Wanhua Merry

Chapter 727 Ling Feng's One Day

() There are always many unexpected things happening in the world, and people are often not psychologically prepared.Many times, when faced with such incidents, I am always at a loss.

Ling Feng, who has always been extremely diligent among the commanders of Ziye City, was very puzzled today, because he had received an order to carry out a strange operation after he hadn't received a mission for a long time!

This order is very simple, that is, at a certain time, at a certain intersection, shoot an arrow with all your attention towards an old lady who suddenly appeared!As soon as the arrow is out of hand, don't care what the result is, and immediately sneak into the guards patrolling the street and hide.No matter what happens in the future, you are not allowed to shoot.Also, once the situation in Ziye City changes suddenly and there is a potential risk of revealing your identity, you can activate an emergency plan, quickly escape from Ziye, and quickly join the people who are connected to the Star Fang outside the city. They will arrange for Ling Feng to transfer and return to the headquarters .For a genius with high hopes like Ling Feng, Xingzhiya still values ​​it very much, and will let him give up the latent mission when necessary.

Ling Feng's head was full of confusion, he didn't understand what Xing Zhiya was doing?

But for a spy who is so successful in lurking, the organization risked exposure and asked him to do this. The incident of stupid thought is absolutely extremely important.Because when he assassinated Zhang Yunyun last time, Ling Feng knew the core of the overall plan, and this time he obviously played a supporting role. It is conceivable that there are senior masters lurking in to carry out the task, and he just followed to complete the task!

With this in mind, Ling Feng dared not neglect.

Woke up early, and led all the teenagers to fight in front of Zisi Palace. Seeing that Miss Yingying didn't come again today, Ling Feng sighed in disappointment.Since the little maid almost fell that day, Miss Yingying's interest in boxing training seemed to have dropped sharply, and she disappeared for several days.

Ling Feng always thought that the dark little maid was very kind, but he just couldn't remember when he came into contact with her.Originally planned to find a way to find out the truth these days, but he didn't come, how could he not be disappointed?The uneasy feeling in my heart became stronger and stronger.

Because of their extremely high talents, some masters have a faint connection with the way of heaven.

Ever since that day, Ling Feng felt that his heart was beating all the time, and he didn't understand why.

The eyes of the little black maid can't help but appear in my mind, because those eyes are really strange, as if they don't match the identity of a maid.Ling Feng felt uneasy, until he received this strange order, his heart was still beating violently.

Shaking his head to dispel the uneasiness in his heart, Ling Feng returned to his residence, put on the commander-level battle armor and equipped with an earth-level sword, gathered hundreds of guards who had been waiting for a long time, and rode together on a tall monster horse, and started the ri Regular patrol work.

After leaving the City Lord's Mansion, he walked through the streets and alleys of Ziye City, and warmly greeted the residents he knew.Smiling ambiguously with several big girls who kept winking at him.After getting off his horse, he chatted enthusiastically with some old men and old ladies. Ling Feng went about his daily work with ease.

He rode a horse for a while, and walked slowly for a while, knowing the living conditions of the residents, doing his duty, and carefully recording everything, big or small, and then the guards around him would handle various matters according to Ling Feng's requirements.For example, who lost gold coins by thieves, whose eldest daughter and daughter-in-law were molested by a certain rich man, whose unfilial son abused his parents, etc., he will record in detail.After careful review, those that should be handed over to the district chiefs will be handed over, and it is unambiguous when it is time to catch the thief!

Soon, it was noon, so I found a small restaurant at random, everyone had dinner, paid the coins, and got on the horse again amidst the sound of the restaurant owner's enthusiasm seeing off the guests, and started the afternoon work.

Ling Feng was very busy that day. He took over 100 small cases of molesting women, and personally arrested three flying thieves who fled to Ziye City to commit crimes.

These people's cultivation bases are all lucky, but under Ling Feng's hands, isn't that easy to catch?

The guards under him cursed and forced the prisoners to be transferred to the prisons in various districts, and Ling Feng didn't care about the rest of the inspection and verification.

As night fell, the drunken guards bid farewell to the commander, each of them relying on their drunkenness, ganged up and went to the famous brothel in Ziye City to have fun!

Ling Feng declined the invitation of the captains of the guards, and returned to the residence on a tall monster horse as if drunk.He told the maids not to disturb his rest, hummed an out of tune tune, and went into the bedroom.

The maids knew that Ling Feng was drunk, so they didn't dare to disturb him. They had to work, and those who took turns on the night shift didn't dare to be lazy. Everything was in order.

But they didn't know that as soon as he entered the bedroom, Ling Feng, who had been drunk all the time, instantly straightened up like a gun, and there was no trace of drunkenness in his eyes.

Looking at the night that had just fallen outside the crystal window, the boy pondered for a moment, then put a green and black cloak on his battle armor, and covered himself tightly.

