Wanhua Merry

Chapter 592


The bird returned to its size when it first met Yun Mo. It flew over in amazement, hovered in front of Yun Mo's eyes, and asked in a condensed voice, "It took half an hour, how did you do it? Unprecedented, generally speaking, it takes three hours to record the mystery thoroughly, and you only took half an hour to figure out the shortcut, is your brain structured differently from others?"

It asked extremely puzzled.

Yun Mo took off the black thorn battle armor and put it away, moving his intact body, knowing that it was just an illusion, he admired the supernatural power of this fire bird in his heart, it was so realistic that he couldn't tell the real from the fake, it was really amazing Mana!

He looked at the temple built with golden light, saw the familiar layout on the first floor, and there was a trace of memory in his eyes.

Hearing the special envoy's questioning, Yun Mo turned his head, looked at the bird that had grown so big, smiled, and said softly: "Actually, I'm also stupid, and it took me so long to react, what's wrong with you?" The flow of time is different from the outside world? I feel like it's been a long time."

Seeing the sanctions special envoy nodded, Yun Mo took a deep breath, and then continued: "This kind of trick has always appeared during my trip to Treasure Island. Whether it is the various arrangements in the soul refining ship or the two-way transmission of the maze portal, it is actually very important. It means that you will play tricks in the dead corners of people's thinking, not to mention, after seven years of soul refining, I know that the flow of time is different.

The place where I appeared was a cliff. According to normal analysis, I should turn around and go down the mountain.But this is a test, most people think, this is a test of courage, even if you are still in the golden light, you will definitely not fall into the abyss and fall to your death!In fact, this kind of thinking itself is not correct. Just imagine, if you really test people's courage, why don't you temporarily seal the matter of the golden light, so that people really think that they are on the top of a cliff. This is the real test of courage!

It can be seen that this is not a test of courage at all, but unfortunately I didn't react at the time.Of course, I guess going down the mountain at that time may not be so smooth, and I guess it will be a lot of difficulties, but I made the wrong choice in the first step, which made it more difficult in the future.

If you take the wrong path, you will naturally run in the opposite direction, getting farther and farther away from the destination, so the attacks you encounter will become more and more severe. In fact, this is forcing people to go back to the right path, but most people will only think that this is a test, and then persevere Going forward, I guess if I persist for half a day, I will be bombarded to death by the gradually increasing thunder. At that time, it will become a problem whether I can shout the word "dejima" in time!

Because I tried my best but still couldn’t see the way, I suddenly remembered the past of the gravity trip at the bottom of the lake. It’s not normal to try my best and fail to achieve the goal. Drawing on that experience, I judged that the way should be wrong, and then I thought in reverse, Immediately understand that going back to the original path is the correct path!That is to say, at that time, the correct way was to go down the mountain on the cliff, but in this way, it was tantamount to walking all over again. I thought, is there a shortest way?What is the closest?Of course, the heart is the closest, so I shouted in my heart to go back, and I came here when I opened my eyes."

Yun Mo talked eloquently about his mental journey, and the bird that had recovered its fiery red feathers shook its head in frustration.

"Let me just say, it's impossible for someone to comprehend it so quickly. It's not because you have experienced too much of this design that you have realized it! Indeed, the distance between the heart is the farthest and the shortest distance in the world. Naturally, it moves to the correct position in an instant. This golden illusory array originally tests a person's heart when facing a crisis. Only those who know how to adapt and find a way out of desperate situations can get out of this illusory array. Yun Mo, you are really Make me see it differently!"

"Don't dare!" Yun Mo chuckled, his face crooked.

Sure enough, being tricked before was not for nothing, no, this time it helped a lot!Otherwise, this time, you may have to be struck by lightning so badly that you can come back to it!This damn golden light test not only requires the body to turn around and move forward in the opposite direction, but also the mind must turn around at the same time. Otherwise, if the body turns around and the direction is correct, it is estimated that it will have to be struck by lightning to rush out. It's cold.But the moment you turn your mind around, you can reach the end in an instant. What a nonsense arrangement, what an exquisite phantom formation, this damn bird!

Yun Mo's face was full of smiles, and he began to scold this good or bad bird in his heart.

If you thought it was a test of courage and chose the wrong path at first, you might end up being struck to death by lightning!Of course, the speed of light is faster than the speed of speech, if you hesitate, you will be hacked to death!You thought everything was true, and you thought you were hacked to death, then congratulations, you are really dead!

Yun Mo began to worry about his comrades-in-arms and friends.

Don't be dazzled by greed. Once you choose the wrong path and you still don't know the real path, it is the best choice to give up immediately!

The sanction envoy seemed to know Yun Mo's worries. With a wave of his wings, a huge water mirror appeared, on which 59 small pictures were divided. Although the environment was different, some people walked in the mountains and some people walked in the desert Gobi, but the surrounding They are all wrapped in thick black but they are the same!And everyone is covered by beams of light of different colors, among which lightning strikes continuously!

Yun Mo instantly knew how sensitive his reaction was at that time, obviously the big bird was looking at him like that at that time!

He stared closely at seven or eight of the mirrors, looked at the five girls who were struggling to walk amidst the thunder, and looked at Quan Tian, ​​Tao Zi and others who were also slashed in distress, with anxious eyes appearing in their eyes.

boom!After a terrifying light, a fallen corpse appeared in a mirror above the blood rain. Looking carefully, it was the battle armor style worn by a male cultivator from the Yaoyue Empire. Dead way disappears!

"Oh, one of them died, and he didn't have time to say those two words!" The special envoy of sanctions murmured regretfully.

Following the death of the first person, people were struck to death by lightning in different environments. It seemed that they all wanted to shout out those two words before they died, but it was a pity that they were not as fast as lightning.

"Exit the island!" A stern shout came out, and Yun Mo's eyes narrowed in an instant. "It was Guo Chuan who greeted me and made friends with me. This person is indeed a hero. He judged the situation and made a decisive decision. Once he found something bad, he gave up decisively. It's really amazing."

Not only did Yun Mo not look down on this person because of this, but he even applauded this person for being so decisive.

"Hey, interesting." With a wave of the fire bird's wings, he saw Guo Chuan appearing beside Yun Mo. He rubbed his eyes in surprise and looked at Yun Mo.Joy appeared on his face.

"Brother Guo, take care."Yun Mo patted the bald man and said in a concentrated voice.Guo Chuan understood: Yunmo has succeeded.

A portal appeared behind Firebird, and with a wave of its wings, Guo Chuan was sent in.

"Young Xia Yun, take care...!" As Guo Chuan yelled, the portal flashed and sent him out.

Yun Mo smiled in relief.

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