Wanhua Merry

Chapter 669


Time never waits for anyone. The long and hot summer has passed, and autumn is here. Tianjie Ocean is still very calm, but the sea water has become colder, making it unsuitable for swimming.

In late September, the Wisteria royal family issued an imperial decree: Tathagata Buddhism will be banned in the entire empire. If any people who secretly believe in Tathagata Buddhism are found out, they will bring disaster to the entire family!

Yunmo fought in Tianjieyang, overthrew the secret Zen sect and Xingzhiya, and after tens of 10 people disappeared, all forces could no longer find a trace of this mysterious sister and brother, as if this thing had never appeared before. things like.

In fact, all cultivators who know what happened that day will remember these two people firmly!

These two are bound to be back!Countless people are waiting for these two people to surface again and bring about earth-shaking changes to this decadent world!

Such a major event did not cause a disturbance in the secular world.

The common people don't know what happened in Tianjieyang one and a half months ago. They just know that a real Buddha Lord came to the world and brought with him the belief that 'all beings are equal and can become a Buddha'!

Just overnight, the religious sects of the entire Wisteria Empire were surprised to find that the temples and shrines that were very popular in Japan suddenly became roadside goods that no one cares about, even those respected masters who went to Japan in person Visits to believers' homes did not have any effect.These believers are still full of faith, but the burning light of faith is no longer in the eyes, replaced by a look, a thoughtful gaze.

This phenomenon is terrible. It seems that overnight, people's religious beliefs disappeared, and the temples that were often overcrowded in the past were deserted, and no one cared about the palace of the gods where the believers kowtowed step by step, except for a few sparse ones. The believers who had been brainwashed into hopeless idiots, and the rest disappeared in an instant!

The normally dignified masters in the temple couldn’t sit still anymore. Those monks and nuns who had left home to escape hard labor and had no work to do with childbirth returned home one after another. What should they do?

No one offers property, what to eat and drink?Staying in the temple is a dead end.

These leisurely and lazy people themselves did not have any firm beliefs, so they naturally dispersed and went to make a living by themselves.

All of a sudden, there are countless people looking for work in the wisteria territory, and the enthusiasm for work is high.

That's one good thing, but another side is starting to show itself.

More and more nobles found that they could no longer see the look of fear and fear in those commoners, and replaced it with a feeling of indifference and arrogance!That feels like saying 'you and I are equal, what are you pretending to be in front of me' is generally irritating!

This kind of thing is unbearable for these high-ranking guys!

Finally, as summer draws to a close, the mood builds to the point of a volcanic eruption.

The domineering young master of a provincial governor of a certain province in the empire caused a terrible incident when he bullied men and women.

In an instant, countless people read the six-character mantra taught by the Tathagata Buddha himself!

This is like a fuse, instantly detonating the accumulated resentment!

After several cultivators who guarded this young master hacked to death more than a dozen civilians who angrily scolded the dudes, they seemed to ignite the heaven-level fire-type forbidden technique, and the entire province exploded!

I don't know how many ordinary people gathered spontaneously, killed officers and soldiers, defeated nobles, grabbed weapons, and divided food equally!

Someone climbed up and shouted, and the responders were like clouds!

Clouds moved in all directions, and the vigorous peasant uprising spread instantly. With the momentum of a blaze, it burned throughout the entire empire in just one week!

Countless cultivators, both private and private, joined the peasant uprising to kill corrupt officials and pacify bullies. There are people who claim to be reincarnated disciples of the Tathagata, and they want to take advantage of this to become kings and dominate troubled waters!Was attacked by countless people who truly believed in Tathagata Buddhism!No one dared to claim to be the reincarnation of a certain Buddha anymore, Yun Mo had already strangled the way of using religion to make trouble!

But what Yun Mo didn't expect was: the idea of ​​'everyone is equal' had irreconcilable conflicts with this world, and popular uprisings were inevitable!

A reclusive person with a high level of cultivation has become the leader of these ordinary people!

They will not place themselves in a superior position, but instead want to make everyone equal.

But there was a very serious problem here: the uprising army could not be banned by orders, could not be organized into a combat-effective team, and was quickly defeated by the demon horse cavalry quickly dispatched by the empire!

Many people who saw that the situation was not going well fled home halfway. This vigorous uprising quickly subsided in the second week, and it was impossible to overthrow the firm rule maintained by the powerful force of the empire!

Although the uprising failed, it rang the bell for Emperor Ziyu!

Quickly issued an order to depose the duke of the provincial governor of the offending province, and his son was quartered by five horses on the street because of the uprising!For a time, the world was excited!

This is a signal, this is a major victory for the common people over the ruler of the wisteria royal family!

