Wanhua Merry

Chapter 52 The Boy Who Wants to Be a Rogue

() He was lying on the ground panting, a ray of sunset light fell on his face through the gap formed by the tree shadows and rockery, Yun Mo looked at this long-lost sunshine, suddenly the corners of his mouth curled up, and he laughed.

"It doesn't matter how many things there are, why is this face, that face, the most urgent thing for me is to become stronger and save my life. As for the others, just adapt to the situation!"

Thinking of this, he finally relaxed.

His body was so dirty that he spit out several mouthfuls of black and yellow saliva, and he didn't know who he was cursing. He sneaked out from the rockery, looked left and right, and ran to a pond where lotus flowers were blooming not far away. With a 'gudong' he jumped in, shaking the pink lotus in the pond. There were more than a hundred precious golden carps in the pond, but they were scared to death by the sudden appearance of the black thing, '哗啦' With the sound, their tails swayed wildly, and they fled in all directions.

Yun Mo didn't care about this much, rubbed and rubbed his body clean, climbed ashore, hid in a secluded corner, endured the pain and transformed into Wen Junlai again, put on the matching clothes and armor, and hung the Wen Junlai The burning sword inlaid with rubies that cost a huge sum of money is about to come out.This Jian Yunmo was collected together with the armor when Lin Meier's bedroom was searched. I don't know if Wen Jun came to Zai Tian Zhi Ling to hate it to death.Looking from a distance, his hair was floating in the breeze, his armor reflected the light, his face was handsome and dignified, what a greasy-haired, pink-faced, promising man...ah!Little boy!

Just like this, Yun Mo swaggered towards the entrance of Gongsun's mansion in front of the image of others!Along the way, I exchanged passwords with the guards I encountered, and sometimes pretended to tell the guards to perform their duties well!Sometimes when I meet a maid who is outstanding in appearance, I will lean over cheekily, and after calling my sister and sister nasty, I will secretly take advantage of it, touch my waist, touch my buttocks, and make me feel a little coquettish and reluctant , kept laughing and scolding in his mouth, "Captain Wen is so dirty, he just skims on others, it's really shameless!" ’ But the slim body kept slamming into his arms again, and even the tallest parts touched Yun Mo’s chest. Judging by his performance, he looked like he wished he could come with Wen Jun to make good things happen quickly!

This really startled Yun Mo, so he ran away quickly!It provoked several vicious girls to complain about 'there is lust, but there is no courage' and so on.

Yun Mo's behavior was random!It was to impress the people here that 'Wen Jun is here to live'. I didn't expect to play a hooligan. Not only did I not get scolded, but it aroused some strong interest among the girls!How could a rookie like Yun Mo understand what these crazy women were thinking?Of course he was scared and ran away!

Who is Wen Junlai?Commander Gongsun's hardcore confidant!This kid has a deep scheming mind, he is very good at observing words and feelings, flattering people, he is very good at pleasing Gongsun, and he has great trust in his loyalty. Otherwise, how could he have the opportunity to come into contact with Lin Meier, who is forbidden by Gongsun?Didn't she trust him too much, thus giving him an opportunity to take advantage of it!

What's more, Wen Junlai is young and handsome, and his abilities are also extremely outstanding. It can be said that he is still extremely talented in cultivation!It is still very hopeful to break through to Heaven's Punishment, and even hit Heaven's Luck in the future!All these indicated that this man would be prosperous sooner or later, so although he uncharacteristically flirted with those outstanding maids today, not only did this move not arouse the resentment of those girls, but he had a kind of yearning for him!

"Marrying this suave and talented Captain Wen as a concubine is also a good thing that can immediately change your status as a slave! It is a shortcut to change your destiny!"

It's no wonder the maids have this idea, the empire has regulations: after a woman gets married, her status is equal to that of her husband!Therefore, being able to marry a man of status and change one's humble status is the greatest wish of all the commoner girls in the Wisteria Empire!Of course, it would be even better if this husband is handsome and unrestrained, even if he is a concubine, he is willing to do so!

Correspondingly, if a man marries a woman whose status is higher than his own as the main wife, he can also improve his status out of thin air!So relying on marriage to improve status has become a strange phenomenon in the Wisteria Empire!

Women flocked to marry high-ranking men as concubines!The man is playing martial arts, trying his best to seduce a high-ranking woman as his wife!In this way, the vast number of ordinary young men have suffered. There are more and more older bachelors who have no high status and can't even get a wife!There are more and more older girls who would rather not marry than wait for a rich husband!This formed an extremely sharp social contradiction. The empire also realized this and did mediation work, but the effect was not great, so it had to be shelved like this!

Now, the young masters of every noble family are full of concubines, except that the position of the big wife is always vacant, waiting to hook up with a daughter from a higher status family to fill the vacancy!How can this matter be so easy to handle?In this way, the empire has many things!

These girls all want to marry a future, so they react like this!The reality is so cruel, this trend has been around for a long time, how can it be said to change?

How could Yunmo know so much!He hurriedly rushed out of the mansion in a panic, not daring to provoke the beautiful maid who was flirting with him along the way!With a wry smile in my heart: "I am a typical high-sighted and low-handed guy! All day long, I dream of enjoying the blessings of being equal to everyone, and the beauties from other people come forward, but I am so frightened, Yun Mo, Yun Mo, you Can't you have a little something to do?"

He cursed himself in his heart, determined to have the great ambition of 'living among thousands of flowers, touching his body everywhere' in the future, and vowed to be ashamed of being scared away by the enthusiasm of beautiful women today!

Just thinking wildly like this, talking nonsense to the guard on duty at the concierge about the lie of "a certain lady ordered me to go out to help her distant nephew to solve a fight", and casually shook a silver token belonging to Wen Junlai A flash!The two guards on duty recorded Wen Junlai's entry and exit time, and Yun Mo stepped forward to press his fingerprints.Then, the side door was opened, and Yun Mo slipped out smoothly!

Just as he disappeared at the corner of the street on the left, Gongsun Furan led a large team to the front of the mansion!

Open the door!Amidst the rumbling sound, Gongsun was the first to step in with a knife in hand!

In the distance, Yun Mo looked back at this place, with a playful look in his eyes.Then look at the half of the setting sun that is about to set, and let out a long sigh of relief!The very happy, sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl who was walking towards her, wearing a yellow tight-fitting dress, was extremely beautiful, and was secretly looking at herself with a pair of big watery eyes, sent an ambiguous and provocative look !It made the girl's face turn red, she panicked and slipped away, 'Peng' tripped over a stone, and saw him screaming and about to fall!

Yun Mo rushed over with a stride, hugged the girl Xiaoman's waist, and hugged the exclaiming girl in his arms!

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