Wanhua Merry

Chapter 37 When the madness is going on, outside Gongsun's mansion!

()'噗噗'!The two maids walking towards each other were killed by Hu Changqing with a knife in his hand. There was a tyranny in his heart, and he felt that he just wanted to kill someone!

"Changqing, what's wrong with you?" A woman with high cheekbones and heavy makeup appeared in front of him.Followed by two maids who are not good at first glance, the three of them looked at Hu Changqing in surprise.Some people don't understand the situation!

"This woman is really annoying!" He had this thought in his heart. "Go to hell!" He yelled sharply, and cut off the wife's head with a single dagger!Blood sprayed on his face, and his eyes were blood red.There is only one thought in my mind: "Kill, kill all these bastards!"

"Oh my god!" The two extremely arrogant maids, who have never looked down upon their lady, a only husband, but today they saw the scene where he looks like a ghost, couldn't help screaming.

"No, there is a situation!" The voice was heard by the guards on duty outside. They reacted very quickly, and immediately rushed in along the stairs like a gust of wind, just in time to see Hu Changqing slashing off the heads of the two maids with a dagger. elephant!

"I'll go!" These guards were instantly swallowed by lightning. Although the captain of his own body was covered in blood, he could still tell from his body.

"The captain is crazy!" A guard yelled in shock, looking at the heads of the women rolling down on the ground, isn't one of them the captain's wife who is usually domineering?At this time, her eyes were wide open, and she was staring at the front with unsatisfied eyes, as if she was about to grab something!The faces of these guards who saw this scene were instantly pale with shock.

"Stop him!" You said calmly.

"Go to hell!" This Hu Changqing yelled violently, but stabbed himself in the thigh extremely abnormally!Instantly blood spattered, but he burst out laughing.It looked so crazy!The guards' hearts were filled with cold air, this situation was too weird.Even these Predators are frightened!

"Grab him, don't let him hurt himself!" someone yelled.

All the guards shouted in unison, rushed forward, instantly restrained Hu Changqing, and snatched the dagger from his hand.Tie him firmly with a cowhide rope!

"Go and ask the commander, and say that Captain Hu has suddenly lost his mind and went insane. Please ask him to find the best doctor to treat him. Hurry up!"

Hu Changqing's subordinates shouted loudly.Immediately, several guards flew away in the rain.

After Yun Mo put on his water jacket, he could hear the noisy voices of people in the building, and he knew that the heart fluid had worked!

"Hmph, life is worse than death is the scariest thing, you just enjoy the rest of your splendid life!" Yun Mo muttered, then dived into the lake with a thud, and swam towards the opposite bank.


Gongsun Furan, the commander of the guards, was a little restless today. He always felt terrified, as if something bad was about to happen, but he couldn't grasp the slightest clue at all, and couldn't help being extremely annoyed.

The residential area allocated by Commander Gongsun is located in the northwest of the City Lord's Mansion. This is a luxurious house covering an area of ​​10,000+ square meters!It is complete with pavilions, small bridges and flowing water. The quaint house where the order was issued last night to take Yun Mo's life is his other residence, and he bought it with his own money.Therefore, he has two footholds on the surface in this mansion, but in fact, he also has two courtyards secretly, which are the places where his golden house hides his beauty, and even his concubines don't know about it!

This luxurious house is the main residence of all his family members, and that other house is only where he occasionally lives when dealing with his own affairs.

Although the decoration styles of the two residences are different, the same thing is that there are various warning and conspiracy organs inside!There are a thousand guards on duty in the main house at any time. The guards can be said to be extremely strict. If you don't have a cultivation base of luck, don't even think about breaking in!

Gongsun Furan acted extremely cautiously. Although he loves money, he has always done things cleanly and without frugality, but he was extremely annoyed when what happened last night went wrong.He wanted to kill Yun Mo himself, but Yun Mo only showed up in his small courtyard once this morning, and then disappeared without a trace.

It was too late when Gongsun got the news and sent someone to look for it, and there was no trace of Yun Mo at all.He is a principled person, since he has received a generous gift from the chief executive, he must do his job quickly!So he ordered his capable generals to brave the heavy rain to secretly search for Yun Mo's traces, and once found, they must be killed with lightning without alarming others!

After he arranged these things, he felt a little relaxed in his heart! "It seems that Miss Yingying is fine, so there is no unfavorable news about her today. Obviously, this incident did not alarm the city lord who is in retreat. It is really a blessing among misfortunes! Hurry up to find Yunmo and solve this matter, so that I can rest easy worry!"

He was sitting in the hall sipping high-quality cloud tea, looking into the distance through the rainstorm outside the door, thinking so in his heart!

At this moment, a guard rushed in in a hurry!

Um?Gongsun snorted displeased! "There are no rules, don't you know how to report? Go out and get the ten army sticks later!"