The silver-white heaven-level low-grade bow that almost killed Yunmo and Yingying had appeared in Ling Feng's hands.Caressing this precious bow that has been with him for several years like stroking a lover, Ling Feng's eyes are burning with wild fire.

"As long as I reach the honor level further, relying on the combat skills I have mastered, I will soon become the real core class in Star Fang! For the glory of the starry sky gods, and for myself to reach the summit sooner, it doesn't matter how many people I kill."

Ling Feng pulled the silver-white bowstring casually, and an arrow appeared in his hand, an arrow that reached the top grade of the earth level!

Arrows are one-time consumables. Basically, there are no sky-level arrows. Earth-level high-grade arrows are very luxurious. This mission is clearly to shoot the most powerful arrow. Ling Feng naturally sacrificed his strongest arrow. The arrows are gone!

As the night deepened, Ling Feng flitted out of his bedroom window like a ghost, fully aware of his spiritual sense, and instantly concealed the fluctuation of breath without a trace.Even if you stand in front of him face to face, if you don't have the ability of the king level, you probably won't feel that there is a big living person in front of you.

With a slight tap of his toes, he could fly hundreds of feet away like staying in the air, and quickly headed towards the famous Ziye Bell Tower at the northeast corner of Luojia Street!

Luojia Street is the busiest center of the City Lord's Mansion. Even at night, there is a lot of people here.

The splendor of the night life of the rich and powerful is far beyond the imagination of the poor outside the city who cheer for a full meal for half a day.

You can find the luxurious enjoyment of the rich and the rich, and the rare and rare treasures here.

But there is a prerequisite, you have to have a lot of gold coins!This is a paradise for the rich and a forbidden zone for the poor!

But there are also places that the rich cannot touch, such as the Ziye Bell Tower!

The whole body of this building is purple, and it is hundreds of feet high. There is a huge bell tower decorated with purple leaves faintly visible on its height.A huge clock made of special metal hangs in it.

This bell has a glorious history, because this bell once accompanied the two army gods, Ziye, to defend their home and country in the north and south.

This side of the world is very interesting, beat the drum to march, ring the bell to retreat!This is a tradition in this world. It is also very practical to use the sound of a bell to represent the retreat signal, which is similar to Yunmo's previous life, where the ancient Mingjin retreated troops.

This bell naturally has a symbolic meaning, and there is an inscription "Zhenguo Shenzhong" written by Ziyu, the emperor of wisteria, on it!

That's why the Ziye Bell Tower was built.

Without a title above earl, don't even think about being able to go in and look at the clock, no matter how many gold coins you have.This is a symbol of status and power. <Jie, Wen Xing and others will gather here with nobles above the earl status to ring the spring bell for the people in the region.

To be able to ring this bell is the dream of some people.

There are usually thousands of guards stationed in this building, and people who have nothing to do with it dare not approach at all.But tonight is different, because there is a figure that these guards who have the command of the celestial master can't find, it leaps up to a height of hundreds of feet like a feather, and rushes to the tallest bell tower without making a sound !

Ling Feng landed, looking for a hiding place, and looked at the big clouds blocking the moon and stars in the sky, a cruel smile appeared on his face.

Silently, the precious bow appeared in his hand, and the arrow was already wound. His figure crouching in the dark was as silent as a ten thousand year old tree, unshakable!

A gleam of light appeared at the tip of the arrow, and Ling Feng gathered his greatest energy to leapfrog to activate the most powerful archery technique.

The arrow aimed at the intersection of Luojia Street and Henghui Street, and began to count down in his heart: "Ten, nine, eight... three, two, one!"

Just when the time reached the designated node, a little girl dressed in ordinary clothes, holding a little girl gnawing on a big marshmallow, followed by an old woman in a black cloak whose cheeks could not be seen clearly, appeared at the designated time. position!

At this moment, Ling Feng's perception locked on the old woman!

There is no time to think about who this person is, the opportunity is fleeting, and this is a good time to make a move.

Peng made a soft sound, and aimed at the old woman's heart, this silver light shot out faster than lightning!

The arrow qi will stir up a ring-shaped vortex turbulence in the void, as if a black crack is formed. This arrow can reach the attack power of the second level of the Zun, as powerful as the arrow of the gods!

At the same moment that the silver-white arrow left the bowstring, Ling Feng had already retracted the bow and arrow, and instantly fell into the stream of people.Appeared in an area crowded with guards and greeted a captain he knew.

All of this happened extremely quickly, and no one would have guessed that Commander Ling Feng, who often went out shopping at night, had anything to do with the attack over there!

Ling Feng was very keenly aware that at the same time as he shot, three noble auras suddenly appeared, which seemed to fly towards the old woman faster than his own arrows!Ling Feng knew: This is the main force of this attack. It is really terrifying to send out three seniors. Who the hell is going to make such a big move?

Ling Feng fell into deep thought.

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