Wanhua Merry

Chapter 313 Liuxi is dead, the evidence is solid


Hearing is false, seeing is believing.

This truth is not easy through the ages.Although more than a dozen high-end practitioners witnessed what happened in front of them, the most important evidence is still the magic crystal that seals the real-time image, which is the most important physical evidence!

With this physical evidence and the written testimonies of those present, Star Fang will soon be labeled as "assassinating the future pillar of the empire".

All people above the Tianzun level know in their hearts what Zhang Yunyun's dual-line talent plus the 222-breath coercion test represent. It may be a peerless generation that has surpassed the three major perfections of Tianzun since the empire's own history. figure!The death of this kind of genius, if there is no evidence, it is fine. Once the evidence is solid, it is strange that the emperor can bear this tone?

Because as long as you win over this kind of genius and bring her up step by step, it is possible that this girl will be able to make the greatest contribution to the centralization of the empire in a few decades!With such an evildoer in charge, the centralization of power that the royal family has always wanted to achieve will no longer be a fantasy, and fists are the last word. Thinking about that time, Yunxiao Palace would not dare to take the royal family seriously like it is now ?

But Zhang Yunyun was killed just like that!It's like smashing the old emperor's biggest dream to pieces. Can the old guy not be angry?

He is outraged!

At this time, as long as the evidence that Xingzhiya is the murderer is sent to di du, then what awaits Xingzhiya will be a heinous disaster!

All the heroes in the world, who were frightened by their frenzied slaughter of ghost faces, will definitely take advantage of the trend and completely maim Xingzhiya!

The seriousness of this incident can already affect the general situation of the power in the world, how could Ling Feng not be alarmed?

He never thought that he could come up with such a way to obtain criminal evidence in vain!

He even didn't expect that Wang Meng, the mayor of a certain urban area, was the one who offered advice.

Of course, Wang Meng benefited from a sentence from the little soul master. After the young man heard Wang Meng's description of the spiritual sea restriction, he seemed to have no intention of saying: "A person's spiritual sea is controlled by the main consciousness, which makes people enter unconsciousness. state, stimulate the ** memory response, can't you get the answer you want!"

Just such a light sentence made Wang Meng's heart feel like being struck by a wild lightning. He is a scholar and has studied some theories!

Some scholars once believed that a person's brain, where the spiritual sea is located, is controlled by the person's strongest consciousness, but in addition to this main consciousness, there is also an instinctive consciousness at work. For example, when people walk, they don't have to force You have to consider which leg to take first, but you will naturally react according to local conditions. This is another kind of consciousness hidden in the depths of the spiritual sea. It can do it without the analysis of the spiritual sea. do the right thing.In other words, this theory holds that people have two souls, one primary and one secondary, and when the primary soul does not work, the secondary soul will function! "

This kind of theory caused a sensation among the famous Confucian scholars at that time, but it was quickly suppressed by some old scholars collectively, thinking that it was a fallacy. They believed that the Linghai has only one consciousness, that is, there is only one human soul!Without a soul it's just a walking dead.It is impossible to have a second consciousness. It is ridiculous to say that people have two souls!

In the end, the two schools of thought held their own opinions and argued with each other, and no one would accept the other, and then a compromise theory was put forward: after a person's soul fell into a deep sleep, what he showed was only a certain habit memorized by the body!For example, for people without consciousness, the heartbeat is still continuing according to the previous rhythm, the blood is still flowing, etc. In short, it is just showing a kind of physical memory, which is far from the so-called second consciousness, that is, Say, there is no second soul, but ** memory exists!

This compromise statement quickly gained the support of most scholars, because it neither negates nor subconsciousness, nor does it confirm that people have two souls, master and vice. It can be said that each slaps fifty times, and no one can offend. Will be recognized by all!

Everyone thinks they are right, and this kind of statement takes into account everyone's emotions, so it is naturally determined to be correct.

Therefore, under the support of this theory, Liuxi's response from body memory can be most recognized when the main consciousness does not work!In other words, Liu Xi confessed in a disguised form that Xing Zhiya was the murderer who made her assassinate. With theoretical support, no one in the world would disagree.

This evidence works!

Ling Feng's heart sank to the bottom, his loyalty to Xing Zhiya made him know what he had to do, he was very anxious, but he also knew that this was not the time to panic.

"It's over soon, I have to notify my superiors immediately, please come out, I would rather have the danger of being exposed, but also intercept and kill this group of people from the detective department! Meng Jian is a witness, so naturally I have to find a way to kill him, leaving only myself of course Everything will be fine!" Ling Feng quickly calculated in his mind, and then followed the complacent Bai Batou and his party out of Liu Xi's cell.

