being so expensive has its benefits. This gram of lamp oil is enough to last for a year. The fragrance it emits is of great benefit to practitioners. It can increase the strength of soul power. It is definitely a good thing!

There is also an old painting hanging on the wall of his bedroom. It is just an ordinary landscape painting. It is nothing at first glance, but if you stop and look at it, even if you don’t know how to paint, you will feel that the painting is beautiful. Mountains, rivers and waters are alive, as if they are about to come alive!

Looking at the inscription on the painting, it turned out to be the early works of the famous master of painting in the empire, Master Yuan Shuo.This painting alone is worth tens of thousands of gold coins.It can be seen that this man is definitely a big shot with status, status, and taste!

This is all on the surface, secretly, the courtyard is densely covered with traps, it can be called a dragon's pond and a tiger's den!If you don't have a cultivation level above the punishment of heaven, if you force your way into this place, you will definitely be killed by various sinister and poisonous agencies on the spot!

He stretched his legs comfortably, thinking of his steady progress over the years, the ambition in his heart was burning.At this moment, an earth-shattering loud noise came from a distance!

"It's broken!" He stood up with a flutter.A look of horror appeared in his eyes.

That direction, that location, this time, of course he knew what would happen.Because after the rich reception process, he sent someone to inquire about Yun Mo's whereabouts today, knowing that the place is secluded, and he sent two God Bless sixth-level masters to kill him with one blow. He never dreamed that he would do something like this Big news!

This is the city lord's mansion, if there is any change.All the practitioners and guards in the mansion will immediately surround there!

"Oh my God, even if you two can't complete the task, you have to get out immediately, otherwise, I will be implicated by you!"

What kind of attitude the city owner will have towards this kind of thing, you can imagine with your ass.

For a moment, he was as anxious as ants on a hot pot.

After a breath, there was a 'squeak', the door was opened, and the man who showed his face limped in.

The man asked anxiously: "What's the matter, why is there such a big commotion?"

The subordinate took a breath, and reported tonight that the information was inaccurate, and Yun Mo was not there, but he met two little girls with unique skills.

The man's eyes were completely gloomy.Such a big commotion has not killed the target yet?

These two girls...?His eyes were chattering and his mind was running fast.

Suddenly he trembled all over, grabbed that subordinate, and asked sharply: "What does that girl with the magic weapon look like? Describe it in detail right away!"

This guy was almost suffocated by the leader grabbing his neck. He didn't understand why the head was so excited?

He slapped the palm of his neck, and the man realized that he was so excited that he almost strangled his confidant to death.So let go of each other.

"Ahem..."!This kid coughed violently, but his burly figure was bent like a question mark. A person has no backbone, even if he is tall, he is still small.

Seeing the murderous gaze in the head's eyes, he didn't dare to neglect, and immediately described the appearance of the little girl he killed with a sword, this time in great detail!

"Damn it!" The leader kicked the subordinate into a rolling gourd, pointed at the bewildered subordinate and scolded sharply: "You two pigs! You assassinated the wrong person, and you killed Yingying casually! Miss! You are trying to kill me. The city lord loves this little daughter the most. If he knows that someone in the mansion assassinated his precious daughter, he will find us by digging three feet. What will be the consequences? Did I say too much?"

ah?Hearing this, the complexion of the guy who was struggling to get up instantly turned pale ashes, he stammered and said, "I... have seen...Miss from a distance, isn't she golden...hair, green eyes, and the shape of her face is also... Not quite like it?"

"You pig, Miss Yingying likes to play pranks the most. She is good at disguise and disguise. According to what you said about the object on her wrist, it is her out of ten! I hope she is not injured, otherwise, you My fate is doomed to be extremely miserable! Damn, this business lost money, and a brother died. I have to find an excuse to report to the government. Fortunately, you two did not leave any traces, and there is no way to track them down! Remember, these Do not go out during the day. Stay at home, I will tell others that you are sick, and I will allow you to recuperate for a week! You must keep your mouth tight, and if there is even a trace of it, you and I will die without a place to bury you, understand?"

The killer's face was pale, with cold sweat dripping from his forehead, he replied repeatedly: Understood!Then backed out.