There was a murderous look on his sinister face, which made the guard kneel on the ground with a thud, and said tremblingly: "Commander... my lord, my villain... I have something urgent to report, and I am in a hurry, please forgive me... I am very grateful Ah!" said bang bang bang his head.

He knew all too well how terrible the baton was!It all depends on whether the executioner is happy or not!If they are happy, they will beat you for a few days and you will not be able to get out of bed. If they are not happy, they can beat you with a stick, regardless of your level five cultivation, they can still beat you until you lie on the bed for the rest of your life!It's very common to kill you on the spot, the situation is absolutely terrifying!Do you think he can not be afraid?

Um!Gongsun saw that this guy smashed his forehead, so his anger died down a little. He sipped tea and said lightly: "Forget it, for the sake of your sincere repentance, just make a note. Both crimes and punishments! Get up. What's the matter?" He asked lightly.Take another sip with great elegance.

"Thank you sir!" The unlucky guard hurriedly stood up, and said in a calm voice: "My lord, I found out. Hu Changqing, the captain of your team, suddenly lost his mind and stabbed himself with a sharp knife. Not to mention, he even killed his wife and some The maid’s head was cut off, and the tragedy is heinous! The guards rushed to report, I hope the adults can go and see, and then find a doctor for treatment!”

"What?" 'Pfft! 'Gongsun who was drinking tea suddenly heard the report and couldn't help being shocked!He spit out all the tea in his mouth.Wet his brocade robe.

He doesn't care whether Hu Changqing is crazy or not, but he missed the assassination last night, and today he fell insane, this is too much of a coincidence!What's more, Hu Changqing has a strong body and superb cultivation. Although he is slightly injured, he will never go crazy like this!This is extremely strange!Therefore, Gongsun couldn't help losing his composure.

After a cup of tea, the main entrance of Gongsun's mansion opened, and Gongsun rode a demon horse as tall as two people, fully armored, and came out first with a blue machete in his hand!Behind him rushed out five hundred bodyguards riding on monster horses, holding weapons, bows and arrows, and full body armor. There was an old man in high clothes and a crown, who seemed to be a senior doctor.These guys let go of their mounts, and rushed towards Hu Changqing's residence with the sound of rumbling hooves!

Gongsun felt uneasy, so he increased his manpower even more when he traveled!There are five hundred iron guards following in this city lord's mansion, even if the great practitioner wanted to take his life, it would not be so easy!After all, no matter how clever a practitioner is, they can only run away in the face of the bow and arrow attacks of thousands of troops!Otherwise, why does the empire support so many troops?It's not enough to directly support the great practitioners.

Of course practitioners have an advantage in things like fighting alone or intelligence assassination, but when it comes to marching and fighting, especially a big battle between two countries, the role of practitioners is very small!The commander who is protected by thousands of iron cavalry, you don't even think about attacking and beheading him!If you don't reach the front, you will be killed by the feather arrow, and you can't die anymore!So the army is the most important force of a country!

Of course, high-end practitioners are indispensable, otherwise, how will the endless stream of assassins deal with it!It can only be said that the two assist each other and defend the country together!

Well, that's a long way off, let's get down to business!

In a corner a few thousand meters away from this luxurious mansion, Yun Mo stared intently at Gongsun Furan, who was prancing majestically among the guards, with his murderous eyes. His heart was burning with anger, but he knew not to act rashly!

When Gongsun was wearing the armor blessed by spells, even if he stepped on a mine, he might not be able to kill him!If he is prepared, there will never be a second chance!This point is very clear in Yun Mo's heart.And he also understands that even if he approached as a soldier next to him and suddenly killed him with a poisoned weapon, he would definitely not be able to hurt the opponent, let alone kill him!Gongsun's cultivation base is too high, it would be futile to assassinate him again!

It is easy to find out the cultivation levels of some famous people in the City Lord's Mansion. This Gongsun Furan is only in his thirties, but he is already a top practitioner of Heaven's Punishment!He just entered this level this year, so he was promoted to commander, and his application for the title of low nobleman will be officially confirmed by di du within a year, so this one can be said to be very high-spirited!

To be honest, Yun Mo really didn't want to face such a promising practitioner!Now he really doesn't have the capital to challenge others, but things in the world are like this, if you don't look for trouble, trouble will come to you!There is no way to hide, so Yun Mo has no choice but to give up his life to accompany the gentleman!

Seeing these evil spirits go away, Yun Mo knew that his plan was half successful!It is necessary to lure Gongsun out of the mansion. This person has always been extremely cautious when traveling. He is fully armed and armored, and he is always accompanied by a large number of guards. Therefore, to solve him must be when he let down his guard!So where is he most relaxed?Naturally, he is in his well-prepared lair!What Yunmo has to do is to give him a fatal blow when he is most relaxed!

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