Bai turned his head and didn't look at Liu Xi at all, he had already sensed it before he came in, this Liu Xi is definitely the real body, this process of confirming the real body is a necessary procedure for criminal investigation!And Tianzun's perception is absolutely correct, Liuxi's aura fluctuations are the same as the magic weapon that remembers the prisoner's aura fluctuations, so everything today is perfect, and every link can withstand scrutiny. Interrogate the killer cleaner, if you are lucky enough to get an ironclad evidence, it will be even more perfect. As for Liu Xi, let her fend for herself now! \

Except for Meng Jian who gave Liu Xi a regretful look, no one took another look at this useless woman!

The prison door was tightly closed, and then the group of people, under the guidance of the guards led by the elated leader Bai, slowly disappeared at the corner of the corridor. Liuxi was dying, and Liuxi was dead in the hearts of these people!

The cleaner killer is imprisoned in a cell far away from here. Next, they will do the same to see if they can get a piece of evidence from that guy. Even if they can't get it, it doesn't matter. The case can be finalized and filed, as long as the crystal is sent to di du, everything will be settled!

Liu Xi lay miserably paralyzed on the bed, and it was extremely strange that she slowly regained a trace of vitality, her confused eyes gradually brightened, and then some kind of medicinal power that had been controlled by her internal force began to be activated, and the skin on her body was visibly visibly visibly visibly visibly visibly visibly visibly visibly visibly visibly visibly visibly visibly visibly visibly visibly visibly visibly wounded by the naked eye. It began to heal quickly, and the broken bones gradually joined together automatically with a crackling sound, but after a cup of tea, the female body returned to its original state, but there was a lot of blood on the surface, which made Liu Xi look extraordinarily hideous!

"Spicy next door, it hurts me to death!" Liu Xi cursed there, with an expression of extreme resentment in his eyes.

"Uncle Da Da, you came up with a good idea, your sister, come here and let me kick you! It really hurts me to death."With the voice, Liu Xi's body suddenly burst into a fourth-level aura fluctuation, and then the charming and plump female body gradually became shorter, the full breasts gradually flattened, the shape of the face began to change, and the hair began to shorten. In the meantime, Yun Mo, shaking the small table, appeared in the cell with a few pieces of rags hanging on it. He walked quickly to the corner of the cell, reached out and fumbled for a long time before taking out the storage anklet and belt, and then Bring it with you!

The light on the hand was shining, and a suit of black clothes appeared.Yun Mo wiped off the blood on his body with a towel, put on his clothes, and moved his newly healed body at will. The severe pain just now almost broke Yun Mo, who had strong willpower. Perverted guy, if someone else said it, he really fell into a situation where he lost his main consciousness.

To ensure that his main consciousness is not lost, he still has to use the art of deceiving the sky to pretend that he is on his deathbed. Yun Mo has worked so hard to pretend!The key is that the body really hurts, the bones are basically broken, the flesh and blood are rolled up, and the blood is pouring out. This bitter trick almost sent Yun Mo to hell!

"Damn it, Pang Tianya and Wen Xing definitely did it on purpose, they just wanted to get beaten up! This damn detective is really fucking inhumane, and the one who transformed into a beautiful woman has no sympathy at all. Damn it, a bunch of bastards! Only that idiot Meng Jian has a bit of humanity, and the rest should go to hell."

Yun Mo cursed in his heart, thinking: If he hadn't swallowed the healing elixir produced by Master Zheng Xun long ago, he would really be hurt to death!But this top-grade healing pill is awesome, I was almost beaten to death, it’s really amazing that I can be cured so quickly, hehe..., I like it."

Pang Tianya's spiritual transmission sounded: "Yunmo, thank you for your hard work. You are so good. Didn't you just say that you would kick me? How about keeping this matter for now? You know, if you don't add this fire, the imperial official If you don't take action, with the power of Star Fang, it is impossible to hurt it! And now because of your participation, Star Fang is about to usher in the most brutal cleansing in history! Various organizations are secretly employed by Tianwaiyun Tower, The emperor who got the evidence in Mingli must want Xingzhiya, and the army is about to join in. Even if Xingzhiya is not completely wiped out, he will be beaten into a messy idiot, Yunmo, you have a lot to do!"

There was admiration in Pang Tianya's voice, he and Wen Xing watched this good show from beginning to end, of course they greatly appreciated Yun Mo's strong willpower!Anyone whose bones are broken, who can hold on to the end of the play like Yun Mo, deserves the praise of these two big men.

There was a flash of light in Yun Mo's eyes, and he responded lightly: "What's wrong with it? Uncle Pang Da, but you said, remember, you owe me a kick. Don't think you are a god, so I dare not kick it? What kind of idea are you, I was almost beaten to death! Try it for you, it really hurts, damn it!"

"Haha...!" Wen Xing couldn't help laughing out loud, he said happily: "Yun Mo, you are really brave, I really want to kick him this day, don't worry, I will help you with this kick." Remember, whenever you want to kick him, I absolutely support you."

Yun Mo couldn't laugh or cry!

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