Wanhua Merry

Chapter 672 The Real World


The birth of Tianjieyang Treasure Island is a great adventure and a great opportunity for practitioners.

But for the poor people in the coastal areas, that would be a catastrophe once in a thousand years!

Purple Leaf City is prosperous and rich, and correspondingly, all aspects of the mechanism are perfect.

Not to mention anything else, the drainage system alone is the most advanced.

Under the city, the drainage pipes built with various solid materials are criss-crossed, and water spells work in them. No matter how much rain falls, it can be easily removed.

The medical conditions are also extremely developed, and the doctors can find some panacea casually, and ordinary minor illnesses and disasters will kill people.Most of the people in Ziye City are engaged in business. Even if it involves agricultural and sideline products, they are the rich and powerful who wholesale food in large quantities, and earn a lot of gold coins, so rich!

And what about the relatively remote small counties, small villages, and small fishing villages?

There are many people who live on the land or fishing.

The land belongs to Ziye City. Wen Xing has exempted many taxes, but the people's life is still very difficult.

The reason is simple, life cannot be lived with a little food.

What do you live in?what to wear?Children don't talk about going to school, that's the right of the nobles, and ordinary people dare not expect extravagant expectations, but they must know how many basic characters, basic addition and subtraction?How else would you communicate with people?

This requires spending money to ask the teacher to teach alone.

The money in this area is simply a rip-off!

The Wisteria Empire implements a cultural monopoly, allowing the common people to live in ignorance, so as to reduce the chance of troubles.

I have to say, this trick is really fucking poisonous, there is no human rights at all, but it works very well.

People are uncivilized and don't think too much, so they naturally think that they are born with low numbers, and naturally accept their fate to be good citizens for the rest of their lives.

He was exploited to death by the upper-class nobles for a lifetime, and then his children and grandchildren continued to live like cows and horses.

It seems that everything is taken for granted, it's really dependable!

People with a bit of culture are almost crazy. They haven't entered the academy to study, and they are basically lucky. They follow a master who has gone to school. After hearing and seeing, they are more or less able to recognize the whole word. Knowing how to count, just like that, among the common people, that is also a remarkable person!

From these people, the common people learned some culture.

At the very least, signing a contract and the like can still be understood, but once it comes to language traps, basically you can't escape being cheated!

But it's better than not knowing anything!

So people are willing to spend some money on this knowledge, which is a big expense!

Literate people must be rich among the common people, their hearts are blackened, and they are more cruel than those merchants!

The people's income is always beyond their means, but no matter what, in the area of ​​Ziye city management and equipment, the people are still very content.No matter what, you can still eat enough, you can still wear clothes, you won’t die of heat in summer, and you won’t freeze to death in winter, and everything will pass.

But this year is different, the rare floods in the millennium suddenly struck, and in the entire Ziye City management area, except for those few cities, and Ziye City itself, all counties were severely hit!

Overnight, the flood swallowed everything!

Vigorous rice fields and wheat fields were destroyed by floods.Although simple, the thatched huts that could shelter from the wind and rain were flooded.The chickens, ducks, geese and dogs raised at home are all gone, the fence is down, and the morning glory on the fence is gone...!

For three days and three nights, it rained cats and dogs, thunder and lightning flashed furiously, taking away the lives of many people!

In just three days, the death toll of the peasants in Ziye City reached [-] million!

What is this concept?That is, the devastation everywhere is unbearable to witness!

Ziye City's emergency mechanism was quickly activated, and the response was appropriate, so the great plague did not become popular after the disaster. Otherwise, I don't know how many people would die.But there are also tens of millions of injured people who lost their lives in pain.

Physicians have pills in their hands, but they are not enough.

Besides, the cost of these things is unimaginably expensive, and people without money can't afford to see a doctor and can only wait to die.

Physicians are all people who are used to life and death. They are hard-hearted and have no money. If you kneel and die at the door of his house, he will not care about your life or death!

As for the soul mages, all of them only care about their own cultivation, and they are not enough to refine the pills. How can they be in the mood to look down at those untouchables?Don't daydream, okay?

After the flood, there is no harvest!

The people working in agriculture this year were forced to the brink of starvation!

Wen Xingzhai was kind-hearted, took out tens of millions of gold coins, and set up porridge sheds everywhere, so that those people who survived the flood would not starve to death.

But here comes the problem again. Being too kind to the people at this time is buying people's hearts!

Wen Xing can only suppress unscrupulous merchants who are driving up prices and hoarding goods, while opening porridge sheds properly, which can only ensure that the people will not starve to death. As for post-disaster reconstruction, it has to be done slowly.

If you spend so much money all at once to help the common people build houses, who would believe that you didn't buy people's hearts?

Wen Xing can only do this, this is what Wen Yingying saw in her eyes!

In fact, among the five coastal cities, Ziye City is the best!

In the other four cities, the duke who is in charge has no people in his heart, let alone the miserable situation!

The collusion of big merchants and officials abounds in disasters where they make a lot of money. In comparison, Ziye City is the disaster-stricken area with the least number of deaths!

But Wen Yingying doesn't know, she is a literate little girl, she has learned a lot of knowledge, knows where food comes from, and in the memory crystal, she has seen the grand harvest of ten thousand hectares of fertile land in autumn!The golden ears of grain and the happy smile on the farmer's face are what the little girl has always wanted to see with her own eyes!

She also knew that the heavy rain for three days and three nights was scary, but looking around, Ziye City was still bustling.

Yingying is not very old and has never left Purple Leaf City.

The area of ​​Ziye City is too big, it is as big as a province in Yunmo's previous life, enough for her to struggle hard.This was the first time in her life that she left the city limits of Ziye City and came to the countryside, where she saw with her own eyes the happy life of the people praised in the books.

The barn is full of grain, and everyone is smiling and smiling. What I have seen and heard is only a deep sense of despair and misery!

Shangguan Huo'er's eyes were also slightly wet, but she knew it well and was prepared, so she was naturally not surprised.

But Yingying couldn't do it anymore. Along the way, she didn't see the joy of the big harvest, but only saw the plight of countless poor people. Yingying felt that her heart was going to be broken!

Huo'er didn't stop Yingying from crying this time.

She just wanted to let the eldest ladies of the duke's family see for themselves what this so-called prosperous empire looks like.

Just cry!

Yingying got off the demon horse, wiped away her tears with her small hands, and walked towards a child lying on the side of the road.

The line stopped, and the guards all looked at the young lady.

Under Huo'er's signal, they didn't make a sound.

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