Wanhua Merry

Chapter 520 Blood and Sand


The crowd watching from afar could only see Yi Jinyi and a ferocious black shadow rushing and sprinting, but couldn't tell how many times these two had fought in a flash.

Yun Mo miscalculated one problem, that is, he only knows how to tap, but not swordsmanship!

Therefore, the sword in his hand is completely a subconscious reaction, and it is more than a step behind Wu Jin's superb swordsmanship that he has practiced hard for decades. This alone has brought back the gap that had been opened!

"I'll go!" Yun Mo blocked the cold light in a daze, and sprinted away tens of meters before narrowly escaping the unpredictable murderous soldier. He shook the blue sword in his hand with hatred, and wanted to scold his mother in his heart. He wanted to take out the wind cone and use the cone method he was familiar with. The problem is, that wind cone is not a good general in front of this heavenly soldier.

Yun Mogang gritted his teeth, only then did he realize how important a good swordsmanship is. There are also advanced swordsmanship among the things collected these days. Yunmo has always dismissed it. On the one hand, he can completely restrain Wu Jin, but he was beaten badly in swordsmanship. Now, the advantage is not obvious?

The sound of impact and clang was endless, and there were several scars on Yunmo's body. This magical weapon is not a joke. The sword energy it inspires can cut through Yunmo's body, which is comparable to Jinggang. Yunmo's reaction is extremely fast, and the sword energy scratches The moment he arrived, he used his strength to escape, so he was not seriously injured.

He doesn't look very good, in fact, Wu Jin inside the black thorn armor is also vomiting blood, every time Yun Mo slashes violently, he will be impacted by gravity, but his temperament is tough, and he is wearing armor on the outside , others can't see it!

In fact, this fellow has been shouting luck in his heart!As soon as they fought, they were pleasantly surprised to find that Yun Mo, who was holding a blue sword, didn't know how to use swordsmanship. He was just relying on his quick reflexes to adapt to the situation and stab at random. Suddenly, Wu Jin's self-confidence came back!The exquisiteness of his swordsmanship is one of the best in the entire sect. In terms of sword handling skills alone, even a highly cultivated Wu Zun may not be able to beat him by a head!

"It seems that I can get out of my body today."

A stone landed firmly in Wu Jin's heart.

The purple eyes shone like purple stars, and Wu Jin had already grasped the horror of the person in front of him, and he wanted to retreat in his heart.

However, after Yun Mo activated his combat skills, his lightness skill was obviously much higher than that of Wu Jin. Wu Jin couldn't get rid of Yun Mo's entanglement at all, and it was not easy to run away.

Yunmo kept making unimaginable and difficult movements in the air, and 'Piaoxu' was made superb by him. For a while, he rushed and stopped in violation of the principles of physics, for a while, he pierced his head and feet from top to bottom, and for a while The body is spinning in the air like a roller, that kind of swaying freely, even the blood rain who is good at this move applauds secretly, it is too mysterious, almost does not touch the ground, just slightly twist the waist and use a little strength, you can stay in midair for a long time .The ghosts and ghosts are hard to catch when the figure moves, and the colorful light of the brocade clothes is everywhere, but it is basically an afterimage. Wu Jin follows Yun Mo's figure, and it feels extremely difficult. Yun Mo deliberately does not fight head-on with his magic weapon, When he got the chance, he performed a piercing at a strange angle with his ghostly lightness, cutting out sparks continuously on the black armor. The invisible violent impact made Wu Jin spit blood from his mouth, and his internal organs seemed to be displaced. up!

Wu Jin scolded Yun Mo for being shameless in his heart, calling for a fair duel but not daring to really compete with his magic weapon, he knew how to play tricks!

Didn't he know that Yun Mo also secretly scolded Wu Jin for being shameless in his heart!Dressed like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, it is impossible to start!Yun Mo had no choice but to use a stupid method to use physical shocks non-stop, hoping to directly shock the living people inside to death!

Wu Jin's living crime is serious.

Gradually a trace of red blood flowed out from under the visor, and everyone knew that Wu Jin was also injured!

This armor is not fully enclosed, there is only a gap at the neck. Wu Jin also knows the shortcomings of the armor, so he pays great attention to protecting it. Yun Mo almost pierced the blue sword directly through this gap several times He would rather be hit hard by Yun Mo on the chest than let Yun Mo break through the armor defense, otherwise wouldn't he die miserably?

"We must find a way to break through its defenses, but this guy would rather be injured than guard that critical point, what should we do?"

A flash of lightning seemed to flash across Yun Mo's heart, he secretly scolded himself for being stupid, and had an idea in his mind.

He used all his strength, and the blue light flood dragon sword suddenly burst into light, like a blue flame burst in front of Wu Jin's eyes!With a flashing speed that everyone's pupils can't catch up with, and with extremely strong tension, he ruthlessly pierces towards the gap where a trace of flesh is exposed?This time, it was faster than all the attacks. To put it bluntly, it was like lightning!

The air was completely blasted, and there was a rumbling sound, as if there were thunders and flashes in my ears!

Wu Jin's retreating figure suddenly became hairy all over, screamed strangely, and tried his best to block Yun Mo's assassination with all his strength in the blink of an eye, boom!He blocked the blue sword with the thin sword in his hand, and the huge impact rushed into his body, Wu Jin's purple eyes were blood red, and the corners of his eyes began to bleed!

Yun Mo, who was very close, barely controlled his figure and did not retreat. In an instant, he relied on his strong physical body to resist the huge momentum formed by the clash of the two divine soldiers, and then suddenly a wind cone flew out of his empty left hand!

In the horror that Wu Jin almost tore the corners of his eyes, the wind cone pierced fiercely from the side of the rapier to the gap, and there was a bang!At the tip of the wind cone that blesses Yunmo's most powerful physical strength, the sword light inspired by the rapier is cut into fine powder!But every tiny piece of metal that shattered was shot in from the gap in the neck armor like a lightning flash when Yunmo's left wrist shook!That slit was less than a millimeter, and originally only a sword as thin as the blue light dragon could penetrate it when it was flat. Now, these fine metal sands are so small that they cannot be seen by the naked eye. Under Yun Mo's accurate concealed weapon technique, Just like that, the strange soldiers burst into the inside of the battle armor!

The sound of puff, puff, puff suddenly sounded behind Wu Jin's mask!

Yun Mo could no longer suppress the injuries in his body, and his body was shaken out by Wu Jin who was desperately fighting back!After rolling hundreds of times miserably in the air, it smashed hard on a certain tree!While the tree trunk was turning into powder, Yun Mo fell headlong to the ground, his body was covered with gashes cut by the sword qi, the blood flowed violently, and some of the bones were deep enough to be seen!

Thumb up...!Wu Jin stepped back more than a dozen steps to stabilize his figure, and remained motionless.

After a breath, his body swayed, and the rapier fell to the ground with a loud sound, and his body swayed again, and he fell down like a log!The red blood dyed the ground red through the gaps in the armor!

The feeling of suffocation rises in everyone's heart. Looking at the two fallen people, they don't know who will win! <Exaggeratedly jumped several feet high, turned somersaults and shouted: "Brother, you are so handsome, you won! You defeated Wu Jin, the first genius master of the young generation of secret Zen sect!"

Hush...!There was thunderous applause.The audience is boiling!

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