In the past, this kind of thing was always nothing. Even if there was a dude from the minister's family who committed the crime, it was solved quietly after the investigation and investigation by the detective office. It fully demonstrated Ziyu's determination and ruthlessness!

He must first quell public grievances, otherwise some people may rise to the top and cause a second or even a third uprising!

If a country wants to prosper, it must not fall into the horror atmosphere of civil war, otherwise it will be in danger!

Beheading the chief culprit reduced public grievances. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ziyu issued the second imperial decree: Anyone who believes in the Tathagata will be executed, and the nine clans will all be punished!

The decree was issued, and the world was shocked!

Those who believe in the Tathagata Lord Buddha quickly go underground.

As long as you don't say this, who can judge what you believe in?

This decree will collectively define the followers of Tathagata as the most terrifying and reactionary cult organization, which is more harmful than Star Fang!

It's just an expedient measure to treat the symptoms but not the root cause!

Ziyu understands very well that due to the terrifying force of the royal family, the people temporarily compromise, but sooner or later something will happen! <It turned out to be sick, it was said that when dealing with the thunder and lightning disaster, he was seriously injured and needed to be recuperated. He stayed in Ziye City for the time being, and returned to di du to see his father during the Mid-Autumn Festival!

Princess Zicai and Princess Zihe are even worse, saying that they are in a trance because they saw the frightening scene, and they also need to recuperate, and they will not come back in Ziye City!

What's even worse is that just when Ziyu was furious and wanted to make a decree to forcefully bring these three bastards back, a melody from the great priest He Lanyuanhai came, saying that he wanted to take care of the three of them and stay in Ziye temporarily. city!

After [-] grass-mud horses rushed past, Emperor Ziyu had no choice but to compromise.

He can't afford to mess with this grandpa!His old man threatened those powerful people in the world to calm down the tsunami together, his merit is unparalleled, and Zi Yu dared not disobey his will!

<That bastard, everyone knows how deep the relationship is!

Although Ziyu had a lot of resentment towards the Tathagata Lord Buddha incident caused by that person, but this kind of evildoer who is enough to affect the fate of the country, the principle of friendship is still the principle!

It's just that he was about to scold that bastard to death in his heart!

"One Tathagata made the wisteria smoke everywhere. If he offends this person, if nothing happens, he will make the Tathagata come out to confuse people. Then he will lead the army to put out the fires and centralize power!"

If Helan Yuanhai didn't come back, Xueyu and Fan Tangtang naturally followed the old man.

If so, none of these guys replied.

Ziyu hates this, but he has no choice but to pinch his nose and admit it.

He Lanhan also wanted to stay with grandpa for a while, but was pushed back by Helan Yuanhai who usually doted on her!

He Lanhan pouted, and returned to di du with the students of Wisteria Academy.

Fortunately, the other priests came back, which also made Ziyu feel a big stone in his heart!

As long as these powerful people come back to sit in command, the Wisteria Empire will be as stable as a mountain and unshakable! <The prince and the two sisters Zicai and Zihe moved into the guest house at once.Ling Wenxing, Pang Tianya and other big bosses were all terrified, not knowing what they were doing?

He Lan Yuanhai, the living ancestor, Wen Xing did not want him to stay in Ziye City.

"It's so fucking scary. This is an existence that is [-] times harder to serve than a bastard like Zheng Xun!"

Of course, this kind of thing is done in secret.

Except for the detective department, other forces don't even know where He Lan Yuanhai led the fan-side couple who shocked the world!

Fanlai was very relieved to entrust Tangtang to He Lan's care. He still couldn't calm down about fanning the lovers, so it would be better to take this opportunity to avoid it first!

Everything is kept secret, what should the people of Ziye City do, and the normal life of the people has not been affected by the presence of the princess and prince. <He Xueyu and Tangtang go to Huji Fish Restaurant for dinner every day.

All three of them went there in disguise, they weren't too eye-catching, and they didn't wait for Christina and Yun Mo for a month, so these three were a little anxious!

Fortunately, in the area ruled by Wen Xing, the common people did not follow the uprising, and the law and order environment here is still very stable.

For this point, Helan Yuanhai has praised through sound transmission: The two military gods love the people like sons and govern well! .

Wen Xing and Pang Tianya could only answer nonchalantly, but in fact they were dying of anxiety.

"I haven't seen this Yunmo for a long time. I watched him escape with my own eyes in the water mirror. Why don't you come back? You must pay attention to Helan Yuanhai when you come back. This old fox is waiting for you! Oh, it's not worrying Guy, where did you go?"

Countless people who are closely related to Yun Mo are anxiously waiting for the news of his safety.

Among them, Wen Yingying was the most anxious.

Of course, what she was waiting for was her sister Yunyun whom she fell in love with.

Yingying misses her!

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