Wanhua Merry

Chapter 426 Men Are Monsters


Along the purple corridor, the five of them were brought in by Christina lightly without touching the ground, and the corridor closed behind them.

A black palace with a huge area appeared in front of five people!

This is really an island with a radius of less than ten miles. At a glance, everything is vivid!

There is only dark brown soil on the island, not a single blade of grass grows, let alone any tall plants. It is simply the barren land. A palace stands on this island.

It is said that it is a palace, except that the palace that occupies almost the entire island is quite huge, and it looks like that. The palace itself is extremely shabby!Dilapidated, gloomy, densely covered with cobwebs, and full of dust, it's like coming to the abyss of death. In addition, the mask is purple, mixed with this black palace, and the feeling is indescribably weird.

The palace is more than ten meters high, and it is supported by huge black pillars in the middle. The structure is very ordinary and ordinary. If they hadn't known in advance that this was the seventh floor of the Soul Refining Ship, the five people would never have taken a second look at it!

"What kind of broken place is this?" Yun Mo scolded in dissatisfaction. This broken palace doesn't even have a horizontal plaque. Who knows where to find the so-called space where the flow of time is different and can experience the soul?

Yun Mo was a little dumbfounded, the magnificent beauty of the Heavenly Palace in his heart was shattered like glass, and it was very depressing!

"Go, go and have a look!" Yun Mo waved his hand, beckoning the team members to walk towards the palace.

After exhausting all kinds of hardships and energy to come to such a ghostly place, I have to find out what is the mystery here, otherwise wouldn't it be that I went to Baoshan empty-handed?Could Yun Mo be pissed off?This guy is very stingy in this regard, if the magic eye teases him, then he decides never to see the other twelve clones of Di Sha! "If you dare to tease me, I will suppress you for the rest of your life!" Yun Mo viciously thought about this mess, before coming to the black palace.

Stepping into the hall.

Huh?There was a sound of astonishment, a lazy voice suddenly sounded, and then a breath comparable to the ancient prehistoric suddenly appeared, and Yun Mo, who had raised his feet and was about to fall, rushed out!

Ahh...!Yun Mo waved his hands in the air, trying to control his figure, but he couldn't condense his internal strength, and fell miserably into the dark brown soil, choking his mouth full of soil.

Fortunately, no injuries!

"Your sister, who is so wicked?" Yun Mo opened his mouth and cursed.

Just about to spit out vicious words, suddenly seeing the strange scene in front of me, I swallowed the words all at once, I don't know what to say.

A delicate villain appeared in front of the five people, with his hands on his hips in an extremely arrogant manner, and asked loudly, "Who are you? How dare you disturb my sleep, are you looking for death?" He tried his best to make a scary expression, but really It was so cute that everyone was stunned and didn't know how to reply!

What a villain!She is so small, probably only half a foot tall, with a beautiful figure, wearing a tight-fitting yellow feather jacket, but what is strange is that her figure should be convex and concave, and she has everything. She is riding on a bigger than her On the bird!

The frequency of this bird's wings flapping is too fast, it feels as if it has not moved, and it hangs in front of it!

This is a fiery red bird. It looks amazing, and it feels like the fluctuation of breath has caught up with the third level of Tianzun. This bird alone can easily knock down these five people!

Its eyes are golden, each fiery red feather seems to be carefully painted, the thickness is the same, the length gradually grows and shortens according to the natural trend, perfection is this concept, the purple light shines on this little bird , It actually conjured seven colors of colored light, like the reflection of phantom light on high-quality silk and satin, it is very seductive to look at, of course, this energy fluctuation is really too scary!

The villain blinked his big purple eyes on the bird, curiously looking at the five strange creatures many times bigger than himself, and felt very interesting in his heart!

Seeing that none of the five people answered, she scratched the purple bangs on her forehead impatiently, and asked slowly, "I'm asking you something, are you all deaf?"

"Little sister, hehe...!" Yun Mo stood up and walked in front of this villain in what he thought was the most unrestrained posture, squeezed out the brightest smile in his life, and then wanted to find out the origin of this villain. !

I have no choice but to do this, the aura fluctuation of this villain is actually the same as the bird under him, which is the third level of Heavenly Venerable, if you provoke this villain, wouldn't it be a hornet's nest?Seeing the wind to steer the rudder is Yunmo's forte.

Unexpectedly, before Yun Mo could finish his sentence, he saw the villain's purple light burst out of his eyes suddenly, enveloping Yun Mo all at once, and then he heard the villain yelling: "What kind of monster is this? Why is there something wrong between his legs?" Strange things have grown, is it deformed? Ah..., stay away from me, monster!" Following these words, Yun Mo was imprisoned again and flew out with internal force, farther than the first time he flew, and then slammed fall!

Naiyou was startled, just about to shrink back, he saw purple light covering him, and then the villain said: "This one is even more deformed, it has grown such a big lump of flesh, monster, go to hell!" Then, Naiyou screamed and flew out, so that it landed on Yun Mo who had just got up, and the brothers and sisters rolled into a gourd together!

The two wanted to cry without tears, and now they understood: This person has never seen a heterosexual, and thinks that the body that is different from his own is a deformity, a monster!The purple light obviously has a see-through function, and with a single sweep, the bodies of the two men can be seen clearly!

The eternal injustice!The two men thumped their feet and howled.

The villain Ziguang landed on the three girls, and then sighed: "Finally there are a few normal ones. Hey, how did you three grow so big? When will I grow so big?"

The three women looked at each other in dismay, looking at the two men who got up in the distance, they wanted to laugh but were embarrassed, and they couldn't bear it if they didn't laugh. In an instant, the three pink faces turned bright red, and they hurt all over!

"Little sister, who are you and why are you here?"

Fan Tangtang squeezed out her dimples, her appearance was sweet and her heart was trembling nervously, she asked this villain.

Can you not be afraid?Two existences comparable to her grandfather, Fan Tangtang knows what this kind of person represents, that is the ultimate power of a country, and there are two together, you think this is wholesale Chinese cabbage, and they are in gangs Appear, don't be so scary, okay?

"Who am I?" The little girl was sitting on the big bird, and she was stunned when she heard this question! "I've never thought about this question, who am I? Yes, who am I?" The villain grabbed his hair and fell into an inescapable trouble.

The five people were shocked and thought to themselves: Could it be that this person doesn't even know who he is and what you are doing here?

"It doesn't make sense. Although she is so small, she is probably also a monster! How can a monster who has cultivated to such a level not know who she is? Don't do it like this!"

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