The man didn't dare to delay any longer, so he immediately put on the armor of the commander of the guards in the mansion, put on his weapon, went out to gather the guards, and hurried to the place where the accident happened, begging his grandpa to tell nainai in his heart: "Miss Yingying, don't worry about anything, otherwise you There is absolutely no way to escape the relationship!" Because he knows that a person who has reached the level of the city lord can reproduce the scene at that time after spending a few years of hard work!Therefore, I can only pray that things don't get to that point. As long as Miss Yingying is fine, the city lord will not do that, and I will be safe!



The bird was sleeping soundly, when it was suddenly startled by the loud noise outside the house and flew into the air with a flutter!But because of the lack of feathers, he couldn't fly at all, and he hit the ground with his head in embarrassment!The little boy jumped up in fright, wailing in his heart that no catastrophe should happen, he staggered to the door, looked out of the house through the gap, and saw the sound of whizzing and piercing the air outside, a large group of full-body armor wearing Hearing the sound, the guards with bows and arrows rushed over at an astonishingly fast speed. In less than a breath, the small courtyard where the explosion occurred was surrounded by a large number of people!

The bird was so frightened that it almost lost its soul!The cultivation base of each of these guards is unmatched by her! "What the hell is going on, let the bird live?" The little girl in the bird's spiritual sea almost cried, wondering where the guy that Uncle Ye Lianhua leaned over went, why didn't he know to protect herself? ?Woohoo...!

She reacted very quickly, knowing that that guy was unreliable, she had to save herself!So she curled up her small body and burrowed towards a crack in the wall under the bed that was shaken by the aftermath of the explosion. Fortunately, its body was extremely small, and when it had feathers, it was no bigger than a fist. Now it has no feathers, so you can imagine how pitifully small So far, so it hid effortlessly, and then curled itself into a small meat ball!Unless there is a special search, who would notice a future demon king hiding in the crack of the wall!

Almost at the moment when it was hidden, a large number of guards with terrifying aura kicked open the door, countless people came in and searched randomly, and then heard the guards report: "Report to the commander, there is no fire spell in the house." Affected, but the yard was completely blown up! The charred wreckage of one person was found, but it has been torn apart, and there are no clues left, so apart from confirming that the deceased is an adult man, nothing else has been found!"

Europe?An extremely calm voice sounded: "There was an explosion here for no reason. It is certain that there are fire-type soul mages from hostile forces in the mansion! And the energy in this space has been disturbed to such an extent. I am afraid that the level of refinement is not low. According to the law of the City Lord's Mansion, during this extraordinary period, Ziye City will immediately impose martial law! Strictly investigate people who behave suspiciously, and would rather kill by mistake than let them go. Hurry up and send an order!

yes!Someone suddenly took the order and turned around like flying to deliver the order.

Martial law has begun in Ziye City, and no one is allowed to come and go!All of a sudden, the entire wave on the street became violent!Groups of fully armed guards riding two tall monster horses came out like locusts!Dare to enter the city lord's mansion to make trouble, these guys with a strong sense of self-esteem and honor are like gunpowder about to explode, they are staring at everyone with red eyes!

This night, the whole Ziyexiong city was a mess, and many unlucky people who wandered around in the middle of the night were arrested by the guards for suspicious behavior. It is conceivable that their fate is worrisome after being thrown into prison!

And the culprit that caused all this - where are those two guys?Wasn't it blocked by the guards?

It's really not blocked!

The reaction of Miss Yingying who fell into the stream with a bang was absolutely top-notch!

She knew that with this sound, this place would be surrounded by guards and practitioners, and she would never be able to run away!If this is caught in front of my lord father, then the matter cannot be hidden!Knowing that he was almost killed by an assassin, his father Thunder would naturally search for the assassin and punish him severely, but he might ground himself accordingly!For the playful little witch, this was worse than killing her. How could this happen?

So when she and the girl who protected her fell into the water, there was no time to do other things. Yingying got up and grabbed Yun Mo's little hand, and rushed out of the stream, ignoring the dripping water all over her body, and screamed: "Follow me!" Come!" With Yun Mo, he disappeared into the alley not far from him, and under the cover of night, he left here with three turns and two turns!

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